. * */ // set some stuff ob_start(); // error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT); error_reporting( E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_WARNING ); // MDB2 gives loads of strict error, disabling for now date_default_timezone_set('Europe/Berlin'); ini_set('arg_separator.output','&'); ini_set('session.cookie_httponly','1;'); session_start(); // calculate the documentroot $SERVERROOT=substr(__FILE__,0,-13); $DOCUMENTROOT=realpath($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']); $SERVERROOT=str_replace("\\",'/',$SERVERROOT); $SUBURI=substr(realpath($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]),strlen($SERVERROOT)); $WEBROOT=substr($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"],0,strlen($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"])-strlen($SUBURI)); if($WEBROOT!='' and $WEBROOT[0]!=='/'){ $WEBROOT='/'.$WEBROOT; } // set the right include path // set_include_path(get_include_path().PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.'/inc'.PATH_SEPARATOR.$SERVERROOT.'/config'); // define default config values $CONFIG_INSTALLED=false; $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY=$SERVERROOT.'/data'; $CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY=$SERVERROOT.'/backup'; $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL=false; $CONFIG_ENABLEBACKUP=false; $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT='j M Y G:i'; $CONFIG_DBNAME='owncloud'; $CONFIG_DBTYPE='sqlite'; $CONFIG_FILESYSTEM=array(); // include the generated configfile @include_once($SERVERROOT.'/config/config.php'); $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY;// store this in a seperate variable so we can change the data directory to jail users. // redirect to https site if configured if(isset($CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL) and $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL){ if(!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) or $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != 'on') { $url = "https://". $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; header("Location: $url"); exit; } } // load core libs oc_require_once('files.php'); oc_require_once('filesystem.php'); oc_require_once('filestorage.php'); oc_require_once('fileobserver.php'); oc_require_once('log.php'); oc_require_once('config.php'); oc_require_once('user.php'); oc_require_once('ocs.php'); oc_require_once('connect.php'); oc_require_once('remotestorage.php'); oc_require_once('plugin.php'); OC_PLUGIN::loadPlugins(); if(!isset($CONFIG_BACKEND)){ $CONFIG_BACKEND='database'; } OC_USER::setBackend($CONFIG_BACKEND); OC_UTIL::setupFS(); oc_startup(); // check if the server is correctly configured for ownCloud OC_UTIL::checkserver(); // listen for login or logout actions OC_USER::logoutlistener(); $loginresult=OC_USER::loginlistener(); /** * Class for utility functions * */ class OC_UTIL { public static $scripts=array(); public static $styles=array(); public static $adminpages = array(); public static $applications = array(); public static $navigation = array(); public static $personalmenu = array(); private static $fsSetup=false; public static function setupFS(){// configure the initial filesystem based on the configuration if(self::$fsSetup){//setting up the filesystem twice can only lead to trouble return false; } global $SERVERROOT; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_ENABLEBACKUP; global $CONFIG_FILESYSTEM; if(!is_dir($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT)){ @mkdir($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT) or die("Can't create data directory ($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT), you can usually fix this by setting the owner of '$SERVERROOT' to the user that the web server uses (www-data for debian/ubuntu)"); } if(OC_USER::isLoggedIn()){ //if we aren't logged in, there is no use to set up the filesystem //first set up the local "root" storage and the backupstorage if needed $rootStorage=OC_FILESYSTEM::createStorage('local',array('datadir'=>$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY)); if($CONFIG_ENABLEBACKUP){ if(!is_dir($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY)){ mkdir($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY); } if(!is_dir($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY.'/'.$_SESSION['username_clean'])){ mkdir($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY.'/'.$_SESSION['username_clean']); } $backupStorage=OC_FILESYSTEM::createStorage('local',array('datadir'=>$CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY)); $backup=new OC_FILEOBSERVER_BACKUP(array('storage'=>$backupStorage)); $rootStorage->addObserver($backup); } OC_FILESYSTEM::mount($rootStorage,'/'); $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY=$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT.'/'.