* * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 3 of the License, or any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this library. If not, see . * */ require_once __DIR__ . '/../../../lib/base.php'; class Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage { public function test() { return true; } } /** * Class Test_Mount_Config */ class Test_Mount_Config extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private $dataDir; private $userHome; private $oldAllowedBackends; private $allBackends; const TEST_USER1 = 'user1'; const TEST_USER2 = 'user2'; const TEST_GROUP1 = 'group1'; const TEST_GROUP1B = 'group1b'; const TEST_GROUP2 = 'group2'; const TEST_GROUP2B = 'group2b'; public function setUp() { \OC_User::createUser(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER1); \OC_User::createUser(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_USER2); \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1); \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1B); \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_GROUP1); \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_GROUP1B); \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2); \OC_Group::createGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2B); \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_GROUP2); \OC_Group::addToGroup(self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_GROUP2B); \OC_User::setUserId(self::TEST_USER1); $this->userHome = \OC_User::getHome(self::TEST_USER1); mkdir($this->userHome); $this->dataDir = \OC_Config::getValue( 'datadirectory', \OC::$SERVERROOT . '/data/' ); $this->oldAllowedBackends = OCP\Config::getAppValue( 'files_external', 'user_mounting_backends', '' ); $this->allBackends = OC_Mount_Config::getBackends(); OCP\Config::setAppValue( 'files_external', 'user_mounting_backends', implode(',', array_keys($this->allBackends)) ); OC_Mount_Config::$skipTest = true; } public function tearDown() { OC_Mount_Config::$skipTest = false; \OC_User::deleteUser(self::TEST_USER2); \OC_User::deleteUser(self::TEST_USER1); \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1); \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP1B); \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2); \OC_Group::deleteGroup(self::TEST_GROUP2B); @unlink($this->dataDir . '/mount.json'); OCP\Config::setAppValue( 'files_external', 'user_mounting_backends', $this->oldAllowedBackends ); } /** * Reads the global config, for checking */ private function readGlobalConfig() { $configFile = $this->dataDir . '/mount.json'; return json_decode(file_get_contents($configFile), true); } /** * Reads the user config, for checking */ private function readUserConfig() { $configFile = $this->userHome . '/mount.json'; return json_decode(file_get_contents($configFile), true); } /** * Write the user config, to simulate existing files */ private function writeUserConfig($config) { $configFile = $this->userHome . '/mount.json'; file_put_contents($configFile, json_encode($config)); } /** * Test mount point validation */ public function testAddMountPointValidation() { $storageClass = 'Test_Mount_Config_Dummy_Storage'; $mountType = 'user'; $applicable = 'all'; $isPersonal = false; $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); } /** * Test adding a global mount point */ public function testAddGlobalMountPoint() { $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = 'all'; $isPersonal = false; $this->assertEquals(true, OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP', array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); $config = $this->readGlobalConfig(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($config)); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType])); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable])); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]['/$user/files/ext'])); $this->assertEquals( '\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP', $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/$user/files/ext']['class'] ); } /** * Test adding a personal mount point */ public function testAddMountPointSingleUser() { $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = true; $this->assertEquals(true, OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP', array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); $config = $this->readUserConfig(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($config)); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType])); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable])); $this->assertTrue(isset($config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext'])); $this->assertEquals( '\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP', $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['class'] ); } /** * Test adding a personal mount point using disallowed backend */ public function testAddDisallowedBackendMountPointSingleUser() { $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = true; // local $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', '\OC\Files\storage\local', array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); unset($this->allBackends['\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP']); OCP\Config::setAppValue( 'files_external', 'user_mounting_backends', implode(',', array_keys($this->allBackends)) ); // non-local but forbidden $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SFTP', array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); $this->assertFalse(file_exists($this->userHome . '/mount.json')); } /** * Test adding a mount point with an non-existant backend */ public function testAddMountPointUnexistClass() { $storageClass = 'Unexist_Storage'; $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = false; $this->assertFalse(OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint('/ext', $storageClass, array(), $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal)); } /** * Provider for testing configurations with different * "applicable" values (all, user, groups) */ public function applicableConfigProvider() { return array( // applicable to "all" array( OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'all', array( 'users' => array('all'), 'groups' => array() ) ), // applicable to single user array( OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, array( 'users' => array(self::TEST_USER1), 'groups' => array() ) ), // applicable to single group array( OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, self::TEST_GROUP1, array( 'users' => array(), 'groups' => array(self::TEST_GROUP1) ) ), ); } /** * Test reading and writing global config * * @dataProvider applicableConfigProvider */ public function testReadWriteGlobalConfig($mountType, $applicable, $expectApplicableArray) { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = $mountType; $applicable = $applicable; $isPersonal = false; $options = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal ) ); // re-read config $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($config)); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $config[0]['class']); $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']); $this->assertEquals($expectApplicableArray, $config[0]['applicable']); $savedOptions = $config[0]['options']; $this->assertEquals($options, $savedOptions); // key order needs to be preserved for the UI... $this->assertEquals(array_keys($options), array_keys($savedOptions)); } /** * Test reading and writing config */ public function testReadWritePersonalConfig() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = true; $options = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal ) ); // re-read config $config = OC_Mount_Config::getPersonalMountPoints(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($config)); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $config[0]['class']); $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']); $savedOptions = $config[0]['options']; $this->assertEquals($options, $savedOptions); // key order needs to be preserved for the UI... $this->assertEquals(array_keys($options), array_keys($savedOptions)); } /** * Test password obfuscation */ public function testPasswordObfuscation() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = true; $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountConfig, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal ) ); // note: password re-reading is covered by testReadWritePersonalConfig // check that password inside the file is NOT in plain text $config = $this->readUserConfig(); $savedConfig = $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options']; // no more clear text password in file (kept because of key order) $this->assertEquals('', $savedConfig['password']); // encrypted password is present $this->assertNotEquals($mountConfig['password'], $savedConfig['password_encrypted']); } /** * Test read legacy passwords */ public function testReadLegacyPassword() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $applicable = self::TEST_USER1; $isPersonal = true; $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountConfig, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal ) ); $config = $this->readUserConfig(); // simulate non-encrypted password situation $config[$mountType][$applicable]['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options']['password'] = 'smbpasswd'; $this->writeUserConfig($config); // re-read config, password was read correctly $config = OC_Mount_Config::getPersonalMountPoints(); $savedMountConfig = $config[0]['options']; $this->assertEquals($mountConfig, $savedMountConfig); } public function mountDataProvider() { return array( // Tests for visible mount points // system mount point for all users array( false, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'all', self::TEST_USER1, true, ), // system mount point for a specific user array( false, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER1, true, ), // system mount point for a specific group array( false, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, self::TEST_GROUP1, self::TEST_USER1, true, ), // user mount point array( true, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER1, true, ), // Tests for non-visible mount points // system mount point for another user array( false, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER2, self::TEST_USER1, false, ), // system mount point for a specific group array( false, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, self::TEST_GROUP2, self::TEST_USER1, false, ), // user mount point array( true, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER2, false, ), ); } /** * Test mount points used at mount time, making sure * the configuration is prepared properly. * * @dataProvider mountDataProvider * @param bool $isPersonal true for personal mount point, false for system mount point * @param string $mountType mount type * @param string $applicable target user/group or "all" * @param string $testUser user for which to retrieve the mount points * @param bool $expectVisible whether to expect the mount point to be visible for $testUser */ public function testMount($isPersonal, $mountType, $applicable, $testUser, $expectVisible) { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'someost', 'user' => 'someuser', 'password' => 'somepassword', 'root' => 'someroot' ); // add mount point as "test" user $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountConfig, $mountType, $applicable, $isPersonal ) ); // check mount points in the perspective of user $testUser \OC_User::setUserId($testUser); $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints($testUser); if ($expectVisible) { $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPoints)); $this->assertTrue(isset($mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext'])); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['class']); $this->assertEquals($mountConfig, $mountPoints['/' . self::TEST_USER1 . '/files/ext']['options']); } else { $this->assertEquals(0, count($mountPoints)); } } /** * Test the same config for multiple users. * The config will be merged by getSystemMountPoints(). */ public function testConfigMerging() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $isPersonal = false; $options = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, $isPersonal ) ); $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER2, $isPersonal ) ); $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, self::TEST_GROUP2, $isPersonal ) ); $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, self::TEST_GROUP1, $isPersonal ) ); // re-read config $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints(); $this->assertEquals(1, count($config)); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $config[0]['class']); $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']); $this->assertEquals($options, $config[0]['options']); $this->assertEquals(array(self::TEST_USER1, self::TEST_USER2), $config[0]['applicable']['users']); $this->assertEquals(array(self::TEST_GROUP2, self::TEST_GROUP1), $config[0]['applicable']['groups']); } /** * Create then re-read mount points configs where the mount points * have the same path, the config must NOT be merged. */ public function testRereadMountpointWithSamePath() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountType = OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER; $isPersonal = false; $options1 = array( 'host' => 'smbhost', 'user' => 'smbuser', 'password' => 'smbpassword', 'share' => 'smbshare', 'root' => 'smbroot' ); // write config $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options1, $mountType, self::TEST_USER1, $isPersonal ) ); $options2 = array( 'host' => 'anothersmbhost', 'user' => 'anothersmbuser', 'password' => 'anothersmbpassword', 'share' => 'anothersmbshare', 'root' => 'anothersmbroot' ); $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $options2, $mountType, self::TEST_USER2, $isPersonal ) ); // re-read config $config = OC_Mount_Config::getSystemMountPoints(); $this->assertEquals(2, count($config)); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $config[0]['class']); $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[0]['mountpoint']); $this->assertEquals($options1, $config[0]['options']); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $config[1]['class']); $this->assertEquals('ext', $config[1]['mountpoint']); $this->assertEquals($options2, $config[1]['options']); } public function priorityDataProvider() { return array( // test 1 - group vs group array( array( array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1, 'priority' => 50 ), array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1B, 'priority' => 60 ) ), 1 ), // test 2 - user vs personal array( array( array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1, 'priority' => 2000 ), array( 'isPersonal' => true, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1, 'priority' => null ) ), 1 ), // test 3 - all vs group vs user array( array( array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'applicable' => 'all', 'priority' => 70 ), array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_GROUP, 'applicable' => self::TEST_GROUP1, 'priority' => 60 ), array( 'isPersonal' => false, 'mountType' => OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, 'applicable' => self::TEST_USER1, 'priority' => 50 ) ), 2 ) ); } /** * Ensure priorities are being respected * Test user is self::TEST_USER1 * * @dataProvider priorityDataProvider * @param array[] $mounts array of associative array of mount parameters: * bool $isPersonal * string $mountType * string $applicable * int|null $priority null for personal * @param int $expected index of expected visible mount */ public function testPriority($mounts, $expected) { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'somehost', 'user' => 'someuser', 'password' => 'somepassword', 'root' => 'someroot' ); // Add mount points foreach($mounts as $i => $mount) { $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountConfig + array('id' => $i), $mount['mountType'], $mount['applicable'], $mount['isPersonal'], $mount['priority'] ) ); } // Get mount points for user $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1); $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPoints)); $this->assertEquals($expected, $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['options']['id']); } /** * Test for persistence of priority when changing mount options */ public function testPriorityPersistence() { // TODO travis: samba share test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('samba share test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $class = '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB'; $priority = 123; $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'somehost', 'user' => 'someuser', 'password' => 'somepassword', 'root' => 'someroot' ); $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', $class, $mountConfig, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, false, $priority ) ); // Check for correct priority $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1); $this->assertEquals($priority, $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['priority']); // Simulate changed mount options (without priority set) $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', $class, $mountConfig, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, false ) ); // Check for correct priority $mountPoints = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1); $this->assertEquals($priority, $mountPoints['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['priority']); } /* * Test for correct personal configuration loading in file sharing scenarios */ public function testMultiUserPersonalConfigLoading() { // TODO travis: multi user config test doesn't work on travis if (getenv('TRAVIS')) { $this->markTestSkipped('multi user config test doesn\'t work on travis'); } $mountConfig = array( 'host' => 'somehost', 'user' => 'someuser', 'password' => 'somepassword', 'root' => 'someroot' ); // Create personal mount point $this->assertTrue( OC_Mount_Config::addMountPoint( '/ext', '\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountConfig, OC_Mount_Config::MOUNT_TYPE_USER, self::TEST_USER1, true ) ); // Ensure other user can read mount points \OC_User::setUserId(self::TEST_USER2); $mountPointsMe = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER2); $mountPointsOther = OC_Mount_Config::getAbsoluteMountPoints(self::TEST_USER1); $this->assertEquals(0, count($mountPointsMe)); $this->assertEquals(1, count($mountPointsOther)); $this->assertTrue(isset($mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext'])); $this->assertEquals('\OC\Files\Storage\SMB', $mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['class']); $this->assertEquals($mountConfig, $mountPointsOther['/'.self::TEST_USER1.'/files/ext']['options']); } }