package rui // Get returns a value of the property with name "tag" of the "rootView" subview with "viewID" id value. // The type of return value depends on the property. // If the subview don't exists or the property is not set then nil is returned. func Get(rootView View, viewID, tag string) interface{} { var view View if viewID != "" { view = ViewByID(rootView, viewID) } else { view = rootView } if view != nil { return view.Get(tag) } return nil } // Set sets the property with name "tag" of the "rootView" subview with "viewID" id by value. Result: // true - success, // false - error (incompatible type or invalid format of a string value, see AppLog). func Set(rootView View, viewID, tag string, value interface{}) bool { var view View if viewID != "" { view = ViewByID(rootView, viewID) } else { view = rootView } if view != nil { return view.Set(tag, value) } return false } // SetChangeListener sets a listener for changing a subview property value. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a listener for the first argument (view) is set func SetChangeListener(view View, viewID, tag string, listener func(View, string)) { if viewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, viewID) } if view != nil { view.SetChangeListener(tag, listener) } } // SetParams sets properties with name "tag" of the "rootView" subview. Result: // true - all properties were set successful, // false - error (incompatible type or invalid format of a string value, see AppLog). func SetParams(rootView View, viewID string, params Params) bool { var view View if viewID != "" { view = ViewByID(rootView, viewID) } else { view = rootView } if view == nil { return false } result := true for tag, value := range params { result = view.Set(tag, value) && result } return result } // IsDisabled returns "true" if the subview is disabled // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a state of the first argument (view) is returned func IsDisabled(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if disabled, _ := boolProperty(view, Disabled, view.Session()); disabled { return true } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsDisabled(parent, "") } } return false } // GetSemantics returns the subview semantics. Valid semantics values are // DefaultSemantics (0), ArticleSemantics (1), SectionSemantics (2), AsideSemantics (3), // HeaderSemantics (4), MainSemantics (5), FooterSemantics (6), NavigationSemantics (7), // FigureSemantics (8), FigureCaptionSemantics (9), ButtonSemantics (10), ParagraphSemantics (11), // H1Semantics (12) - H6Semantics (17), BlockquoteSemantics (18), and CodeSemantics (19). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a semantics of the first argument (view) is returned func GetSemantics(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if semantics, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, Semantics, DefaultSemantics); ok { return semantics } } return DefaultSemantics } // GetOpacity returns the subview opacity. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then an opacity of the first argument (view) is returned func GetOpacity(view View, subviewID string) float64 { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if style, ok := floatStyledProperty(view, Opacity, 1); ok { return style } } return 1 } // GetStyle returns the subview style id. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a style of the first argument (view) is returned func GetStyle(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if style, ok := stringProperty(view, Style, view.Session()); ok { return style } } return "" } // GetDisabledStyle returns the disabled subview style id. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a style of the first argument (view) is returned func GetDisabledStyle(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if style, ok := stringProperty(view, StyleDisabled, view.Session()); ok { return style } } return "" } // GetVisibility returns the subview visibility. One of the following values is returned: // Visible (0), Invisible (1), or Gone (2) // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a visibility of the first argument (view) is returned func GetVisibility(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return Visible } result, _ := enumStyledProperty(view, Visibility, Visible) return result } // GetZIndex returns the subview z-order. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a z-order of the first argument (view) is returned func GetZIndex(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return 0 } result, _ := intStyledProperty(view, Visibility, 0) return result } // GetWidth returns the subview width. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a width of the first argument (view) is returned func GetWidth(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Width) return result } // GetHeight returns the subview height. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a height of the first argument (view) is returned func GetHeight(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Height) return result } // GetMinWidth returns a minimal subview width. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a minimal width of the first argument (view) is returned func GetMinWidth(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, MinWidth) return result } // GetMinHeight returns a minimal subview height. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a minimal height of the first argument (view) is returned func GetMinHeight(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, MinHeight) return result } // GetMaxWidth returns a maximal subview width. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a maximal width of the first argument (view) is returned func GetMaxWidth(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, MaxWidth) return result } // GetMaxHeight returns a maximal subview height. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a maximal height of the first argument (view) is returned func GetMaxHeight(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, MaxHeight) return result } // GetResize returns the "resize" property value if the subview. One of the following values is returned: // NoneResize (0), BothResize (1), HorizontalResize (2), or VerticalResize (3) // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value of the first argument (view) is returned func GetResize(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return 0 } result, _ := enumStyledProperty(view, Resize, 0) return result } // GetLeft returns a left position of the subview in an AbsoluteLayout container. // If a parent view is not an AbsoluteLayout container then this value is ignored. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a left position of the first argument (view) is returned func GetLeft(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Left) return result } // GetRight returns a right position of the subview in an AbsoluteLayout container. // If a parent view is not an AbsoluteLayout container then this value is ignored. