
2764 lines
111 KiB

* PHP version 4, 5
* Copyright (c) 1998-2008 Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox,
* Stig. S. Bakken, Lukas Smith, Igor Feghali
* All rights reserved.
* MDB2_Schema enables users to maintain RDBMS independant schema files
* in XML that can be used to manipulate both data and database schemas
* This LICENSE is in the BSD license style.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
* are met:
* Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* Neither the name of Manuel Lemos, Tomas V.V.Cox, Stig. S. Bakken,
* Lukas Smith, Igor Feghali nor the names of his contributors may be
* used to endorse or promote products derived from this software
* without specific prior written permission.
* Author: Lukas Smith <>
* Author: Igor Feghali <>
* @category Database
* @package MDB2_Schema
* @author Lukas Smith <>
* @author Igor Feghali <>
* @license BSD
* @version CVS: $Id: Schema.php,v 1.132 2009/02/22 21:43:22 ifeghali Exp $
* @link
// require_once('MDB2.php');
define('MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_ALL', 0);
* If you add an error code here, make sure you also add a textual
* version of it in MDB2_Schema::errorMessage().
define('MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR', -1);
define('MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_PARSE', -2);
define('MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED', -4); // Driver does not support this function
define('MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID', -5); // Invalid attribute value
* The database manager is a class that provides a set of database
* management services like installing, altering and dumping the data
* structures of databases.
* @category Database
* @package MDB2_Schema
* @author Lukas Smith <>
* @license BSD
* @link
class MDB2_Schema extends PEAR
// {{{ properties
var $db;
var $warnings = array();
var $options = array(
'fail_on_invalid_names' => true,
'dtd_file' => false,
'valid_types' => array(),
'force_defaults' => true,
'parser' => 'MDB2_Schema_Parser',
'writer' => 'MDB2_Schema_Writer',
'validate' => 'MDB2_Schema_Validate',
'drop_missing_tables' => false
// }}}
// {{{ apiVersion()
* Return the MDB2 API version
* @return string the MDB2 API version number
* @access public
function apiVersion()
return '0.4.3';
// }}}
// {{{ arrayMergeClobber()
* Clobbers two arrays together
* @param array $a1 array that should be clobbered
* @param array $a2 array that should be clobbered
* @return array|false array on success and false on error
* @access public
* @author
function arrayMergeClobber($a1, $a2)
if (!is_array($a1) || !is_array($a2)) {
return false;
foreach ($a2 as $key => $val) {
if (is_array($val) && array_key_exists($key, $a1) && is_array($a1[$key])) {
$a1[$key] = MDB2_Schema::arrayMergeClobber($a1[$key], $val);
} else {
$a1[$key] = $val;
return $a1;
// }}}
// {{{ resetWarnings()
* reset the warning array
* @access public
* @return void
function resetWarnings()
$this->warnings = array();
// }}}
// {{{ getWarnings()
* Get all warnings in reverse order
* This means that the last warning is the first element in the array
* @return array with warnings
* @access public
* @see resetWarnings()
function getWarnings()
return array_reverse($this->warnings);
// }}}
// {{{ setOption()
* Sets the option for the db class
* @param string $option option name
* @param mixed $value value for the option
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function setOption($option, $value)
if (isset($this->options[$option])) {
if (is_null($value)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'may not set an option to value null');
$this->options[$option] = $value;
return MDB2_OK;
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
"unknown option $option");
// }}}
// {{{ getOption()
* returns the value of an option
* @param string $option option name
* @return mixed the option value or error object
* @access public
function getOption($option)
if (isset($this->options[$option])) {
return $this->options[$option];
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED,
null, null, "unknown option $option");
// }}}
// {{{ factory()
* Create a new MDB2 object for the specified database type
* type
* @param string|array|MDB2_Driver_Common &$db 'data source name', see the
* MDB2::parseDSN method for a description of the dsn format.
* Can also be specified as an array of the
* format returned by @see MDB2::parseDSN.
* Finally you can also pass an existing db object to be used.
* @param array $options An associative array of option names and their values.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
* @see MDB2::parseDSN
function &factory(&$db, $options = array())
$obj =new MDB2_Schema();
$result = $obj->connect($db, $options);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return $obj;
// }}}
// {{{ connect()
* Create a new MDB2 connection object and connect to the specified
* database
* @param string|array|MDB2_Driver_Common &$db 'data source name', see the
* MDB2::parseDSN method for a description of the dsn format.
* Can also be specified as an array of the
* format returned by MDB2::parseDSN.
* Finally you can also pass an existing db object to be used.
* @param array $options An associative array of option names and their values.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
* @see MDB2::parseDSN
function connect(&$db, $options = array())
$db_options = array();
if (is_array($options)) {
foreach ($options as $option => $value) {
if (array_key_exists($option, $this->options)) {
$result = $this->setOption($option, $value);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
$db_options[$option] = $value;
if (!MDB2::isConnection($db)) {
$db =& MDB2::factory($db, $db_options);
if (PEAR::isError($db)) {
return $db;
$this->db =& $db;
if (empty($this->options['valid_types'])) {
$this->options['valid_types'] = $this->db->datatype->getValidTypes();
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ disconnect()
* Log out and disconnect from the database.
* @access public
* @return void
function disconnect()
if (MDB2::isConnection($this->db)) {
// }}}
// {{{ parseDatabaseDefinition()
* Parse a database definition from a file or an array
* @param string|array $schema the database schema array or file name
* @param bool $skip_unreadable if non readable files should be skipped
* @param array $variables associative array that the defines the text string values
* that are meant to be used to replace the variables that are
* used in the schema description.
* @param bool $fail_on_invalid_names make function fail on invalid names
* @param array $structure database structure definition
* @access public
* @return array
function parseDatabaseDefinition($schema, $skip_unreadable = false, $variables = array(),
$fail_on_invalid_names = true, $structure = false)
$database_definition = false;
if (is_string($schema)) {
// if $schema is not readable then we just skip it
// and simply copy the $current_schema file to that file name
if (is_readable($schema)) {
$database_definition = $this->parseDatabaseDefinitionFile($schema, $variables, $fail_on_invalid_names, $structure);
} elseif (is_array($schema)) {
$database_definition = $schema;
if (!$database_definition && !$skip_unreadable) {
$database_definition = $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'invalid data type of schema or unreadable data source');
return $database_definition;
// }}}
// {{{ parseDatabaseDefinitionFile()
* Parse a database definition file by creating a schema format
* parser object and passing the file contents as parser input data stream.
* @param string $input_file the database schema file.
* @param array $variables associative array that the defines the text string values
* that are meant to be used to replace the variables that are
* used in the schema description.
* @param bool $fail_on_invalid_names make function fail on invalid names
* @param array $structure database structure definition
* @access public
* @return array
function parseDatabaseDefinitionFile($input_file, $variables = array(),
$fail_on_invalid_names = true, $structure = false)
$dtd_file = $this->options['dtd_file'];
if ($dtd_file) {
include_once 'XML/DTD/XmlValidator.php';
$dtd =new XML_DTD_XmlValidator;
if (!$dtd->isValid($dtd_file, $input_file)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_PARSE, null, null, $dtd->getMessage());
$class_name = $this->options['parser'];
$result = MDB2::loadClass($class_name, $this->db->getOption('debug'));
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$parser =new $class_name($variables, $fail_on_invalid_names, $structure, $this->options['valid_types'], $this->options['force_defaults']);
$result = $parser->setInputFile($input_file);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$result = $parser->parse();
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (PEAR::isError($parser->error)) {
return $parser->error;
return $parser->database_definition;
// }}}
// {{{ getDefinitionFromDatabase()
* Attempt to reverse engineer a schema structure from an existing MDB2
* This method can be used if no xml schema file exists yet.
