
563 lines
18 KiB

* ownCloud - Addressbook
* @author Jakob Sack
* @copyright 2011 Jakob Sack
* @copyright 2012 Thomas Tanghus <>
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU AFFERO GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
* version 3 of the License, or any later version.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public
* License along with this library. If not, see <>.
* The following SQL statement is just a help for developers and will not be
* executed!
* CREATE TABLE contacts_cards (
* addressbookid INT(11) UNSIGNED NOT NULL,
* fullname VARCHAR(255),
* carddata TEXT,
* uri VARCHAR(100),
* lastmodified INT(11) UNSIGNED
* );
* This class manages our vCards
class OC_Contacts_VCard{
* @brief Returns all cards of an address book
* @param integer $id
* @return array
* The cards are associative arrays. You'll find the original vCard in
* ['carddata']
public static function all($id){
$result = null;
if(is_array($id)) {
$id_sql = join(',', array_fill(0, count($id), '?'));
$prep = 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid IN ('.$id_sql.') ORDER BY fullname';
try {
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( $prep );
$result = $stmt->execute($id);
} catch(Exception $e) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard:all:, exception: '.$e->getMessage(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard:all, ids: '.join(',', $id),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
} elseif($id) {
try {
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid = ? ORDER BY fullname' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($id));
} catch(Exception $e) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard:all:, exception: '.$e->getMessage(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard:all, ids: '. $id,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
$cards = array();
if(!is_null($result)) {
while( $row = $result->fetchRow()){
$cards[] = $row;
return $cards;
* @brief Returns a card
* @param integer $id
* @return associative array
public static function find($id){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE id = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($id));
return $result->fetchRow();
* @brief finds a card by its DAV Data
* @param integer $aid Addressbook id
* @param string $uri the uri ('filename')
* @return associative array
public static function findWhereDAVDataIs($aid,$uri){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid = ? AND uri = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($aid,$uri));
return $result->fetchRow();
* @brief Format property TYPE parameters for upgrading from v. 2.1
* @param $property Reference to a Sabre_VObject_Property.
* In version 2.1 e.g. a phone can be formatted like: TEL;HOME;CELL:123456789
* This has to be changed to either TEL;TYPE=HOME,CELL:123456789 or TEL;TYPE=HOME;TYPE=CELL:123456789 - both are valid.
public static function formatPropertyTypes(&$property) {
foreach($property->parameters as $key=>&$parameter){
$types = OC_Contacts_App::getTypesOfProperty($property->name);
if(is_array($types) && in_array(strtoupper($parameter->name), array_keys($types)) || strtoupper($parameter->name) == 'PREF') {
$property->parameters[] = new Sabre_VObject_Parameter('TYPE', $parameter->name);
* @brief Decode properties for upgrading from v. 2.1
* @param $property Reference to a Sabre_VObject_Property.
* The only encoding allowed in version 3.0 is 'b' for binary. All encoded strings
* must therefor be decoded and the parameters removed.
public static function decodeProperty(&$property) {
// Check out for encoded string and decode them :-[
foreach($property->parameters as $key=>&$parameter){
if(strtoupper($parameter->name) == 'ENCODING') {
if(strtoupper($parameter->value) == 'QUOTED-PRINTABLE') { // what kind of other encodings could be used?
$property->value = quoted_printable_decode($property->value);
} elseif(strtoupper($parameter->name) == 'CHARSET') {
* @brief Checks if a contact with the same UID already exist in the address book.
* @param $aid Address book ID.
* @param $uid UID (passed by reference).
* @returns true if the UID has been changed.
protected static function trueUID($aid, &$uid) {
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'SELECT * FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid = ? AND uri = ?' );
$uri = $uid.'.vcf';
$result = $stmt->execute(array($aid,$uri));
if($result->numRows() > 0){
while(true) {
$tmpuid = substr(md5(rand().time()),0,10);
$uri = $tmpuid.'.vcf';
$result = $stmt->execute(array($aid,$uri));
if($result->numRows() > 0){
} else {
$uid = $tmpuid;
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @brief Tries to update imported VCards to adhere to rfc2426 (VERSION: 3.0) and add mandatory fields if missing.
* @param aid Address book id.
* @param vcard An OC_VObject of type VCARD (passed by reference).
protected static function updateValuesFromAdd($aid, &$vcard) { // any suggestions for a better method name? ;-)
$stringprops = array('N', 'FN', 'ORG', 'NICK', 'ADR', 'NOTE');
$typeprops = array('ADR', 'TEL', 'EMAIL');
$upgrade = false;
$fn = $n = $uid = $email = $org = null;
$version = $vcard->getAsString('VERSION');
// Add version if needed
if($version && $version < '3.0') {
$upgrade = true;
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. Updating from version: '.$version,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
foreach($vcard->children as &$property){
// Decode string properties and remove obsolete properties.
if($upgrade && in_array($property->name, $stringprops)) {
if(in_array($property->name, $stringprops)) {
$property->value = strip_tags($property->value);
// Fix format of type parameters.
if($upgrade && in_array($property->name, $typeprops)) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. before: '.$property->serialize(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. after: '.$property->serialize(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
if($property->name == 'FN'){
$fn = $property->value;
if($property->name == 'N'){
$n = $property->value;
if($property->name == 'UID'){
$uid = $property->value;
if($property->name == 'ORG'){
$org = $property->value;
if($property->name == 'EMAIL' && is_null($email)){ // only use the first email as substitute for missing N or FN.