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a right position of the first argument (view) is returned func GetRight(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Right) return result } // GetTop returns a top position of the subview in an AbsoluteLayout container. // If a parent view is not an AbsoluteLayout container then this value is ignored. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a top position of the first argument (view) is returned func GetTop(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Top) return result } // GetBottom returns a top position of the subview in an AbsoluteLayout container. // If a parent view is not an AbsoluteLayout container then this value is ignored. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a bottom position of the first argument (view) is returned func GetBottom(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Bottom) return result } // Margin returns the subview margin. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a margin of the first argument (view) is returned func GetMargin(view View, subviewID string) Bounds { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } var bounds Bounds if view != nil { bounds.setFromProperties(Margin, MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginBottom, MarginLeft, view, view.Session()) } return bounds } // GetPadding returns the subview padding. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a padding of the first argument (view) is returned func GetPadding(view View, subviewID string) Bounds { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } var bounds Bounds if view != nil { bounds.setFromProperties(Padding, PaddingTop, PaddingRight, PaddingBottom, PaddingLeft, view, view.Session()) } return bounds } // GetBorder returns ViewBorders of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a ViewBorders of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetBorder(view View, subviewID string) ViewBorders { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if border := getBorder(view, Border); border != nil { return border.ViewBorders(view.Session()) } } return ViewBorders{} } // Radius returns the BoxRadius structure of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a BoxRadius of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetRadius(view View, subviewID string) BoxRadius { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return BoxRadius{} } return getRadius(view, view.Session()) } // GetOutline returns ViewOutline of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a ViewOutline of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetOutline(view View, subviewID string) ViewOutline { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if outline := getOutline(view); outline != nil { return outline.ViewOutline(view.Session()) } } return ViewOutline{Style: NoneLine, Width: AutoSize(), Color: 0} } // GetViewShadows returns shadows of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then shadows of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetViewShadows(view View, subviewID string) []ViewShadow { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return []ViewShadow{} } return getShadows(view, Shadow) } // GetTextShadows returns text shadows of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then shadows of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextShadows(view View, subviewID string) []ViewShadow { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return []ViewShadow{} } return getShadows(view, TextShadow) } // GetBackgroundColor returns a background color of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetBackgroundColor(view View, subviewID string) Color { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return 0 } color, _ := colorStyledProperty(view, BackgroundColor) return color } // GetFontName returns the subview font. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetFontName(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if font, ok := stringProperty(view, FontName, view.Session()); ok { return font } if value := valueFromStyle(view, FontName); value != nil { if font, ok := value.(string); ok { return font } } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetFontName(parent, "") } } return "" } // GetTextColor returns a text color of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextColor(view View, subviewID string) Color { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if color, ok := colorStyledProperty(view, TextColor); ok { return color } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextColor(parent, "") } } return 0 } // GetTextSize returns a text size of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextSize(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, TextSize); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextSize(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // GetTextWeight returns a text weight of the subview. Returns one of next values: // 1, 2, 3, 4 (normal text), 5, 6, 7 (bold text), 8 and 9 // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextWeight(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if weight, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, TextWeight, NormalFont); ok { return weight } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextWeight(parent, "") } } return NormalFont } // GetTextAlign returns a text align of the subview. Returns one of next values: // LeftAlign = 0, RightAlign = 1, CenterAlign = 2, JustifyAlign = 3 // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextAlign(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, TextAlign, LeftAlign); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextAlign(parent, "") } } return LeftAlign } // GetTextIndent returns a text indent of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextIndent(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, TextIndent); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextIndent(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // GetLetterSpacing returns a letter spacing of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetLetterSpacing(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, LetterSpacing); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetLetterSpacing(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // GetWordSpacing returns a word spacing of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetWordSpacing(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, WordSpacing); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetWordSpacing(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // GetLineHeight returns a height of a text line of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetLineHeight(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, LineHeight); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetLineHeight(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // IsItalic returns "true" if a text font of the subview is displayed in italics, "false" otherwise. