package rui import "strings" const ( // NoRepeat is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // The image is not repeated (and hence the background image painting area // will not necessarily be entirely covered). The position of the non-repeated // background image is defined by the background-position CSS property. NoRepeat = 0 // RepeatXY is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // The image is repeated as much as needed to cover the whole background // image painting area. The last image will be clipped if it doesn't fit. RepeatXY = 1 // RepeatX is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // The image is repeated horizontally as much as needed to cover // the whole width background image painting area. The image is not repeated vertically. // The last image will be clipped if it doesn't fit. RepeatX = 2 // RepeatY is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // The image is repeated vertically as much as needed to cover // the whole height background image painting area. The image is not repeated horizontally. // The last image will be clipped if it doesn't fit. RepeatY = 3 // RepeatRound is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // As the allowed space increases in size, the repeated images will stretch (leaving no gaps) // until there is room (space left >= half of the image width) for another one to be added. // When the next image is added, all of the current ones compress to allow room. RepeatRound = 4 // RepeatSpace is value of the Repeat property of an background image: // The image is repeated as much as possible without clipping. The first and last images // are pinned to either side of the element, and whitespace is distributed evenly between the images. RepeatSpace = 5 // ScrollAttachment is value of the Attachment property of an background image: // The background is fixed relative to the element itself and does not scroll with its contents. // (It is effectively attached to the element's border.) ScrollAttachment = 0 // FixedAttachment is value of the Attachment property of an background image: // The background is fixed relative to the viewport. Even if an element has // a scrolling mechanism, the background doesn't move with the element. FixedAttachment = 1 // LocalAttachment is value of the Attachment property of an background image: // The background is fixed relative to the element's contents. If the element has a scrolling mechanism, // the background scrolls with the element's contents, and the background painting area // and background positioning area are relative to the scrollable area of the element // rather than to the border framing them. LocalAttachment = 2 // BorderBoxClip is value of the BackgroundClip property: // The background extends to the outside edge of the border (but underneath the border in z-ordering). BorderBoxClip = 0 // PaddingBoxClip is value of the BackgroundClip property: // The background extends to the outside edge of the padding. No background is drawn beneath the border. PaddingBoxClip = 1 // ContentBoxClip is value of the BackgroundClip property: // The background is painted within (clipped to) the content box. ContentBoxClip = 2 // ToTopGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. The value is equivalent to the 0deg angle ToTopGradient = 0 // ToRightTopGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. ToRightTopGradient = 1 // ToRightGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. The value is equivalent to the 90deg angle ToRightGradient = 2 // ToRightBottomGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. ToRightBottomGradient = 3 // ToBottomGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. The value is equivalent to the 180deg angle ToBottomGradient = 4 // ToLeftBottomGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. ToLeftBottomGradient = 5 // ToLeftGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. The value is equivalent to the 270deg angle ToLeftGradient = 6 // ToLeftTopGradient is value of the Direction property of a linear gradient. ToLeftTopGradient = 7 // EllipseGradient is value of the Shape property of a radial gradient background: // the shape is an axis-aligned ellipse EllipseGradient = 0 // CircleGradient is value of the Shape property of a radial gradient background: // the gradient's shape is a circle with constant radius CircleGradient = 1 // ClosestSideGradient is value of the Radius property of a radial gradient background: // The gradient's ending shape meets the side of the box closest to its center (for circles) // or meets both the vertical and horizontal sides closest to the center (for ellipses). ClosestSideGradient = 0 // ClosestCornerGradient is value of the