$_SESSION['username_clean']; if(!is_dir($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY)){ mkdir($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY); } //set up the other storages according to the system settings foreach($CONFIG_FILESYSTEM as $storageConfig){ if(OC_FILESYSTEM::hasStorageType($storageConfig['type'])){ $arguments=$storageConfig; unset($arguments['type']); unset($arguments['mountpoint']); $storage=OC_FILESYSTEM::createStorage($storageConfig['type'],$arguments); if($storage){ OC_FILESYSTEM::mount($storage,$storageConfig['mountpoint']); } } } //jail the user into his "home" directory OC_FILESYSTEM::chroot('/'.$_SESSION['username_clean']); self::$fsSetup=true; } } /** * get the current installed version of ownCloud * @return array */ public static function getVersion(){ return array(1,2,0); } /** * Create an url * * @param string $application * @param string $file */ public static function linkTo( $application, $file = null ){ global $WEBROOT; if( is_null( $file )){ $file = $application; $application = ""; } return "$WEBROOT/$application/$file"; } /** * Create an image link * * @param string $application * @param string $file */ public static function imagePath( $application, $file = null ){ global $WEBROOT; if( is_null( $file )){ $file = $application; $application = ""; } return "$WEBROOT/$application/img/$file"; } /** * add a javascript file * * @param url $url */ public static function addScript( $application, $file = null ){ if( is_null( $file )){ $file = $application; $application = ""; } self::$scripts[] = "$application/js/$file"; } /** * add a css file * * @param url $url */ public static function addStyle( $application, $file = null ){ if( is_null( $file )){ $file = $application; $application = ""; } self::$styles[] = "$application/css/$file"; } /** * add an entry to the main navigation * * @param array $entry */ public static function addNavigationEntry( $entry){ OC_UTIL::$navigation[] = $entry; } /** * add administration pages * * @param array $entry */ public static function addAdminPage( $entry){ OC_UTIL::$adminpages[] = $entry; } /** * add application * * @param array $entry */ public static function addApplication( $entry){ OC_UTIL::$applications[] = $entry; } /** * add an entry to the personal menu * * @param array $entry */ public static function addPersonalMenuEntry( $entry){ OC_UTIL::$personalmenu[] = $entry; } /** * check if the current server configuration is suitable for ownCloud * */ public static function checkServer(){ global $SERVERROOT; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT; global $CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_ENABLEBACKUP; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; $error=''; if(!is_callable('sqlite_open') and !is_callable('mysql_connect')){ $error.='No database drivers (sqlite or mysql) installed.
'; } global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; if(!stristr(PHP_OS, 'WIN')){ if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $file=$SERVERROOT.'/'.$CONFIG_DBNAME; if(file_exists($file)){ $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-3); if(substr($prems,2,1)!='0'){ @chmod($file,0660); clearstatcache(); $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($file)),-3); if(substr($prems,2,1)!='0'){ $error.='SQLite database file ('.$file.') is readable from the web
'; } } } } $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT)),-3); if(substr($prems,-1)!='0'){ chmodr($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT,0770); clearstatcache(); $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT)),-3); if(substr($prems,2,1)!='0'){ $error.='Data directory ('.$CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY_ROOT.') is readable from the web
'; } } if($CONFIG_ENABLEBACKUP){ $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY)),-3); if(substr($prems,-1)!='0'){ chmodr($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY,0770); clearstatcache(); $prems=substr(decoct(fileperms($CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY)),-3); if(substr($prems,2,1)!='0'){ $error.='Data directory ('.$CONFIG_BACKUPDIRECTORY.') is readable from the web
'; } } } }else{ //TODO: premisions checks for windows hosts } if($error){ die($error); } } /** * check if we need to use the layout optimized for smaller screen, currently only checks for iPhone/Android * @return bool */ public static function hasSmallScreen(){ $userAgent=strtolower($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']); if(strpos($userAgent,'android') or strpos($userAgent,'iphone') or strpos($userAgent,'ipod')){//todo, add support for more devices return true; } return false; } /** * show an icon for a filetype * */ public static function showIcon($filetype){ global $WEBROOT; if($filetype=='dir'){ echo(''); }elseif($filetype=='foo'){ echo('foo'); }else{ echo(''); } } } /** * Class for database access * */ class OC_DB { static private $DBConnection=false; static private $schema=false; static private $affected=0; static private $result=false; /** * connect to the datbase if not already connected */ public static function connect(){ global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $SERVERROOT; @oc_require_once('MDB2.php'); if(!self::$DBConnection){ $options = array( 'portability' => MDB2_PORTABILITY_ALL, 'log_line_break' => '
