
700 lines
23 KiB

* and yet another idea how to handle file uploads:
* let the jquery fileupload thing handle as much as possible
* use singlefileupload
* on first add of every selection
* - check all files of originalFiles array with files in dir
* - on conflict show dialog
* - skip all -> remember as default action
* - replace all -> remember as default action
* - choose -> show choose dialog
* - mark files to keep
* - when only existing -> remember as single skip action
* - when only new -> remember as single replace action
* - when both -> remember as single autorename action
* - continue -> apply marks, when nothing is marked continue == skip all
* - start uploading selection
* on send
* - if single action or default action
* - when skip -> abort upload
* ..- when replace -> add replace=true parameter
* ..- when rename -> add newName=filename parameter
* ..- when autorename -> add autorename=true parameter
* on fail
* - if server sent existserror
* - show dialog
* - on skip single -> abort single upload
* - on skip always -> remember as default action
* - on replace single -> replace single upload
* - on replace always -> remember as default action
* - on rename single -> rename single upload, propose autorename - when changed disable remember always checkbox
* - on rename always -> remember autorename as default action
* - resubmit data
* on uplad done
* - if last upload -> unset default action
* -------------------------------------------------------------
* use put t ocacnel upload before it starts? use chunked uploads?
* 1. tracking which file to upload next -> upload queue with data elements added whenever add is called
* 2. tracking progress for each folder individually -> track progress in a progress[dirname] object
* - every new selection increases the total size and number of files for a directory
* - add increases, successful done decreases, skip decreases, cancel decreases
* 3. track selections -> the general skip / overwrite decision is selection based and can change
* - server might send already exists error -> show dialog & remember decision for selection again
* - server sends error, how do we find collection?
* 4. track jqXHR object to prevent browser from navigationg away -> track in a uploads[dirname][filename] object [x]
* selections can progress in parrallel but each selection progresses sequentially
* -> store everything in context?
* context.folder
* context.element?
* context.progressui?
* context.jqXHR
* context.selection
* context.selection.onExistsAction?
* context available in what events?
* build in drop() add dir
* latest in add() add file? add selection!
* progress? -> update progress?
* onsubmit -> context.jqXHR?
* fail() ->
* done()
* when versioning app is active -> always overwrite
* fileupload scenario: empty folder & d&d 20 files
* queue the 20 files
* check list of files for duplicates -> empty
* start uploading the queue (show progress dialog?)
* - no duplicates -> all good, add files to list
* - server reports duplicate -> show skip, replace or rename dialog (for individual files)
* fileupload scenario: files uploaded & d&d 20 files again
* queue the 20 files
* check list of files for duplicates -> find n duplicates ->
* show skip, replace or rename dialog as general option
* - show list of differences with preview (win 8)
* remember action for each file
* start uploading the queue (show progress dialog?)
* - no duplicates -> all good, add files to list
* - server reports duplicate -> use remembered action
* dialoge:
* -> skip, replace, choose (or abort) ()
* -> choose left or right (with skip) (when only one file in list also show rename option and remember for all option)
* progress always based on filesize
* number of files as text, bytes as bar
// from
// also see article at
// Function that will allow us to know if Ajax uploads are supported
function supportAjaxUploadWithProgress() {
return supportFileAPI() && supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() && supportFormData();
// Is the File API supported?
function supportFileAPI() {
var fi = document.createElement('INPUT');
fi.type = 'file';
return 'files' in fi;
// Are progress events supported?
function supportAjaxUploadProgressEvents() {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
return !! (xhr && ('upload' in xhr) && ('onprogress' in xhr.upload));
// Is FormData supported?
