"Requesta invalide", "OpenID Changed" => "OpenID cambiate", "Language changed" => "Linguage cambiate", "__language_name__" => "Interlingua", "Log" => "Registro", "More" => "Plus", "Add your App" => "Adder tu application", "Select an App" => "Selectionar un app", "by" => "per", "Documentation" => "Documentation", "Ask a question" => "Facer un question", "Answer" => "Responsa", "You use" => "Tu usa", "of the available" => "del disponibile", "Download" => "Discargar", "Your password got changed" => "Tu contrasigno esseva cambiate", "Unable to change your password" => "Non pote cambiar tu contrasigno", "Current password" => "Contrasigno currente", "New password" => "Nove contrasigno", "show" => "monstrar", "Change password" => "Cambiar contrasigno", "Email" => "E-posta", "Your email address" => "Tu adresse de e-posta", "Language" => "Linguage", "Help translate" => "Adjuta a traducer", "use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" => "usa iste addresse pro connecter a tu ownCloud in tu administrator de files", "Name" => "Nomine", "Password" => "Contrasigno", "Groups" => "Gruppos", "Create" => "Crear", "Default Quota" => "Quota predeterminate", "Other" => "Altere", "Quota" => "Quota", "Delete" => "Deler" );