Added "item-separators" property to DropDownList and GetDropDownItemSeparators function

This commit is contained in:
Alexei Anoshenko 2024-09-03 19:55:14 +03:00
parent 10cf3a69fc
commit 5707ca3088
5 changed files with 109 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
* Added "transform" property and Transform interface
* Added OpenRawResource, GetCheckboxChangedListeners functions
* Added RemoveClientItem method to Session interface
* Added "item-separators" property to DropDownList and GetDropDownItemSeparators function
* Added NewPath and NewPathFromSvg methods to Canvas interface
* Removed NewPath function
* Removed Reset methods from Path interface

View File

@ -3643,6 +3643,13 @@ float32, float64, int, int8…int64, uint, uint8…uint64.
func GetDropDownDisabledItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []int
Между пунктами списка можно добавлять разделителями. Для этого используется свойство "item-separators" (константа ItemSeparators).
Данному свойству присваивается массив индексов пунктов после которых необходимо добавить разделители.
Свойству "item-separators" могут присваиваться теже типы данных что и свойству "disabled-items".
Прочитать значение свойства "item-separators" можно с помощью функции
func GetDropDownItemSeparators(view View, subviewID ...string) []int
Выбранное значение определяется int свойством "current" (константа Current). Значение по умолчанию 0.
Прочитать значение данного свойства можно с помощью функции

View File

@ -3620,6 +3620,13 @@ You can read the value of the "disabled-items" property using the function
func GetDropDownDisabledItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []int
You can add separators between list items. To do this, use the "item-separators" property (the ItemSeparators constant).
This property is assigned an array of item indices after which separators must be added.
The "item-separators" property can be assigned the same data types as the "disabled-items" property.
You can read the value of the "item-separators" property using the function
func GetDropDownItemSeparators(view View, subviewID ...string) []int
The selected value is determined by the int property "current" (Current constant). The default is 0.
You can read the value of this property using the function

