var actual_cover; $(document).ready(function() { $.getJSON('ajax/getAlbums.php', function(r) { if (r.status == 'success') { for (var i in r.albums) { var a = r.albums[i]; Albums.add(, a.numOfItems); } var targetDiv = document.getElementById('gallery_list'); if (targetDiv) { $(targetDiv).html(''); Albums.display(targetDiv); $('#gallery_list').sortable({revert:true}); $('.gallery_album_box').each(function(i, e) { $(e).draggable({connectToSortable: '#gallery_list', handle: '.dummy'}) }); } else { alert('Error occured: no such layer `gallery_list`'); } } else { alert('Error occured: ' + r.message); } }); }); function createNewAlbum() { var name = prompt("album name", ""); if (name != null && name != "") { $.getJSON("ajax/createAlbum.php", {album_name: name}, function(r) { if (r.status == "success") { var v = ''; $('div#gallery_list').append(v); } }); } } var albumCounter = 0; var totalAlbums = 0; function scanForAlbums(cleanup) { cleanup = cleanup?true:false; var albumCounter = 0; var totalAlbums = 0; $('#g-scan-button').attr('disabled', 'true'); $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=filescan', {cleanup: cleanup}, function(r) { if (r.status == 'success') { totalAlbums = r.paths.length; if (totalAlbums == 0) { $('#notification').text(t('gallery', "No photos found")).fadeIn().slideDown().delay(3000).fadeOut().slideUp(); return; } $('#scanprogressbar').progressbar({ value: (albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100 }).fadeIn(); for(var a in r.paths) { $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php?operation=partial_create&path='+r.paths[a], function(r) { if (r.status == 'success') { Albums.add(r.album_details.albumName, r.album_details.imagesCount); } albumCounter++; $('#scanprogressbar').progressbar({ value: (albumCounter/totalAlbums)*100 }); if (albumCounter == totalAlbums) { $('#scanprogressbar').fadeOut(); var targetDiv = document.getElementById('gallery_list'); if (targetDiv) { targetDiv.innerHTML = ''; Albums.display(targetDiv); } else { alert('Error occured: no such layer `gallery_list`'); } $('#g-scan-button').attr('disabled', null); } }); } } else { alert('Error occured: ' + r.message); } }); } function galleryRemove(albumName) { // a workaround for a flaw in the demo system (, ignore! $( "#dialog:ui-dialog" ).dialog( "destroy" ); $('#albumName', $("#dialog-confirm")).text(albumName); $( '#dialog-confirm' ).dialog({ resizable: false, height:150, buttons: [{ text: t('gallery', 'OK'), click: function() { $.getJSON("ajax/galleryOp.php", {operation: "remove", name: albumName}, function(r) { if (r.status == "success") { $(".gallery_album_box").filterAttr('data-album',albumName).remove(); Albums.remove(albumName); } else { alert("Error: " + r.cause); } $('#dialog-confirm').dialog('close'); }); }}, { text: t('gallery', 'Cancel'), click: function() { $( this ).dialog( 'close' ); }}] }); } function galleryRename(name) { $('#name', $('#dialog-form')).val(name); $( "#dialog-form" ).dialog({ height: 140, width: 350, modal: false, buttons: [{ text: t('gallery', 'Change name'), click: function() { var newname = $('#name', $('#dialog-form')).val(); if (newname == name || newname == '') { $(this).dialog("close"); return; } if (Albums.find(newname)) { alert("Album ", newname, " exists"); $(this).dialog("close"); return; } $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php', {operation: 'rename', oldname: name, newname: newname}, function(r) { if (r.status == "success") { Albums.rename($(".gallery_album_box").filterAttr('data-album',name), newname); } else { alert("Error: " + r.cause); } $('#dialog-form').dialog('close'); }); } }, { text: t('gallery', 'Cancel'), click: function() { $( this ).dialog('close'); } } ], }); } function settings() { $( '#g-dialog-settings' ).dialog({ height: 180, width: 350, modal: false, buttons: [{ text: t('gallery', 'Apply'), click: function() { var scanning_root = $('#g-scanning-root').val(); var disp_order = $('#g-display-order option:selected').val(); if (scanning_root == '') { alert('Scanning root cannot be empty'); return; } $.getJSON('ajax/galleryOp.php', {operation: 'store_settings', root: scanning_root, order: disp_order}, function(r) { if (r.status == 'success') { if (r.rescan == 'yes') { $('#g-dialog-settings').dialog('close'); Albums.clear(document.getElementById('gallery_list')); scanForAlbums(true); return; } } else { alert('Error: ' + r.cause); return; } $('#g-dialog-settings').dialog('close'); }); } }, { text: t('gallery', 'Cancel'), click: function() { $(this).dialog('close'); } } ], }); }