Radius property of a radial gradient background: // The gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets the closest corner // of the box from its center. ClosestCornerGradient = 1 // FarthestSideGradient is value of the Radius property of a radial gradient background: // Similar to closest-side, except the ending shape is sized to meet the side of the box // farthest from its center (or vertical and horizontal sides). FarthestSideGradient = 2 // FarthestCornerGradient is value of the Radius property of a radial gradient background: // The default value, the gradient's ending shape is sized so that it exactly meets // the farthest corner of the box from its center. FarthestCornerGradient = 3 ) // BackgroundElement describes the background element. type BackgroundElement interface { Properties cssStyle(session Session) string Tag() string } type backgroundElement struct { propertyList } type backgroundImage struct { backgroundElement } // BackgroundGradientPoint define point on gradient straight line type BackgroundGradientPoint struct { // Pos - the distance from the start of the gradient straight line Pos SizeUnit // Color - the color of the point Color Color } type backgroundGradient struct { backgroundElement } type backgroundLinearGradient struct { backgroundGradient } type backgroundRadialGradient struct { backgroundGradient } // NewBackgroundImage creates the new background image func createBackground(obj DataObject) BackgroundElement { var result BackgroundElement = nil switch obj.Tag() { case "image": image := new(backgroundImage) = map[string]interface{}{} result = image case "linear-gradient": gradient := new(backgroundLinearGradient) = map[string]interface{}{} result = gradient case "radial-gradient": gradient := new(backgroundRadialGradient) = map[string]interface{}{} result = gradient default: return nil } count := obj.PropertyCount() for i := 0; i < count; i++ { if node := obj.Property(i); node.Type() == TextNode { if value := node.Text(); value != "" { result.Set(node.Tag(), value) } } } return result } // NewBackgroundImage creates the new background image func NewBackgroundImage(params Params) BackgroundElement { result := new(backgroundImage) = map[string]interface{}{} for tag, value := range params { result.Set(tag, value) } return result } // NewBackgroundLinearGradient creates the new background linear gradient func NewBackgroundLinearGradient(params Params) BackgroundElement { result := new(backgroundLinearGradient) = map[string]interface{}{} for tag, value := range params { result.Set(tag, value) } return result } // NewBackgroundRadialGradient creates the new background radial gradient func NewBackgroundRadialGradient(params Params) BackgroundElement { result := new(backgroundRadialGradient) = map[string]interface{}{} for tag, value := range params { result.Set(tag, value) } return result } func (image *backgroundImage) Tag() string { return "image" } func (image *backgroundImage) normalizeTag(tag string) string { tag = strings.ToLower(tag) switch tag { case "source": tag = Source case Fit: tag = backgroundFit case HorizontalAlign: tag = ImageHorizontalAlign case VerticalAlign: tag = ImageVerticalAlign } return tag } func (image *backgroundImage) Set(tag string, value interface{}) bool { tag = image.normalizeTag(tag) switch tag { case Attachment, Width, Height, Repeat, ImageHorizontalAlign, ImageVerticalAlign, backgroundFit, Source: return image.backgroundElement.Set(tag, value) } return false } func (image *backgroundImage) Get(tag string) interface{} { return image.backgroundElement.Get(image.normalizeTag(tag)) } func (image *backgroundImage) cssStyle(session Session) string { if src, ok := stringProperty(image, Source, session); ok && src != "" { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) buffer.WriteString(`url(`) buffer.WriteString(src) buffer.WriteRune(')') attachment, _ := enumProperty(image, Attachment, session, NoRepeat) values := enumProperties[Attachment].values if attachment > 0 && attachment < len(values) { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(values[attachment]) } align, _ := enumProperty(image, ImageHorizontalAlign, session, LeftAlign) values = enumProperties[ImageHorizontalAlign].values if align >= 0 && align < len(values) { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(values[align]) } else { buffer.WriteString(` left`) } align, _ = enumProperty(image, ImageVerticalAlign, session, TopAlign) values = enumProperties[ImageVerticalAlign].values if align >= 0 && align < len(values) { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(values[align]) } else { buffer.WriteString(` top`) } fit, _ := enumProperty(image, backgroundFit, session, NoneFit) values = enumProperties[backgroundFit].values