800 lines
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800 lines
23 KiB
* Copyright (c) 2011 Jakob Sack <mail@jakobsack.de>
* This file is licensed under the Affero General Public License version 3 or
* later.
* See the COPYING-README file.
* This class manages our calendar objects
class OC_Calendar_Object{
* @brief Returns all objects of a calendar
* @param integer $id
* @return array
* The objects are associative arrays. You'll find the original vObject in
* ['calendardata']
public static function all($id){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($id));
$calendarobjects = array();
while( $row = $result->fetchRow()){
$calendarobjects[] = $row;
return $calendarobjects;
* @brief Returns all objects of a calendar between $start and $end
* @param integer $id
* @param DateTime $start
* @param DateTime $end
* @return array
* The objects are associative arrays. You'll find the original vObject
* in ['calendardata']
public static function allInPeriod($id, $start, $end){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = ?'
.' AND ((startdate >= ? AND startdate <= ? AND repeating = 0)'
.' OR (enddate >= ? AND enddate <= ? AND repeating = 0)'
.' OR (startdate <= ? AND repeating = 1))' );
$start = self::getUTCforMDB($start);
$end = self::getUTCforMDB($end);
$result = $stmt->execute(array($id,
$start, $end,
$start, $end,
$calendarobjects = array();
while( $row = $result->fetchRow()){
$calendarobjects[] = $row;
return $calendarobjects;
* @brief Returns an object
* @param integer $id
* @return associative array
public static function find($id){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE id = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($id));
return $result->fetchRow();
* @brief finds an object by its DAV Data
* @param integer $cid Calendar id
* @param string $uri the uri ('filename')
* @return associative array
public static function findWhereDAVDataIs($cid,$uri){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = ? AND uri = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($cid,$uri));
return $result->fetchRow();
* @brief Adds an object
* @param integer $id Calendar id
* @param string $data object
* @return insertid
public static function add($id,$data){
$object = OC_VObject::parse($data);
list($type,$startdate,$enddate,$summary,$repeating,$uid) = self::extractData($object);
$data = $object->serialize();
$uri = 'owncloud-'.md5($data.rand().time()).'.ics';
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO *PREFIX*calendar_objects (calendarid,objecttype,startdate,enddate,repeating,summary,calendardata,uri,lastmodified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' );
$object_id = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*calendar_objects');
return $object_id;
* @brief Adds an object with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $id Calendar id
* @param string $uri the uri the card will have
* @param string $data object
* @return insertid
public static function addFromDAVData($id,$uri,$data){
$object = OC_VObject::parse($data);
list($type,$startdate,$enddate,$summary,$repeating,$uid) = self::extractData($object);
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO *PREFIX*calendar_objects (calendarid,objecttype,startdate,enddate,repeating,summary,calendardata,uri,lastmodified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)' );
$object_id = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*calendar_objects');
return $object_id;
* @brief edits an object
* @param integer $id id of object
* @param string $data object
* @return boolean
public static function edit($id, $data){
$oldobject = self::find($id);
$object = OC_VObject::parse($data);
list($type,$startdate,$enddate,$summary,$repeating,$uid) = self::extractData($object);
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*calendar_objects SET objecttype=?,startdate=?,enddate=?,repeating=?,summary=?,calendardata=?, lastmodified = ? WHERE id = ?' );
return true;
* @brief edits an object with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $id calendar id
