
371 lines
19 KiB

Feature: tags
Scenario: Creating a normal tag as regular user should work
Given user "user0" exists
When "user0" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "201"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
And The following tags should exist for "user0"
Scenario: Creating a not user-assignable tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
When "user0" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "400"
And "0" tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Creating a not user-visible tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
When "user0" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "400"
And "0" tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Renaming a normal tag as regular user should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" edits the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName" and sets its name to "AnotherTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "207"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Renaming a not user-assignable tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" edits the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName" and sets its name to "AnotherTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "403"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Renaming a not user-visible tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" edits the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName" and sets its name to "AnotherTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Deleting a normal tag as regular user should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" deletes the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "0" tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Deleting a not user-assignable tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" deletes the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "403"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Deleting a not user-visible tag as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "user0" deletes the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
And The following tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Deleting a not user-assignable tag as admin should work
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "admin" deletes the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "0" tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Deleting a not user-visible tag as admin should work
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
When "admin" deletes the tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "0" tags should exist for "admin"
Scenario: Assigning a normal tag to a file shared by someone else as regular user should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySuperAwesomeTagName"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
When "user1" adds the tag "MySuperAwesomeTagName" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "201"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags
Scenario: Assigning a normal tag to a file belonging to someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags
Scenario: Assigning a not user-assignable tag to a file shared by someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "403"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags
Scenario: Assigning a not user-visible tag to a file shared by someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "412"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags
Scenario: Assigning a not user-visible tag to a file shared by someone else as admin user should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "admin" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "201"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
Scenario: Assigning a not user-assignable tag to a file shared by someone else as admin user should worj
Given user "user0" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "admin" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "201"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
Scenario: Unassigning a normal tag from a file shared by someone else as regular user should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
Scenario: Unassigning a normal tag from a file unshared by someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-visible tag from a file shared by someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-visible tag from a file shared by someone else as admin should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "admin" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-visible tag from a file unshared by someone else should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given As "user0" remove all shares from the file named "/myFileToTag.txt"
When "admin" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-assignable tag from a file shared by someone else as regular user should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "user1" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "403"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-assignable tag from a file shared by someone else as admin should work
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
When "admin" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "204"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "admin"
Scenario: Unassigning a not user-assignable tag from a file unshared by someone else should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MySecondTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | user1 |
| shareType | 0 |
Given As "user0" sending "POST" to "/apps/files_sharing/api/v1/shares" with
| path | myFileToTag.txt |
| shareWith | admin |
| shareType | 0 |
Given "admin" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given "user0" adds the tag "MySecondTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Given As "user0" remove all shares from the file named "/myFileToTag.txt"
When "admin" removes the tag "MyFirstTag" from "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
Then The response should have a status code "404"
Scenario: Overwriting existing normal tags should fail
Given user "user0" exists
Given "user0" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
When "user0" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Then The response should have a status code "409"
Scenario: Overwriting existing not user-assignable tags should fail
Given "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
When "admin" creates a "not user-assignable" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Then The response should have a status code "409"
Scenario: Overwriting existing not user-visible tags should fail
Given "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
When "admin" creates a "not user-visible" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Then The response should have a status code "409"
Scenario: Getting tags only works with access to the file
Given user "user0" exists
Given user "user1" exists
Given "admin" creates a "normal" tag with name "MyFirstTag"
Given user "user0" uploads file "data/textfile.txt" to "/myFileToTag.txt"
When "user0" adds the tag "MyFirstTag" to "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user0"
And "/myFileToTag.txt" shared by "user0" has the following tags for "user1"
And The response should have a status code "404"