Feature: ratelimiting Background: Given user "user0" exists Given As an "admin" Given app "testing" is enabled Scenario: Accessing a page with only an AnonRateThrottle as user Given user "user0" exists # First request should work When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Second one should fail When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "429" # After 11 seconds the next request should work And Sleep for "11" seconds When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" Scenario: Accessing a page with only an AnonRateThrottle as guest Given Sleep for "11" seconds # First request should work When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Second one should fail When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "429" # After 11 seconds the next request should work And Sleep for "11" seconds When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/anonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" Scenario: Accessing a page with UserRateThrottle and AnonRateThrottle # First request should work as guest When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Second request should fail as guest When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" Then the HTTP status code should be "429" # First request should work as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Second request should work as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Third request should work as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Fourth request should work as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Fifth request should work as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" using basic auth Then the HTTP status code should be "200" # Sixth request should fail as user When requesting "/index.php/apps/testing/userAndAnonProtected" with "GET" Then the HTTP status code should be "429"