/* * Copyright (c) 2015 * * This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 * or later. * * See the COPYING-README file. * */ (function() { var TEMPLATE = '
' + '
' + ' {{#if tabHeaders}}' + ' ' + ' {{/if}}' + '
' + '
' + ' '; /** * @class OCA.Files.DetailsView * @classdesc * * The details view show details about a selected file. * */ var DetailsView = OC.Backbone.View.extend({ id: 'app-sidebar', tabName: 'div', className: 'detailsView', _template: null, /** * List of detail tab views * * @type Array */ _tabViews: [], /** * List of detail file info views * * @type Array */ _detailFileInfoViews: [], /** * Id of the currently selected tab * * @type string */ _currentTabId: null, /** * Dirty flag, whether the view needs to be rerendered */ _dirty: false, events: { 'click a.close': '_onClose', 'click .tabHeaders .tabHeader': '_onClickTab' }, /** * Initialize the details view */ initialize: function() { this._tabViews = []; this._detailFileInfoViews = []; this._dirty = true; // uncomment to add some dummy tabs for testing //this._addTestTabs(); }, _onClose: function(event) { OC.Apps.hideAppSidebar(); event.preventDefault(); }, _onClickTab: function(e) { var $target = $(e.target); e.preventDefault(); if (!$target.hasClass('tabHeader')) { $target = $target.closest('.tabHeader'); } var tabId = $target.attr('data-tabid'); if (_.isUndefined(tabId)) { return; } this.selectTab(tabId); }, _addTestTabs: function() { for (var j = 0; j < 2; j++) { var testView = new OCA.Files.DetailTabView({id: 'testtab' + j}); testView.index = j; testView.getLabel = function() { return 'Test tab ' + this.index; }; testView.render = function() { this.$el.empty(); for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) { this.$el.append('
Test tab ' + this.index + ' row ' + i + '
'); } }; this._tabViews.push(testView); } }, template: function(vars) { if (!this._template) { this._template = Handlebars.compile(TEMPLATE); } return this._template(vars); }, /** * Renders this details view */ render: function() { var templateVars = { closeLabel: t('files', 'Close') }; if (this._tabViews.length > 1) { // only render headers if there is more than one available templateVars.tabHeaders = _.map(this._tabViews, function(tabView, i) { return { tabId: tabView.id, tabIndex: i, label: tabView.getLabel() }; }); } this.$el.html(this.template(templateVars)); var $detailsContainer = this.$el.find('.detailFileInfoContainer'); // render details _.each(this._detailFileInfoViews, function(detailView) { $detailsContainer.append(detailView.get$()); }); if (!this._currentTabId && this._tabViews.length > 0) { this._currentTabId = this._tabViews[0].id; } this.selectTab(this._currentTabId); this._dirty = false; }, /** * Selects the given tab by id * * @param {string} tabId tab id */ selectTab: function(tabId) { if (!tabId) { return; } var tabView = _.find(this._tabViews, function(tab) { return tab.id === tabId; }); if (!tabView) { console.warn('Details view tab with id "' + tabId + '" not found'); return; } this._currentTabId = tabId; var $tabsContainer = this.$el.find('.tabsContainer'); var $tabEl = $tabsContainer.find('#' + tabId); // hide other tabs $tabsContainer.find('.tab').addClass('hidden'); // tab already rendered ? if (!$tabEl.length) { // render tab $tabsContainer.append(tabView.$el); $tabEl = tabView.$el; } // this should trigger tab rendering tabView.setFileInfo(this.model); $tabEl.removeClass('hidden'); // update tab headers var $tabHeaders = this.$el.find('.tabHeaders li'); $tabHeaders.removeClass('selected'); $tabHeaders.filterAttr('data-tabid', tabView.id).addClass('selected'); }, /** * Sets the file info to be displayed in the view * * @param {OCA.Files.FileInfoModel} fileInfo file info to set */ setFileInfo: function(fileInfo) { this.model = fileInfo; if (this._dirty) { this.render(); } if (this._currentTabId) { // only update current tab, others will be updated on-demand var tabId = this._currentTabId; var tabView = _.find(this._tabViews, function(tab) { return tab.id === tabId; }); tabView.setFileInfo(fileInfo); } _.each(this._detailFileInfoViews, function(detailView) { detailView.setFileInfo(fileInfo); }); }, /** * Returns the file info. * * @return {OCA.Files.FileInfoModel} file info */ getFileInfo: function() { return this.model; }, /** * Adds a tab in the tab view * * @param {OCA.Files.DetailTabView} tab view */ addTabView: function(tabView) { this._tabViews.push(tabView); this._dirty = true; }, /** * Adds a detail view for file info. * * @param {OCA.Files.DetailFileInfoView} detail view */ addDetailView: function(detailView) { this._detailFileInfoViews.push(detailView); this._dirty = true; } }); OCA.Files.DetailsView = DetailsView; })();