package rui import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" ) // ViewStyle interface of the style of view type ViewStyle interface { Properties cssViewStyle(buffer cssBuilder, session Session, view View) } type viewStyle struct { propertyList //transitions map[string]ViewTransition } // Range defines range limits. The First and Last value are included in the range type Range struct { First, Last int } // String returns a string representation of the Range struct func (r Range) String() string { if r.First == r.Last { return fmt.Sprintf("%d", r.First) } return fmt.Sprintf("%d:%d", r.First, r.Last) } func (r *Range) setValue(value string) bool { var err error if strings.Contains(value, ":") { values := strings.Split(value, ":") if len(values) != 2 { ErrorLog("Invalid range value: " + value) return false } if r.First, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(values[0], " \t\n\r")); err != nil { ErrorLog(`Invalid first range value "` + value + `" (` + err.Error() + ")") return false } if r.Last, err = strconv.Atoi(strings.Trim(values[1], " \t\n\r")); err != nil { ErrorLog(`Invalid last range value "` + value + `" (` + err.Error() + ")") return false } return true } if r.First, err = strconv.Atoi(value); err != nil { ErrorLog(`Invalid range value "` + value + `" (` + err.Error() + ")") return false } r.Last = r.First return true } func (style *viewStyle) init() { style.propertyList.init() //style.shadows = []ViewShadow{} //style.transitions = map[string]ViewTransition{} } // NewViewStyle create new ViewStyle object func NewViewStyle(params Params) ViewStyle { style := new(viewStyle) style.init() for tag, value := range params { style.Set(tag, value) } return style } func (style *viewStyle) cssTextDecoration(session Session) string { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) noDecoration := false if strikethrough, ok := boolProperty(style, Strikethrough, session); ok { if strikethrough { buffer.WriteString("line-through") } noDecoration = true } if overline, ok := boolProperty(style, Overline, session); ok { if overline { if buffer.Len() > 0 { buffer.WriteRune(' ') } buffer.WriteString("overline") } noDecoration = true } if underline, ok := boolProperty(style, Underline, session); ok { if underline { if buffer.Len() > 0 { buffer.WriteRune(' ') } buffer.WriteString("underline") } noDecoration = true } if buffer.Len() == 0 && noDecoration { return "none" } return buffer.String() } func split4Values(text string) []string { values := strings.Split(text, ",") count := len(values) switch count { case 1, 4: return values case 2: if strings.Trim(values[1], " \t\r\n") == "" { return values[:1] } case 5: if strings.Trim(values[4], " \t\r\n") != "" { return values[:4] } } return []string{} } func (style *viewStyle) backgroundCSS(view View) string { if value, ok :=[Background]; ok { if backgrounds, ok := value.([]BackgroundElement); ok { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) for _, background := range backgrounds { if value := background.cssStyle(view); value != "" { if buffer.Len() > 0 { buffer.WriteString(", ") } buffer.WriteString(value) } } if buffer.Len() > 0 { return buffer.String() } } } return "" } func (style *viewStyle) cssViewStyle(builder cssBuilder, session Session, view View) { if margin, ok := boundsProperty(style, Margin, session); ok { margin.cssValue(Margin, builder) } if padding, ok := boundsProperty(style, Padding, session); ok { padding.cssValue(Padding, builder) } if border := getBorder(style, Border); border != nil { border.cssStyle(builder, session) border.cssWidth(builder, session) border.cssColor(builder, session) } radius := getRadius(style, session) radius.cssValue(builder) if outline := getOutline(style); outline != nil { outline.ViewOutline(session).cssValue(builder) } if z, ok := intProperty(style, ZIndex, session, 0); ok { builder.add(ZIndex, strconv.Itoa(z)) } if opacity, ok := floatProperty(style, Opacity, session, 1.0); ok && opacity >= 0 && opacity <= 1 { builder.add(Opacity, strconv.FormatFloat(opacity, 'f', 3, 32)) } if n, ok := intProperty(style, ColumnCount, session, 0); ok && n > 0 { builder.add(ColumnCount, strconv.Itoa(n)) } for _, tag := range []string{ Width, Height, MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxWidth, MaxHeight, Left, Right, Top, Bottom, TextSize, TextIndent, LetterSpacing, WordSpacing, LineHeight, TextLineThickness, GridRowGap, GridColumnGap, ColumnGap, ColumnWidth} { if size, ok := sizeProperty(style, tag, session); ok && size.Type != Auto { cssTag, ok := sizeProperties[tag] if !ok { cssTag = tag } builder.add(cssTag, size.cssString("")) } } colorProperties := []struct{ property, cssTag string }{ {BackgroundColor, BackgroundColor}, {TextColor, "color"}, {TextLineColor, "text-decoration-color"}, } for _, p := range colorProperties { if color, ok := colorProperty(style,, session); ok && color != 0 { builder.add(p.cssTag, color.cssString()) } } if value, ok := enumProperty(style, BackgroundClip, session, 0); ok { builder.add(BackgroundClip, enumProperties[BackgroundClip].values[value]) } if background := style.backgroundCSS(view); background != "" { builder.add("background", background) } if font, ok := stringProperty(style, FontName, session); ok && font != "" { builder.add(`font-family`, font) } writingMode := 0 for _, tag := range []string{ TextAlign, TextTransform, TextWeight, TextLineStyle, WritingMode, TextDirection, VerticalTextOrientation, CellVerticalAlign, CellHorizontalAlign, Cursor, WhiteSpace, WordBreak, TextOverflow, Float, TableVerticalAlign} { if data, ok := enumProperties[tag]; ok { if tag != VerticalTextOrientation || (writingMode != VerticalLeftToRight && writingMode != VerticalRightToLeft) { if value, ok := enumProperty(style, tag, session, 0); ok { cssValue := data.values[value] if cssValue != "" { builder.add(data.cssTag, cssValue) } if tag == WritingMode { writingMode = value } } } } } for _, prop := range []struct{ tag, cssTag, off, on string }{ {tag: Italic, cssTag: "font-style", off: "normal", on: "italic"}, {tag: SmallCaps, cssTag: "font-variant", off: "normal", on: "small-caps"}, } { if flag, ok := boolProperty(style, prop.tag, session); ok { if flag { builder.add(prop.cssTag, prop.on) } else { builder.add(prop.cssTag, } } } if text := style.cssTextDecoration(session); text != "" { builder.add("text-decoration", text) } if css := shadowCSS(style, Shadow, session); css != "" { builder.add("box-shadow", css) } if css := shadowCSS(style, TextShadow, session); css != "" { builder.add("text-shadow", css) } if value, ok :=[ColumnSeparator]; ok { if separator, ok := value.(ColumnSeparatorProperty); ok { if css := separator.cssValue(session); css != "" { builder.add("column-rule", css) } } } if avoid, ok := boolProperty(style, AvoidBreak, session); ok { if avoid { builder.add("break-inside", "avoid") } else { builder.add("break-inside", "auto") } } wrap, _ := enumProperty(style, Wrap, session, 0) orientation, ok := getOrientation(style, session) if ok || wrap > 0 { cssText := enumProperties[Orientation].cssValues[orientation] switch wrap { case WrapOn: cssText += " wrap" case WrapReverse: cssText += " wrap-reverse" } builder.add(`flex-flow`, cssText) } rows := (orientation == StartToEndOrientation || orientation == EndToStartOrientation) var hAlignTag, vAlignTag string if rows { hAlignTag = `justify-content` vAlignTag = `align-items` } else { hAlignTag = `align-items` vAlignTag = `justify-content` } if align, ok := enumProperty(style, HorizontalAlign, session, LeftAlign); ok { switch align { case LeftAlign: if (!rows && wrap == WrapReverse) || orientation == EndToStartOrientation { builder.add(hAlignTag, `flex-end`) } else { builder.add(hAlignTag, `flex-start`) } case RightAlign: if (!rows && wrap == WrapReverse) || orientation == EndToStartOrientation { builder.add(hAlignTag, `flex-start`) } else { builder.add(hAlignTag, `flex-end`) } case CenterAlign: builder.add(hAlignTag, `center`) case StretchAlign: if rows { builder.add(hAlignTag, `space-between`) } else { builder.add(hAlignTag, `stretch`) } } } if align, ok := enumProperty(style, VerticalAlign, session, LeftAlign); ok { switch align { case TopAlign: if (rows && wrap == WrapReverse) || orientation == BottomUpOrientation { builder.add(vAlignTag, `flex-end`) } else { builder.add(vAlignTag, `flex-start`) } case BottomAlign: if (rows && wrap == WrapReverse) || orientation == BottomUpOrientation { builder.add(vAlignTag, `flex-start`) } else { builder.add(vAlignTag, `flex-end`) } case CenterAlign: builder.add(vAlignTag, `center`) case StretchAlign: if rows { builder.add(hAlignTag, `stretch`) } else { builder.add(hAlignTag, `space-between`) } } } if r, ok := rangeProperty(style, Row, session); ok { builder.add("grid-row-start", strconv.Itoa(r.First+1)) builder.add("grid-row-end", strconv.Itoa(r.Last+2)) } if r, ok := rangeProperty(style, Column, session); ok { builder.add("grid-column-start", strconv.Itoa(r.First+1)) builder.add("grid-column-end", strconv.Itoa(r.Last+2)) } if text := style.gridCellSizesCSS(CellWidth, session); text != "" { builder.add(`grid-template-columns`, text) } if text := style.gridCellSizesCSS(CellHeight, session); text != "" { builder.add(`grid-template-rows`, text) } style.writeViewTransformCSS(builder, session) if clip := getClipShape(style, Clip, session); clip != nil && clip.valid(session) { builder.add(`clip-path`, clip.cssStyle(session)) } if clip := getClipShape(style, ShapeOutside, session); clip != nil && clip.valid(session) { builder.add(`shape-outside`, clip.cssStyle(session)) } if value := style.getRaw(Filter); value != nil { if filter, ok := value.(ViewFilter); ok { if text := filter.cssStyle(session); text != "" { builder.add(`filter`, text) } } } /* if len(style.transitions) > 0 { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) for property, transition := range style.transitions { if buffer.Len() > 0 { buffer.WriteString(`, `) } buffer.WriteString(property) transition.cssWrite(buffer, session) } if buffer.Len() > 0 { builder.add(`transition`, buffer.String()) } } */ // TODO text-shadow }