forked from mbk-lab/rui_orig
Fork 0

144 lines
5.7 KiB

package main
import ""
const textStyleDemoText = `
GridLayout {
style = demoPage,
content = [
GridLayout {
width = 100%, height = 100%, cell-vertical-align = center, cell-horizontal-align = center,
content = [
TextView {
id = textStyleText, padding = 16px, max-width = 80%,
border = _{ style = solid, width = 1px, color = darkgray },
text = "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."
ListLayout {
style = optionsPanel,
content = [
GridLayout {
style = optionsTable,
content = [
TextView { row = 0, text = "Font name" },
DropDownList { row = 0, column = 1, id = textStyleFont, current = 0, items = ["default", "serif", "sans-serif", "\"Courier new\", monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"]},
TextView { row = 1, text = "Text size" },
DropDownList { row = 1, column = 1, id = textStyleSize, current = 0, items = ["1em", "14pt", "12px", "1.5em"]},
TextView { row = 2, text = "Text color" },
ColorPicker { row = 2, column = 1, id = textStyleColor },
TextView { row = 3, text = "Text weight" },
DropDownList { row = 3, column = 1, id = textStyleWeight, current = 0, items = ["default", "thin", "extra-light", "light", "normal", "medium", "semi-bold", "bold", "extra-bold", "black"]},
Checkbox { row = 4, column = 0:1, id = textStyleItalic, content = "Italic" },
Checkbox { row = 5, column = 0:1, id = textStyleSmallCaps, content = "Small-caps" },
Checkbox { row = 6, column = 0:1, id = textStyleStrikethrough, content = "Strikethrough" },
Checkbox { row = 7, column = 0:1, id = textStyleOverline, content = "Overline" },
Checkbox { row = 8, column = 0:1, id = textStyleUnderline, content = "Underline" },
TextView { row = 9, text = "Line style" },
DropDownList { row = 9, column = 1, id = textStyleLineStyle, current = 0, items = ["default", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "wavy"]},
TextView { row = 10, text = "Line thickness" },
DropDownList { row = 10, column = 1, id = textStyleLineThickness, current = 0, items = ["default", "1px", "1.5px", "2px", "3px", "4px"]},
TextView { row = 11, text = "Line color" },
ColorPicker { row = 11, column = 1, id = textStyleLineColor },
TextView { row = 12, text = "Shadow" },
DropDownList { row = 12, column = 1, id = textStyleShadow, current = 0, items = ["none", "gray, (x, y)=(1px, 1px), blur=0", "blue, (x, y)=(-2px, -2px), blur=1", "green, (x, y)=(0px, 0px), blur=3px"]},
func createTextStyleDemo(session rui.Session) rui.View {
view := rui.CreateViewFromText(session, textStyleDemoText)
if view == nil {
return nil
rui.Set(view, "textStyleFont", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
fonts := []string{"", "serif", "sans-serif", "\"Courier new\", monospace", "cursive", "fantasy"}
if number > 0 && number < len(fonts) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.FontName, fonts[number])
} else {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.FontName, nil)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleSize", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
sizes := []string{"1em", "14pt", "12px", "1.5em"}
if number >= 0 && number < len(sizes) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextSize, sizes[number])
rui.Set(view, "textStyleColor", rui.ColorChangedEvent, func(color rui.Color) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextColor, color)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleWeight", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextWeight, number)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleItalic", rui.CheckboxChangedEvent, func(state bool) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.Italic, state)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleSmallCaps", rui.CheckboxChangedEvent, func(state bool) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.SmallCaps, state)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleStrikethrough", rui.CheckboxChangedEvent, func(state bool) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.Strikethrough, state)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleOverline", rui.CheckboxChangedEvent, func(state bool) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.Overline, state)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleUnderline", rui.CheckboxChangedEvent, func(state bool) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.Underline, state)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleLineStyle", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
styles := []string{"inherit", "solid", "dashed", "dotted", "double", "wavy"}
if number > 0 && number < len(styles) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextLineStyle, styles[number])
} else {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextLineStyle, nil)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleLineThickness", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
sizes := []string{"", "1px", "1.5px", "2px", "3px", "4px"}
if number > 0 && number < len(sizes) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextLineThickness, sizes[number])
} else {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextLineThickness, nil)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleLineColor", rui.ColorChangedEvent, func(color rui.Color) {
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextLineColor, color)
rui.Set(view, "textStyleShadow", rui.DropDownEvent, func(number int) {
switch number {
case 0:
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextShadow, nil)
case 1:
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextShadow, rui.NewTextShadow(rui.Px(1), rui.Px(1), rui.Px(0), rui.Gray))
case 2:
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextShadow, rui.NewTextShadow(rui.Px(-2), rui.Px(-2), rui.Px(1), rui.Blue))
case 3:
rui.Set(view, "textStyleText", rui.TextShadow, rui.NewTextShadow(rui.Px(0), rui.Px(0), rui.Px(3), rui.Green))
return view