* The resulting xml schema file may need some manual adjustments.
* @return array|MDB2_Error array with definition or error object
* @access public
function getDefinitionFromDatabase()
$database = $this->db->database_name;
if (empty($database)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'it was not specified a valid database name');
$class_name = $this->options['validate'];
$result = MDB2::loadClass($class_name, $this->db->getOption('debug'));
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$val =new $class_name($this->options['fail_on_invalid_names'], $this->options['valid_types'], $this->options['force_defaults']);
$database_definition = array(
'name' => $database,
'create' => true,
'overwrite' => false,
'charset' => 'utf8',
'description' => '',
'comments' => '',
'tables' => array(),
'sequences' => array(),
$tables = $this->db->manager->listTables();
if (PEAR::isError($tables)) {
return $tables;
foreach ($tables as $table_name) {
$fields = $this->db->manager->listTableFields($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($fields)) {
return $fields;
$database_definition['tables'][$table_name] = array(
'was' => '',
'description' => '',
'comments' => '',
'fields' => array(),
'indexes' => array(),
'constraints' => array(),
'initialization' => array()
$table_definition =& $database_definition['tables'][$table_name];
foreach ($fields as $field_name) {
$definition = $this->db->reverse->getTableFieldDefinition($table_name, $field_name);
if (PEAR::isError($definition)) {
return $definition;
if (!empty($definition[0]['autoincrement'])) {
$definition[0]['default'] = '0';
$table_definition['fields'][$field_name] = $definition[0];
$field_choices = count($definition);
if ($field_choices > 1) {
$warning = "There are $field_choices type choices in the table $table_name field $field_name (#1 is the default): ";
$field_choice_cnt = 1;
$table_definition['fields'][$field_name]['choices'] = array();
foreach ($definition as $field_choice) {
$table_definition['fields'][$field_name]['choices'][] = $field_choice;
$warning .= 'choice #'.($field_choice_cnt).': '.serialize($field_choice);
$this->warnings[] = $warning;
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* fields which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateField(array(), $table_definition['fields'][$field_name], $field_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$keys = array();
$indexes = $this->db->manager->listTableIndexes($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($indexes)) {
return $indexes;
if (is_array($indexes)) {
foreach ($indexes as $index_name) {
$definition = $this->db->reverse->getTableIndexDefinition($table_name, $index_name);
if (PEAR::isError($definition)) {
if (PEAR::isError($definition, MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) {
return $definition;
$keys[$index_name] = $definition;
$constraints = $this->db->manager->listTableConstraints($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($constraints)) {
return $constraints;
if (is_array($constraints)) {
foreach ($constraints as $constraint_name) {
$definition = $this->db->reverse->getTableConstraintDefinition($table_name, $constraint_name);
if (PEAR::isError($definition)) {
if (PEAR::isError($definition, MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) {
return $definition;
$keys[$constraint_name] = $definition;
foreach ($keys as $key_name => $definition) {
if (array_key_exists('foreign', $definition)
&& $definition['foreign']
) {
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* foreign keys which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateConstraint(array(), $definition, $key_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
foreach ($definition['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* referencing fields which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateConstraintField(array(), $field_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$definition['fields'][$field_name] = '';
foreach ($definition['references']['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* referenced fields which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateConstraintReferencedField(array(), $field_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$definition['references']['fields'][$field_name] = '';
$table_definition['constraints'][$key_name] = $definition;
} else {
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* indices which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateIndex(array(), $definition, $key_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
foreach ($definition['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* index fields which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateIndexField(array(), $field, $field_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$definition['fields'][$field_name] = $field;
$table_definition['indexes'][$key_name] = $definition;
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* tables which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateTable(array(), $table_definition, $table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$sequences = $this->db->manager->listSequences();
if (PEAR::isError($sequences)) {
return $sequences;
if (is_array($sequences)) {
foreach ($sequences as $sequence_name) {
$definition = $this->db->reverse->getSequenceDefinition($sequence_name);
if (PEAR::isError($definition)) {
return $definition;
if (isset($database_definition['tables'][$sequence_name])
&& isset($database_definition['tables'][$sequence_name]['indexes'])
) {
foreach ($database_definition['tables'][$sequence_name]['indexes'] as $index) {
if (isset($index['primary']) && $index['primary']
&& count($index['fields'] == 1)
) {
$definition['on'] = array(
'table' => $sequence_name,
'field' => key($index['fields']),
* The first parameter is used to verify if there are duplicated
* sequences which we can guarantee that won't happen when reverse engineering
$result = $val->validateSequence(array(), $definition, $sequence_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$database_definition['sequences'][$sequence_name] = $definition;
$result = $val->validateDatabase($database_definition);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return $database_definition;
// }}}
// {{{ createTableIndexes()
* A method to create indexes for an existing table
* @param string $table_name Name of the table
* @param array $indexes An array of indexes to be created
* @param boolean $overwrite If the table/index should be overwritten if it already exists
* @return mixed MDB2_Error if there is an error creating an index, MDB2_OK otherwise
* @access public
function createTableIndexes($table_name, $indexes, $overwrite = false)
if (!$this->db->supports('indexes')) {
$this->db->debug('Indexes are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
return MDB2_OK;
foreach ($indexes as $index_name => $index) {
// Does the index already exist, and if so, should it be overwritten?
$create_index = true;
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$current_indexes = $this->db->manager->listTableConstraints($table_name);
} else {
$current_indexes = $this->db->manager->listTableIndexes($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($current_indexes)) {
if (!MDB2::isError($current_indexes, $errorcodes)) {
return $current_indexes;
} elseif (is_array($current_indexes) && in_array($index_name, $current_indexes)) {
if (!$overwrite) {
$this->db->debug('Index already exists: '.$index_name, __FUNCTION__);
$create_index = false;
} else {
$this->db->debug('Preparing to overwrite index: '.$index_name, __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropConstraint($table_name, $index_name);
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropIndex($table_name, $index_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result) && !MDB2::isError($result, MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) {
return $result;
// Check if primary is being used and if it's supported
if (!empty($index['primary']) && !$this->db->supports('primary_key')) {
// Primary not supported so we fallback to UNIQUE and making the field NOT NULL
$index['unique'] = true;
$changes = array();
foreach ($index['fields'] as $field => $empty) {
$field_info = $this->db->reverse->getTableFieldDefinition($table_name, $field);
if (PEAR::isError($field_info)) {
return $field_info;
if (!$field_info[0]['notnull']) {
$changes['change'][$field] = $field_info[0];
$changes['change'][$field]['notnull'] = true;
if (!empty($changes)) {
$this->db->manager->alterTable($table_name, $changes, false);
// Should the index be created?
if ($create_index) {
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$result = $this->db->manager->createConstraint($table_name, $index_name, $index);
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->createIndex($table_name, $index_name, $index);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ createTableConstraints()
* A method to create foreign keys for an existing table
* @param string $table_name Name of the table
* @param array $constraints An array of foreign keys to be created
* @param boolean $overwrite If the foreign key should be overwritten if it already exists
* @return mixed MDB2_Error if there is an error creating a foreign key, MDB2_OK otherwise
* @access public
function createTableConstraints($table_name, $constraints, $overwrite = false)
if (!$this->db->supports('indexes')) {
$this->db->debug('Indexes are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
return MDB2_OK;
foreach ($constraints as $constraint_name => $constraint) {
// Does the foreign key already exist, and if so, should it be overwritten?
