. * */ namespace OCA\Files_Trashbin; class Trashbin { const DEFAULT_RETENTION_OBLIGATION=180; // how long do we keep files in the trash bin if no other value is defined in the config file (unit: days) const DEFAULTMAXSIZE=50; // unit: percentage; 50% of available disk space/quota /** * move file to the trash bin * * @param $file_path path to the deleted file/directory relative to the files root directory */ public static function move2trash($file_path) { $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user); if (!$view->is_dir('files_trashbin')) { $view->mkdir('files_trashbin'); $view->mkdir("versions_trashbin"); } $path_parts = pathinfo($file_path); $deleted = $path_parts['basename']; $location = $path_parts['dirname']; $timestamp = time(); $mime = $view->getMimeType('files'.$file_path); if ( $view->is_dir('files'.$file_path) ) { $type = 'dir'; } else { $type = 'file'; } $trashbinSize = self::getTrashbinSize($user); if ( $trashbinSize === false || $trashbinSize < 0 ) { $trashbinSize = self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/files_trashbin')); $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/versions_trashbin')); } $trashbinSize += self::copy_recursive($file_path, 'files_trashbin/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp, $view); if ( $view->file_exists('files_trashbin/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp) ) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare("INSERT INTO *PREFIX*files_trash (id,timestamp,location,type,mime,user) VALUES (?,?,?,?,?,?)"); $result = $query->execute(array($deleted, $timestamp, $location, $type, $mime, $user)); if ( !$result ) { // if file couldn't be added to the database than also don't store it in the trash bin. $view->deleteAll('files_trashbin/'.$deleted.'.d'.$timestamp); \OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'trash bin database couldn\'t be updated', \OC_log::ERROR); return; } if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions') ) { if ( $view->is_dir('files_versions'.$file_path) ) { $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/files_versions/'.$file_path)); $view->rename('files_versions'.$file_path, 'versions_trashbin/'. $deleted.'.d'.$timestamp); } else if ( $versions = \OCA\Files_Versions\Storage::getVersions($file_path) ) { foreach ($versions as $v) { $trashbinSize += $view->filesize('files_versions'.$v['path'].'.v'.$v['version']); $view->rename('files_versions'.$v['path'].'.v'.$v['version'], 'versions_trashbin/'. $deleted.'.v'.$v['version'].'.d'.$timestamp); } } } } else { \OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'Couldn\'t move '.$file_path.' to the trash bin', \OC_log::ERROR); } // get available disk space for user $quota = \OCP\Util::computerFileSize(\OC_Preferences::getValue($user, 'files', 'quota')); if ( $quota == null ) { $quota = \OCP\Util::computerFileSize(\OC_Appconfig::getValue('files', 'default_quota')); } if ( $quota == null ) { $quota = \OC\Files\Filesystem::free_space('/') / count(\OCP\User::getUsers()); } // calculate available space for trash bin $rootInfo = $view->getFileInfo('/files'); $free = $quota-$rootInfo['size']; // remaining free space for user if ( $free > 0 ) { $availableSpace = ($free * self::DEFAULTMAXSIZE / 100) - $trashbinSize; // how much space can be used for versions } else { $availableSpace = $free-$trashbinSize; } $trashbinSize -= self::expire($availableSpace); self::setTrashbinSize($user, $trashbinSize); } /** * restore files from trash bin * @param $file path to the deleted file * @param $filename name of the file * @param $timestamp time when the file was deleted */ public static function restore($file, $filename, $timestamp) { $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user); $trashbinSize = self::getTrashbinSize($user); if ( $trashbinSize === false || $trashbinSize < 0 ) { $trashbinSize = self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/files_trashbin')); $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/versions_trashbin')); } if ( $timestamp ) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT location,type FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=? AND id=? AND timestamp=?'); $result = $query->execute(array($user,$filename,$timestamp))->fetchAll(); if ( count($result) != 1 ) { \OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'trash bin database inconsistent!', \OC_Log::ERROR); return false; } // if location no longer exists, restore file in the root directory $location = $result[0]['location']; if ( $result[0]['location'] != '/' && (!$view->is_dir('files'.$result[0]['location']) || !$view->isUpdatable('files'.$result[0]['location'])) ) { $location = ''; } } else { $path_parts = pathinfo($filename); $result[] = array( 'location' => $path_parts['dirname'], 'type' => $view->is_dir('/files_trashbin/'.$file) ? 'dir' : 'files', ); $location = ''; } $source = \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/'.$file); $target = \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath('files/'.$location.'/'.$filename); // we need a extension in case a file/dir with the same name already exists $ext = self::getUniqueExtension($location, $filename, $view); $mtime = $view->filemtime($source); if( $view->rename($source, $target.$ext) ) { $view->touch($target.$ext, $mtime); if ($view->is_dir($target.