. * */ if( !OC_CONFIG::getValue( "installed", false )){ $_SESSION['user_id'] = ''; } /** * This class provides all methods for user management. * * Hooks provided: * pre_createUser(&run, uid, password) * post_createUser(uid, password) * pre_deleteUser(&run, uid) * post_deleteUser(uid) * pre_setPassword(&run, uid, password) * post_setPassword(uid, password) * pre_login(&run, uid) * post_login(uid) * logout() */ class OC_USER { // The backend used for user management private static $_usedBackends = array(); // Backends available (except database) private static $_backends = array(); /** * @brief registers backend * @param $name name of the backend * @returns true/false * * Makes a list of backends that can be used by other modules */ public static function registerBackend( $name ){ self::$_backends[] = $name; return true; } /** * @brief gets available backends * @returns array of backends * * Returns the names of all backends. */ public static function getBackends(){ return self::$_backends; } /** * @brief gets used backends * @returns array of backends * * Returns the names of all used backends. */ public static function getUsedBackends(){ return array_keys(self::$_usedBackends); } /** * @brief Adds the backend to the list of used backends * @param $backend default: database The backend to use for user managment * @returns true/false * * Set the User Authentication Module */ public static function useBackend( $backend = 'database' ){ // You'll never know what happens if( null === $backend OR !is_string( $backend )){ $backend = 'database'; } // Load backend switch( $backend ){ case 'database': case 'mysql': case 'sqlite': require_once('User/database.php'); self::$_usedBackends[$backend] = new OC_USER_DATABASE(); break; default: $className = 'OC_USER_' . strToUpper($backend); self::$_usedBackends[$backend] = new $className(); break; } true; } /** * @brief Create a new user * @param $uid The username of the user to create * @param $password The password of the new user * @returns true/false * * Creates a new user. Basic checking of username is done in OC_USER * itself, not in its subclasses. * * Allowed characters in the username are: "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9" and "_.@-" */ public static function createUser( $uid, $password ){ // Check the name for bad characters // Allowed are: "a-z", "A-Z", "0-9" and "_.@-" if( preg_match( '/[^a-zA-Z0-9 _\.@\-]/', $uid )){ return false; } // No empty username if( !$uid ){ return false; } // Check if user already exists if( self::userExists($uid) ){ return false; } $run = true; OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "pre_createUser", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password )); if( $run ){ //create the user in the first backend that supports creating users foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ $result=$backend->createUser($uid,$password); if($result!==OC_USER_BACKEND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED){ OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "post_createUser", array( "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password )); return true; } } } return false; } /** * @brief delete a user * @param $uid The username of the user to delete * @returns true/false * * Deletes a user */ public static function deleteUser( $uid ){ $run = true; OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "pre_deleteUser", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid )); if( $run ){ //delete the user from all backends foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ $backend->deleteUser($uid); } // We have to delete the user from all groups foreach( OC_GROUP::getUserGroups( $uid ) as $i ){ OC_GROUP::removeFromGroup( $uid, $i ); } // Emit and exit OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "post_deleteUser", array( "uid" => $uid )); return true; } else{ return false; } } /** * @brief Try to login a user * @param $uid The username of the user to log in * @param $password The password of the user * @returns true/false * * Log in a user - if the password is ok */ public static function login( $uid, $password ){ $run = true; OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "pre_login", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid )); if( $run && self::checkPassword( $uid, $password )){ $_SESSION['user_id'] = $uid; OC_LOG::add( "core", $_SESSION['user_id'], "login" ); OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "post_login", array( "uid" => $uid )); return true; } else{ return false; } } /** * @brief Kick the user * @returns true * * Logout, destroys session */ public static function logout(){ OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "logout", array()); OC_LOG::add( "core", $_SESSION['user_id'], "logout" ); $_SESSION['user_id'] = false; return true; } /** * @brief Check if the user is logged in * @returns true/false * * Checks if the user is logged in */ public static function isLoggedIn(){ if( isset($_SESSION['user_id']) AND $_SESSION['user_id'] ){ return true; } else{ return false; } } /** * @brief Autogenerate a password * @returns string * * generates a password */ public static function generatePassword(){ return uniqId(); } /** * @brief Set password * @param $uid The username * @param $password The new password * @returns true/false * * Change the password of a user */ public static function setPassword( $uid, $password ){ $run = true; OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "pre_setPassword", array( "run" => &$run, "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password )); if( $run ){ foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ if($backend->userExists($uid)){ $backend->setPassword($uid,$password); } } OC_HOOK::emit( "OC_USER", "post_setPassword", array( "uid" => $uid, "password" => $password )); return true; } else{ return false; } } /** * @brief Check if the password is correct * @param $uid The username * @param $password The password * @returns true/false * * Check if the password is correct without logging in the user */ public static function checkPassword( $uid, $password ){ foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ $result=$backend->checkPassword( $uid, $password ); if($result===true){ return true; } } } /** * @brief Get a list of all users * @returns array with all uids * * Get a list of all users. */ public static function getUsers(){ $users=array(); foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ $result=$backend->getUsers(); if($result!=OC_USER_BACKEND_NOT_IMPLEMENTED){ $users=array_merge($users,$result); } } return $users; } /** * @brief check if a user exists * @param string $uid the username * @return boolean */ public static function userExists($uid){ foreach(self::$_usedBackends as $backend){ $result=$backend->userExists($uid); if($result===true){ return true; } } return false; } }