package rui import ( "fmt" "strings" ) // BorderProperty is an interface of a bounds property data type BoundsProperty interface { Properties fmt.Stringer stringWriter // Bounds returns top, right, bottom and left size of the bounds Bounds(session Session) Bounds } type boundsPropertyData struct { propertyList } // NewBoundsProperty creates the new BoundsProperty object func NewBoundsProperty(params Params) BoundsProperty { bounds := new(boundsPropertyData) = map[string]any{} if params != nil { for _, tag := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { if value, ok := params[tag]; ok { bounds.Set(tag, value) } } } return bounds } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) normalizeTag(tag string) string { tag = strings.ToLower(tag) switch tag { case MarginTop, PaddingTop, CellPaddingTop, "top-margin", "top-padding", "top-cell-padding": tag = Top case MarginRight, PaddingRight, CellPaddingRight, "right-margin", "right-padding", "right-cell-padding": tag = Right case MarginBottom, PaddingBottom, CellPaddingBottom, "bottom-margin", "bottom-padding", "bottom-cell-padding": tag = Bottom case MarginLeft, PaddingLeft, CellPaddingLeft, "left-margin", "left-padding", "left-cell-padding": tag = Left } return tag } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) String() string { return runStringWriter(bounds) } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) writeString(buffer *strings.Builder, indent string) { buffer.WriteString("_{ ") comma := false for _, tag := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { if value, ok :=[tag]; ok { if comma { buffer.WriteString(", ") } buffer.WriteString(tag) buffer.WriteString(" = ") writePropertyValue(buffer, tag, value, indent) comma = true } } buffer.WriteString(" }") } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) Remove(tag string) { bounds.propertyList.Remove(bounds.normalizeTag(tag)) } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) Set(tag string, value any) bool { if value == nil { bounds.Remove(tag) return true } tag = bounds.normalizeTag(tag) switch tag { case Top, Right, Bottom, Left: return bounds.setSizeProperty(tag, value) default: ErrorLogF(`"%s" property is not compatible with the BoundsProperty`, tag) } return false } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) Get(tag string) any { tag = bounds.normalizeTag(tag) if value, ok :=[tag]; ok { return value } return nil } func (bounds *boundsPropertyData) Bounds(session Session) Bounds { top, _ := sizeProperty(bounds, Top, session) right, _ := sizeProperty(bounds, Right, session) bottom, _ := sizeProperty(bounds, Bottom, session) left, _ := sizeProperty(bounds, Left, session) return Bounds{Top: top, Right: right, Bottom: bottom, Left: left} } // Bounds describe bounds of rectangle. type Bounds struct { Top, Right, Bottom, Left SizeUnit } // DefaultBounds return bounds with Top, Right, Bottom and Left fields set to Auto func DefaultBounds() Bounds { return Bounds{ Top: SizeUnit{Type: Auto, Value: 0}, Right: SizeUnit{Type: Auto, Value: 0}, Bottom: SizeUnit{Type: Auto, Value: 0}, Left: SizeUnit{Type: Auto, Value: 0}, } } // SetAll set the Top, Right, Bottom and Left field to the equal value func (bounds *Bounds) SetAll(value SizeUnit) { bounds.Top = value bounds.Right = value bounds.Bottom = value bounds.Left = value } func (bounds *Bounds) setFromProperties(tag, topTag, rightTag, bottomTag, leftTag string, properties Properties, session Session) { bounds.Top = AutoSize() if size, ok := sizeProperty(properties, tag, session); ok { bounds.Top = size } bounds.Right = bounds.Top bounds.Bottom = bounds.Top bounds.Left = bounds.Top if size, ok := sizeProperty(properties, topTag, session); ok { bounds.Top = size } if size, ok := sizeProperty(properties, rightTag, session); ok { bounds.Right = size } if size, ok := sizeProperty(properties, bottomTag, session); ok { bounds.Bottom = size } if size, ok := sizeProperty(properties, leftTag, session); ok { bounds.Left = size } } /* func (bounds *Bounds) allFieldsAuto() bool { return bounds.Left.Type == Auto && bounds.Top.Type == Auto && bounds.Right.Type == Auto && bounds.Bottom.Type == Auto } func (bounds *Bounds) allFieldsZero() bool { return (bounds.Left.Type == Auto || bounds.Left.Value == 0) && (bounds.Top.Type == Auto || bounds.Top.Value == 0) && (bounds.Right.Type == Auto || bounds.Right.Value == 0) && (bounds.Bottom.Type == Auto || bounds.Bottom.Value == 0) } */ func (bounds *Bounds) allFieldsEqual() bool { if bounds.Left.Type == bounds.Top.Type && bounds.Left.Type == bounds.Right.Type && bounds.Left.Type == bounds.Bottom.Type { return bounds.Left.Type == Auto || (bounds.Left.Value == bounds.Top.Value && bounds.Left.Value == bounds.Right.Value && bounds.Left.Value == bounds.Bottom.Value) } return false } /* func (bounds Bounds) writeCSSString(buffer *strings.Builder, textForAuto string) { buffer.WriteString(bounds.Top.cssString(textForAuto)) if !bounds.allFieldsEqual() { buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(bounds.Right.cssString(textForAuto)) buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(bounds.Bottom.cssString(textForAuto)) buffer.WriteRune(' ') buffer.WriteString(bounds.Left.cssString(textForAuto)) } } */ // String convert Bounds to string func (bounds *Bounds) String() string { if bounds.allFieldsEqual() { return bounds.Top.String() } return bounds.Top.String() + "," + bounds.Right.String() + "," + bounds.Bottom.String() + "," + bounds.Left.String() } func (bounds *Bounds) cssValue(tag string, builder cssBuilder, session Session) { if bounds.allFieldsEqual() { builder.add(tag, bounds.Top.cssString("0", session)) } else { builder.addValues(tag, " ", bounds.Top.cssString("0", session), bounds.Right.cssString("0", session), bounds.Bottom.cssString("0", session), bounds.Left.cssString("0", session)) } } func (bounds *Bounds) cssString(session Session) string { var builder cssValueBuilder bounds.cssValue("", &builder, session) return builder.finish() } func (properties *propertyList) setBounds(tag string, value any) bool { if !properties.setSimpleProperty(tag, value) { switch value := value.(type) { case string: if strings.Contains(value, ",") { values := split4Values(value) count := len(values) switch count { case 1: value = values[0] case 4: bounds := NewBoundsProperty(nil) for i, tag := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { if !bounds.Set(tag, values[i]) { notCompatibleType(tag, value) return false } }[tag] = bounds return true default: notCompatibleType(tag, value) return false } } return properties.setSizeProperty(tag, value) case SizeUnit:[tag] = value case float32:[tag] = Px(float64(value)) case float64:[tag] = Px(value) case Bounds: bounds := NewBoundsProperty(nil) if value.Top.Type != Auto { bounds.Set(Top, value.Top) } if value.Right.Type != Auto { bounds.Set(Right, value.Right) } if value.Bottom.Type != Auto { bounds.Set(Bottom, value.Bottom) } if value.Left.Type != Auto { bounds.Set(Left, value.Left) }[tag] = bounds case BoundsProperty:[tag] = value case DataObject: bounds := NewBoundsProperty(nil) for _, tag := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { if text, ok := value.PropertyValue(tag); ok { if !bounds.Set(tag, text) { notCompatibleType(tag, value) return false } } }[tag] = bounds default: if n, ok := isInt(value); ok {[tag] = Px(float64(n)) } else { notCompatibleType(tag, value) return false } } } return true } func (properties *propertyList) boundsProperty(tag string) BoundsProperty { if value, ok :=[tag]; ok { switch value := value.(type) { case string: bounds := NewBoundsProperty(nil) for _, t := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { bounds.Set(t, value) } return bounds case SizeUnit: bounds := NewBoundsProperty(nil) for _, t := range []string{Top, Right, Bottom, Left} { bounds.Set(t, value) } return bounds case BoundsProperty: return value case Bounds: return NewBoundsProperty(Params{ Top: value.Top, Right: value.Right, Bottom: value.Bottom, Left: value.Left}) } } return NewBoundsProperty(nil) } func (properties *propertyList) removeBoundsSide(mainTag, sideTag string) { bounds := properties.boundsProperty(mainTag) if bounds.Get(sideTag) != nil { bounds.Remove(sideTag)[mainTag] = bounds } } func (properties *propertyList) setBoundsSide(mainTag, sideTag string, value any) bool { bounds := properties.boundsProperty(mainTag) if bounds.Set(sideTag, value) {[mainTag] = bounds return true } notCompatibleType(sideTag, value) return false } func boundsProperty(properties Properties, tag string, session Session) (Bounds, bool) { if value := properties.Get(tag); value != nil { switch value := value.(type) { case string: if text, ok := session.resolveConstants(value); ok { if size, ok := StringToSizeUnit(text); ok { return Bounds{Left: size, Top: size, Right: size, Bottom: size}, true } } case SizeUnit: return Bounds{Left: value, Top: value, Right: value, Bottom: value}, true case Bounds: return value, true case BoundsProperty: return value.Bounds(session), true default: notCompatibleType(tag, value) } } return DefaultBounds(), false }