tag attributes as an array */ protected $formAttributes; /** * @var array The form's elements as an array */ protected $formInputs; /** * @var string The raw json policy */ protected $jsonPolicy; /** * Constructs the PostObject * * The options array accepts the following keys: * * - acl: The access control setting to apply to the uploaded file. Accepts any of the * CannedAcl constants * - Cache-Control: The Cache-Control HTTP header value to apply to the uploaded file * - Content-Disposition: The Content-Disposition HTTP header value to apply to the uploaded file * - Content-Encoding: The Content-Encoding HTTP header value to apply to the uploaded file * - Content-Type: The Content-Type HTTP header value to apply to the uploaded file. The default * value is `application/octet-stream` * - Expires: The Expires HTTP header value to apply to the uploaded file * - key: The location where the file should be uploaded to. The default value is * `^${filename}` which will use the name of the uploaded file * - policy: A raw policy in JSON format. By default, the PostObject creates one for you * - success_action_redirect: The URI for Amazon S3 to redirect to upon successful upload * - success_action_status: The status code for Amazon S3 to return upon successful upload * - ttd: The expiration time for the generated upload form data * - x-amz-server-side-encryption: The server-side encryption mechanism to use * - x-amz-storage-class: The storage setting to apply to the object * - x-amz-meta-*: Any custom meta tag that should be set to the object * * For the Cache-Control, Content-Disposition, Content-Encoding, * Content-Type, Expires, and key options, to use a "starts-with" comparison * instead of an equals comparison, prefix the value with a ^ (carat) * character * * @param S3Client $client * @param $bucket * @param array $options */ public function __construct(S3Client $client, $bucket, array $options = array()) { $this->setClient($client); $this->setBucket($bucket); parent::__construct($options); } /** * Analyzes the provided data and turns it into useful data that can be * consumed and used to build an upload form * * @return PostObject */ public function prepareData() { // Validate required options $options = Collection::fromConfig($this->data, array( 'ttd' => '+1 hour', 'key' => '^${filename}', )); // Format ttd option $ttd = $options['ttd']; $ttd = is_numeric($ttd) ? (int) $ttd : strtotime($ttd); unset($options['ttd']); // Save policy if passed in $rawPolicy = $options['policy']; unset($options['policy']); // Setup policy document $policy = array( 'expiration' => gmdate(DateFormat::ISO8601_S3, $ttd), 'conditions' => array(array('bucket' => $this->bucket)) ); // Configure the endpoint/action $url = Url::factory($this->client->getBaseUrl()); $url->setHost($this->bucket . '.' . $url->getHost()); // Setup basic form $this->formAttributes = array( 'action' => (string) $url, 'method' => 'POST', 'enctype' => 'multipart/form-data' ); $this->formInputs = array( 'AWSAccessKeyId' => $this->client->getCredentials()->getAccessKeyId() ); // Add success action status $status = (int) $options->get('success_action_status'); if ($status && in_array($status, array(200, 201, 204))) { $this->formInputs['success_action_status'] = (string) $status; $policy['conditions'][] = array( 'success_action_status' => (string) $status ); $options->remove('success_action_status'); } // Add other options foreach ($options as $key => $value) { $value = (string) $value; if ($value[0] === '^') { $value = substr($value, 1); $this->formInputs[$key] = $value; $value = preg_replace('/\$\{(\w*)\}/', '', $value); $policy['conditions'][] = array('starts-with', '$' . $key, $value); } else { $this->formInputs[$key] = $value; $policy['conditions'][] = array($key => $value); } } // Add policy $this->jsonPolicy = $rawPolicy ?: json_encode($policy); $jsonPolicy64 = base64_encode($this->jsonPolicy); $this->formInputs['policy'] = $jsonPolicy64; // Add signature $this->formInputs['signature'] = base64_encode(hash_hmac( 'sha1', $jsonPolicy64, $this->client->getCredentials()->getSecretKey(), true )); return $this; } /** * Sets the S3 client * * @param S3Client $client * * @return PostObject */ public function setClient(S3Client $client) { $this->client = $client; return $this; } /** * Gets the S3 client * * @return S3Client */ public function getClient() { return $this->client; } /** * Sets the bucket and makes sure it is a valid bucket name * * @param string $bucket * * @return PostObject */ public function setBucket($bucket) { $this->bucket = $bucket; return $this; } /** * Gets the bucket name * * @return string */ public function getBucket() { return $this->bucket; } /** * Gets the form attributes as an array * * @return array */ public function getFormAttributes() { return $this->formAttributes; } /** * Gets the form inputs as an array * * @return array */ public function getFormInputs() { return $this->formInputs; } /** * Gets the raw JSON policy * * @return string */ public function getJsonPolicy() { return $this->jsonPolicy; } }