341 lines
9.0 KiB
341 lines
9.0 KiB
// Vars we need
var uid = "";
var gid = "";
var togglepassword = "";
var togglegroup = "";
// Stuff I don't understand
function doToggleGroup( group ){
// Serialize the data
var post = $( "#changegroupsform" ).serialize();
// Ajax foo
$.post( 'ajax/togglegroups.php', post, function(data){
if( data.status == "success" ){
var groups = [];
$("input[x-use='togglegroup']").each( function(index){
if( $(this).attr("checked")){
if( groups.length == 0 ){
$("#changegroups").prev().html( ' ' );
$("#changegroups").prev().html( groups.join(", "));
printError( data.data.message );
return false;
function printError( message ){
$("#errormessage").text( message );
$("#errordialog").dialog( "open" );
return false;
// Functions for editing the dom after user manipulation
// Manipulating the page after crteating a user
function userCreated( username, groups ){
// We need at least a space for showing the div
if( groups == "" ){
groups = ' ';
// Add user to table
var newrow = '<tr x-uid="'+username+'"><td x-use="username"><div x-use="usernamediv">'+username+'</div></td>';
newrow = newrow+'<td x-use="usergroups"><div x-use="usergroupsdiv">'+groups+'</td>';
newrow = newrow+'<td><a class="removeuserbutton" href="">remove</a></td></tr>';
$("#usertable").append( newrow );
// Clear forms
$("input[x-use='createuserfield']").val( "" );
$("input[x-use='createusercheckbox']").attr( "checked", false );
function userRemoved( username ){
$( "tr[x-uid='"+username+"']" ).remove();
function groupCreated( groupname ){
var newrow = '<tr x-gid="'+groupname+'"><td>' + groupname + '</td>';
newrow = newrow + '<td><a class="removegroupbutton" href="">remove</a></td></tr>';
$("#grouptable").append( newrow );
// Delete form content
$("input[x-use='creategroupfield']").val( "" );
// Add group option to Create User and Edit User
var createuser = '<input x-use="createusercheckbox" x-gid="'+groupname+'" type="checkbox" name="groups[]" value="'+groupname+'" /> <span x-gid="'+groupname+'">'+groupname+'<br /></span>';
$("#createusergroups").append( createuser );
var changeuser = '<input x-use="togglegroup" x-gid="'+groupname+'" type="checkbox" name="groups[]" value="'+groupname+'" /> <span x-use="togglegroup" x-gid="'+groupname+'">'+groupname+'<br /></span>';
$("#changegroupsform").append( changeuser );
function groupRemoved( groupname ){
// Delete the options
$( "tr[x-gid='"+groupname+"']" ).remove();
$( "span[x-gid='"+groupname+"']" ).remove();
$( "input[x-gid='"+groupname+"']" ).remove();
// remove it from user list
$( "div[x-use='usergroupsdiv']" ).each(function(index){
var content = $(this).text();
var list = content.split( ", " );
var newlist = [];
for( var i = 0; i < list.length; i++ ){
var temp = list[i];
if( temp != groupname ){
newlist.push( temp );
var newstring = newlist.join( ", " );
$(this).html( newstring )
// Editing the users properties by clicking the cell
// Password (clicking on user name)
$("div[x-use='usernamediv']").live( "click", function(){
if( togglepassword == "" || $(this).parent().parent().attr("x-uid") != togglepassword ){
togglepassword = $(this).parent().parent().attr("x-uid");
// Set the username!
$(this).parent().append( $('#changepassword') );
togglepassword = "";
$("#changepasswordbutton").click( function(){
// Serialize the data
var post = $( "#changepasswordform" ).serialize();
// Ajax foo
$.post( 'ajax/changepassword.php', post, function(data){
if( data.status == "success" ){
togglepassword = "";
printError( data.data.message );
return false;
// Groups
$("div[x-use='usergroupsdiv']").live( "click", function(){
if( togglegroup == "" || $(this).parent().parent().attr("x-uid") != togglegroup){
togglegroup = $(this).parent().parent().attr("x-uid");
var groups = $(this).text();
groups = groups.split(", ");
$("input[x-use='togglegroup']").each( function(index){
var check = false;
// Group checked?
for( var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++ ){
if( $(this).val() == groups[i] ){
check = true;
// Check/uncheck
if( check ){
$(this).parent().append( $('#changegroups') );
var groups = [];
$("input[x-use='togglegroup']").each( function(index){
if( $(this).attr("checked")){
if( groups.length == 0 ){
$("#changegroups").prev().html( ' ' );
$("#changegroups").prev().html( groups.join(", "));
togglegroup = "";
$("span[x-use='togglegroup']").live( "click", function(){
if( $(this).prev().attr("checked")){
doToggleGroup( $(this).attr("x-gid"));
$("input[x-use='togglegroup']").live( "click", function(){
doToggleGroup( $(this).attr("x-gid"));
// Clicking on buttons
// Show the create user form
$( "#createuseroptionbutton" )
return false;
// Create a new user
$( "#createuserbutton" )
// Create the post data
var post = $( "#createuserdata" ).serialize();
// Ajax call
$.post( 'ajax/createuser.php', post, function(data){
// If it says "success" then we are happy
if( data.status == "success" ){
userCreated( data.data.username, data.data.groups );
printError( data.data.message );
return false;
$( ".removeuserbutton" ).live( 'click', function() {
uid = $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'x-uid' );
$("#removeuserform").dialog( "open" );
return false;
$( "#creategroupbutton" )
// Serialize the data
var post = $( "#creategroupdata" ).serialize();
// Ajax foo
$.post( 'ajax/creategroup.php', post, function(data){
if( data.status == "success" ){
groupCreated( data.data.groupname );
printError( data.data.message );
return false;
$( ".removegroupbutton" ).live( 'click', function(){
gid = $( this ).parent().parent().attr( 'x-gid' );
$("#removegroupform").dialog( "open" );
return false;
// Dialogs
// Removing users
$( "#errordialog" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
modal: true,
buttons: {
OK: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
// Removing users
$( "#removeuserform" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Remove user": function() {
var post = $( "#removeuserdata" ).serialize();
$.post( 'ajax/removeuser.php', post, function(data){
if( data.status == "success" ){
userRemoved( uid );
printError( data.data.message );
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
close: function() {
// Dialog for adding users
$( "#removegroupform" ).dialog({
autoOpen: false,
height: 300,
width: 350,
modal: true,
buttons: {
"Remove group": function(){
var post = $( "#removegroupdata" ).serialize();
$.post( 'ajax/removegroup.php', post, function(data){
if( data.status == "success" ){
groupRemoved( gid );
printError( data.data.message );
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
Cancel: function() {
$( this ).dialog( "close" );
close: function(){
} );