#!/usr/bin/env bash # # ownCloud # # This script start a docker container to test the files_external tests # against. It will also change the files_external config to use the docker # container as testing environment. This is reverted in the stop step.W # # Set environment variable DEBUG to print config file # # @author Morris Jobke # @author Robin McCorkell # @copyright 2015 ownCloud if ! command -v docker >/dev/null 2>&1; then echo "No docker executable found - skipped docker setup" exit 0; fi echo "Docker executable found - setup docker" docker_image=xenopathic/ceph-keystone echo "Fetch recent ${docker_image} docker image" docker pull ${docker_image} # retrieve current folder to place the config in the parent folder thisFolder=`echo $0 | replace "env/start-amazons3-ceph.sh" ""` if [ -z "$thisFolder" ]; then thisFolder="." fi; # create readiness notification socket notify_sock=$(readlink -f "$thisFolder"/dockerContainerCeph.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.amazons3.sock) mkfifo "$notify_sock" user=test accesskey=aaabbbccc secretkey=cccbbbaaa bucket=testbucket port=80 container=`docker run -d \ -e RGW_CIVETWEB_PORT=$port \ -v "$notify_sock":/run/notifyme.sock \ ${docker_image}` host=`docker inspect --format="{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}" $container` echo "${docker_image} container: $container" # put container IDs into a file to drop them after the test run (keep in mind that multiple tests run in parallel on the same host) echo $container >> $thisFolder/dockerContainerCeph.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.amazons3 echo -n "Waiting for ceph initialization" ready=$(timeout 60 cat "$notify_sock") if [[ $ready != 'READY=1' ]]; then echo "[ERROR] Waited 60 seconds, no response" >&2 exit 1 fi sleep 1 echo "Create ceph user" docker exec $container radosgw-admin user create \ --uid="$user" --display-name="$user" \ --access-key="$accesskey" --secret="$secretkey" \ >/dev/null cat > $thisFolder/config.amazons3.php <true, 'bucket'=>'$bucket', 'hostname'=>'$host', 'port'=>'$port', 'key'=>'$accesskey', 'secret'=>'$secretkey', 'use_ssl'=>false, 'use_path_style'=>true, ); DELIM if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then cat $thisFolder/config.amazons3.php cat $thisFolder/dockerContainerCeph.$EXECUTOR_NUMBER.amazons3 fi