* @param string $uri the uri of the object
* @param string $data object
* @return boolean
public static function editFromDAVData($cid,$uri,$data){
$oldobject = self::findWhereDAVDataIs($cid,$uri);
$object = OC_VObject::parse($data);
list($type,$startdate,$enddate,$summary,$repeating,$uid) = self::extractData($object);
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*calendar_objects SET objecttype=?,startdate=?,enddate=?,repeating=?,summary=?,calendardata=?, lastmodified = ? WHERE id = ?' );
return true;
* @brief deletes an object
* @param integer $id id of object
* @return boolean
public static function delete($id){
$oldobject = self::find($id);
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'DELETE FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE id = ?' );
return true;
* @brief deletes an object with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $cid calendar id
* @param string $uri the uri of the object
* @return boolean
public static function deleteFromDAVData($cid,$uri){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'DELETE FROM *PREFIX*calendar_objects WHERE calendarid = ? AND uri=?' );
return true;
public static function moveToCalendar($id, $calendarid){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*calendar_objects SET calendarid=? WHERE id = ?' );
return true;
* @brief Extracts data from a vObject-Object
* @param Sabre_VObject $object
* @return array
* [type, start, end, summary, repeating, uid]
protected static function extractData($object){
$return = array('',null,null,'',0,null);
// Child to use
$children = 0;
$use = null;
foreach($object->children as $property){
if($property->name == 'VEVENT'){
$thisone = true;
foreach($property->children as &$element){
if($element->name == 'RECURRENCE-ID'){
$thisone = false;
} unset($element);
$use = $property;
elseif($property->name == 'VTODO' || $property->name == 'VJOURNAL'){
$return[0] = $property->name;
foreach($property->children as &$element){
if($element->name == 'SUMMARY'){
$return[3] = $element->value;
elseif($element->name == 'UID'){
$return[5] = $element->value;
// Only one VTODO or VJOURNAL per object
// (only one UID per object but a UID is required by a VTODO =>
// one VTODO per object)
// find the data
$return[0] = $use->name;
foreach($use->children as $property){
if($property->name == 'DTSTART'){
$return[1] = self::getUTCforMDB($property->getDateTime());
elseif($property->name == 'DTEND'){
$return[2] = self::getUTCforMDB($property->getDateTime());
elseif($property->name == 'SUMMARY'){
$return[3] = $property->value;
elseif($property->name == 'RRULE'){
$return[4] = 1;
elseif($property->name == 'UID'){
$return[5] = $property->value;
// More than one child means reoccuring!
if($children > 1){
$return[4] = 1;
return $return;
* @brief DateTime to UTC string
* @param DateTime $datetime The date to convert
* @returns date as YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm
* This function creates a date string that can be used by MDB2.
* Furthermore it converts the time to UTC.
protected static function getUTCforMDB($datetime){
return date('Y-m-d H:i', $datetime->format('U') - $datetime->getOffset());
public static function getDTEndFromVEvent($vevent)
if ($vevent->DTEND) {
$dtend = $vevent->DTEND;
$dtend = clone $vevent->DTSTART;
// clone creates a shallow copy, also clone DateTime
$dtend->setDateTime(clone $dtend->getDateTime(), $dtend->getDateType());
if ($vevent->DURATION){
$duration = strval($vevent->DURATION);
$invert = 0;
if ($duration[0] == '-'){
$duration = substr($duration, 1);
$invert = 1;
if ($duration[0] == '+'){
$duration = substr($duration, 1);
$interval = new DateInterval($duration);
$interval->invert = $invert;
return $dtend;
public static function getRepeatOptions($l10n)
return array(
'doesnotrepeat' => $l10n->t('Does not repeat'),
'daily' => $l10n->t('Daily'),
'weekly' => $l10n->t('Weekly'),
'weekday' => $l10n->t('Every Weekday'),
'biweekly' => $l10n->t('Bi-Weekly'),
'monthly' => $l10n->t('Monthly'),