', 'idxname_format' => '%s', 'debug' => true, 'quote_identifier' => true, ); if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $dsn = array( 'phptype' => 'sqlite', 'database' => $SERVERROOT.'/'.$CONFIG_DBNAME, 'mode' => '0644', ); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='mysql'){ $dsn = array( 'phptype' => 'mysql', 'username' => $CONFIG_DBUSER, 'password' => $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD, 'hostspec' => $CONFIG_DBHOST, 'database' => $CONFIG_DBNAME, ); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='pgsql'){ $dsn = array( 'phptype' => 'pgsql', 'username' => $CONFIG_DBUSER, 'password' => $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD, 'hostspec' => $CONFIG_DBHOST, 'database' => $CONFIG_DBNAME, ); } self::$DBConnection=MDB2::factory($dsn,$options); if (PEAR::isError(self::$DBConnection)) { echo('can not connect to database, using '.$CONFIG_DBTYPE.'. ('.self::$DBConnection->getUserInfo().')'); $error=self::$DBConnection->getMessage(); error_log("$error"); error_log(self::$DBConnection->getUserInfo()); die($error); } self::$DBConnection->setFetchMode(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); } } public static function connectScheme(){ self::connect(); @oc_require_once('MDB2/Schema.php'); if(!self::$schema){ self::$schema=&MDB2_Schema::factory(self::$DBConnection); } } /** * executes a query on the database * * @param string $cmd * @return result-set */ static function query($cmd){ global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; if(!trim($cmd)){ return false; } OC_DB::connect(); //fix differences between sql versions //differences in escaping of table names (` for mysql) if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $cmd=str_replace('`','\'',$cmd); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='pgsql'){ $cmd=str_replace('`','"',$cmd); } $result=self::$DBConnection->exec($cmd); if (PEAR::isError($result)) { $entry='DB Error: "'.$result->getMessage().'"
'; $entry.='Offending command was: '.$cmd.'
'; error_log($entry); die($entry); }else{ self::$affected=$result; } self::$result=$result; return $result; } /** * executes a query on the database and returns the result in an array * * @param string $cmd * @return result-set */ static function select($cmd){ OC_DB::connect(); global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; //fix differences between sql versions //differences in escaping of table names (` for mysql) if($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='sqlite'){ $cmd=str_replace('`','\'',$cmd); }elseif($CONFIG_DBTYPE=='pgsql'){ $cmd=str_replace('`','"',$cmd); } $result=self::$DBConnection->queryAll($cmd); if (PEAR::isError($result)){ $entry='DB Error: "'.$result->getMessage().'"
'; $entry.='Offending command was: '.$cmd.'
'; die($entry); } return $result; } /** * executes multiply queries on the database * * @param string $cmd * @return result-set */ static function multiquery($cmd) { $queries=explode(';',$cmd); foreach($queries as $query){ OC_DB::query($query); } return true; } /** * closing a db connection * * @return bool */ static function close() { self::$DBConnection->disconnect(); self::$DBConnection=false; } /** * Returning primarykey if last statement was an insert. * * @return primarykey */ static function insertid() { $id=self::$DBConnection->lastInsertID(); return $id; } /** * Returning number of rows in a result * * @param resultset $result * @return int */ static function numrows($result) { $result->numRows(); } /** * Returning number of affected rows * * @return int */ static function affected_rows() { return self::$affected; } /** * get a field from the resultset * * @param resultset $result * @param int $i * @param int $field * @return unknown */ static function result($result, $i, $field) { $tmp=$result->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC,$i); $tmp=$tmp[$field]; return($tmp); } /** * get data-array from resultset * * @param resultset $result * @return data */ static function fetch_assoc($result){ return $result->fetchRow(MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC); } /** * Freeing resultset (performance) * * @param unknown_type $result * @return bool */ static function free_result() { if(self::$result){ self::$result->free(); self::$result=false; } } static public function disconnect(){ if(self::$DBConnection){ self::$DBConnection->disconnect(); self::$DBConnection=false; } } /** * escape strings so they can be used in queries * * @param string string * @return string */ static function escape($string){ OC_DB::connect(); return self::$DBConnection->escape($string); } static function getDbStructure($file){ OC_DB::connectScheme(); $definition = self::$schema->getDefinitionFromDatabase(); $dump_options = array( 'output_mode' => 'file', 'output' => $file, 'end_of_line' => "\n" ); self::$schema->dumpDatabase($definition, $dump_options, MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_STRUCTURE); } static function createDbFromStructure($file){ OC_DB::connectScheme(); global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBTABLEPREFIX; $content=file_get_contents($file); $file2=tempnam(sys_get_temp_dir(),'oc_db_scheme_'); $content=str_replace('*dbname*',$CONFIG_DBNAME,$content); $content=str_replace('*dbprefix*',$CONFIG_DBTABLEPREFIX,$content); file_put_contents($file2,$content); $definition=@self::$schema->parseDatabaseDefinitionFile($file2); unlink($file2); if($definition instanceof MDB2_Schema_Error){ die($definition->getMessage() . ': ' . $definition->getUserInfo()); } $ret=@self::$schema->createDatabase($definition); if($ret instanceof MDB2_Error) { die ($ret->getMessage() . ': ' . $ret->getUserInfo()); }else{ return true; } } } //custom require/include functions because not all hosts allow us to set the include path function oc_require($file){ global $SERVERROOT; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $WEBROOT; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL; global $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; if(is_file($file)){ return require($file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file)){ return require($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file)){ return require($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file)){ return require($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file); } } function oc_require_once($file){ global $SERVERROOT; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $WEBROOT; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL; global $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; if(is_file($file)){ return require_once($file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file)){ return require_once($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file)){ return require_once($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file)){ return require_once($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file); } } function oc_include($file){ global $SERVERROOT; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $WEBROOT; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL; global $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; if(is_file($file)){ return include($file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file)){ return include($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file)){ return include($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file)){ return include($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file); } } function oc_include_once($file){ global $SERVERROOT; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $WEBROOT; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL; global $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; if(is_file($file)){ return include_once($file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file)){ return include_once($SERVERROOT.'/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file)){ return include_once($SERVERROOT.'/lib/'.$file); } elseif(is_file($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file)){ return include_once($SERVERROOT.'/3dparty/'.$file); } } function chmodr($path, $filemode) { // echo "$path
"; if (!is_dir($path)) return chmod($path, $filemode); $dh = opendir($path); while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== false) { if($file != '.' && $file != '..') { $fullpath = $path.'/'.$file; if(is_link($fullpath)) return FALSE; elseif(!is_dir($fullpath) && !chmod($fullpath, $filemode)) return FALSE; elseif(!chmodr($fullpath, $filemode)) return FALSE; } } closedir($dh); if(chmod($path, $filemode)) return TRUE; else return FALSE; } function oc_startup(){ global $SERVERROOT; global $DOCUMENTROOT; global $WEBROOT; global $CONFIG_DBNAME; global $CONFIG_DBHOST; global $CONFIG_DBUSER; global $CONFIG_DBPASSWORD; global $CONFIG_DBTYPE; global $CONFIG_DATADIRECTORY; global $CONFIG_HTTPFORCESSL; global $CONFIG_DATEFORMAT; global $CONFIG_INSTALLED; // Add the stuff we need always OC_UTIL::addPersonalMenuEntry( array( "file" => "index.php?logout=1", "name" => "Logout" )); OC_UTIL::addScript( "jquery-1.5.min" ); OC_UTIL::addScript( "jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom.min" ); OC_UTIL::addScript( "js" ); OC_UTIL::addStyle( "jquery-ui-1.8.10.custom" ); OC_UTIL::addStyle( "styles" ); // Require all appinfo.php $dir = opendir( $SERVERROOT ); while( false !== ( $filename = readdir( $dir ))){ if( substr( $filename, 0, 1 ) != '.' ){ if( file_exists( "$SERVERROOT/$filename/appinfo.php" )){ oc_require( "$filename/appinfo.php" ); } } } closedir( $dir ); // Everything done return true; } ?>