function supportFormData() {
return !! window.FormData;
//TODO clean uploads when all progress has completed
OC.Upload = {
_uploads: [],
cancelUpload:function(dir, filename) {
var self = this;
var deleted = false;
//FIXME _selections
jQuery.each(this._uploads, function(i, jqXHR) {
if (selection.dir === dir && selection.uploads[filename]) {
deleted = self.deleteSelectionUpload(selection, filename);
return false; // end searching through selections
return deleted;
deleteUpload:function(data) {
delete data.jqXHR;
cancelUploads:function() {
console.log('canceling uploads');
jQuery.each(this._uploads,function(i, jqXHR){
this._uploads = [];
if (jqXHR) {
var count = 0;
jQuery.each(this._uploads,function(i, data){
if (data.state() === 'pending') {
return count > 0;
onCancel:function(data) {
onContinue:function(conflicts) {
var self = this;
//iterate over all conflicts
jQuery.each(conflicts, function (i, conflict) {
conflict = $(conflict);
var keepOriginal = conflict.find('.original input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length === 1;
var keepReplacement = conflict.find('.replacement input[type="checkbox"]:checked').length === 1;
if (keepOriginal && keepReplacement) {
// when both selected -> autorename
} else if (keepReplacement) {
// when only replacement selected -> overwrite
} else {
// when only original seleted -> skip
// when none selected -> skip
this.logStatus('skip', null, data);
this.logStatus('replace', null, data);'resolution', 'replace');
this.logStatus('autorename', null, data);
if ( {'resolution', 'autorename');
} else {
data.formData.push({name:'resolution',value:'autorename'}); //hack for ie8
logStatus:function(caption, e, data) {
checkExistingFiles: function (selection, callbacks){
// FIXME check filelist before uploading
$(document).ready(function() {
var file_upload_param = {
dropZone: $('#content'), // restrict dropZone to content div
autoUpload: false,
sequentialUploads: true,
//singleFileUploads is on by default, so the data.files array will always have length 1
* on first add of every selection
* - check all files of originalFiles array with files in dir
* - on conflict show dialog
* - skip all -> remember as single skip action for all conflicting files
* - replace all -> remember as single replace action for all conflicting files
* - choose -> show choose dialog
* - mark files to keep
* - when only existing -> remember as single skip action
* - when only new -> remember as single replace action
* - when both -> remember as single autorename action
* - start uploading selection
* @param {type} e
* @param {type} data
* @returns {Boolean}
add: function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('add', e, data);
var that = $(this);
// we need to collect all data upload objects before starting the upload so we can check their existence
// and set individual conflict actions. unfortunately there is only one variable that we can use to identify
// the selection a data upload is part of, so we have to collect them in data.originalFiles
// turning singleFileUploads off is not an option because we want to gracefully handle server errors like
// already exists
// create a container where we can store the data objects
if ( ! data.originalFiles.selection ) {
// initialize selection and remember number of files to upload
data.originalFiles.selection = {
uploads: [],
filesToUpload: data.originalFiles.length,
totalBytes: 0
var selection = data.originalFiles.selection;
// add uploads
if ( selection.uploads.length < selection.filesToUpload ){
// remember upload
//examine file
var file = data.files[0];
if (file.type === '' && file.size === 4096) {
data.textStatus = 'dirorzero';
data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Unable to upload {filename} as it is a directory or has 0 bytes',
// add size
selection.totalBytes += file.size;
//check max upload size
if (selection.totalBytes > $('#max_upload').val()) {
data.textStatus = 'notenoughspace';
data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Not enough space available');
// end upload for whole selection on error
if (data.errorThrown) {
// trigger fileupload fail
var fu ='blueimp-fileupload') ||'fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
return false; //don't upload anything
// check existing files when all is collected
if ( selection.uploads.length >= selection.filesToUpload ) {
//remove our selection hack:
delete data.originalFiles.selection;
var callbacks = {
onNoConflicts: function (selection) {
$.each(selection.uploads, function(i, upload) {
onSkipConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as toskip
onReplaceConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as toreplace
onChooseConflicts: function (selection) {
//TODO mark conflicting files as chosen
