* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or * later. * See the COPYING-README file. */ require_once '3rdparty/Archive/Tar.php'; class OC_Archive_TAR extends OC_Archive{ const PLAIN=0; const GZIP=1; const BZIP=2; private $fileList; /** * @var Archive_Tar tar */ private $tar=null; private $path; function __construct($source){ $types=array(null,'gz','bz'); $this->path=$source; $this->tar=new Archive_Tar($source,$types[self::getTarType($source)]); } /** * try to detect the type of tar compression * @param string file * @return str */ static public function getTarType($file){ if(strpos($file,'.')){ $extension=substr($file,strrpos($file,'.')); switch($extension){ case 'gz': case 'tgz': return self::GZIP; case 'bz': case 'bz2': return self::BZIP; default: return self::PLAIN; } }else{ return self::PLAIN; } } /** * add an empty folder to the archive * @param string path * @return bool */ function addFolder($path){ $tmpBase=get_temp_dir().'/'; if(substr($path,-1,1)!='/'){ $path.='/'; } if($this->fileExists($path)){ return false; } mkdir($tmpBase.$path); $result=$this->tar->addModify(array($tmpBase.$path),'',$tmpBase); rmdir($tmpBase.$path); $this->fileList=false; return $result; } /** * add a file to the archive * @param string path * @param string source either a local file or string data * @return bool */ function addFile($path,$source=''){ if($this->fileExists($path)){ $this->remove($path); } if(file_exists($source)){ $header=array(); $dummy=''; $this->tar->_openAppend(); $result=$this->tar->_addfile($source,$header,$dummy,$dummy,$path); }else{ $result=$this->tar->addString($path,$source); } $this->fileList=false; return $result; } /** * rename a file or folder in the archive * @param string source * @param string dest * @return bool */ function rename($source,$dest){ //no proper way to delete, rename entire archive, rename file and remake archive $tmp=OCP\Files::tmpFolder(); $this->tar->extract($tmp); rename($tmp.$source,$tmp.$dest); $this->tar=null; unlink($this->path); $types=array(null,'gz','bz'); $this->tar=new Archive_Tar($this->path,$types[self::getTarType($this->path)]); $this->tar->createModify(array($tmp),'',$tmp.'/'); $this->fileList=false; return true; } private function getHeader($file){ $headers=$this->tar->listContent(); foreach($headers as $header){ if($file==$header['filename'] or $file.'/'==$header['filename'] or '/'.$file.'/'==$header['filename'] or '/'.$file==$header['filename']){ return $header; } } return null; } /** * get the uncompressed size of a file in the archive * @param string path * @return int */ function filesize($path){ $stat=$this->getHeader($path); return $stat['size']; } /** * get the last modified time of a file in the archive * @param string path * @return int */ function mtime($path){ $stat=$this->getHeader($path); return $stat['mtime']; } /** * get the files in a folder * @param path * @return array */ function getFolder($path){ $files=$this->getFiles(); $folderContent=array(); $pathLength=strlen($path); foreach($files as $file){ if(substr($file,0,1)=='/'){ $file=substr($file,1); } if(substr($file,0,$pathLength)==$path and $file!=$path){ $result=substr($file,$pathLength); if($pos=strpos($result,'/')){ $result=substr($result,0,$pos+1); } if(array_search($result,$folderContent)===false){ $folderContent[]=$result; } } } return $folderContent; } /** *get all files in the archive * @return array */ function getFiles(){ if($this->fileList){ return $this->fileList; } $headers=$this->tar->listContent(); $files=array(); foreach($headers as $header){ $files[]=$header['filename']; } $this->fileList=$files; return $files; } /** * get the content of a file * @param string path * @return string */ function getFile($path){ return $this->tar->extractInString($path); } /** * extract a single file from the archive * @param string path * @param string dest * @return bool */ function extractFile($path,$dest){ $tmp=OCP\Files::tmpFolder(); if(!$this->fileExists($path)){ return false; } if($this->fileExists('/'.$path)){ $success=$this->tar->extractList(array('/'.$path),$tmp); }else{ $success=$this->tar->extractList(array($path),$tmp); } if($success){ rename($tmp.$path,$dest); } OCP\Files::rmdirr($tmp); return $success; } /** * extract the archive * @param string path * @param string dest * @return bool */ function extract($dest){ return $this->tar->extract($dest); } /** * check if a file or folder exists in the archive * @param string path * @return bool */ function fileExists($path){ $files=$this->getFiles(); if((array_search($path,$files)!==false) or (array_search($path.'/',$files)!==false)){ return true; }else{ $folderPath=$path; if(substr($folderPath,-1,1)!='/'){ $folderPath.='/'; } $pathLength=strlen($folderPath); foreach($files as $file){ if(strlen($file)>$pathLength and substr($file,0,$pathLength)==$folderPath){ return true; } } } if(substr($path,0,1)!='/'){//not all programs agree on the use of a leading / return $this->fileExists('/'.$path); }else{ return false; } } /** * remove a file or folder from the archive * @param string path * @return bool */ function remove($path){ if(!$this->fileExists($path)){ return false; } $this->fileList=false; //no proper way to delete, extract entire archive, delete file and remake archive $tmp=OCP\Files::tmpFolder(); $this->tar->extract($tmp); OCP\Files::rmdirr($tmp.$path); $this->tar=null; unlink($this->path); $this->reopen(); $this->tar->createModify(array($tmp),'',$tmp); return true; } /** * get a file handler * @param string path * @param string mode * @return resource */ function getStream($path,$mode){ if(strrpos($path,'.')!==false){ $ext=substr($path,strrpos($path,'.')); }else{ $ext=''; } $tmpFile=OCP\Files::tmpFile($ext); if($this->fileExists($path)){ $this->extractFile($path,$tmpFile); }elseif($mode=='r' or $mode=='rb'){ return false; } if($mode=='r' or $mode=='rb'){ return fopen($tmpFile,$mode); }else{ OC_CloseStreamWrapper::$callBacks[$tmpFile]=array($this,'writeBack'); self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile]=$path; return fopen('close://'.$tmpFile,$mode); } } private static $tempFiles=array(); /** * write back temporary files */ function writeBack($tmpFile){ if(isset(self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile])){ $this->addFile(self::$tempFiles[$tmpFile],$tmpFile); unlink($tmpFile); } } /** * reopen the archive to ensure everything is written */ private function reopen(){ if($this->tar){ $this->tar->_close(); $this->tar=null; } $types=array(null,'gz','bz'); $this->tar=new Archive_Tar($this->path,$types[self::getTarType($this->path)]); } }