'yearly' => $l10n->t('Yearly')
public static function getEndOptions($l10n)
return array(
'never' => $l10n->t('never'),
'count' => $l10n->t('by occurrences'),
'date' => $l10n->t('by date')
public static function getMonthOptions($l10n)
return array(
'monthday' => $l10n->t('by monthday'),
'weekday' => $l10n->t('by weekday')
public static function getWeeklyOptions($l10n)
return array(
'MO' => $l10n->t('Monday'),
'TU' => $l10n->t('Tuesday'),
'WE' => $l10n->t('Wednesday'),
'TH' => $l10n->t('Thursday'),
'FR' => $l10n->t('Friday'),
'SA' => $l10n->t('Saturday'),
'SU' => $l10n->t('Sunday')
public static function getWeekofMonth($l10n)
return array(
'auto' => $l10n->t('events week of month'),
'1' => $l10n->t('first'),
'2' => $l10n->t('second'),
'3' => $l10n->t('third'),
'4' => $l10n->t('fourth'),
'5' => $l10n->t('fifth'),
'-1' => $l10n->t('last')
public static function getByYearDayOptions(){
$return = array();
foreach(range(1,366) as $num){
$return[(string) $num] = (string) $num;
return $return;
public static function getByMonthDayOptions(){
$return = array();
foreach(range(1,31) as $num){
$return[(string) $num] = (string) $num;
return $return;
public static function getByMonthOptions($l10n){
return array(
'1' => $l10n->t('January'),
'2' => $l10n->t('February'),
'3' => $l10n->t('March'),
'4' => $l10n->t('April'),
'5' => $l10n->t('May'),
'6' => $l10n->t('June'),
'7' => $l10n->t('July'),
'8' => $l10n->t('August'),
'9' => $l10n->t('September'),
'10' => $l10n->t('October'),
'11' => $l10n->t('November'),
'12' => $l10n->t('December')
public static function getYearOptions($l10n){
return array(
'bydate' => $l10n->t('by events date'),
'byyearday' => $l10n->t('by yearday(s)'),
'byweekno' => $l10n->t('by weeknumber(s)'),
'bydaymonth' => $l10n->t('by day and month')
public static function getByWeekNoOptions(){
return range(1, 52);
public static function validateRequest($request)
$errnum = 0;
$errarr = array('title'=>'false', 'cal'=>'false', 'from'=>'false', 'fromtime'=>'false', 'to'=>'false', 'totime'=>'false', 'endbeforestart'=>'false');
if($request['title'] == ''){
$errarr['title'] = 'true';
$fromday = substr($request['from'], 0, 2);
$frommonth = substr($request['from'], 3, 2);
$fromyear = substr($request['from'], 6, 4);
if(!checkdate($frommonth, $fromday, $fromyear)){
$errarr['from'] = 'true';
$allday = isset($request['allday']);
if(!$allday && self::checkTime(urldecode($request['fromtime']))) {
$errarr['fromtime'] = 'true';
$today = substr($request['to'], 0, 2);
$tomonth = substr($request['to'], 3, 2);
$toyear = substr($request['to'], 6, 4);
if(!checkdate($tomonth, $today, $toyear)){
$errarr['to'] = 'true';
if($request['repeat'] != 'doesnotrepeat'){
if(is_nan($request['interval']) && $request['interval'] != ''){
$errarr['interval'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('repeat', $request) && !array_key_exists($request['repeat'], self::getRepeatOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['repeat'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('advanced_month_select', $request) && !array_key_exists($request['advanced_month_select'], self::getMonthOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['advanced_month_select'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('advanced_year_select', $request) && !array_key_exists($request['advanced_year_select'], self::getYearOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['advanced_year_select'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('weekofmonthoptions', $request) && !array_key_exists($request['weekofmonthoptions'], self::getWeekofMonth(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['weekofmonthoptions'] = 'true';
if($request['end'] != 'never'){
if(!array_key_exists($request['end'], self::getEndOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['end'] = 'true';
if($request['end'] == 'count' && is_nan($request['byoccurrences'])){
$errarr['byoccurrences'] = 'true';
if($request['end'] == 'date'){
list($bydate_day, $bydate_month, $bydate_year) = explode('-', $request['bydate']);
