package rui import ( "fmt" "strconv" "strings" ) const ( // EditTextChangedEvent is the constant for the "edit-text-changed" property tag. EditTextChangedEvent = "edit-text-changed" // EditViewType is the constant for the "edit-view-type" property tag. EditViewType = "edit-view-type" // EditViewPattern is the constant for the "edit-view-pattern" property tag. EditViewPattern = "edit-view-pattern" // Spellcheck is the constant for the "spellcheck" property tag. Spellcheck = "spellcheck" ) const ( // SingleLineText - single-line text type of EditView SingleLineText = 0 // PasswordText - password type of EditView PasswordText = 1 // EmailText - e-mail type of EditView. Allows to enter one email EmailText = 2 // EmailsText - e-mail type of EditView. Allows to enter multiple emails separeted by comma EmailsText = 3 // URLText - url type of EditView. Allows to enter one url URLText = 4 // PhoneText - telephone type of EditView. Allows to enter one phone number PhoneText = 5 // MultiLineText - multi-line text type of EditView MultiLineText = 6 ) // EditView - grid-container of View type EditView interface { View AppendText(text string) } type editViewData struct { viewData textChangeListeners []func(EditView, string) } // NewEditView create new EditView object and return it func NewEditView(session Session, params Params) EditView { view := new(editViewData) view.Init(session) setInitParams(view, params) return view } func newEditView(session Session) View { return NewEditView(session, nil) } func (edit *editViewData) Init(session Session) { edit.viewData.Init(session) edit.textChangeListeners = []func(EditView, string){} edit.tag = "EditView" } func (edit *editViewData) String() string { return getViewString(edit) } func (edit *editViewData) Focusable() bool { return true } func (edit *editViewData) normalizeTag(tag string) string { tag = strings.ToLower(tag) switch tag { case Type, "edit-type": return EditViewType case Pattern, "edit-pattern": return EditViewPattern case "maxlength", "maxlen": return MaxLength case "wrap": return EditWrap } return tag } func (edit *editViewData) Remove(tag string) { edit.remove(edit.normalizeTag(tag)) } func (edit *editViewData) remove(tag string) { _, exists :=[tag] switch tag { case Hint: if exists { delete(, Hint) if edit.created { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), "placeholder", edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } case MaxLength: if exists { delete(, MaxLength) if edit.created { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), "maxlength", edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } case ReadOnly, Spellcheck: if exists { delete(, tag) if edit.created { updateBoolProperty(edit.htmlID(), tag, false, edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } case EditTextChangedEvent: if len(edit.textChangeListeners) > 0 { edit.textChangeListeners = []func(EditView, string){} edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } case Text: if exists { oldText := GetText(edit, "") delete(, tag) if oldText != "" { edit.textChanged("") if edit.created { edit.session.runScript(fmt.Sprintf(`setInputValue('%s', '%s')`, edit.htmlID(), "")) } } } case EditViewPattern: if exists { oldText := GetEditViewPattern(edit, "") delete(, tag) if oldText != "" { if edit.created { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), Pattern, edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } } case EditViewType: if exists { oldType := GetEditViewType(edit, "") delete(, tag) if oldType != 0 { if edit.created { updateInnerHTML(edit.parentHTMLID(), edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } } case EditWrap: if exists { oldWrap := IsEditViewWrap(edit, "") delete(, tag) if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { if wrap := IsEditViewWrap(edit, ""); wrap != oldWrap { if edit.created { if wrap { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "wrap", "soft", edit.session) } else { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "wrap", "off", edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } } } default: edit.viewData.remove(tag) return } } func (edit *editViewData) Set(tag string, value any) bool { return edit.set(edit.normalizeTag(tag), value) } func (edit *editViewData) set(tag string, value any) bool { if value == nil { edit.remove(tag) return true } switch tag { case Text: oldText := GetText(edit, "") if text, ok := value.(string); ok {[Text] = text if text = GetText(edit, ""); oldText != text { edit.textChanged(text) if edit.created { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { updateInnerHTML(edit.htmlID(), edit.Session()) } else { text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, `"`, `\"`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, `'`, `\'`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "\n", `\n`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "\r", `\r`) edit.session.runScript(fmt.Sprintf(`setInputValue('%s', '%s')`, edit.htmlID(), text)) } } } return true } return false case Hint: oldText := GetHint(edit, "") if text, ok := value.