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<?php $TRANSLATIONS = array(
"Unable to load list from App Store" => "無法從 App Store 讀取清單",
"Authentication error" => "認證錯誤",
"Unable to change display name" => "無法更改顯示名稱",
"Group already exists" => "群組已存在",
"Unable to add group" => "群組增加失敗",
"Could not enable app. " => "未能啟動此app",
"Email saved" => "Email已儲存",
"Invalid email" => "無效的email",
"Unable to delete group" => "群組刪除錯誤",
"Unable to delete user" => "使用者刪除錯誤",
"Language changed" => "語言已變更",
"Invalid request" => "無效請求",
"Admins can't remove themself from the admin group" => "管理者帳號無法從管理者群組中移除",
"Unable to add user to group %s" => "使用者加入群組%s錯誤",
"Unable to remove user from group %s" => "使用者移出群組%s錯誤",
"Couldn't update app." => "無法更新應用程式",
"Update to {appversion}" => "更新至 {appversion}",
"Disable" => "停用",
"Enable" => "啟用",
"Please wait...." => "請稍候...",
"Error" => "錯誤",
"Updating...." => "更新中...",
"Error while updating app" => "更新應用程式錯誤",
"Updated" => "已更新",
"Saving..." => "儲存中...",
"deleted" => "已刪除",
"undo" => "復原",
"Unable to remove user" => "無法刪除用戶",
"Groups" => "群組",
"Group Admin" => "群組 管理員",
"Delete" => "刪除",
"add group" => "新增群組",
"A valid username must be provided" => "一定要提供一個有效的用戶名",
"Error creating user" => "創建用戶時出現錯誤",
"A valid password must be provided" => "一定要提供一個有效的密碼",
"__language_name__" => "__語言_名稱__",
"Security Warning" => "安全性警告",
"Your data directory and your files are probably accessible from the internet. The .htaccess file that ownCloud provides is not working. We strongly suggest that you configure your webserver in a way that the data directory is no longer accessible or you move the data directory outside the webserver document root." => "您的資料目錄 (Data Directory) 和檔案可能可以由網際網路上面公開存取。Owncloud 所提供的 .htaccess 設定檔並未生效,我們強烈建議您設定您的網頁伺服器以防止資料目錄被公開存取,或將您的資料目錄移出網頁伺服器的 document root 。",
"Your web server is not yet properly setup to allow files synchronization because the WebDAV interface seems to be broken." => "您的網頁伺服器尚未被正確設定來進行檔案同步,因為您的 WebDAV 界面似乎無法使用。",
"Please double check the <a href='%s'>installation guides</a>." => "請參考<a href='%s'>安裝指南</a>。",
"Module 'fileinfo' missing" => "遺失 'fileinfo' 模組",
"The PHP module 'fileinfo' is missing. We strongly recommend to enable this module to get best results with mime-type detection." => "未偵測到 PHP 模組 'fileinfo'。我們強烈建議啟用這個模組以取得最好的 mime-type 支援。",
"Internet connection not working" => "去連線",
"Cron" => "定期執行",
"Execute one task with each page loaded" => "當頁面載入時,執行",
"Enable Share API" => "啟用分享 API",
"Allow apps to use the Share API" => "允許 apps 使用分享 API",
"Allow links" => "允許連結",
"Allow users to share items to the public with links" => "允許使用者透過公開的連結分享檔案",
"Allow resharing" => "允許轉貼分享",
"Allow users to share items shared with them again" => "允許使用者分享其他使用者分享給他的檔案",
"Allow users to share with anyone" => "允許使用者與任何人分享檔案",
"Allow users to only share with users in their groups" => "僅允許使用者在群組內分享",
"Security" => "安全性",
"Enforce HTTPS" => "強制啟用 HTTPS",
"Enforces the clients to connect to ownCloud via an encrypted connection." => "強制指定用戶端使用加密的連線連接到 ownCloud",
"Please connect to this ownCloud instance via HTTPS to enable or disable the SSL enforcement." => "請使用 HTTPS 連線到 ownCloud或是關閉強制使用 SSL 的選項。",
"Log" => "紀錄",
"Log level" => "紀錄層級",
"More" => "更多",
"Less" => "",
"Version" => "版本",
"Developed by the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud community</a>, the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">source code</a> is licensed under the <a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr></a>." => "由<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">ownCloud 社區</a>開發,<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\">源代碼</a>在<a href=\"\" target=\"_blank\"><abbr title=\"Affero General Public License\">AGPL</abbr></a>許可證下發布。",
"Add your App" => "添加你的 App",
"More Apps" => "更多Apps",
"Select an App" => "選擇一個應用程式",
"See application page at" => "查看應用程式頁面於",
"<span class=\"licence\"></span>-licensed by <span class=\"author\"></span>" => "<span class=\"licence\"></span>-核准: <span class=\"author\"></span>",
"Update" => "更新",
"User Documentation" => "用戶說明文件",
"Administrator Documentation" => "管理者說明文件",
"Online Documentation" => "線上說明文件",
"Forum" => "論壇",
"Bugtracker" => "Bugtracker",
"Commercial Support" => "商用支援",
"You have used <strong>%s</strong> of the available <strong>%s</strong>" => "您已經使用了 <strong>%s</strong> ,目前可用空間為 <strong>%s</strong>",
"Get the apps to sync your files" => "獲取那些同步您的文件的應用程序",
"Show First Run Wizard again" => "再次顯示首次使用精靈",
"Password" => "密碼",
"Your password was changed" => "你的密碼已更改",
"Unable to change your password" => "無法變更你的密碼",
"Current password" => "目前密碼",
"New password" => "新密碼",
"Change password" => "變更密碼",
"Display Name" => "顯示名稱",
"Your display name was changed" => "已更改顯示名稱",
"Unable to change your display name" => "無法更改您的顯示名稱",
"Change display name" => "更改顯示名稱",
"Email" => "電子郵件",
"Your email address" => "你的電子郵件信箱",
"Fill in an email address to enable password recovery" => "請填入電子郵件信箱以便回復密碼",
"Language" => "語言",
"Help translate" => "幫助翻譯",
"WebDAV" => "WebDAV",
"Use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager" => "在您的檔案管理員中使用這個地址來連線到 ownCloud",
"Login Name" => "登入名稱",
"Create" => "創造",
"Default Storage" => "預設儲存區",
"Unlimited" => "無限制",
"Other" => "其他",
"Storage" => "儲存區",
"change display name" => "修改顯示名稱",
"set new password" => "設定新密碼",
"Default" => "預設"