if(!checkdate($bydate_month, $bydate_day, $bydate_year)){
$errarr['bydate'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('weeklyoptions', $request)){
foreach($request['weeklyoptions'] as $option){
if(!in_array($option, self::getWeeklyOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['weeklyoptions'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('byyearday', $request)){
foreach($request['byyearday'] as $option){
if(!array_key_exists($option, self::getByYearDayOptions())){
$errarr['byyearday'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('weekofmonthoptions', $request)){
$errarr['weekofmonthoptions'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('bymonth', $request)){
foreach($request['bymonth'] as $option){
if(!in_array($option, self::getByMonthOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n))){
$errarr['bymonth'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('byweekno', $request)){
foreach($request['byweekno'] as $option){
if(!array_key_exists($option, self::getByWeekNoOptions())){
$errarr['byweekno'] = 'true';
if(array_key_exists('bymonthday', $request)){
foreach($request['bymonthday'] as $option){
if(!array_key_exists($option, self::getByMonthDayOptions())){
$errarr['bymonthday'] = 'true';
if(!$allday && self::checkTime(urldecode($request['totime']))) {
$errarr['totime'] = 'true';
if($today < $fromday && $frommonth == $tomonth && $fromyear == $toyear){
$errarr['endbeforestart'] = 'true';
if($today == $fromday && $frommonth > $tomonth && $fromyear == $toyear){
$errarr['endbeforestart'] = 'true';
if($today == $fromday && $frommonth == $tomonth && $fromyear > $toyear){
$errarr['endbeforestart'] = 'true';
if(!$allday && $fromday == $today && $frommonth == $tomonth && $fromyear == $toyear){
list($tohours, $tominutes) = explode(':', $request['totime']);
list($fromhours, $fromminutes) = explode(':', $request['fromtime']);
if($tohours < $fromhours){
$errarr['endbeforestart'] = 'true';
if($tohours == $fromhours && $tominutes < $fromminutes){
$errarr['endbeforestart'] = 'true';
if ($errnum)
return $errarr;
return false;
protected static function checkTime($time)
list($hours, $minutes) = explode(':', $time);
return empty($time)
|| $hours < 0 || $hours > 24
|| $minutes < 0 || $minutes > 60;
public static function createVCalendarFromRequest($request)
$vcalendar = new OC_VObject('VCALENDAR');
$vcalendar->add('PRODID', 'ownCloud Calendar');
$vcalendar->add('VERSION', '2.0');
$vevent = new OC_VObject('VEVENT');
$vevent->setDateTime('CREATED', 'now', Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::UTC);
return self::updateVCalendarFromRequest($request, $vcalendar);
public static function updateVCalendarFromRequest($request, $vcalendar)
$title = $request["title"];
$location = $request["location"];
$categories = $request["categories"];
$allday = isset($request["allday"]);
$from = $request["from"];
$to = $request["to"];
if (!$allday){
$fromtime = $request['fromtime'];
$totime = $request['totime'];
$vevent = $vcalendar->VEVENT;
$description = $request["description"];
$repeat = $request["repeat"];
if($repeat != 'doesnotrepeat'){
$rrule = '';
$interval = $request['interval'];
$end = $request['end'];
$byoccurrences = $request['byoccurrences'];
case 'daily':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=DAILY';
case 'weekly':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=WEEKLY';
if(array_key_exists('weeklyoptions', $request)){
$byday = '';
$daystrings = array_flip(self::getWeeklyOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n));
foreach($request['weeklyoptions'] as $days){
if($byday == ''){
$byday .= $daystrings[$days];
$byday .= ',' .$daystrings[$days];
$rrule .= ';BYDAY=' . $byday;
case 'weekday':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=WEEKLY';
$rrule .= ';BYDAY=MO,TU,WE,TH,FR';
case 'biweekly':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=WEEKLY';
$interval = $interval * 2;
case 'monthly':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=MONTHLY';