$create_constraint = true;
$current_constraints = $this->db->manager->listTableConstraints($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($current_constraints)) {
if (!MDB2::isError($current_constraints, $errorcodes)) {
return $current_constraints;
} elseif (is_array($current_constraints) && in_array($constraint_name, $current_constraints)) {
if (!$overwrite) {
$this->db->debug('Foreign key already exists: '.$constraint_name, __FUNCTION__);
$create_constraint = false;
} else {
$this->db->debug('Preparing to overwrite foreign key: '.$constraint_name, __FUNCTION__);
$result = $this->db->manager->dropConstraint($table_name, $constraint_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// Should the foreign key be created?
if ($create_constraint) {
$result = $this->db->manager->createConstraint($table_name, $constraint_name, $constraint);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ createTable()
* Create a table and inititialize the table if data is available
* @param string $table_name name of the table to be created
* @param array $table multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure and optional data of the table
* @param bool $overwrite if the table/index should be overwritten if it already exists
* @param array $options an array of options to be passed to the database specific driver
* version of MDB2_Driver_Manager_Common::createTable().
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function createTable($table_name, $table, $overwrite = false, $options = array())
$create = true;
$tables = $this->db->manager->listTables();
if (PEAR::isError($tables)) {
if (!MDB2::isError($tables, $errorcodes)) {
return $tables;
} elseif (is_array($tables) && in_array($table_name, $tables)) {
if (!$overwrite) {
$create = false;
$this->db->debug('Table already exists: '.$table_name, __FUNCTION__);
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropTable($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$this->db->debug('Overwritting table: '.$table_name, __FUNCTION__);
if ($create) {
$result = $this->db->manager->createTable($table_name, $table['fields'], $options);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($table['initialization']) && is_array($table['initialization'])) {
$result = $this->initializeTable($table_name, $table);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($table['indexes']) && is_array($table['indexes'])) {
$result = $this->createTableIndexes($table_name, $table['indexes'], $overwrite);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($table['constraints']) && is_array($table['constraints'])) {
$result = $this->createTableConstraints($table_name, $table['constraints'], $overwrite);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ initializeTable()
* Inititialize the table with data
* @param string $table_name name of the table
* @param array $table multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure and optional data of the table
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function initializeTable($table_name, $table)
$query_insertselect = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) (SELECT %s FROM %s %s)';
$query_insert = 'INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)';
$query_update = 'UPDATE %s SET %s %s';
$query_delete = 'DELETE FROM %s %s';
$table_name = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_name, true);
$result = MDB2_OK;
$support_transactions = $this->db->supports('transactions');
foreach ($table['initialization'] as $instruction) {
$query = '';
switch ($instruction['type']) {
case 'insert':
if (!isset($instruction['data']['select'])) {
$data = $this->getInstructionFields($instruction['data'], $table['fields']);
if (!empty($data)) {
$fields = implode(', ', array_keys($data));
$values = implode(', ', array_values($data));
$query = sprintf($query_insert, $table_name, $fields, $values);
} else {
$data = $this->getInstructionFields($instruction['data']['select'], $table['fields']);
$where = $this->getInstructionWhere($instruction['data']['select'], $table['fields']);
$select_table_name = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($instruction['data']['select']['table'], true);
if (!empty($data)) {
$fields = implode(', ', array_keys($data));
$values = implode(', ', array_values($data));
$query = sprintf($query_insertselect, $table_name, $fields, $values, $select_table_name, $where);
case 'update':
$data = $this->getInstructionFields($instruction['data'], $table['fields']);
$where = $this->getInstructionWhere($instruction['data'], $table['fields']);
if (!empty($data)) {
array_walk($data, array($this, 'buildFieldValue'));
$fields_values = implode(', ', $data);
$query = sprintf($query_update, $table_name, $fields_values, $where);
case 'delete':
$where = $this->getInstructionWhere($instruction['data'], $table['fields']);
$query = sprintf($query_delete, $table_name, $where);
if ($query) {
if ($support_transactions && PEAR::isError($res = $this->db->beginNestedTransaction())) {
return $res;
$result = $this->db->exec($query);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if ($support_transactions && PEAR::isError($res = $this->db->completeNestedTransaction())) {
return $res;
return $result;
// }}}
// {{{ buildFieldValue()
* Appends the contents of second argument + '=' to the beginning of first
* argument.
* Used with array_walk() in initializeTable() for UPDATEs.
* @param string &$element value of array's element
* @param string $key key of array's element
* @return void
* @access public
* @see MDB2_Schema::initializeTable()
function buildFieldValue(&$element, $key)
$element = $key."=$element";
// }}}
// {{{ getExpression()
* Generates a string that represents a value that would be associated
* with a column in a DML instruction.
* @param array $element multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure of the current DML instruction.
* @param array $fields_definition multi dimensional array that contains the
* definition for current table's fields
* @param string $type type of given field
* @return string
* @access public
* @see MDB2_Schema::getInstructionFields(), MDB2_Schema::getInstructionWhere()
function getExpression($element, $fields_definition = array(), $type = null)
$str = '';
switch ($element['type']) {
case 'null':
$str .= 'NULL';
case 'value':
$str .= $this->db->quote($element['data'], $type);
case 'column':
$str .= $this->db->quoteIdentifier($element['data'], true);
case 'function':
$arguments = array();
if (!empty($element['data']['arguments'])
&& is_array($element['data']['arguments'])
) {
foreach ($element['data']['arguments'] as $v) {
$arguments[] = $this->getExpression($v, $fields_definition);
if (method_exists($this->db->function, $element['data']['name'])) {
$user_func = array(&$this->db->function, $element['data']['name']);
$str .= call_user_func_array($user_func, $arguments);
} else {
$str .= $element['data']['name'].'(';
$str .= implode(', ', $arguments);
$str .= ')';
case 'expression':
$type0 = $type1 = null;
if ($element['data']['operants'][0]['type'] == 'column'
&& array_key_exists($element['data']['operants'][0]['data'], $fields_definition)
) {
$type0 = $fields_definition[$element['data']['operants'][0]['data']]['type'];
if ($element['data']['operants'][1]['type'] == 'column'
&& array_key_exists($element['data']['operants'][1]['data'], $fields_definition)
) {
$type1 = $fields_definition[$element['data']['operants'][1]['data']]['type'];
$str .= '(';
$str .= $this->getExpression($element['data']['operants'][0], $fields_definition, $type1);
$str .= $this->getOperator($element['data']['operator']);
$str .= $this->getExpression($element['data']['operants'][1], $fields_definition, $type0);
$str .= ')';
return $str;
// }}}
// {{{ getOperator()
* Returns the matching SQL operator
* @param string $op parsed descriptive operator
* @return string matching SQL operator
* @access public
* @static
* @see MDB2_Schema::getExpression()
function getOperator($op)
switch ($op) {
case 'PLUS':
return ' + ';
case 'MINUS':
return ' - ';
case 'TIMES':
return ' * ';
case 'DIVIDED':
return ' / ';
case 'EQUAL':
return ' = ';
case 'NOT EQUAL':
return ' != ';
case 'LESS THAN':
return ' < ';
return ' > ';
return ' <= ';
return ' >= ';
return ' '.$op.' ';
// }}}
// {{{ getInstructionFields()
* Walks the parsed DML instruction array, field by field,
* storing them and their processed values inside a new array.
* @param array $instruction multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure of the current DML instruction.
* @param array $fields_definition multi dimensional array that contains the
* definition for current table's fields
* @return array array of strings in the form 'field_name' => 'value'
* @access public
* @static
* @see MDB2_Schema::initializeTable()
function getInstructionFields($instruction, $fields_definition = array())
$fields = array();
if (!empty($instruction['field']) && is_array($instruction['field'])) {
foreach ($instruction['field'] as $field) {
$field_name = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($field['name'], true);
$fields[$field_name] = $this->getExpression($field['group'], $fields_definition);
return $fields;
// }}}
// {{{ getInstructionWhere()
* Translates the parsed WHERE expression of a DML instruction
* (array structure) to a SQL WHERE clause (string).