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsItalic(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, Italic); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsItalic(parent, "") } } return false } // IsSmallCaps returns "true" if a text font of the subview is displayed in small caps, "false" otherwise. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsSmallCaps(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, SmallCaps); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsSmallCaps(parent, "") } } return false } // IsStrikethrough returns "true" if a text font of the subview is displayed strikethrough, "false" otherwise. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsStrikethrough(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, Strikethrough); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsStrikethrough(parent, "") } } return false } // IsOverline returns "true" if a text font of the subview is displayed overlined, "false" otherwise. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsOverline(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, Overline); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsOverline(parent, "") } } return false } // IsUnderline returns "true" if a text font of the subview is displayed underlined, "false" otherwise. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsUnderline(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, Underline); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return IsUnderline(parent, "") } } return false } // GetTextLineThickness returns the stroke thickness of the decoration line that // is used on text in an element, such as a line-through, underline, or overline. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextLineThickness(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := sizeStyledProperty(view, TextLineThickness); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextLineThickness(parent, "") } } return AutoSize() } // GetTextLineStyle returns the stroke style of the decoration line that // is used on text in an element, such as a line-through, underline, or overline. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextLineStyle(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, TextLineStyle, SolidLine); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextLineStyle(parent, "") } } return SolidLine } // GetTextLineColor returns the stroke color of the decoration line that // is used on text in an element, such as a line-through, underline, or overline. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextLineColor(view View, subviewID string) Color { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if color, ok := colorStyledProperty(view, TextLineColor); ok { return color } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextLineColor(parent, "") } } return 0 } // GetTextTransform returns a text transform of the subview. Return one of next values: // NoneTextTransform (0), CapitalizeTextTransform (1), LowerCaseTextTransform (2) or UpperCaseTextTransform (3) // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextTransform(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, TextTransform, NoneTextTransform); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextTransform(parent, "") } } return NoneTextTransform } // GetWritingMode returns whether lines of text are laid out horizontally or vertically, as well as // the direction in which blocks progress. Valid values are HorizontalTopToBottom (0), // HorizontalBottomToTop (1), VerticalRightToLeft (2) and VerticalLeftToRight (3) // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetWritingMode(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, WritingMode, HorizontalTopToBottom); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetWritingMode(parent, "") } } return HorizontalTopToBottom } // GetTextDirection - returns a direction of text, table columns, and horizontal overflow. // Valid values are Inherit (0), LeftToRightDirection (1), and RightToLeftDirection (2). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextDirection(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, TextDirection, SystemTextDirection); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetTextDirection(parent, "") } } return SystemTextDirection // TODO return system text direction } // GetVerticalTextOrientation returns a orientation of the text characters in a line. It only affects text // in vertical mode (when "writing-mode" is "vertical-right-to-left" or "vertical-left-to-right"). // Valid values are MixedTextOrientation (0), UprightTextOrientation (1), and SidewaysTextOrientation (2). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetVerticalTextOrientation(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := enumStyledProperty(view, VerticalTextOrientation, MixedTextOrientation); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetVerticalTextOrientation(parent, "") } } return MixedTextOrientation } // GetRow returns the range of row numbers of a GridLayout in which the subview is placed. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a values from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetRow(view View, subviewID string) Range { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { session := view.Session() if result, ok := rangeProperty(view, Row, session); ok { return result } if value := valueFromStyle(view, Row); value != nil { if result, ok := valueToRange(value, session); ok { return result } } } return Range{} } // GetColumn returns the range of column numbers of a GridLayout in which the subview is placed. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a values from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetColumn(view View, subviewID string) Range { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { session := view.Session() if result, ok := rangeProperty(view, Column, session); ok { return result } if value := valueFromStyle(view, Column); value != nil { if result, ok := valueToRange(value, session); ok { return result } } } return Range{} } // GetPerspective returns a distance between the z = 0 plane and the user in order to give a 3D-positioned // element some perspective. Each 3D element with z > 0 becomes larger; each 3D-element with z < 0 becomes smaller. // The default value is 0 (no 3D effects). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetPerspective(view View, subviewID string) SizeUnit { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize() } result, _ := sizeStyledProperty(view, Perspective) return result } // GetPerspectiveOrigin returns a x- and y-coordinate of the position at which the viewer is looking. // It is used as the vanishing point by the Perspective property. The default value is (50%, 50%). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetPerspectiveOrigin(view View, subviewID string) (SizeUnit, SizeUnit) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize(), AutoSize() } return getPerspectiveOrigin(view, view.Session()) } // GetBackfaceVisible returns a bool property that sets whether the back face of an element is // visible when turned towards the user. Values: // true - the back face is visible when turned towards the user (default value). // false - the back face is hidden, effectively making the element invisible when turned away from the user. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetBackfaceVisible(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, BackfaceVisible); ok { return result } } return true } // GetOrigin returns a x-, y-, and z-coordinate of the point around which a view transformation is applied. // The default value is (50%, 50%, 50%). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetOrigin(view View, subviewID string) (SizeUnit, SizeUnit, SizeUnit) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize(), AutoSize(), AutoSize() } return getOrigin(view, view.Session()) } // GetTranslate returns a x-, y-, and z-axis translation value of a 2D/3D translation // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTranslate(view View, subviewID string) (SizeUnit, SizeUnit, SizeUnit) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AutoSize(), AutoSize(), AutoSize() } return getTranslate(view, view.Session()) } // GetSkew returns a angles to use to distort the element along the abscissa (x-axis) // and the ordinate (y-axis). The default value is 0. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetSkew(view View, subviewID string) (AngleUnit, AngleUnit) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return AngleUnit{Value: 0, Type: Radian}, AngleUnit{Value: 0, Type: Radian} } x, y, _ := getSkew(view, view.Session()) return x, y } // GetScale returns a x-, y-, and z-axis scaling value of a 2D/3D scale. The default value is 1. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetScale(view View, subviewID string) (float64, float64, float64) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return 1, 1, 1 } x, y, z, _ := getScale(view, view.Session()) return x, y, z } // GetRotate returns a x-, y, z-coordinate of the vector denoting the axis of rotation, and the angle of the view rotation // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetRotate(view View, subviewID string) (float64, float64, float64, AngleUnit) { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return 0, 0, 0, AngleUnit{Value: 0, Type: Radian} } angle, _ := angleProperty(view, Rotate, view.Session()) rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ := getRotateVector(view, view.Session()) return rotateX, rotateY, rotateZ, angle } // GetAvoidBreak returns "true" if avoids any break from being inserted within the principal box, // and "false" if allows, but does not force, any break to be inserted within the principal box. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a top position of the first argument (view) is returned func GetAvoidBreak(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view == nil { return false } result, _ := boolStyledProperty(view, AvoidBreak) return result } func GetNotTranslate(view View, subviewID string) bool { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if result, ok := boolStyledProperty(view, NotTranslate); ok { return result } if parent := view.Parent(); parent != nil { return GetNotTranslate(parent, "") } } return false } func valueFromStyle(view View, tag string) interface{} { session := view.Session() getValue := func(styleTag string) interface{} { if style, ok := stringProperty(view, styleTag, session); ok { if style, ok := session.resolveConstants(style); ok { return session.styleProperty(style, tag) } } return nil } if IsDisabled(view, "") { if value := getValue(StyleDisabled); value != nil { return value } } return getValue(Style) } func sizeStyledProperty(view View, tag string) (SizeUnit, bool) { if value, ok := sizeProperty(view, tag, view.Session()); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToSizeUnit(value, view.Session()) } return AutoSize(), false } func enumStyledProperty(view View, tag string, defaultValue int) (int, bool) { if value, ok := enumProperty(view, tag, view.Session(), defaultValue); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToEnum(value, tag, view.Session(), defaultValue) } return defaultValue, false } func boolStyledProperty(view View, tag string) (bool, bool) { if value, ok := boolProperty(view, tag, view.Session()); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToBool(value, view.Session()) } return false, false } func intStyledProperty(view View, tag string, defaultValue int) (int, bool) { if value, ok := intProperty(view, tag, view.Session(), defaultValue); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToInt(value, view.Session(), defaultValue) } return defaultValue, false } func floatStyledProperty(view View, tag string, defaultValue float64) (float64, bool) { if value, ok := floatProperty(view, tag, view.Session(), defaultValue); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToFloat(value, view.Session(), defaultValue) } return defaultValue, false } func colorStyledProperty(view View, tag string) (Color, bool) { if value, ok := colorProperty(view, tag, view.Session()); ok { return value, true } if value := valueFromStyle(view, tag); value != nil { return valueToColor(value, view.Session()) } return Color(0), false } // FocusView sets focus on the specified View, if it can be focused. // The focused View is the View which will receive keyboard events by default. func FocusView(view View) { if view != nil { view.Session().runScript("focus('" + view.htmlID() + "')") } } // FocusView sets focus on the View with the specified viewID, if it can be focused. // The focused View is the View which will receive keyboard events by default. func FocusViewByID(viewID string, session Session) { if viewID != "" { session.runScript("focus('" + viewID + "')") } } // BlurView removes keyboard focus from the specified View. func BlurView(view View) { if view != nil { view.Session().runScript("blur('" + view.htmlID() + "')") } } // BlurViewByID removes keyboard focus from the View with the specified viewID. func BlurViewByID(viewID string, session Session) { if viewID != "" { session.runScript("blur('" + viewID + "')") } } // GetCurrent returns the index of the selected item (<0 if there is no a selected item) or the current view index (StackLayout, TabsLayout). // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetCurrent(view View, subviewID string) int { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } defaultValue := -1 if view != nil { if result, ok := intProperty(view, Current, view.Session(), defaultValue); ok { return result } else if view.Tag() != "ListView" { defaultValue = 0 } } return defaultValue }