if($request['advanced_month_select'] == 'monthday'){
}elseif($request['advanced_month_select'] == 'weekday'){
if($request['weekofmonthoptions'] == 'auto'){
list($_day, $_month, $_year) = explode('-', $from);
$weekofmonth = floor($_day/7);
$weekofmonth = $request['weekofmonthoptions'];
$days = array_flip(self::getWeeklyOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n));
$byday = '';
foreach($request['weeklyoptions'] as $day){
if($byday == ''){
$byday .= $weekofmonth . $days[$day];
$byday .= ',' . $weekofmonth . $days[$day];
if($byday == ''){
$byday = 'MO,TU,WE,TH,FR,SA,SU';
$rrule .= ';BYDAY=' . $byday;
case 'yearly':
$rrule .= 'FREQ=YEARLY';
if($request['advanced_year_select'] == 'bydate'){
}elseif($request['advanced_year_select'] == 'byyearday'){
list($_day, $_month, $_year) = explode('-', $from);
$byyearday = date('z', mktime(0,0,0, $_month, $_day, $_year)) + 1;
if(array_key_exists('byyearday', $request)){
foreach($request['byyearday'] as $yearday){
$byyearday .= ',' . $yearday;
$rrule .= ';BYYEARDAY=' . $byyearday;
}elseif($request['advanced_year_select'] == 'byweekno'){
list($_day, $_month, $_year) = explode('-', $from);
$rrule .= ';BYDAY=' . strtoupper(substr(date('l', mktime(0,0,0, $_month, $_day, $_year)), 0, 2));
$byweekno = '';
foreach($request['byweekno'] as $weekno){
if($byweekno == ''){
$byweekno = $weekno;
$byweekno .= ',' . $weekno;
$rrule .= ';BYWEEKNO=' . $byweekno;
}elseif($request['advanced_year_select'] == 'bydaymonth'){
if(array_key_exists('weeklyoptions', $request)){
$days = array_flip(self::getWeeklyOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n));
$byday = '';
foreach($request['weeklyoptions'] as $day){
if($byday == ''){
$byday .= $days[$day];
$byday .= ',' . $days[$day];
$rrule .= ';BYDAY=' . $byday;
if(array_key_exists('bymonth', $request)){
$monthes = array_flip(self::getByMonthOptions(OC_Calendar_App::$l10n));
$bymonth = '';
foreach($request['bymonth'] as $month){
if($bymonth == ''){
$bymonth .= $monthes[$month];
$bymonth .= ',' . $monthes[$month];
$rrule .= ';BYMONTH=' . $bymonth;
if(array_key_exists('bymonthday', $request)){
$bymonthday = '';
foreach($request['bymonthday'] as $monthday){
if($bymonthday == ''){
$bymonthday .= $monthday;
$bymonthday .= ',' . $monthday;
$rrule .= ';BYMONTHDAY=' . $bymonthday;
if($interval != ''){
$rrule .= ';INTERVAL=' . $interval;
if($end == 'count'){
$rrule .= ';COUNT=' . $byoccurrences;
if($end == 'date'){
list($bydate_day, $bydate_month, $bydate_year) = explode('-', $request['bydate']);
$rrule .= ';UNTIL=' . $bydate_year . $bydate_month . $bydate_day;
$vevent->setString('RRULE', $rrule);
$repeat = "true";
$repeat = "false";
$vevent->setDateTime('LAST-MODIFIED', 'now', Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::UTC);
$vevent->setDateTime('DTSTAMP', 'now', Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::UTC);
$vevent->setString('SUMMARY', $title);
$start = new DateTime($from);
$end = new DateTime($to.' +1 day');
$vevent->setDateTime('DTSTART', $start, Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::DATE);
$vevent->setDateTime('DTEND', $end, Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::DATE);
$timezone = OCP\Config::getUserValue(OCP\USER::getUser(), 'calendar', 'timezone', date_default_timezone_get());
$timezone = new DateTimeZone($timezone);
$start = new DateTime($from.' '.$fromtime, $timezone);
$end = new DateTime($to.' '.$totime, $timezone);
$vevent->setDateTime('DTSTART', $start, Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::LOCALTZ);
$vevent->setDateTime('DTEND', $end, Sabre_VObject_Property_DateTime::LOCALTZ);
$vevent->setString('LOCATION', $location);
$vevent->setString('DESCRIPTION', $description);
$vevent->setString('CATEGORIES', $categories);
/*if($repeat == "true"){
$vevent->RRULE = $repeat;
return $vcalendar;
public static function getowner($id){
$event = self::find($id);
$cal = OC_Calendar_Calendar::find($event['calendarid']);
return $cal['userid'];
public static function getCalendarid($id){
$event = self::find($id);
return $event['calendarid'];