* @param array $instruction multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure of the current DML instruction.
* @param array $fields_definition multi dimensional array that contains the
* definition for current table's fields.
* @return string SQL WHERE clause
* @access public
* @static
* @see MDB2_Schema::initializeTable()
function getInstructionWhere($instruction, $fields_definition = array())
$where = '';
if (!empty($instruction['where'])) {
$where = 'WHERE '.$this->getExpression($instruction['where'], $fields_definition);
return $where;
// }}}
// {{{ createSequence()
* Create a sequence
* @param string $sequence_name name of the sequence to be created
* @param array $sequence multi dimensional array that contains the
* structure and optional data of the table
* @param bool $overwrite if the sequence should be overwritten if it already exists
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function createSequence($sequence_name, $sequence, $overwrite = false)
if (!$this->db->supports('sequences')) {
$this->db->debug('Sequences are not supported', __FUNCTION__);
return MDB2_OK;
$sequences = $this->db->manager->listSequences();
if (PEAR::isError($sequences)) {
if (!MDB2::isError($sequences, $errorcodes)) {
return $sequences;
} elseif (is_array($sequence) && in_array($sequence_name, $sequences)) {
if (!$overwrite) {
$this->db->debug('Sequence already exists: '.$sequence_name, __FUNCTION__);
return MDB2_OK;
$result = $this->db->manager->dropSequence($sequence_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$this->db->debug('Overwritting sequence: '.$sequence_name, __FUNCTION__);
$start = 1;
$field = '';
if (!empty($sequence['on'])) {
$table = $sequence['on']['table'];
$field = $sequence['on']['field'];
$tables = $this->db->manager->listTables();
if (PEAR::isError($tables) && !MDB2::isError($tables, $errorcodes)) {
return $tables;
if (!PEAR::isError($tables) && is_array($tables) && in_array($table, $tables)) {
if ($this->db->supports('summary_functions')) {
$query = "SELECT MAX($field) FROM ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier($table, true);
} else {
$query = "SELECT $field FROM ".$this->db->quoteIdentifier($table, true)." ORDER BY $field DESC";
$start = $this->db->queryOne($query, 'integer');
if (PEAR::isError($start)) {
return $start;
} else {
$this->warnings[] = 'Could not sync sequence: '.$sequence_name;
} elseif (!empty($sequence['start']) && is_numeric($sequence['start'])) {
$start = $sequence['start'];
$table = '';
$result = $this->db->manager->createSequence($sequence_name, $start);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ createDatabase()
* Create a database space within which may be created database objects
* like tables, indexes and sequences. The implementation of this function
* is highly DBMS specific and may require special permissions to run
* successfully. Consult the documentation or the DBMS drivers that you
* use to be aware of eventual configuration requirements.
* @param array $database_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $options an array of options to be passed to the
* database specific driver version of
* MDB2_Driver_Manager_Common::createTable().
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function createDatabase($database_definition, $options = array())
if (!isset($database_definition['name']) || !$database_definition['name']) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'no valid database name specified');
$create = (isset($database_definition['create']) && $database_definition['create']);
$overwrite = (isset($database_definition['overwrite']) && $database_definition['overwrite']);
* We need to clean up database name before any query to prevent
* database driver from using a inexistent database
$previous_database_name = $this->db->setDatabase('');
// Lower / Upper case the db name if the portability deems so.
if ($this->db->options['portability'] & MDB2_PORTABILITY_FIX_CASE) {
$func = $this->db->options['field_case'] == CASE_LOWER ? 'strtolower' : 'strtoupper';
$db_name = $func($database_definition['name']);
} else {
$db_name = $database_definition['name'];
if ($create) {
$dbExists = $this->db->databaseExists($db_name);
if (PEAR::isError($dbExists)) {
return $dbExists;
if ($dbExists && $overwrite) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropDatabase($db_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result) && !MDB2::isError($result, MDB2_ERROR_CANNOT_DROP)) {
return $result;
$dbExists = false;
$this->db->debug('Overwritting database: ' . $db_name, __FUNCTION__);
$dbOptions = array();
if (array_key_exists('charset', $database_definition)
&& !empty($database_definition['charset'])) {
$dbOptions['charset'] = $database_definition['charset'];
if ($dbExists) {
$this->db->debug('Database already exists: ' . $db_name, __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($dbOptions)) {
$result = $this->db->manager->alterDatabase($db_name, $dbOptions);
if (PEAR::isError($result) && !MDB2::isError($result, $errorcodes)) {
return $result;
$create = false;
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->createDatabase($db_name, $dbOptions);
if (PEAR::isError($result) && !MDB2::isError($result, MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED)) {
return $result;
$this->db->debug('Creating database: ' . $db_name, __FUNCTION__);
if (($support_transactions = $this->db->supports('transactions'))
&& PEAR::isError($result = $this->db->beginNestedTransaction())
) {
return $result;
$created_objects = 0;
if (isset($database_definition['tables'])
&& is_array($database_definition['tables'])
) {
foreach ($database_definition['tables'] as $table_name => $table) {
$result = $this->createTable($table_name, $table, $overwrite, $options);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
if (!PEAR::isError($result)
&& isset($database_definition['sequences'])
&& is_array($database_definition['sequences'])
) {
foreach ($database_definition['sequences'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$result = $this->createSequence($sequence_name, $sequence, false, $overwrite);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
if ($support_transactions) {
$res = $this->db->completeNestedTransaction();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
$result = $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'Could not end transaction ('.
$res->getMessage().' ('.$res->getUserinfo().'))');
} elseif (PEAR::isError($result) && $created_objects) {
$result = $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'the database was only partially created ('.
$result->getMessage().' ('.$result->getUserinfo().'))');
if (PEAR::isError($result) && $create
&& PEAR::isError($result2 = $this->db->manager->dropDatabase($db_name))
) {
if (!MDB2::isError($result2, MDB2_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'Could not drop the created database after unsuccessful creation attempt ('.
$result2->getMessage().' ('.$result2->getUserinfo().'))');
return $result;
// }}}
// {{{ compareDefinitions()
* Compare a previous definition with the currently parsed definition
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @return array|MDB2_Error array of changes on success, or a error object
* @access public
function compareDefinitions($current_definition, $previous_definition)
$changes = array();
if (!empty($current_definition['tables']) && is_array($current_definition['tables'])) {
$changes['tables'] = $defined_tables = array();
foreach ($current_definition['tables'] as $table_name => $table) {
$previous_tables = array();
if (!empty($previous_definition) && is_array($previous_definition)) {
$previous_tables = $previous_definition['tables'];
$change = $this->compareTableDefinitions($table_name, $table, $previous_tables, $defined_tables);
if (PEAR::isError($change)) {
return $change;
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['tables'] = MDB2_Schema::arrayMergeClobber($changes['tables'], $change);
if (!empty($previous_definition['tables'])
&& is_array($previous_definition['tables'])) {
foreach ($previous_definition['tables'] as $table_name => $table) {
if (empty($defined_tables[$table_name])) {
$changes['tables']['remove'][$table_name] = true;
if (!empty($current_definition['sequences']) && is_array($current_definition['sequences'])) {
$changes['sequences'] = $defined_sequences = array();
foreach ($current_definition['sequences'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$previous_sequences = array();
if (!empty($previous_definition) && is_array($previous_definition)) {
$previous_sequences = $previous_definition['sequences'];
$change = $this->compareSequenceDefinitions($sequence_name,
if (PEAR::isError($change)) {
return $change;
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['sequences'] = MDB2_Schema::arrayMergeClobber($changes['sequences'], $change);
if (!empty($previous_definition['sequences']) && is_array($previous_definition['sequences'])) {
foreach ($previous_definition['sequences'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
if (empty($defined_sequences[$sequence_name])) {
$changes['sequences']['remove'][$sequence_name] = true;
return $changes;
// }}}
// {{{ compareTableFieldsDefinitions()
* Compare a previous definition with the currently parsed definition
* @param string $table_name name of the table
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @return array|MDB2_Error array of changes on success, or a error object
* @access public
function compareTableFieldsDefinitions($table_name, $current_definition,
$changes = $defined_fields = array();
if (is_array($current_definition)) {
foreach ($current_definition as $field_name => $field) {
$was_field_name = $field['was'];
if (!empty($previous_definition[$field_name])
&& (
&& $previous_definition[$field_name]['was'] == $was_field_name)
|| !isset($previous_definition[$was_field_name])
)) {
$was_field_name = $field_name;
if (!empty($previous_definition[$was_field_name])) {
if ($was_field_name != $field_name) {
$changes['rename'][$was_field_name] = array('name' => $field_name, 'definition' => $field);
if (!empty($defined_fields[$was_field_name])) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'the field "'.$was_field_name.
