contextOptions = stream_context_get_options($context); $this->context = $context; } elseif (is_array($context) || !$context) { $this->contextOptions = $context; $this->createContext($params); } elseif ($context) { throw new InvalidArgumentException('$context must be an array or resource'); } $this->setUrl($request); $this->addDefaultContextOptions($request); $this->addSslOptions($request); $this->addBodyOptions($request); $this->addProxyOptions($request); // Dispatch the before send event $request->dispatch('request.before_send', array( 'request' => $request, 'context' => $this->context, 'context_options' => $this->contextOptions )); // Create the file handle but silence errors return $this->createStream($params) ->setCustomData('request', $request) ->setCustomData('response_headers', $this->getLastResponseHeaders()); } /** * Set an option on the context and the internal options array * * @param string $wrapper Stream wrapper name of http * @param string $name Context name * @param mixed $value Context value * @param bool $overwrite Set to true to overwrite an existing value */ protected function setContextValue($wrapper, $name, $value, $overwrite = false) { if (!isset($this->contextOptions[$wrapper])) { $this->contextOptions[$wrapper] = array($name => $value); } elseif (!$overwrite && isset($this->contextOptions[$wrapper][$name])) { return; } $this->contextOptions[$wrapper][$name] = $value; stream_context_set_option($this->context, $wrapper, $name, $value); } /** * Create a stream context * * @param array $params Parameter array */ protected function createContext(array $params) { $options = $this->contextOptions; $this->context = $this->createResource(function () use ($params, $options) { return stream_context_create($options, $params); }); } /** * Get the last response headers received by the HTTP request * * @return array */ public function getLastResponseHeaders() { return $this->lastResponseHeaders; } /** * Adds the default context options to the stream context options * * @param RequestInterface $request Request */ protected function addDefaultContextOptions(RequestInterface $request) { $this->setContextValue('http', 'method', $request->getMethod()); $this->setContextValue('http', 'header', $request->getHeaderLines()); // Force 1.0 for now until PHP fully support chunked transfer-encoding decoding $this->setContextValue('http', 'protocol_version', '1.0'); $this->setContextValue('http', 'ignore_errors', true); } /** * Set the URL to use with the factory * * @param RequestInterface $request Request that owns the URL */ protected function setUrl(RequestInterface $request) { $this->url = $request->getUrl(true); // Check for basic Auth username if ($request->getUsername()) { $this->url->setUsername($request->getUsername()); } // Check for basic Auth password if ($request->getPassword()) { $this->url->setPassword($request->getPassword()); } } /** * Add SSL options to the stream context * * @param RequestInterface $request Request */ protected function addSslOptions(RequestInterface $request) { if ($verify = $request->getCurlOptions()->get(CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER)) { $this->setContextValue('ssl', 'verify_peer', true, true); if ($cafile = $request->getCurlOptions()->get(CURLOPT_CAINFO)) { $this->setContextValue('ssl', 'cafile', $cafile, true); } } else { $this->setContextValue('ssl', 'verify_peer', false, true); } } /** * Add body (content) specific options to the context options * * @param RequestInterface $request */ protected function addBodyOptions(RequestInterface $request) { // Add the content for the request if needed if (!($request instanceof EntityEnclosingRequestInterface)) { return; } if (count($request->getPostFields())) { $this->setContextValue('http', 'content', (string) $request->getPostFields(), true); } elseif ($request->getBody()) { $this->setContextValue('http', 'content', (string) $request->getBody(), true); } // Always ensure a content-length header is sent if (isset($this->contextOptions['http']['content'])) { $headers = isset($this->contextOptions['http']['header']) ? $this->contextOptions['http']['header'] : array(); $headers[] = 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($this->contextOptions['http']['content']); $this->setContextValue('http', 'header', $headers, true); } } /** * Add proxy parameters to the context if needed * * @param RequestInterface $request Request */ protected function addProxyOptions(RequestInterface $request) { if ($proxy = $request->getCurlOptions()->get(CURLOPT_PROXY)) { $this->setContextValue('http', 'proxy', $proxy); } } /** * Create the stream for the request with the context options * * @param array $params Parameters of the stream * * @return StreamInterface */ protected function createStream(array $params) { $http_response_header = null; $url = $this->url; $context = $this->context; $fp = $this->createResource(function () use ($context, $url, &$http_response_header) { return fopen((string) $url, 'r', false, $context); }); // Determine the class to instantiate $className = isset($params['stream_class']) ? $params['stream_class'] : __NAMESPACE__ . '\\Stream'; /** @var $stream StreamInterface */ $stream = new $className($fp); // Track the response headers of the request if (isset($http_response_header)) { $this->lastResponseHeaders = $http_response_header; $this->processResponseHeaders($stream); } return $stream; } /** * Process response headers * * @param StreamInterface $stream */ protected function processResponseHeaders(StreamInterface $stream) { // Set the size on the stream if it was returned in the response foreach ($this->lastResponseHeaders as $header) { if (($pos = stripos($header, 'Content-Length:')) === 0) { $stream->setSize(trim(substr($header, 15))); } } } /** * Create a resource and check to ensure it was created successfully * * @param callable $callback Closure to invoke that must return a valid resource * * @return resource * @throws RuntimeException on error */ protected function createResource($callback) { // Turn off error reporting while we try to initiate the request $level = error_reporting(0); $resource = call_user_func($callback); error_reporting($level); // If the resource could not be created, then grab the last error and throw an exception if (false === $resource) { $message = 'Error creating resource. '; foreach (error_get_last() as $key => $value) { $message .= "[{$key}] {$value} "; } throw new RuntimeException(trim($message)); } return $resource; } }