rewindFunction = $callable; return $this; } public function rewind() { return $this->rewindFunction ? call_user_func($this->rewindFunction, $this) : parent::rewind(); } /** * Create a new EntityBody from a string * * @param string $string String of data * * @return EntityBody */ public static function fromString($string) { $stream = fopen('php://temp', 'r+'); if ($string !== '') { fwrite($stream, $string); rewind($stream); } return new static($stream); } public function compress($filter = 'zlib.deflate') { $result = $this->handleCompression($filter); $this->contentEncoding = $result ? $filter : false; return $result; } public function uncompress($filter = 'zlib.inflate') { $offsetStart = 0; // When inflating gzipped data, the first 10 bytes must be stripped // if a gzip header is present if ($filter == 'zlib.inflate') { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$this->isReadable() || ($this->isConsumed() && !$this->isSeekable())) { return false; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd if (stream_get_contents($this->stream, 3, 0) === "\x1f\x8b\x08") { $offsetStart = 10; } } $this->contentEncoding = false; return $this->handleCompression($filter, $offsetStart); } public function getContentLength() { return $this->getSize(); } public function getContentType() { return $this->getUri() ? Mimetypes::getInstance()->fromFilename($this->getUri()) : null; } public function getContentMd5($rawOutput = false, $base64Encode = false) { $hash = self::getHash($this, 'md5', $rawOutput); return $hash && $base64Encode ? base64_encode($hash) : $hash; } /** * Calculate the MD5 hash of an entity body * * @param EntityBodyInterface $body Entity body to calculate the hash for * @param bool $rawOutput Whether or not to use raw output * @param bool $base64Encode Whether or not to base64 encode raw output (only if raw output is true) * * @return bool|string Returns an MD5 string on success or FALSE on failure * @deprecated This will be deprecated soon * @codeCoverageIgnore */ public static function calculateMd5(EntityBodyInterface $body, $rawOutput = false, $base64Encode = false) { Version::warn(__CLASS__ . ' is deprecated. Use getContentMd5()'); return $body->getContentMd5($rawOutput, $base64Encode); } public function setStreamFilterContentEncoding($streamFilterContentEncoding) { $this->contentEncoding = $streamFilterContentEncoding; return $this; } public function getContentEncoding() { return strtr($this->contentEncoding, array( 'zlib.deflate' => 'gzip', 'bzip2.compress' => 'compress' )) ?: false; } protected function handleCompression($filter, $offsetStart = 0) { // @codeCoverageIgnoreStart if (!$this->isReadable() || ($this->isConsumed() && !$this->isSeekable())) { return false; } // @codeCoverageIgnoreEnd $handle = fopen('php://temp', 'r+'); $filter = @stream_filter_append($handle, $filter, STREAM_FILTER_WRITE); if (!$filter) { return false; } // Seek to the offset start if possible $this->seek($offsetStart); while ($data = fread($this->stream, 8096)) { fwrite($handle, $data); } fclose($this->stream); $this->stream = $handle; stream_filter_remove($filter); $stat = fstat($this->stream); $this->size = $stat['size']; $this->rebuildCache(); $this->seek(0); // Remove any existing rewind function as the underlying stream has been replaced $this->rewindFunction = null; return true; } }