View File

@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ type dropDownListData struct {
items []string
disabledItems []any
itemSeparators []any
dropDownListener []func(DropDownList, int, int)
@ -42,6 +43,7 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) init(session Session) {
list.hasHtmlDisabled = true
list.items = []string{}
list.disabledItems = []any{}
list.itemSeparators = []any{}
list.dropDownListener = []func(DropDownList, int, int){}
@ -77,6 +79,15 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) remove(tag string) {
case ItemSeparators, "separators":
if len(list.itemSeparators) > 0 {
list.itemSeparators = []any{}
if list.created {
updateInnerHTML(list.htmlID(), list.session)
case DropDownEvent:
if len(list.dropDownListener) > 0 {
list.dropDownListener = []func(DropDownList, int, int){}
@ -95,7 +106,6 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) remove(tag string) {
@ -114,7 +124,30 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) set(tag string, value any) bool {
return list.setItems(value)
case DisabledItems:
return list.setDisabledItems(value)
items, ok := list.parseIndicesArray(value)
if !ok {
notCompatibleType(tag, value)
return false
list.disabledItems = items
if list.created {
updateInnerHTML(list.htmlID(), list.session)
return true
case ItemSeparators, "separators":
items, ok := list.parseIndicesArray(value)
if !ok {
notCompatibleType(ItemSeparators, value)
return false
list.itemSeparators = items
if list.created {
updateInnerHTML(list.htmlID(), list.session)
return true
case DropDownEvent:
listeners, ok := valueToEventWithOldListeners[DropDownList, int](value)
@ -312,89 +345,75 @@ func anyToStringArray(value any) ([]string, bool) {
return []string{}, false
func (list *dropDownListData) setDisabledItems(value any) bool {
func (list *dropDownListData) parseIndicesArray(value any) ([]any, bool) {
switch value := value.(type) {
case []int:
list.disabledItems = make([]any, len(value))
items := make([]any, len(value))
for i, n := range value {
list.disabledItems[i] = n
items[i] = n
return items, true
case []any:
disabledItems := make([]any, len(value))
items := make([]any, len(value))
for i, val := range value {
if val == nil {
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return nil, false
switch val := val.(type) {
case string:
if isConstantName(val) {
disabledItems[i] = val
items[i] = val
} else {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(val)
if err != nil {
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return nil, false
disabledItems[i] = n
items[i] = n
if n, ok := isInt(val); ok {
disabledItems[i] = n
items[i] = n
} else {
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return nil, false
list.disabledItems = disabledItems
return items, true
case string:
values := strings.Split(value, ",")
disabledItems := make([]any, len(values))
items := make([]any, len(values))
for i, str := range values {
str = strings.Trim(str, " ")
if str == "" {
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return nil, false
if isConstantName(str) {
disabledItems[i] = str
items[i] = str
} else {
n, err := strconv.Atoi(str)
if err != nil {
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return nil, false
disabledItems[i] = n
items[i] = n
list.disabledItems = disabledItems
return items, true
case []DataValue:
disabledItems := make([]any, 0, len(value))
items := make([]any, 0, len(value))
for _, val := range value {
if !val.IsObject() {
disabledItems = append(disabledItems, val.Value())
items = append(items, val.Value())
return list.setDisabledItems(disabledItems)
notCompatibleType(DisabledItems, value)
return false
return list.parseIndicesArray(items)
if list.created {
updateInnerHTML(list.htmlID(), list.session)
return true
return nil, false
func (list *dropDownListData) Get(tag string) any {
@ -409,6 +428,9 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) get(tag string) any {
case DisabledItems:
return list.disabledItems
case ItemSeparators:
return list.itemSeparators
case Current:
result, _ := intProperty(list, Current, list.session, 0)
return result
@ -433,6 +455,7 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) htmlSubviews(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) {
current := GetCurrent(list)
notTranslate := GetNotTranslate(list)
disabledItems := GetDropDownDisabledItems(list)
separators := GetDropDownItemSeparators(list)
for i, item := range list.items {
disabled := false
for _, index := range disabledItems {
@ -455,6 +478,12 @@ func (list *dropDownListData) htmlSubviews(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) {
for _, index := range separators {
if i == index {
@ -512,15 +541,9 @@ func GetDropDownItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []string {
return []string{}
// GetDropDownDisabledItems return the list of DropDownList disabled item indexes.
// If the second argument (subviewID) is not specified or it is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned.
func GetDropDownDisabledItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []int {
if len(subviewID) > 0 && subviewID[0] != "" {
view = ViewByID(view, subviewID[0])
func getIndicesArray(view View, tag string) []int {
if view != nil {
if value := view.Get(DisabledItems); value != nil {
if value := view.Get(tag); value != nil {
if values, ok := value.([]any); ok {
count := len(values)
if count > 0 {
@ -547,3 +570,23 @@ func GetDropDownDisabledItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []int {
return []int{}
// GetDropDownDisabledItems return an array of disabled(non selectable) items indices of DropDownList.
// If the second argument (subviewID) is not specified or it is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned.
func GetDropDownDisabledItems(view View, subviewID ...string) []int {
if len(subviewID) > 0 && subviewID[0] != "" {
view = ViewByID(view, subviewID[0])
return getIndicesArray(view, DisabledItems)
// GetDropDownItemSeparators return an array of indices of DropDownList items after which a separator should be added.
// If the second argument (subviewID) is not specified or it is "" then a value from the first argument (view) is returned.
func GetDropDownItemSeparators(view View, subviewID ...string) []int {
if len(subviewID) > 0 && subviewID[0] != "" {
view = ViewByID(view, subviewID[0])
return getIndicesArray(view, ItemSeparators)

View File

@ -457,8 +457,13 @@ const (
Items = "items"
// DisabledItems is the constant for the "disabled-items" property tag.
// The "disabled-items" []int property specifies an array of disabled(non selectable) items indices of DropDownList.
DisabledItems = "disabled-items"
// ItemSeparators is the constant for the "item-separators" property tag.
// The "item-separators" []int property specifies an array of indices of DropDownList items after which a separator should be added.
ItemSeparators = "item-separators"
// Current is the constant for the "current" property tag.
Current = "current"