'" was specified for more than one field of table');
$defined_fields[$was_field_name] = true;
$change = $this->db->compareDefinition($field, $previous_definition[$was_field_name]);
if (PEAR::isError($change)) {
return $change;
if (!empty($change)) {
if (array_key_exists('default', $change)
&& $change['default']
&& !array_key_exists('default', $field)) {
$field['default'] = null;
$change['definition'] = $field;
$changes['change'][$field_name] = $change;
} else {
if ($field_name != $was_field_name) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'it was specified a previous field name ("'.
$was_field_name.'") for field "'.$field_name.'" of table "'.
$table_name.'" that does not exist');
$changes['add'][$field_name] = $field;
if (isset($previous_definition) && is_array($previous_definition)) {
foreach ($previous_definition as $field_previous_name => $field_previous) {
if (empty($defined_fields[$field_previous_name])) {
$changes['remove'][$field_previous_name] = true;
return $changes;
// }}}
// {{{ compareTableIndexesDefinitions()
* Compare a previous definition with the currently parsed definition
* @param string $table_name name of the table
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @return array|MDB2_Error array of changes on success, or a error object
* @access public
function compareTableIndexesDefinitions($table_name, $current_definition,
$changes = $defined_indexes = array();
if (is_array($current_definition)) {
foreach ($current_definition as $index_name => $index) {
$was_index_name = $index['was'];
if (!empty($previous_definition[$index_name])
&& isset($previous_definition[$index_name]['was'])
&& $previous_definition[$index_name]['was'] == $was_index_name
) {
$was_index_name = $index_name;
if (!empty($previous_definition[$was_index_name])) {
$change = array();
if ($was_index_name != $index_name) {
$change['name'] = $was_index_name;
if (!empty($defined_indexes[$was_index_name])) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'the index "'.$was_index_name.'" was specified for'.
' more than one index of table "'.$table_name.'"');
$defined_indexes[$was_index_name] = true;
$previous_unique = array_key_exists('unique', $previous_definition[$was_index_name])
? $previous_definition[$was_index_name]['unique'] : false;
$unique = array_key_exists('unique', $index) ? $index['unique'] : false;
if ($previous_unique != $unique) {
$change['unique'] = $unique;
$previous_primary = array_key_exists('primary', $previous_definition[$was_index_name])
? $previous_definition[$was_index_name]['primary'] : false;
$primary = array_key_exists('primary', $index) ? $index['primary'] : false;
if ($previous_primary != $primary) {
$change['primary'] = $primary;
$defined_fields = array();
$previous_fields = $previous_definition[$was_index_name]['fields'];
if (!empty($index['fields']) && is_array($index['fields'])) {
foreach ($index['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
if (!empty($previous_fields[$field_name])) {
$defined_fields[$field_name] = true;
$previous_sorting = array_key_exists('sorting', $previous_fields[$field_name])
? $previous_fields[$field_name]['sorting'] : '';
$sorting = array_key_exists('sorting', $field) ? $field['sorting'] : '';
if ($previous_sorting != $sorting) {
$change['change'] = true;
} else {
$change['change'] = true;
if (isset($previous_fields) && is_array($previous_fields)) {
foreach ($previous_fields as $field_name => $field) {
if (empty($defined_fields[$field_name])) {
$change['change'] = true;
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['change'][$index_name] = $current_definition[$index_name];
} else {
if ($index_name != $was_index_name) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'it was specified a previous index name ("'.$was_index_name.
') for index "'.$index_name.'" of table "'.$table_name.'" that does not exist');
$changes['add'][$index_name] = $current_definition[$index_name];
foreach ($previous_definition as $index_previous_name => $index_previous) {
if (empty($defined_indexes[$index_previous_name])) {
$changes['remove'][$index_previous_name] = $index_previous;
return $changes;
// }}}
// {{{ compareTableDefinitions()
* Compare a previous definition with the currently parsed definition
* @param string $table_name name of the table
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @param array &$defined_tables table names in the schema
* @return array|MDB2_Error array of changes on success, or a error object
* @access public
function compareTableDefinitions($table_name, $current_definition,
$previous_definition, &$defined_tables)
$changes = array();
if (is_array($current_definition)) {
$was_table_name = $table_name;
if (!empty($current_definition['was'])) {
$was_table_name = $current_definition['was'];
if (!empty($previous_definition[$was_table_name])) {
$changes['change'][$was_table_name] = array();
if ($was_table_name != $table_name) {
$changes['change'][$was_table_name] = array('name' => $table_name);
if (!empty($defined_tables[$was_table_name])) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'the table "'.$was_table_name.
'" was specified for more than one table of the database');
$defined_tables[$was_table_name] = true;
if (!empty($current_definition['fields']) && is_array($current_definition['fields'])) {
$previous_fields = array();
if (isset($previous_definition[$was_table_name]['fields'])
&& is_array($previous_definition[$was_table_name]['fields'])) {
$previous_fields = $previous_definition[$was_table_name]['fields'];
$change = $this->compareTableFieldsDefinitions($table_name,
if (PEAR::isError($change)) {
return $change;
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['change'][$was_table_name] =
MDB2_Schema::arrayMergeClobber($changes['change'][$was_table_name], $change);
if (!empty($current_definition['indexes']) && is_array($current_definition['indexes'])) {
$previous_indexes = array();
if (isset($previous_definition[$was_table_name]['indexes'])
&& is_array($previous_definition[$was_table_name]['indexes'])) {
$previous_indexes = $previous_definition[$was_table_name]['indexes'];
$change = $this->compareTableIndexesDefinitions($table_name,
if (PEAR::isError($change)) {
return $change;
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['change'][$was_table_name]['indexes'] = $change;
if (empty($changes['change'][$was_table_name])) {
if (empty($changes['change'])) {
} else {
if ($table_name != $was_table_name) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'it was specified a previous table name ("'.$was_table_name.
'") for table "'.$table_name.'" that does not exist');
$changes['add'][$table_name] = true;
return $changes;
// }}}
// {{{ compareSequenceDefinitions()
* Compare a previous definition with the currently parsed definition
* @param string $sequence_name name of the sequence
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @param array &$defined_sequences names in the schema
* @return array|MDB2_Error array of changes on success, or a error object
* @access public
function compareSequenceDefinitions($sequence_name, $current_definition,
$previous_definition, &$defined_sequences)
$changes = array();
if (is_array($current_definition)) {
$was_sequence_name = $sequence_name;
if (!empty($previous_definition[$sequence_name])
&& isset($previous_definition[$sequence_name]['was'])
&& $previous_definition[$sequence_name]['was'] == $was_sequence_name
) {
$was_sequence_name = $sequence_name;
} elseif (!empty($current_definition['was'])) {
$was_sequence_name = $current_definition['was'];
if (!empty($previous_definition[$was_sequence_name])) {
if ($was_sequence_name != $sequence_name) {
$changes['change'][$was_sequence_name]['name'] = $sequence_name;
if (!empty($defined_sequences[$was_sequence_name])) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'the sequence "'.$was_sequence_name.'" was specified as base'.
