object extends PHP's built-in object by providing convenience methods for * rapidly manipulating array data. Specifically, the `CFArray` object is intended for working with * and objects that are returned by AWS services. * * @version 2012.01.17 * @license See the included NOTICE.md file for more information. * @copyright See the included NOTICE.md file for more information. * @link http://aws.amazon.com/php/ PHP Developer Center * @link http://php.net/ArrayObject ArrayObject */ class CFArray extends ArrayObject { /** * Constructs a new instance of . * * @param mixed $input (Optional) The input parameter accepts an array or an Object. The default value is an empty array. * @param integer $flags (Optional) Flags to control the behavior of the ArrayObject object. Defaults to . * @param string $iterator_class (Optional) Specify the class that will be used for iteration of the object. is the default class used. * @return mixed Either an array of matches, or a single element. */ public function __construct($input = array(), $flags = self::STD_PROP_LIST, $iterator_class = 'ArrayIterator') { // Provide a default value $input = $input ? $input : array(); try { return parent::__construct($input, $flags, $iterator_class); } catch (InvalidArgumentException $e) { throw new CFArray_Exception($e->getMessage()); } } /** * Alternate approach to constructing a new instance. Supports chaining. * * @param mixed $input (Optional) The input parameter accepts an array or an Object. The default value is an empty array. * @param integer $flags (Optional) Flags to control the behavior of the ArrayObject object. Defaults to . * @param string $iterator_class (Optional) Specify the class that will be used for iteration of the object. is the default class used. * @return mixed Either an array of matches, or a single element. */ public static function init($input = array(), $flags = self::STD_PROP_LIST, $iterator_class = 'ArrayIterator') { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0', '<')) { throw new Exception('PHP 5.3 or newer is required to instantiate a new class with CLASS::init().'); } $self = get_called_class(); return new $self($input, $flags, $iterator_class); } /** * Handles how the object is rendered when cast as a string. * * @return string The word "Array". */ public function __toString() { return 'Array'; } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // REFORMATTING /** * Maps each element in the object as an integer. * * @return array The contents of the object mapped as integers. */ public function map_integer() { return array_map('intval', $this->getArrayCopy()); } /** * Maps each element in the CFArray object as a string. * * @param string $pcre (Optional) A Perl-Compatible Regular Expression (PCRE) to filter the names against. * @return array The contents of the object mapped as strings. If there are no results, the method will return an empty array. */ public function map_string($pcre = null) { $list = array_map('strval', $this->getArrayCopy()); $dlist = array(); if ($pcre) { foreach ($list as $item) { $dlist[] = preg_match($pcre, $item) ? $item : null; } $list = array_values(array_filter($dlist)); } return $list; } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // CONFIRMATION /** * Verifies that _all_ responses were successful. A single failed request will cause to return false. Equivalent to , except it applies to all responses. * * @return boolean Whether _all_ requests were successful or not. */ public function areOK() { $dlist = array(); $list = $this->getArrayCopy(); foreach ($list as $response) { if ($response instanceof CFResponse) { $dlist[] = $response->isOK(); } } return (array_search(false, $dlist, true) !== false) ? false : true; } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // ITERATING AND EXECUTING /** * Iterates over a object, and executes a function for each matched element. * * The callback function takes three parameters:
  • $item - mixed - Optional - The individual node in the array.
  • *
  • $key - mixed - Optional - The key for the array node.
  • *
  • $bind - mixed - Optional - The variable that was passed into the $bind parameter.
* * @param string|function $callback (Required) The callback function to execute. PHP 5.3 or newer can use an anonymous function. * @param mixed $bind (Optional) A variable from the calling scope to pass-by-reference into the local scope of the callback function. * @return CFArray The original object. */ public function each($callback, &$bind = null) { $items = $this->getArrayCopy(); foreach ($items as $key => &$item) { $callback($item, $key, $bind); } return $this; } /** * Passes each element in the current object through a function, and produces a new object containing the return values. * * The callback function takes three parameters:
  • $item - mixed - Optional - The individual node in the array.
  • *
  • $key - mixed - Optional - The key for the array node.
  • *
  • $bind - mixed - Optional - The variable that was passed into the $bind parameter.
* * @param string|function $callback (Required) The callback function to execute. PHP 5.3 or newer can use an anonymous function. * @param mixed $bind (Optional) A variable from the calling scope to pass-by-reference into the local scope of the callback function. * @return CFArray A new object containing the return values. */ public function map($callback, &$bind = null) { $items = $this->getArrayCopy(); $collect = array(); foreach ($items as $key => &$item) { $collect[] = $callback($item, $key, $bind); } return new CFArray($collect); } /** * Filters the list of nodes by passing each value in the current object through a function. The node will be removed if the function returns `false`. * * The callback function takes three parameters:
  • $item - mixed - Optional - The individual node in the array.
  • *
  • $key - mixed - Optional - The key for the array node.
  • *
  • $bind - mixed - Optional - The variable that was passed into the $bind parameter.
* * @param string|function $callback (Required) The callback function to execute. PHP 5.3 or newer can use an anonymous function. * @param mixed $bind (Optional) A variable from the calling scope to pass-by-reference into the local scope of the callback function. * @return CFArray A new object containing the return values. */ public function filter($callback, &$bind = null) { $items = $this->getArrayCopy(); $collect = array(); foreach ($items as $key => &$item) { if ($callback($item, $key, $bind) !== false) { $collect[] = $item; } } return new CFArray($collect); } /** * Alias for . This functionality was incorrectly named _reduce_ in earlier versions of the SDK. * * @param string|function $callback (Required) The callback function to execute. PHP 5.3 or newer can use an anonymous function. * @param mixed $bind (Optional) A variable from the calling scope to pass-by-reference into the local scope of the callback function. * @return CFArray A new object containing the return values. */ public function reduce($callback, &$bind = null) { return $this->filter($callback, $bind); } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // TRAVERSAL /** * Gets the first result in the array. * * @return mixed The first result in the object. Returns `false` if there are no items in the array. */ public function first() { $items = $this->getArrayCopy(); return count($items) ? $items[0] : false; } /** * Gets the last result in the array. * * @return mixed The last result in the object. Returns `false` if there are no items in the array. */ public function last() { $items = $this->getArrayCopy(); return count($items) ? end($items) : false; } /** * Removes all `null` values from an array. * * @return CFArray A new object containing the non-null values. */ public function compress() { return new CFArray(array_filter($this->getArrayCopy())); } /** * Reindexes the array, starting from zero. * * @return CFArray A new object with indexes starting at zero. */ public function reindex() { return new CFArray(array_values($this->getArrayCopy())); } /*%******************************************************************************************%*/ // ALTERNATE FORMATS /** * Gets the current XML node as a JSON string. * * @return string The current XML node as a JSON string. */ public function to_json() { return json_encode($this->getArrayCopy()); } /** * Gets the current XML node as a YAML string. * * @return string The current XML node as a YAML string. */ public function to_yaml() { return sfYaml::dump($this->getArrayCopy(), 5); } } class CFArray_Exception extends Exception {}