if fit > 0 && fit < len(values) { buffer.WriteString(` / `) buffer.WriteString(values[fit]) } else { width, _ := sizeProperty(image, Width, session) height, _ := sizeProperty(image, Height, session) if width.Type != Auto || height.Type != Auto { buffer.WriteString(` / `) buffer.WriteString(width.cssString("auto")) buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(height.cssString("auto")) } } repeat, _ := enumProperty(image, Repeat, session, NoRepeat) values = enumProperties[Repeat].values if repeat >= 0 && repeat < len(values) { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(values[repeat]) } else { buffer.WriteString(` no-repeat`) } return buffer.String() } return "" } func (gradient *backgroundGradient) Set(tag string, value interface{}) bool { switch tag = strings.ToLower(tag); tag { case Repeat: return gradient.setBoolProperty(tag, value) case Gradient: switch value := value.(type) { case string: if value != "" { elements := strings.Split(value, `,`) if count := len(elements); count > 1 { points := make([]interface{}, count) for i, element := range elements { if strings.Contains(element, "@") { points[i] = element } else { var point BackgroundGradientPoint if point.setValue(element) { points[i] = point } else { ErrorLogF("Invalid gradient element #%d: %s", i, element) return false } } }[Gradient] = points return true } text := strings.Trim(value, " \n\r\t") if text[0] == '@' {[Gradient] = text return true } } case []BackgroundGradientPoint: if len(value) >= 2 {[Gradient] = value return true } case []Color: count := len(value) if count >= 2 { points := make([]BackgroundGradientPoint, count) for i, color := range value { points[i].Color = color points[i].Pos = AutoSize() }[Gradient] = points return true } case []GradientPoint: count := len(value) if count >= 2 { points := make([]BackgroundGradientPoint, count) for i, point := range value { points[i].Color = point.Color points[i].Pos = Percent(point.Offset * 100) }[Gradient] = points return true } case []interface{}: if count := len(value); count > 1 { points := make([]interface{}, count) for i, element := range value { switch element := element.(type) { case string: if strings.Contains(element, "@") { points[i] = element } else { var point BackgroundGradientPoint if !point.setValue(element) { ErrorLogF("Invalid gradient element #%d: %s", i, element) return false } points[i] = point } case BackgroundGradientPoint: points[i] = element case GradientPoint: points[i] = BackgroundGradientPoint{Color: element.Color, Pos: Percent(element.Offset * 100)} case Color: points[i] = BackgroundGradientPoint{Color: element, Pos: AutoSize()} default: ErrorLogF("Invalid gradient element #%d: %v", i, element) return false } }[Gradient] = points return true } } default: ErrorLogF("Invalid gradient %v", value) return false } return gradient.backgroundElement.Set(tag, value) } func (point *BackgroundGradientPoint) setValue(value string) bool { var ok bool switch elements := strings.Split(value, `:`); len(elements) { case 2: if point.Color, ok = StringToColor(elements[0]); !ok { return false } if point.Pos, ok = StringToSizeUnit(elements[1]); !ok { return false } case 1: if point.Color, ok = StringToColor(elements[0]); !ok { return false } point.Pos = AutoSize() default: return false } return false } func (gradient *backgroundGradient) writeGradient(session Session, buffer *strings.Builder) bool { value, ok :=[Gradient] if !ok { return false } points := []BackgroundGradientPoint{} switch value := value.(type) { case string: if text, ok := session.resolveConstants(value); ok && text != "" { elements := strings.Split(text, `,`) points := make([]BackgroundGradientPoint, len(elements)) for i, element := range elements { if !points[i].setValue(element) { ErrorLogF(`Invalid gradient point #%d: "%s"`, i, element) return false } } } else { ErrorLog(`Invalid gradient: ` + value) return false } case []BackgroundGradientPoint: points = value case []interface{}: points = make([]BackgroundGradientPoint, len(value)) for i, element := range value { switch element := element.(type) { case string: if text, ok := session.resolveConstants(element); ok && text != "" { if !points[i].setValue(text) { ErrorLogF(`Invalid gradient point #%d: "%s"`, i, text) return false } } else { ErrorLogF(`Invalid gradient point #%d: "%s"`, i, text) return false } case BackgroundGradientPoint: points[i] = element } } } if len(points) > 0 { for i, point := range points { if i > 0 { buffer.WriteString(`, `) } buffer.WriteString(point.Color.cssString()) if point.Pos.Type != Auto { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(point.Pos.cssString("")) } } return true } return false } func (gradient *backgroundLinearGradient) Tag() string { return "linear-gradient" } func (gradient *backgroundLinearGradient) Set(tag string, value interface{}) bool { if tag == Direction { switch value := value.