' of more than of sequence of the database');
$defined_sequences[$was_sequence_name] = true;
$change = array();
if (!empty($current_definition['start'])
&& isset($previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['start'])
&& $current_definition['start'] != $previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['start']
) {
$change['start'] = $previous_definition[$sequence_name]['start'];
if (isset($current_definition['on']['table'])
&& isset($previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['on']['table'])
&& $current_definition['on']['table'] != $previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['on']['table']
&& isset($current_definition['on']['field'])
&& isset($previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['on']['field'])
&& $current_definition['on']['field'] != $previous_definition[$was_sequence_name]['on']['field']
) {
$change['on'] = $current_definition['on'];
if (!empty($change)) {
$changes['change'][$was_sequence_name][$sequence_name] = $change;
} else {
if ($sequence_name != $was_sequence_name) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_INVALID, null, null,
'it was specified a previous sequence name ("'.$was_sequence_name.
'") for sequence "'.$sequence_name.'" that does not exist');
$changes['add'][$sequence_name] = true;
return $changes;
// }}}
// {{{ verifyAlterDatabase()
* Verify that the changes requested are supported
* @param array $changes associative array that contains the definition of the changes
* that are meant to be applied to the database structure.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function verifyAlterDatabase($changes)
if (!empty($changes['tables']['change']) && is_array($changes['tables']['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['tables']['change'] as $table_name => $table) {
if (!empty($table['indexes']) && is_array($table['indexes'])) {
if (!$this->db->supports('indexes')) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
'indexes are not supported');
$table_changes = count($table['indexes']);
if (!empty($table['indexes']['add'])) {
if (!empty($table['indexes']['remove'])) {
if (!empty($table['indexes']['change'])) {
if ($table_changes) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
'index alteration not yet supported: '.implode(', ', array_keys($table['indexes'])));
$result = $this->db->manager->alterTable($table_name, $table, true);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['sequences']) && is_array($changes['sequences'])) {
if (!$this->db->supports('sequences')) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
'sequences are not supported');
$sequence_changes = count($changes['sequences']);
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['add'])) {
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['remove'])) {
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['change'])) {
if ($sequence_changes) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_UNSUPPORTED, null, null,
'sequence alteration not yet supported: '.implode(', ', array_keys($changes['sequences'])));
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ alterDatabaseIndexes()
* Execute the necessary actions to implement the requested changes
* in the indexes inside a database structure.
* @param string $table_name name of the table
* @param array $changes associative array that contains the definition of the changes
* that are meant to be applied to the database structure.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function alterDatabaseIndexes($table_name, $changes)
$alterations = 0;
if (empty($changes)) {
return $alterations;
if (!empty($changes['remove']) && is_array($changes['remove'])) {
foreach ($changes['remove'] as $index_name => $index) {
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropConstraint($table_name, $index_name, !empty($index['primary']));
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropIndex($table_name, $index_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result) && !MDB2::isError($result, MDB2_ERROR_NOT_FOUND)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['change']) && is_array($changes['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['change'] as $index_name => $index) {
* Drop existing index/constraint first.
* Since $changes doesn't tell us whether it's an index or a constraint before the change,
* we have to find out and call the appropriate method.
if (in_array($index_name, $this->db->manager->listTableIndexes($table_name))) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropIndex($table_name, $index_name);
} elseif (in_array($index_name, $this->db->manager->listTableConstraints($table_name))) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropConstraint($table_name, $index_name);
if (!empty($result) && PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$result = $this->db->manager->createConstraint($table_name, $index_name, $index);
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->createIndex($table_name, $index_name, $index);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['add']) && is_array($changes['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['add'] as $index_name => $index) {
if (!empty($index['primary']) || !empty($index['unique'])) {
$result = $this->db->manager->createConstraint($table_name, $index_name, $index);
} else {
$result = $this->db->manager->createIndex($table_name, $index_name, $index);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return $alterations;
// }}}
// {{{ alterDatabaseTables()
* Execute the necessary actions to implement the requested changes
* in the tables inside a database structure.
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @param array $changes associative array that contains the definition of the changes
* that are meant to be applied to the database structure.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function alterDatabaseTables($current_definition, $previous_definition, $changes)
/* FIXME: tables marked to be added are initialized by createTable(), others don't */
$alterations = 0;
if (empty($changes)) {
return $alterations;
if (!empty($changes['add']) && is_array($changes['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['add'] as $table_name => $table) {
$result = $this->createTable($table_name, $current_definition[$table_name]);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if ($this->options['drop_missing_tables']
&& !empty($changes['remove'])
&& is_array($changes['remove'])) {
foreach ($changes['remove'] as $table_name => $table) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropTable($table_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['change']) && is_array($changes['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['change'] as $table_name => $table) {
$indexes = array();
if (!empty($table['indexes'])) {
$indexes = $table['indexes'];
if (!empty($indexes['remove'])) {
$result = $this->alterDatabaseIndexes($table_name, array('remove' => $indexes['remove']));
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$alterations += $result;
$result = $this->db->manager->alterTable($table_name, $table, false);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// table may be renamed at this point
if (!empty($table['name'])) {
$table_name = $table['name'];
if (!empty($indexes)) {
$result = $this->alterDatabaseIndexes($table_name, $indexes);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$alterations += $result;
return $alterations;
// }}}
// {{{ alterDatabaseSequences()
* Execute the necessary actions to implement the requested changes
* in the sequences inside a database structure.
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @param array $changes associative array that contains the definition of the changes
* that are meant to be applied to the database structure.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function alterDatabaseSequences($current_definition, $previous_definition, $changes)
$alterations = 0;
if (empty($changes)) {
return $alterations;
if (!empty($changes['add']) && is_array($changes['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['add'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$result = $this->createSequence($sequence_name, $current_definition[$sequence_name]);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['remove']) && is_array($changes['remove'])) {
foreach ($changes['remove'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropSequence($sequence_name);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['change']) && is_array($changes['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['change'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$result = $this->db->manager->dropSequence($previous_definition[$sequence_name]['was']);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$result = $this->createSequence($sequence_name, $sequence);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
return $alterations;
// }}}
// {{{ alterDatabase()
* Execute the necessary actions to implement the requested changes
* in a database structure.
* @param array $current_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $previous_definition multi dimensional array that contains the previous definition
* @param array $changes associative array that contains the definition of the changes
* that are meant to be applied to the database structure.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function alterDatabase($current_definition, $previous_definition, $changes)
$alterations = 0;
if (empty($changes)) {
return $alterations;
$result = $this->verifyAlterDatabase($changes);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($current_definition['name'])) {
$previous_database_name = $this->db->setDatabase($current_definition['name']);
if (($support_transactions = $this->db->supports('transactions'))
&& PEAR::isError($result = $this->db->beginNestedTransaction())
) {
return $result;
if (!empty($changes['tables']) && !empty($current_definition['tables'])) {
$current_tables = isset($current_definition['tables']) ? $current_definition['tables'] : array();
$previous_tables = isset($previous_definition['tables']) ? $previous_definition['tables'] : array();
$result = $this->alterDatabaseTables($current_tables, $previous_tables, $changes['tables']);
if (is_numeric($result)) {
$alterations += $result;
if (!PEAR::isError($result) && !empty($changes['sequences'])) {
$current_sequences = isset($current_definition['sequences']) ? $current_definition['sequences'] : array();
$previous_sequences = isset($previous_definition['sequences']) ? $previous_definition['sequences'] : array();
$result = $this->alterDatabaseSequences($current_sequences, $previous_sequences, $changes['sequences']);
if (is_numeric($result)) {
$alterations += $result;
if ($support_transactions) {
$res = $this->db->completeNestedTransaction();
if (PEAR::isError($res)) {
$result = $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'Could not end transaction ('.