$ext)) { $trashbinSize -= self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user.'/'.$target.$ext)); } else { $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize($target.$ext); } // if versioning app is enabled, copy versions from the trash bin back to the original location if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions') ) { if ($timestamp ) { $versionedFile = $filename; } else { $versionedFile = $file; } if ( $result[0]['type'] == 'dir' ) { $trashbinSize -= self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user.'/'.'versions_trashbin/'. $file)); $view->rename(\OC_Filesystem::normalizePath('versions_trashbin/'. $file), \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath('files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext)); } else if ( $versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($versionedFile, $timestamp) ) { foreach ($versions as $v) { if ($timestamp ) { $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize('versions_trashbin/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp); $view->rename('versions_trashbin/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp, 'files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext.'.v'.$v); } else { $trashbinSize -= $view->filesize('versions_trashbin/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v); $view->rename('versions_trashbin/'.$versionedFile.'.v'.$v, 'files_versions/'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext.'.v'.$v); } } } } if ( $timestamp ) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=? AND id=? AND timestamp=?'); $query->execute(array($user,$filename,$timestamp)); } self::setTrashbinSize($user, $trashbinSize); return true; } else { \OC_Log::write('files_trashbin', 'Couldn\'t restore file from trash bin, '.$filename, \OC_log::ERROR); } return false; } /** * delete file from trash bin permanently * @param $filename path to the file * @param $timestamp of deletion time * @return size of deleted files */ public static function delete($filename, $timestamp=null) { $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user); $size = 0; $trashbinSize = self::getTrashbinSize($user); if ( $trashbinSize === false || $trashbinSize < 0 ) { $trashbinSize = self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/files_trashbin')); $trashbinSize += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'. $user.'/versions_trashbin')); } if ( $timestamp ) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=? AND id=? AND timestamp=?'); $query->execute(array($user,$filename,$timestamp)); $file = $filename.'.d'.$timestamp; } else { $file = $filename; } if ( \OCP\App::isEnabled('files_versions') ) { if ($view->is_dir('versions_trashbin/'.$file)) { $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC_Filesystemview('/'.$user.'/versions_trashbin/'.$file)); $view->unlink('versions_trashbin/'.$file); } else if ( $versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($filename, $timestamp) ) { foreach ($versions as $v) { if ($timestamp ) { $size += $view->filesize('/versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp); $view->unlink('/versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp); } else { $size += $view->filesize('/versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v); $view->unlink('/versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v); } } } } if ($view->is_dir('/files_trashbin/'.$file)) { $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC_Filesystemview('/'.$user.'/files_trashbin/'.$file)); } else { $size += $view->filesize('/files_trashbin/'.$file); } $view->unlink('/files_trashbin/'.$file); $trashbinSize -= $size; self::setTrashbinSize($user, $trashbinSize); return $size; } /** * check to see whether a file exists in trashbin * @param $filename path to the file * @param $timestamp of deletion time * @return true if file exists, otherwise false */ public static function file_exists($filename, $timestamp=null) { $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user); if ($timestamp) { $filename = $filename.'.d'.$timestamp; } else { $filename = $filename; } $target = \OC_Filesystem::normalizePath('files_trashbin/'.$filename); return $view->file_exists($target); } /** * clean up the trash bin * @param max. available disk space for trashbin */ private static function expire($availableSpace) { $user = \OCP\User::getUser(); $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user); $size = 0; $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT location,type,id,timestamp FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=?'); $result = $query->execute(array($user))->fetchAll(); $retention_obligation = \OC_Config::getValue('trashbin_retention_obligation', self::DEFAULT_RETENTION_OBLIGATION); $limit = time() - ($retention_obligation * 86400); foreach ( $result as $r ) { $timestamp = $r['timestamp']; $filename = $r['id']; if ( $r['timestamp'] < $limit ) { if ($view->is_dir('files_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp)) { $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user.'/files_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp)); } else { $size += $view->filesize('files_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp); } $view->unlink('files_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp); if ($r['type'] == 'dir') { $size += self::calculateSize(new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.