onCancel: function (selection) {
$.each(selection.uploads, function(i, upload) {
OC.Upload.checkExistingFiles(selection, callbacks);
//TODO check filename already exists
if ($('tr[data-file="'+data.files[0].name+'"][data-id]').length > 0) {
data.textStatus = 'alreadyexists';
data.errorThrown = t('files', '{filename} already exists',
{filename: data.files[0].name}
//TODO show "file already exists" dialog
var fu ='blueimp-fileupload') ||'fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
return false;
return true; // continue adding files
* called after the first add, does NOT have the data param
* @param e
start: function(e) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('start', e, null);
submit: function (e, data) {
fail: function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('fail', e, data);
if (typeof data.textStatus !== 'undefined' && data.textStatus !== 'success' ) {
if (data.textStatus === 'abort') {
$('#notification').text(t('files', 'Upload cancelled.'));
} else {
// HTTP connection problem
//hide notification after 5 sec
setTimeout(function() {
}, 5000);
//var selection = OC.Upload.getSelection(data.originalFiles);
//OC.Upload.deleteSelectionUpload(selection, data.files[0].name);
* called for every successful upload
* @param e
* @param data
done:function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('done', e, data);
// handle different responses (json or body from iframe for ie)
var response;
if (typeof data.result === 'string') {
response = data.result;
} else {
//fetch response from iframe
response = data.result[0].body.innerText;
var result=$.parseJSON(response);
delete data.jqXHR;
if(typeof result[0] === 'undefined') {
data.textStatus = 'servererror';
data.errorThrown = t('files', 'Could not get result from server.');
var fu = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') || $(this).data('fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
} else if (result[0].status === 'existserror') {
//show "file already exists" dialog
var original = result[0];
var replacement = data.files[0];
var fu = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') || $(this).data('fileupload');
OC.dialogs.fileexists(data, original, replacement, OC.Upload, fu);
} else if (result[0].status !== 'success') {
//delete data.jqXHR;
data.textStatus = 'servererror';
data.errorThrown = t('files',;
var fu = $(this).data('blueimp-fileupload') || $(this).data('fileupload');
fu._trigger('fail', e, data);
* called after last upload
* @param e
* @param data
stop: function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('stop', e, data);
if ( document.getElementById('data-upload-form') ) {
// initialize jquery fileupload (blueimp)
var fileupload = $('#file_upload_start').fileupload(file_upload_param);
window.file_upload_param = fileupload;
if(supportAjaxUploadWithProgress()) {
// add progress handlers
fileupload.on('fileuploadadd', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadadd', e, data);
//show cancel button
//if(data.dataType !== 'iframe') { //FIXME when is iframe used? only for ie?
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').show();
// add progress handlers
fileupload.on('fileuploadstart', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadstart', e, data);
$('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').show();
fileupload.on('fileuploadprogress', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadprogress', e, data);
//TODO progressbar in row
fileupload.on('fileuploadprogressall', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadprogressall', e, data);
var progress = (data.loaded / * 100;
$('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value', progress);
fileupload.on('fileuploaddone', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploaddone', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
//if (! OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').fadeOut();
// $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut();
fileupload.on('fileuploadstop', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadstop', e, data);
//if(OC.Upload.progressBytes()>=100) { //only hide controls when all selections have ended uploading
//OC.Upload.cancelUploads(); //cleanup
// if(data.dataType !== 'iframe') {
// $('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').hide();
// }
// $('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value', 100);
// $('#uploadprogressbar').fadeOut();
//if user pressed cancel hide upload chrome
//if (! OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
$('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').fadeOut();
fileupload.on('fileuploadfail', function(e, data) {
OC.Upload.logStatus('progress handle fileuploadfail', e, data);