$res->getMessage().' ('.$res->getUserinfo().'))');
} elseif (PEAR::isError($result) && $alterations) {
$result = $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'the requested database alterations were only partially implemented ('.
$result->getMessage().' ('.$result->getUserinfo().'))');
if (isset($previous_database_name)) {
return $result;
// }}}
// {{{ dumpDatabaseChanges()
* Dump the changes between two database definitions.
* @param array $changes associative array that specifies the list of database
* definitions changes as returned by the _compareDefinitions
* manager class function.
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function dumpDatabaseChanges($changes)
if (!empty($changes['tables'])) {
if (!empty($changes['tables']['add']) && is_array($changes['tables']['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['tables']['add'] as $table_name => $table) {
$this->db->debug("$table_name:", __FUNCTION__);
$this->db->debug("\tAdded table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($changes['tables']['remove']) && is_array($changes['tables']['remove'])) {
if ($this->options['drop_missing_tables']) {
foreach ($changes['tables']['remove'] as $table_name => $table) {
$this->db->debug("$table_name:", __FUNCTION__);
$this->db->debug("\tRemoved table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
} else {
foreach ($changes['tables']['remove'] as $table_name => $table) {
$this->db->debug("\tObsolete table '$table_name' left as is", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($changes['tables']['change']) && is_array($changes['tables']['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['tables']['change'] as $table_name => $table) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $table)) {
$this->db->debug("\tRenamed table '$table_name' to '".$table['name']."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['add']) && is_array($table['add'])) {
foreach ($table['add'] as $field_name => $field) {
$this->db->debug("\tAdded field '".$field_name."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['remove']) && is_array($table['remove'])) {
foreach ($table['remove'] as $field_name => $field) {
$this->db->debug("\tRemoved field '".$field_name."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['rename']) && is_array($table['rename'])) {
foreach ($table['rename'] as $field_name => $field) {
$this->db->debug("\tRenamed field '".$field_name."' to '".$field['name']."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['change']) && is_array($table['change'])) {
foreach ($table['change'] as $field_name => $field) {
$field = $field['definition'];
if (array_key_exists('type', $field)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged field '$field_name' type to '".$field['type']."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('unsigned', $field)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged field '$field_name' type to '".
(!empty($field['unsigned']) && $field['unsigned'] ? '' : 'not ')."unsigned'",
if (array_key_exists('length', $field)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged field '$field_name' length to '".
(!empty($field['length']) ? $field['length']: 'no length')."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('default', $field)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged field '$field_name' default to ".
(isset($field['default']) ? "'".$field['default']."'" : 'NULL'), __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('notnull', $field)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged field '$field_name' notnull to ".
(!empty($field['notnull']) && $field['notnull'] ? 'true' : 'false'),
if (!empty($table['indexes']) && is_array($table['indexes'])) {
if (!empty($table['indexes']['add']) && is_array($table['indexes']['add'])) {
foreach ($table['indexes']['add'] as $index_name => $index) {
$this->db->debug("\tAdded index '".$index_name.
"' of table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['indexes']['remove']) && is_array($table['indexes']['remove'])) {
foreach ($table['indexes']['remove'] as $index_name => $index) {
$this->db->debug("\tRemoved index '".$index_name.
"' of table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($table['indexes']['change']) && is_array($table['indexes']['change'])) {
foreach ($table['indexes']['change'] as $index_name => $index) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $index)) {
$this->db->debug("\tRenamed index '".$index_name."' to '".$index['name'].
"' on table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('unique', $index)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged index '".$index_name."' unique to '".
!empty($index['unique'])."' on table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('primary', $index)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged index '".$index_name."' primary to '".
!empty($index['primary'])."' on table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (array_key_exists('change', $index)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged index '".$index_name.
"' on table '$table_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($changes['sequences'])) {
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['add']) && is_array($changes['sequences']['add'])) {
foreach ($changes['sequences']['add'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$this->db->debug("$sequence_name:", __FUNCTION__);
$this->db->debug("\tAdded sequence '$sequence_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['remove']) && is_array($changes['sequences']['remove'])) {
foreach ($changes['sequences']['remove'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$this->db->debug("$sequence_name:", __FUNCTION__);
$this->db->debug("\tAdded sequence '$sequence_name'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($changes['sequences']['change']) && is_array($changes['sequences']['change'])) {
foreach ($changes['sequences']['change'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
if (array_key_exists('name', $sequence)) {
$this->db->debug("\tRenamed sequence '$sequence_name' to '".
$sequence['name']."'", __FUNCTION__);
if (!empty($sequence['change']) && is_array($sequence['change'])) {
foreach ($sequence['change'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
if (array_key_exists('start', $sequence)) {
$this->db->debug("\tChanged sequence '$sequence_name' start to '".
$sequence['start']."'", __FUNCTION__);
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ dumpDatabase()
* Dump a previously parsed database structure in the Metabase schema
* XML based format suitable for the Metabase parser. This function
* may optionally dump the database definition with initialization
* commands that specify the data that is currently present in the tables.
* @param array $database_definition multi dimensional array that contains the current definition
* @param array $arguments associative array that takes pairs of tag
* names and values that define dump options.
* <pre>array (
* 'output_mode' => String
* 'file' : dump into a file
* default: dump using a function
* 'output' => String
* depending on the 'Output_Mode'
* name of the file
* name of the function
* 'end_of_line' => String
* end of line delimiter that should be used
* default: "\n"
* );</pre>
* @param int $dump Int that determines what data to dump
* + MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_ALL : the entire db
* + MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_STRUCTURE : only the structure of the db
* + MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_CONTENT : only the content of the db
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function dumpDatabase($database_definition, $arguments, $dump = MDB2_SCHEMA_DUMP_ALL)
$class_name = $this->options['writer'];
$result = MDB2::loadClass($class_name, $this->db->getOption('debug'));
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
// get initialization data
if (isset($database_definition['tables']) && is_array($database_definition['tables'])
) {
foreach ($database_definition['tables'] as $table_name => $table) {
$fields = array();
$fieldsq = array();
foreach ($table['fields'] as $field_name => $field) {
$fields[$field_name] = $field['type'];
$fieldsq[] = $this->db->quoteIdentifier($field_name, true);
$query = 'SELECT '.implode(', ', $fieldsq).' FROM ';
$query .= $this->db->quoteIdentifier($table_name, true);
$data = $this->db->queryAll($query, $fields, MDB2_FETCHMODE_ASSOC);
if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
return $data;
if (!empty($data)) {
$initialization = array();
$lob_buffer_length = $this->db->getOption('lob_buffer_length');
foreach ($data as $row) {
$rows = array();
foreach ($row as $key => $lob) {
if (is_resource($lob)) {
$value = '';
while (!feof($lob)) {
$value .= fread($lob, $lob_buffer_length);
$row[$key] = $value;
$rows[] = array('name' => $key, 'group' => array('type' => 'value', 'data' => $row[$key]));
$initialization[] = array('type' => 'insert', 'data' => array('field' => $rows));
$database_definition['tables'][$table_name]['initialization'] = $initialization;
$writer = new $class_name($this->options['valid_types']);
return $writer->dumpDatabase($database_definition, $arguments, $dump);
// }}}
// {{{ writeInitialization()
* Write initialization and sequences
* @param string|array $data data file or data array
* @param string|array $structure structure file or array
* @param array $variables associative array that is passed to the argument
* of the same name to the parseDatabaseDefinitionFile function. (there third
* param)
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function writeInitialization($data, $structure = false, $variables = array())
if ($structure) {
$structure = $this->parseDatabaseDefinition($structure, false, $variables);
if (PEAR::isError($structure)) {
return $structure;
$data = $this->parseDatabaseDefinition($data, false, $variables, false, $structure);
if (PEAR::isError($data)) {
return $data;
$previous_database_name = null;
if (!empty($data['name'])) {
$previous_database_name = $this->db->setDatabase($data['name']);
} elseif (!empty($structure['name'])) {
$previous_database_name = $this->db->setDatabase($structure['name']);
if (!empty($data['tables']) && is_array($data['tables'])) {
foreach ($data['tables'] as $table_name => $table) {
if (empty($table['initialization'])) {
$result = $this->initializeTable($table_name, $table);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($structure['sequences']) && is_array($structure['sequences'])) {
foreach ($structure['sequences'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
if (isset($data['sequences'][$sequence_name])
|| !isset($sequence['on']['table'])
|| !isset($data['tables'][$sequence['on']['table']])
) {
$result = $this->createSequence($sequence_name, $sequence, true);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (!empty($data['sequences']) && is_array($data['sequences'])) {
foreach ($data['sequences'] as $sequence_name => $sequence) {
$result = $this->createSequence($sequence_name, $sequence, true);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if (isset($previous_database_name)) {
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ updateDatabase()
* Compare the correspondent files of two versions of a database schema
* definition: the previously installed and the one that defines the schema
* that is meant to update the database.