(string); ok {[Hint] = text if text = GetHint(edit, ""); oldText != text { if edit.created { if text != "" { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "placeholder", text, edit.session) } else { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), "placeholder", edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } return true } return false case MaxLength: oldMaxLength := GetMaxLength(edit, "") if edit.setIntProperty(MaxLength, value) { if maxLength := GetMaxLength(edit, ""); maxLength != oldMaxLength { if edit.created { if maxLength > 0 { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "maxlength", strconv.Itoa(maxLength), edit.session) } else { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), "maxlength", edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } return true } return false case ReadOnly: if edit.setBoolProperty(ReadOnly, value) { if edit.created { if IsReadOnly(edit, "") { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), ReadOnly, "", edit.session) } else { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), ReadOnly, edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) return true } return false case Spellcheck: if edit.setBoolProperty(Spellcheck, value) { if edit.created { updateBoolProperty(edit.htmlID(), Spellcheck, IsSpellcheck(edit, ""), edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) return true } return false case EditViewPattern: oldText := GetEditViewPattern(edit, "") if text, ok := value.(string); ok {[EditViewPattern] = text if text = GetEditViewPattern(edit, ""); oldText != text { if edit.created { if text != "" { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), Pattern, text, edit.session) } else { removeProperty(edit.htmlID(), Pattern, edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } return true } return false case EditViewType: oldType := GetEditViewType(edit, "") if edit.setEnumProperty(EditViewType, value, enumProperties[EditViewType].values) { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") != oldType { if edit.created { updateInnerHTML(edit.parentHTMLID(), edit.session) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } return true } return false case EditWrap: oldWrap := IsEditViewWrap(edit, "") if edit.setBoolProperty(EditWrap, value) { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { if wrap := IsEditViewWrap(edit, ""); wrap != oldWrap { if edit.created { if wrap { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "wrap", "soft", edit.session) } else { updateProperty(edit.htmlID(), "wrap", "off", edit.session) } } edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) } } return true } return false case EditTextChangedEvent: listeners, ok := valueToEventListeners[EditView, string](value) if !ok { notCompatibleType(tag, value) return false } else if listeners == nil { listeners = []func(EditView, string){} } edit.textChangeListeners = listeners edit.propertyChangedEvent(tag) return true } return edit.viewData.set(tag, value) } func (edit *editViewData) Get(tag string) any { return edit.get(edit.normalizeTag(tag)) } func (edit *editViewData) get(tag string) any { if tag == EditTextChangedEvent { return edit.textChangeListeners } return edit.viewData.get(tag) } func (edit *editViewData) AppendText(text string) { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { if value := edit.getRaw(Text); value != nil { if textValue, ok := value.(string); ok { textValue += text[Text] = textValue text := strings.ReplaceAll(text, `"`, `\"`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, `'`, `\'`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "\n", `\n`) text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, "\r", `\r`) edit.session.runScript(`appendToInnerHTML("` + edit.htmlID() + `", "` + text + `")`) edit.textChanged(textValue) return } } edit.set(Text, text) } else { edit.set(Text, GetText(edit, "")+text) } } func (edit *editViewData) textChanged(newText string) { for _, listener := range edit.textChangeListeners { listener(edit, newText) } edit.propertyChangedEvent(Text) } func (edit *editViewData) htmlTag() string { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { return "textarea" } return "input" } func (edit *editViewData) htmlProperties(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) { edit.viewData.htmlProperties(self, buffer) writeSpellcheck := func() { if spellcheck := IsSpellcheck(edit, ""); spellcheck { buffer.WriteString(` spellcheck="true"`) } else { buffer.WriteString(` spellcheck="false"`) } } editType := GetEditViewType(edit, "") switch editType { case SingleLineText: buffer.WriteString(` type="text" inputmode="text"`) writeSpellcheck() case PasswordText: buffer.WriteString(` type="password" inputmode="text"`) case EmailText: buffer.WriteString(` type="email" inputmode="email"`) case EmailsText: buffer.WriteString(` type="email" inputmode="email" multiple`) case URLText: buffer.WriteString(` type="url" inputmode="url"`) case PhoneText: buffer.WriteString(` type="tel" inputmode="tel"`) case MultiLineText: if IsEditViewWrap(edit, "") { buffer.WriteString(` wrap="soft"`) } else { buffer.WriteString(` wrap="off"`) } writeSpellcheck() } if IsReadOnly(edit, "") { buffer.WriteString(` readonly`) } if maxLength := GetMaxLength(edit, ""); maxLength > 0 { buffer.WriteString(` maxlength="`) buffer.WriteString(strconv.Itoa(maxLength)) buffer.WriteByte('"') } convertText := func(text string) string { if strings.ContainsRune(text, '"') { text = strings.ReplaceAll(text, `"`, `"`) } return textToJS(text) } if hint := GetHint(edit, ""); hint != "" { buffer.WriteString(` placeholder="`) buffer.WriteString(convertText(hint)) buffer.WriteByte('"') } buffer.WriteString(` oninput="editViewInputEvent(this)"`) if pattern := GetEditViewPattern(edit, ""); pattern != "" { buffer.WriteString(` pattern="`) buffer.WriteString(convertText(pattern)) buffer.WriteByte('"') } if editType != MultiLineText { if text := GetText(edit, ""); text != "" { buffer.WriteString(` value="`) buffer.WriteString(convertText(text)) buffer.WriteByte('"') } } } func (edit *editViewData) htmlDisabledProperties(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) { if IsDisabled(self, "") { buffer.WriteString(` disabled`) } edit.viewData.htmlDisabledProperties(self, buffer) } func (edit *editViewData) htmlSubviews(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) { if GetEditViewType(edit, "") == MultiLineText { buffer.WriteString(textToJS(GetText(edit, ""))) } } func (edit *editViewData) handleCommand(self View, command string, data DataObject) bool { switch command { case "textChanged": oldText := GetText(edit, "") if text, ok := data.PropertyValue("text"); ok {[Text] = text if text := GetText(edit, ""); text != oldText { edit.textChanged(text) } } return true } return edit.viewData.handleCommand(self, command, data) } // GetText returns a text of the EditView subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a text of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetText(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if value := view.getRaw(Text); value != nil { if text, ok := value.(string); ok { return text } } } return "" } // GetHint returns a hint text of the subview. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a text of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetHint(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if text, ok := stringProperty(view, Hint, view.Session()); ok { return text } if value := valueFromStyle(view, Hint); value != nil { if text, ok := value.(string); ok { if text, ok = view.Session().resolveConstants(text); ok { return text } } } } return "" } // GetMaxLength returns a maximal lenght of EditView. If a maximal lenght is not limited then 0 is returned // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value of the first argument (view) is returned. func GetMaxLength(view View, subviewID string) int { return intStyledProperty(view, subviewID, MaxLength, 0) } // IsReadOnly returns the true if a EditView works in read only mode. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value of the first argument (view) is returned. func IsReadOnly(view View, subviewID string) bool { return boolStyledProperty(view, subviewID, ReadOnly, false) } // IsSpellcheck returns a value of the Spellcheck property of EditView. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsSpellcheck(view View, subviewID string) bool { return boolStyledProperty(view, subviewID, Spellcheck, false) } // GetTextChangedListeners returns the TextChangedListener list of an EditView or MultiLineEditView subview. // If there are no listeners then the empty list is returned // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetTextChangedListeners(view View, subviewID string) []func(EditView, string) { return getEventListeners[EditView, string](view, subviewID, EditTextChangedEvent) } // GetEditViewType returns a value of the Type property of EditView. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetEditViewType(view View, subviewID string) int { return enumStyledProperty(view, subviewID, EditViewType, SingleLineText, false) } // GetEditViewPattern returns a value of the Pattern property of EditView. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetEditViewPattern(view View, subviewID string) string { if subviewID != "" { view = ViewByID(view, subviewID) } if view != nil { if pattern, ok := stringProperty(view, EditViewPattern, view.Session()); ok { return pattern } if value := valueFromStyle(view, EditViewPattern); value != nil { if pattern, ok := value.(string); ok { if pattern, ok = view.Session().resolveConstants(pattern); ok { return pattern } } } } return "" } // IsEditViewWrap returns a value of the EditWrap property of MultiLineEditView. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func IsEditViewWrap(view View, subviewID string) bool { return boolStyledProperty(view, subviewID, EditWrap, false) } // AppendEditText appends the text to the EditView content. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func AppendEditText(view View, subviewID string, text string) { if subviewID != "" { if edit := EditViewByID(view, subviewID); edit != nil { edit.AppendText(text) return } } if edit, ok := view.(EditView); ok { edit.AppendText(text) } } // GetCaretColor returns the color of the text input carret. // If the second argument (subviewID) is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned. func GetCaretColor(view View, subviewID string) Color { return colorStyledProperty(view, subviewID, CaretColor, false) }