$user.'/versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp)); $view->unlink('versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.d'.$timestamp); } else if ( $versions = self::getVersionsFromTrash($filename, $timestamp) ) { foreach ($versions as $v) { $size += $view->filesize('versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp); $view->unlink('versions_trashbin/'.$filename.'.v'.$v.'.d'.$timestamp); } } } } $query = \OC_DB::prepare('DELETE FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=? AND timestampexecute(array($user,$limit)); $availableSpace = $availableSpace + $size; // if size limit for trash bin reached, delete oldest files in trash bin if ($availableSpace < 0) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT location,type,id,timestamp FROM *PREFIX*files_trash WHERE user=? ORDER BY timestamp ASC'); $result = $query->execute(array($user))->fetchAll(); $length = count($result); $i = 0; while ( $i < $length && $availableSpace < 0 ) { $tmp = self::delete($result[$i]['id'], $result[$i]['timestamp']); $availableSpace += $tmp; $size += $tmp; $i++; } } return $size; } /** * recursive copy to copy a whole directory * * @param $source source path, relative to the users files directory * @param $destination destination path relative to the users root directoy * @param $view file view for the users root directory */ private static function copy_recursive( $source, $destination, $view ) { $size = 0; if ( $view->is_dir( 'files'.$source ) ) { $view->mkdir( $destination ); $view->touch($destination, $view->filemtime('files'.$source)); foreach ( \OC_Files::getDirectoryContent($source) as $i ) { $pathDir = $source.'/'.$i['name']; if ( $view->is_dir('files'.$pathDir) ) { $size += self::copy_recursive($pathDir, $destination.'/'.$i['name'], $view); } else { $size += $view->filesize('files'.$pathDir); $view->copy( 'files'.$pathDir, $destination . '/' . $i['name'] ); $view->touch($destination . '/' . $i['name'], $view->filemtime('files'.$pathDir)); } } } else { $size += $view->filesize('files'.$source); $view->copy( 'files'.$source, $destination ); $view->touch($destination, $view->filemtime('files'.$source)); } return $size; } /** * find all versions which belong to the file we want to restore * @param $filename name of the file which should be restored * @param $timestamp timestamp when the file was deleted */ private static function getVersionsFromTrash($filename, $timestamp) { $view = new \OC_FilesystemView('/'.\OCP\User::getUser().'/versions_trashbin'); $versionsName = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('datadirectory').$view->getAbsolutePath($filename); $versions = array(); if ($timestamp ) { // fetch for old versions $matches = glob( $versionsName.'.v*.d'.$timestamp ); $offset = -strlen($timestamp)-2; } else { $matches = glob( $versionsName.'.v*' ); } foreach( $matches as $ma ) { if ( $timestamp ) { $parts = explode( '.v', substr($ma, 0, $offset) ); $versions[] = ( end( $parts ) ); } else { $parts = explode( '.v', $ma ); $versions[] = ( end( $parts ) ); } } return $versions; } /** * find unique extension for restored file if a file with the same name already exists * @param $location where the file should be restored * @param $filename name of the file * @param $view filesystem view relative to users root directory * @return string with unique extension */ private static function getUniqueExtension($location, $filename, $view) { $ext = ''; if ( $view->file_exists('files'.$location.'/'.$filename) ) { $tmpext = '.restored'; $ext = $tmpext; $i = 1; while ( $view->file_exists('files'.$location.'/'.$filename.$ext) ) { $ext = $tmpext.$i; $i++; } } return $ext; } /** * @brief get the size from a given root folder * @param $view file view on the root folder * @return size of the folder */ private static function calculateSize($view) { $root = \OCP\Config::getSystemValue('datadirectory').$view->getAbsolutePath(''); if (!file_exists($root)) { return 0; } $iterator = new \RecursiveIteratorIterator(new \RecursiveDirectoryIterator($root), \RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST); $size = 0; foreach ($iterator as $path) { $relpath = substr($path, strlen($root)-1); if ( !$view->is_dir($relpath) ) { $size += $view->filesize($relpath); } } return $size; } /** * get current size of trash bin from a given user * * @param $user user who owns the trash bin * @return mixed trash bin size or false if no trash bin size is stored */ private static function getTrashbinSize($user) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('SELECT size FROM *PREFIX*files_trashsize WHERE user=?'); $result = $query->execute(array($user))->fetchAll(); if ($result) { return $result[0]['size']; } return false; } /** * write to the database how much space is in use for the trash bin * * @param $user owner of the trash bin * @param $size size of the trash bin */ private static function setTrashbinSize($user, $size) { if ( self::getTrashbinSize($user) === false) { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('INSERT INTO *PREFIX*files_trashsize (size, user) VALUES (?, ?)'); }else { $query = \OC_DB::prepare('UPDATE *PREFIX*files_trashsize SET size=? WHERE user=?'); } $query->execute(array($size, $user)); } }