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* @copyright Copyright (c) 2017, Daniel Calviño Sánchez (
* @license GNU AGPL version 3 or any later version
* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as
* published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the
* License, or (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Affero General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <>.
* Helper to manage the Docker container for the Nextcloud test server.
* The NextcloudTestServerDockerHelper provides a Nextcloud test server using a
* Docker container. The "setUp" method creates and starts the container, while
* the "cleanUp" method destroys it. A Docker image that provides an installed
* and ready to run Nextcloud server with the configuration and data expected by
* the acceptance tests must be available in the system. The Nextcloud server
* must use a local storage so all the changes it makes are confined to its
* running container.
* Also, the Nextcloud server installed in the Docker image is expected to see
* "" as a trusted domain (which would be the case if it was installed
* by running "occ maintenance:install"). Therefore, the Nextcloud server is
* accessed through a local port in the host system mapped to the port 80 of the
* Docker container; if the Nextcloud server was instead accessed directly
* through its IP address it would complain that it was being accessed from an
* untrusted domain and refuse to work until the admin whitelisted it. The base
* URL to access the Nextcloud server can be got from "getBaseUrl".
* Internally, the NextcloudTestServerDockerHelper uses the Docker Command Line
* Interface (the "docker" command) to run, get information from, and destroy
* the container, For better compatibility, the used Docker CLI commands follow
* the pre-1.13 syntax (also available in 1.13 and newer). For example,
* "docker start" instead of "docker container start".
* In any case, the "docker" command requires special permissions to talk to the
* Docker daemon, and those permissions are typically available only to the root
* user. However, you should NOT run the acceptance tests as root, but as a
* regular user instead. Please see the Docker documentation to find out how to
* give access to a regular user to the Docker daemon:
* Note, however, that being able to communicate with the Docker daemon is the
* same as being able to get root privileges for the system. Therefore, you must
* give access to the Docker daemon (and thus run the acceptance tests as) ONLY
* to trusted and secure users:
* All the public methods that use the 'docker' command throw an exception if
* the command can not be executed or if it does not have enough permissions to
* connect to the Docker daemon; as, due to the current use of this class, it is
* just a warning for the test runner and nothing to be explicitly catched a
* plain base Exception is used.
class NextcloudTestServerDockerHelper implements NextcloudTestServerHelper {
* @var string
private $imageName;
* @var string
private $hostPortRangeForContainer;
* @var string
private $containerName;
* Creates a new NextcloudTestServerDockerHelper.
* @param string $imageName the name of the Docker image that provides the
* Nextcloud test server.
* @param string $hostPortRangeForContainer the range of local ports in the
* host in which the port 80 of the container can be published.
public function __construct($imageName = "nextcloud-local-test-acceptance", $hostPortRangeForContainer = "15000-16000") {
$this->imageName = $imageName;
$this->hostPortRangeForContainer = $hostPortRangeForContainer;
$this->containerName = null;
* Sets up the Nextcloud test server.
* It starts the Docker container and waits for its Nextcloud test server to
* be started; if the server does not start after some time an exception is
* thrown (as it is just a warning for the test runner and nothing to be
* explicitly catched a plain base Exception is used).
* @throws \Exception if the Docker container or its Nextcloud test server
* can not be started.
public function setUp() {
$serverAddress = $this->getNextcloudTestServerAddress();
$isServerReadyCallback = function() use ($serverAddress) {
return $this->isServerReady($serverAddress);
$timeout = 10;
$timeoutStep = 0.5;
if (!Utils::waitFor($isServerReadyCallback, $timeout, $timeoutStep)) {
throw new Exception("Docker container for Nextcloud (" . $this->containerName . ") or its Nextcloud test server could not be started");
* Creates and starts the container.
* Note that, even if the container has started, the server it contains may
* not have started yet when this method returns.
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute.
private function createAndStartContainer() {
$moreEntropy = true;
$this->containerName = uniqid($this->imageName . "-", $moreEntropy);
// There is no need to start the web server as root, so it is started
// directly as www-data instead.
// The port 80 of the container is mapped to a free port from a range in
// the host system; due to this it can be accessed from the host using
// the "" IP address, which prevents Nextcloud from complaining
// that it is being accessed from an untrusted domain.
$this->executeDockerCommand("run --detach --user=www-data --publish" . $this->hostPortRangeForContainer . ":80 --name=" . $this->containerName . " " . $this->imageName);
private function isServerReady($serverAddress) {
$curlHandle = curl_init("http://" . $serverAddress);
// Returning the transfer as the result of curl_exec prevents the
// transfer from being written to the output.
curl_setopt($curlHandle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$transfer = curl_exec($curlHandle);
return $transfer !== false;
* Cleans up the Nextcloud test server.
* It stops and removes the Docker container; if the Docker container can
* not be removed after some time an exception is thrown (as it is just a
* warning for the test runner and nothing to be explicitly catched a plain
* base Exception is used).
* @throws \Exception if the Docker container can not be removed.
public function cleanUp() {
$wasContainerRemovedCallback = function() {
return !$this->isContainerRegistered();
$timeout = 10;
$timeoutStep = 0.5;
if (!Utils::waitFor($wasContainerRemovedCallback, $timeout, $timeoutStep)) {
throw new Exception("Docker container for Nextcloud (" . $this->containerName . ") could not be removed");
* Stops and removes the container.
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute.
private function stopAndRemoveContainer() {
// Although the Nextcloud image does not define a volume "--volumes" is
// used anyway just in case any of its ancestor images does.
$this->executeDockerCommand("rm --volumes --force " . $this->containerName);
* Returns whether the container exists (no matter its state) or not.
* @return boolean true if the container exists, false otherwise.
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute.
private function isContainerRegistered() {
// With the "--quiet" option "docker ps" only shows the ID of the
// matching containers, without table headers. Therefore, if the
// container does not exist the output will be empty (not even a new
// line, as the last line of output returned by "executeDockerCommand"
// does not include a trailing new line character).
return $this->executeDockerCommand("ps --all --quiet --filter 'name=" . $this->containerName . "'") !== "";
* Returns the base URL of the Nextcloud test server.
* @return string the base URL of the Nextcloud test server.
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute or the
* container is not running.
public function getBaseUrl() {
return "http://" . $this->getNextcloudTestServerAddress() . "/index.php";
* Returns the IP address and port of the Nextcloud test server (which is
* mapped to a local port in the host).
* @return string the IP address and port as "$ipAddress:$port".
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute or the
* container is not running.
private function getNextcloudTestServerAddress() {
return $this->executeDockerCommand("port " . $this->containerName . " 80");
* Executes the given Docker command.
* @return string the last line of output, without trailing new line
* character.
* @throws \Exception if the Docker command failed to execute.
private function executeDockerCommand($dockerCommand) {
$output = array();
$returnValue = 0;
$lastLine = exec("docker " . $dockerCommand . " 2>&1", $output, $returnValue);
if ($returnValue !== 0) {
throw new Exception("Failed to execute 'docker " . $dockerCommand . "': " . implode("\n", $output));
return $lastLine;