$email = $property->value;
// Check for missing 'N', 'FN' and 'UID' properties
if(!$fn) {
if($n && $n != ';;;;'){
$fn = join(' ', array_reverse(array_slice(explode(';', $n), 0, 2)));
} elseif($email) {
$fn = $email;
} elseif($org) {
$fn = $org;
} else {
$fn = 'Unknown Name';
$vcard->setString('FN', $fn);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. Added missing \'FN\' field: '.$fn,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
if(!$n || $n = ';;;;'){ // Fix missing 'N' field. Ugly hack ahead ;-)
$slice = array_reverse(array_slice(explode(' ', $fn), 0, 2)); // Take 2 first name parts of 'FN' and reverse.
if(count($slice) < 2) { // If not enought, add one more...
$slice[] = "";
$n = implode(';', $slice).';;;';
$vcard->setString('N', $n);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. Added missing \'N\' field: '.$n,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
if(!$uid) {
$uid = $vcard->getAsString('UID');
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateValuesFromAdd. Added missing \'UID\' field: '.$uid,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
if(self::trueUID($aid, $uid)) {
$vcard->setString('UID', $uid);
$now = new DateTime;
$vcard->setString('REV', $now->format(DateTime::W3C));
* @brief Adds a card
* @param integer $aid Addressbook id
* @param OC_VObject $card vCard file
* @param string $uri the uri of the card, default based on the UID
* @return insertid on success or null if no card.
public static function add($aid, OC_VObject $card, $uri=null, $isnew=false){
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::add. No vCard supplied', OCP\Util::ERROR);
return null;
if(!$isnew) {
self::updateValuesFromAdd($aid, $card);
// Add product ID is missing.
$prodid = trim($card->getAsString('PRODID'));
if(!$prodid) {
$appinfo = OCP\App::getAppInfo('contacts');
$appversion = OCP\App::getAppVersion('contacts');
$prodid = '-//ownCloud//NONSGML '.$appinfo['name'].' '.$appversion.'//EN';
$card->setString('PRODID', $prodid);
$fn = $card->getAsString('FN');
if (empty($fn)) {
$fn = '';
if (!$uri) {
$uid = $card->getAsString('UID');
$uri = $uid.'.vcf';
$data = $card->serialize();
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'INSERT INTO *PREFIX*contacts_cards (addressbookid,fullname,carddata,uri,lastmodified) VALUES(?,?,?,?,?)' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($aid,$fn,$data,$uri,time()));
$newid = OCP\DB::insertid('*PREFIX*contacts_cards');
return $newid;
* @brief Adds a card with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $id Addressbook id
* @param string $uri the uri the card will have
* @param string $data vCard file
* @return insertid
public static function addFromDAVData($id,$uri,$data){
$card = OC_VObject::parse($data);
return self::add($id, $card, $uri);
* @brief Mass updates an array of cards
* @param array $objects An array of [id, carddata].
public static function updateDataByID($objects){
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET carddata = ?, lastmodified = ? WHERE id = ?' );
$now = new DateTime;
foreach($objects as $object) {
$vcard = OC_VObject::parse($object[1]);
$vcard->setString('REV', $now->format(DateTime::W3C));
$data = $vcard->serialize();
try {
$result = $stmt->execute(array($data,time(),$object[0]));
//OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateDataByID, id: '.$object[0].': '.$object[1],OCP\Util::DEBUG);
} catch(Exception $e) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateDataByID:, exception: '.$e->getMessage(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::updateDataByID, id: '.$object[0],OCP\Util::DEBUG);
* @brief edits a card
* @param integer $id id of card
* @param OC_VObject $card vCard file
* @return boolean
public static function edit($id, OC_VObject $card){
$oldcard = self::find($id);
if(is_null($card)) {
return false;
$fn = $card->getAsString('FN');
if (empty($fn)) {
$fn = null;
$now = new DateTime;
$card->setString('REV', $now->format(DateTime::W3C));
$data = $card->serialize();
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET fullname = ?,carddata = ?, lastmodified = ? WHERE id = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($fn,$data,time(),$id));
return true;
* @brief edits a card with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $id Addressbook id
* @param string $uri the uri of the card
* @param string $data vCard file
* @return boolean
public static function editFromDAVData($aid,$uri,$data){
$oldcard = self::findWhereDAVDataIs($aid,$uri);
$card = OC_VObject::parse($data);
return self::edit($oldcard['id'], $card);
* @brief deletes a card
* @param integer $id id of card
* @return boolean
public static function delete($id){
// FIXME: Add error checking.