* If the specified previous definition file does not exist, this function
* will create the database from the definition specified in the current
* schema file.
* If both files exist, the function assumes that the database was previously
* installed based on the previous schema file and will update it by just
* applying the changes.
* If this function succeeds, the contents of the current schema file are
* copied to replace the previous schema file contents. Any subsequent schema
* changes should only be done on the file specified by the $current_schema_file
* to let this function make a consistent evaluation of the exact changes that
* need to be applied.
* @param string|array $current_schema filename or array of the updated database schema definition.
* @param string|array $previous_schema filename or array of the previously installed database schema definition.
* @param array $variables associative array that is passed to the argument of the same
* name to the parseDatabaseDefinitionFile function. (there third param)
* @param bool $disable_query determines if the disable_query option should be set to true
* for the alterDatabase() or createDatabase() call
* @param bool $overwrite_old_schema_file Overwrite?
* @return bool|MDB2_Error MDB2_OK or error object
* @access public
function updateDatabase($current_schema, $previous_schema = false,
$variables = array(), $disable_query = false,
$overwrite_old_schema_file = false)
$current_definition = $this->parseDatabaseDefinition($current_schema, false, $variables,
if (PEAR::isError($current_definition)) {
return $current_definition;
$previous_definition = false;
if ($previous_schema) {
$previous_definition = $this->parseDatabaseDefinition($previous_schema, true, $variables,
if (PEAR::isError($previous_definition)) {
return $previous_definition;
if ($previous_definition) {
$dbExists = $this->db->databaseExists($current_definition['name']);
if (PEAR::isError($dbExists)) {
return $dbExists;
if (!$dbExists) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'database to update does not exist: '.$current_definition['name']);
$changes = $this->compareDefinitions($current_definition, $previous_definition);
if (PEAR::isError($changes)) {
return $changes;
if (is_array($changes)) {
$this->db->setOption('disable_query', $disable_query);
$result = $this->alterDatabase($current_definition, $previous_definition, $changes);
$this->db->setOption('disable_query', false);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
$copy = true;
if ($this->db->options['debug']) {
$result = $this->dumpDatabaseChanges($changes);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
} else {
$this->db->setOption('disable_query', $disable_query);
$result = $this->createDatabase($current_definition);
$this->db->setOption('disable_query', false);
if (PEAR::isError($result)) {
return $result;
if ($overwrite_old_schema_file
&& !$disable_query
&& is_string($previous_schema) && is_string($current_schema)
&& !copy($current_schema, $previous_schema)) {
return $this->raiseError(MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, null, null,
'Could not copy the new database definition file to the current file');
return MDB2_OK;
// }}}
// {{{ errorMessage()
* Return a textual error message for a MDB2 error code
* @param int|array $value integer error code, <code>null</code> to get the
* current error code-message map,
* or an array with a new error code-message map
* @return string error message, or false if the error code was not recognized
* @access public
function errorMessage($value = null)
static $errorMessages;
if (is_array($value)) {
$errorMessages = $value;
return MDB2_OK;
} elseif (!isset($errorMessages)) {
$errorMessages = array(
MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR => 'unknown error',
MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_PARSE => 'schema parse error',
MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_VALIDATE => 'schema validation error',
MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR_WRITER => 'schema writer error',
if (is_null($value)) {
return $errorMessages;
if (PEAR::isError($value)) {
$value = $value->getCode();
return !empty($errorMessages[$value]) ?
$errorMessages[$value] : $errorMessages[MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR];
// }}}
// {{{ raiseError()
* This method is used to communicate an error and invoke error
* callbacks etc. Basically a wrapper for PEAR::raiseError
* without the message string.
* @param int|PEAR_Error $code integer error code or and PEAR_Error instance
* @param int $mode error mode, see PEAR_Error docs
* error level (E_USER_NOTICE etc). If error mode is
* PEAR_ERROR_CALLBACK, this is the callback function,
* either as a function name, or as an array of an
* object and method name. For other error modes this
* parameter is ignored.
* @param array $options Options, depending on the mode, @see PEAR::setErrorHandling
* @param string $userinfo Extra debug information. Defaults to the last
* query and native error code.
* @return object a PEAR error object
* @access public
* @see PEAR_Error
function &raiseError($code = null, $mode = null, $options = null, $userinfo = null)
$err =& PEAR::raiseError(null, $code, $mode, $options,
$userinfo, 'MDB2_Schema_Error', true);
return $err;
// }}}
// {{{ isError()
* Tell whether a value is an MDB2_Schema error.
* @param mixed $data the value to test
* @param int $code if $data is an error object, return true only if $code is
* a string and $db->getMessage() == $code or
* $code is an integer and $db->getCode() == $code
* @return bool true if parameter is an error
* @access public
function isError($data, $code = null)
if (is_a($data, 'MDB2_Schema_Error')) {
if (is_null($code)) {
return true;
} elseif (is_string($code)) {
return $data->getMessage() === $code;
} else {
$code = (array)$code;
return in_array($data->getCode(), $code);
return false;
// }}}
* MDB2_Schema_Error implements a class for reporting portable database error
* messages.
* @category Database
* @package MDB2_Schema
* @author Stig Bakken <>
* @license BSD
* @link
class MDB2_Schema_Error extends PEAR_Error
* MDB2_Schema_Error constructor.
* @param mixed $code error code, or string with error message.
* @param int $mode what 'error mode' to operate in
* @param int $level what error level to use for $mode & PEAR_ERROR_TRIGGER
* @param mixed $debuginfo additional debug info, such as the last query
* @access public
function MDB2_Schema_Error($code = MDB2_SCHEMA_ERROR, $mode = PEAR_ERROR_RETURN,
$level = E_USER_NOTICE, $debuginfo = null)
$this->PEAR_Error('MDB2_Schema Error: ' . MDB2_Schema::errorMessage($code), $code,
$mode, $level, $debuginfo);