navigationManager = new NavigationManager(); } public function addArrayData() { return [ [ [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => 'optional', 'href' => 'url', ], [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => 'optional', 'href' => 'url', 'active' => false, ], ], [ [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, //'icon' => 'optional', 'href' => 'url', 'active' => true, ], [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => '', 'href' => 'url', 'active' => false, ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider addArrayData * * @param array $entry * @param array $expectedEntry */ public function testAddArray(array $entry, array $expectedEntry) { $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists'); $this->navigationManager->add($entry); $navigationEntries = $this->navigationManager->getAll(); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($navigationEntries), 'Expected that 1 navigation entry exists'); $this->assertEquals($expectedEntry, $navigationEntries[0]); $this->navigationManager->clear(); $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists after clear()'); } /** * @dataProvider addArrayData * * @param array $entry * @param array $expectedEntry */ public function testAddClosure(array $entry, array $expectedEntry) { global $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls; $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls = 0; $this->navigationManager->add(function () use ($entry) { global $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls; $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls++; return $entry; }); $this->assertEquals(0, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is not called by add()'); $navigationEntries = $this->navigationManager->getAll(); $this->assertEquals(1, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is called by getAll()'); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($navigationEntries), 'Expected that 1 navigation entry exists'); $this->assertEquals($expectedEntry, $navigationEntries[0]); $navigationEntries = $this->navigationManager->getAll(); $this->assertEquals(1, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is only called once for getAll()'); $this->assertEquals(1, sizeof($navigationEntries), 'Expected that 1 navigation entry exists'); $this->assertEquals($expectedEntry, $navigationEntries[0]); $this->navigationManager->clear(); $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists after clear()'); } public function testAddArrayClearGetAll() { $entry = [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => 'optional', 'href' => 'url', ]; $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists'); $this->navigationManager->add($entry); $this->navigationManager->clear(); $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists after clear()'); } public function testAddClosureClearGetAll() { $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists'); $entry = [ 'id' => 'entry id', 'name' => 'link text', 'order' => 1, 'icon' => 'optional', 'href' => 'url', ]; global $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls; $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls = 0; $this->navigationManager->add(function () use ($entry) { global $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls; $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls++; return $entry; }); $this->assertEquals(0, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is not called by add()'); $this->navigationManager->clear(); $this->assertEquals(0, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is not called by clear()'); $this->assertEmpty($this->navigationManager->getAll(), 'Expected no navigation entry exists after clear()'); $this->assertEquals(0, $testAddClosureNumberOfCalls, 'Expected that the closure is not called by getAll()'); } /** * @dataProvider providesNavigationConfig */ public function testWithAppManager($expected, $config, $isAdmin = false) { $appManager = $this->createMock(AppManager::class); $urlGenerator = $this->createMock(IURLGenerator::class); $l10nFac = $this->createMock(IFactory::class); $userSession = $this->createMock(IUserSession::class); $groupManager = $this->createMock(IGroupManager::class); $l = $this->createMock(IL10N::class); $l->expects($this->any())->method('t')->willReturnCallback(function($text, $parameters = []) { return vsprintf($text, $parameters); }); $appManager->expects($this->once())->method('getInstalledApps')->willReturn(['test']); $appManager->expects($this->once())->method('getAppInfo')->with('test')->willReturn($config); $l10nFac->expects($this->exactly(count($expected)))->method('get')->with('test')->willReturn($l); $urlGenerator->expects($this->any())->method('imagePath')->willReturnCallback(function($appName, $file) { return "/apps/$appName/img/$file"; }); $urlGenerator->expects($this->exactly(count($expected)))->method('linkToRoute')->willReturnCallback(function($route) { return "/apps/test/"; }); $user = $this->createMock(IUser::class); $user->expects($this->any())->method('getUID')->willReturn('user001'); $userSession->expects($this->any())->method('getUser')->willReturn($user); $groupManager->expects($this->any())->method('isAdmin')->willReturn($isAdmin); $navigationManager = new NavigationManager($appManager, $urlGenerator, $l10nFac, $userSession, $groupManager); $entries = $navigationManager->getAll(); $this->assertEquals($expected, $entries); } public function providesNavigationConfig() { return [ 'minimalistic' => [[[ 'id' => 'test', 'order' => 100, 'href' => '/apps/test/', 'icon' => '/apps/test/img/app.svg', 'name' => 'Test', 'active' => false ]], ['navigation' => ['route' => '', 'name' => 'Test']]], 'no admin' => [[[ 'id' => 'test', 'order' => 100, 'href' => '/apps/test/', 'icon' => '/apps/test/img/app.svg', 'name' => 'Test', 'active' => false ]], ['navigation' => ['@attributes' => ['role' => 'admin'], 'route' => '', 'name' => 'Test']], true], 'no name' => [[], ['navigation' => ['@attributes' => ['role' => 'admin'], 'route' => '']], true], 'admin' => [[], ['navigation' => ['@attributes' => ['role' => 'admin'], 'route' => '', 'name' => 'Test']]] ]; } }