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'DELETE FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE id = ?' );
return true;
* @brief deletes a card with the data provided by sabredav
* @param integer $aid Addressbook id
* @param string $uri the uri of the card
* @return boolean
public static function deleteFromDAVData($aid,$uri){
// FIXME: Add error checking. Deleting a card gives an Kontact/Akonadi error.
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'DELETE FROM *PREFIX*contacts_cards WHERE addressbookid = ? AND uri=?' );
return true;
* @brief Escapes delimiters from an array and returns a string.
* @param array $value
* @param char $delimiter
* @return string
public static function escapeDelimiters($value, $delimiter=';') {
foreach($value as &$i ) {
$i = implode("\\$delimiter", explode($delimiter, $i));
return implode($delimiter, $value);
* @brief Creates an array out of a multivalue property
* @param string $value
* @param char $delimiter
* @return array
public static function unescapeDelimiters($value, $delimiter=';') {
$array = explode($delimiter,$value);
for($i=0;$i<count($array);$i++) {
if(substr($array[$i],-1,1)=="\\") {
if(isset($array[$i+1])) {
$array[$i] = substr($array[$i],0,count($array[$i])-2).$delimiter.$array[$i+1];
} else {
$array[$i] = substr($array[$i],0,count($array[$i])-2).$delimiter;
$i = $i - 1;
$array = array_map('trim', $array);
return $array;
* @brief Data structure of vCard
* @param object $property
* @return associative array
* look at code ...
public static function structureContact($object){
$details = array();
foreach($object->children as $property){
$temp = self::structureProperty($property);
if(!is_null($temp)) {
$details[$property->name][] = $temp;
$details[$property->name] = array($temp);
return $details;
* @brief Data structure of properties
* @param object $property
* @return associative array
* returns an associative array with
* ['name'] name of property
* ['value'] htmlspecialchars escaped value of property
* ['parameters'] associative array name=>value
* ['checksum'] checksum of whole property
* NOTE: $value is not escaped anymore. It shouldn't make any difference
* but we should look out for any problems.
public static function structureProperty($property){
$value = $property->value;
//$value = htmlspecialchars($value);
if($property->name == 'ADR' || $property->name == 'N'){
$value = self::unescapeDelimiters($value);
} elseif($property->name == 'BDAY') {
if(strpos($value, '-') === false) {
if(strlen($value) >= 8) {
$value = substr($value, 0, 4).'-'.substr($value, 4, 2).'-'.substr($value, 6, 2);
} else {
return null; // Badly malformed :-(
$temp = array(
'name' => $property->name,
'value' => $value,
'parameters' => array(),
'checksum' => md5($property->serialize()));
foreach($property->parameters as $parameter){
// Faulty entries by kaddressbook
// Actually TYPE=PREF is correct according to RFC 2426
// but this way is more handy in the UI. Tanghus.
if($parameter->name == 'TYPE' && $parameter->value == 'PREF'){
$parameter->name = 'PREF';
$parameter->value = '1';
// NOTE: Apparently Sabre_VObject_Reader can't always deal with value list parameters
// like TYPE=HOME,CELL,VOICE. Tanghus.
if (in_array($property->name, array('TEL', 'EMAIL')) && $parameter->name == 'TYPE'){
if (isset($temp['parameters'][$parameter->name])){
$temp['parameters'][$parameter->name][] = $parameter->value;
$temp['parameters'][$parameter->name] = array($parameter->value);
$temp['parameters'][$parameter->name] = $parameter->value;
return $temp;
* @brief Move card(s) to an address book
* @param integer $aid Address book id
* @param $id Array or integer of cards to be moved.
* @return boolean
public static function moveToAddressBook($aid, $id){
OC_Contacts_App::getAddressbook($aid); // check for user ownership.
if(is_array($id)) {
$id_sql = join(',', array_fill(0, count($id), '?'));
$prep = 'UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET addressbookid = ? WHERE id IN ('.$id_sql.')';
try {
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( $prep );
//$aid = array($aid);
$vals = array_merge((array)$aid, $id);
$result = $stmt->execute($vals);
} catch(Exception $e) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook:, exception: '.$e->getMessage(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook, ids: '.join(',', $vals),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
return false;
} else {
try {
$stmt = OCP\DB::prepare( 'UPDATE *PREFIX*contacts_cards SET addressbookid = ? WHERE id = ?' );
$result = $stmt->execute(array($aid, $id));
} catch(Exception $e) {
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook:, exception: '.$e->getMessage(),OCP\Util::DEBUG);
OCP\Util::writeLog('contacts','OC_Contacts_VCard::moveToAddressBook, id: '.$id,OCP\Util::DEBUG);
return false;
return true;