(type) { case AngleUnit:[Direction] = value return true case string: var angle AngleUnit if ok, _ := angle.setValue(value); ok {[Direction] = angle return true } } return gradient.setEnumProperty(tag, value, enumProperties[Direction].values) } return gradient.backgroundGradient.Set(tag, value) } func (gradient *backgroundLinearGradient) cssStyle(session Session) string { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) if repeating, _ := boolProperty(gradient, Repeating, session); repeating { buffer.WriteString(`repeating-linear-gradient(`) } else { buffer.WriteString(`linear-gradient(`) } if value, ok :=[Direction]; ok { switch value := value.(type) { case string: if text, ok := session.resolveConstants(value); ok { direction := enumProperties[Direction] if n, ok := enumStringToInt(text, direction.values, false); ok { buffer.WriteString(direction.cssValues[n]) buffer.WriteString(", ") } else { if angle, ok := StringToAngleUnit(text); ok { buffer.WriteString(angle.cssString()) buffer.WriteString(", ") } else { ErrorLog(`Invalid linear gradient direction: ` + text) } } } else { ErrorLog(`Invalid linear gradient direction: ` + value) } case int: values := enumProperties[Direction].cssValues if value >= 0 && value < len(values) { buffer.WriteString(values[value]) buffer.WriteString(", ") } else { ErrorLogF(`Invalid linear gradient direction: %d`, value) } case AngleUnit: buffer.WriteString(value.cssString()) buffer.WriteString(", ") } } if !gradient.writeGradient(session, buffer) { return "" } buffer.WriteString(") ") return buffer.String() } func (gradient *backgroundRadialGradient) Tag() string { return "radial-gradient" } func (gradient *backgroundRadialGradient) normalizeTag(tag string) string { tag = strings.ToLower(tag) switch tag { case Radius: tag = RadialGradientRadius case Shape: tag = RadialGradientShape case "x-center": tag = CenterX case "y-center": tag = CenterY } return tag } func (gradient *backgroundRadialGradient) Set(tag string, value interface{}) bool { tag = gradient.normalizeTag(tag) switch tag { case RadialGradientRadius: switch value := value.(type) { case string, SizeUnit: return gradient.propertyList.Set(RadialGradientRadius, value) case int: n := value if n >= 0 && n < len(enumProperties[RadialGradientRadius].values) { return gradient.propertyList.Set(RadialGradientRadius, value) } } ErrorLogF(`Invalid value of "%s" property: %v`, tag, value) case RadialGradientShape: return gradient.propertyList.Set(RadialGradientShape, value) case CenterX, CenterY: return gradient.propertyList.Set(tag, value) } return gradient.backgroundGradient.Set(tag, value) } func (gradient *backgroundRadialGradient) Get(tag string) interface{} { return gradient.backgroundGradient.Get(gradient.normalizeTag(tag)) } func (gradient *backgroundRadialGradient) cssStyle(session Session) string { buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) if repeating, _ := boolProperty(gradient, Repeating, session); repeating { buffer.WriteString(`repeating-radial-gradient(`) } else { buffer.WriteString(`radial-gradient(`) } if shape, ok := enumProperty(gradient, RadialGradientShape, session, EllipseGradient); ok && shape == CircleGradient { buffer.WriteString(`circle `) } else { buffer.WriteString(`ellipse `) } if value, ok :=[RadialGradientRadius]; ok { switch value := value.(type) { case string: if text, ok := session.resolveConstants(value); ok { values := enumProperties[RadialGradientRadius] if n, ok := enumStringToInt(text, values.values, false); ok { buffer.WriteString(values.cssValues[n]) buffer.WriteString(" ") } else { if r, ok := StringToSizeUnit(text); ok && r.Type != Auto { buffer.WriteString(r.cssString("")) buffer.WriteString(" ") } else { ErrorLog(`Invalid linear gradient radius: ` + text) } } } else { ErrorLog(`Invalid linear gradient radius: ` + value) } case int: values := enumProperties[RadialGradientRadius].cssValues if value >= 0 && value < len(values) { buffer.WriteString(values[value]) buffer.WriteString(" ") } else { ErrorLogF(`Invalid linear gradient radius: %d`, value) } case SizeUnit: if value.Type != Auto { buffer.WriteString(value.cssString("")) buffer.WriteString(" ") } } } x, _ := sizeProperty(gradient, CenterX, session) y, _ := sizeProperty(gradient, CenterX, session) if x.Type != Auto || y.Type != Auto { buffer.WriteString("at ") buffer.WriteString(x.cssString("50%")) buffer.WriteString(" ") buffer.WriteString(y.cssString("50%")) } buffer.WriteString(", ") if !gradient.writeGradient(session, buffer) { return "" } buffer.WriteString(") ") return buffer.String() }