//if user pressed cancel hide upload progress bar and cancel button
if (data.errorThrown === 'abort') {
$('#uploadprogresswrapper input.stop').fadeOut();
} else {
console.log('skipping file progress because your browser is broken');
$.assocArraySize = function(obj) {
var size = 0, key;
for (key in obj) {
if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) {
return size;
// warn user not to leave the page while upload is in progress
$(window).on('beforeunload', function(e) {
if (OC.Upload.isProcessing()) {
return t('files', 'File upload is in progress. Leaving the page now will cancel the upload.');
//add multiply file upload attribute to all browsers except konqueror (which crashes when it's used)
if( === -1) {
$('#file_upload_start').attr('multiple', 'multiple');
//if the breadcrumb is to long, start by replacing foldernames with '...' except for the current folder
var crumb = $('div.crumb').first();
while($('div.controls').height() > 40 &&'div.crumb').length > 0) {
crumb ='div.crumb');
//if that isn't enough, start removing items from the breacrumb except for the current folder and it's parent
var crumb = $('div.crumb').first();
var next ='div.crumb');
while($('div.controls').height() > 40 &&'div.crumb').length > 0) {
crumb = next;
next ='div.crumb');
//still not enough, start shorting down the current folder name
var crumb = $('div.crumb>a').last();
while($('div.controls').height() > 40 && crumb.text().length > 6) {
var text = crumb.text();
text = text.substr(0, text.length-6)+'...';
$(document).click(function() {
$('#new li').each(function(i, element) {
if($(element).children('p').length === 0) {
$(element).append('<p>' + $(element).data('text') + '</p>');
$('#new li').click(function(){
$('#new li').each(function(i, element) {
if($(element).children('p').length === 0) {
$(element).append('<p>' + $(element).data('text') + '</p>');
var type = $(this).data('type');
var text = $(this).children('p').text();
$(this).data('text', text);
var form = $('<form></form>');
var input = $('<input>');
form.submit(function(event) {
var newname=input.val();
if(type === 'web' && newname.length === 0) {'files', 'URL cannot be empty.'));
return false;
} else if (type !== 'web' && !Files.isFileNameValid(newname)) {
return false;
} else if( type === 'folder' && $('#dir').val() === '/' && newname === 'Shared') {'files', 'Invalid folder name. Usage of \'Shared\' is reserved by ownCloud'));
return false;
if (FileList.lastAction) {
var name = getUniqueName(newname);
if (newname !== name) {
FileList.checkName(name, newname, true);
var hidden = true;
} else {
var hidden = false;
switch(type) {
case 'file':
OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'newfile.php'),
{dir:$('#dir').val(), filename:name},
function(result) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
var date = new Date();
FileList.addFile(name, 0, date, false, hidden);
var tr = $('tr').filterAttr('data-file', name);
var path = getPathForPreview(name);
lazyLoadPreview(path,, function(previewpath){
} else {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
case 'folder':
OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'newfolder.php'),
{dir:$('#dir').val(), foldername:name},
function(result) {
if (result.status === 'success') {
var date = new Date();
FileList.addDir(name, 0, date, hidden);
var tr = $('tr').filterAttr('data-file', name);
} else {
OC.dialogs.alert(, t('core', 'Error'));
case 'web':
if (name.substr(0, 8) !== 'https://' && name.substr(0, 7) !== 'http://') {
name = 'http://' + name;
var localName = name;
if(localName.substr(localName.length-1, 1) === '/') { //strip /
localName = localName.substr(0, localName.length-1);
if (localName.indexOf('/')) { //use last part of url
localName = localName.split('/').pop();
} else { //or the domain
localName = (localName.match(/:\/\/(.[^\/]+)/)[1]).replace('www.', '');
localName = getUniqueName(localName);
//IE < 10 does not fire the necessary events for the progress bar.
if($('html.lte9').length === 0) {
var eventSource = new OC.EventSource(
OC.filePath('files', 'ajax', 'newfile.php'),
{dir:$('#dir').val(), source:name, filename:localName}
//IE < 10 does not fire the necessary events for the progress bar.
if($('html.lte9').length === 0) {
$('#uploadprogressbar').progressbar('value', progress);
eventSource.listen('success', function(data) {
var mime = data.mime;
var size = data.size;
var id =;
var date = new Date();
FileList.addFile(localName, size, date, false, hidden);
var tr = $('tr').filterAttr('data-file', localName);'mime', mime).data('id', id);
tr.attr('data-id', id);
var path = $('#dir').val()+'/'+localName;
lazyLoadPreview(path, mime, function(previewpath){
eventSource.listen('error', function(error) {
var li = form.parent();
li.append('<p>' +'text') + '</p>');