//go:build wasm package rui import ( _ "embed" "encoding/base64" "path/filepath" "strings" "syscall/js" ) //go:embed app_wasm.js var wasmScripts string type wasmApp struct { params AppParams createContentFunc func(Session) SessionContent session Session bridge bridge close chan DataObject } func (app *wasmApp) Finish() { app.session.close() } func (app *wasmApp) Params() AppParams { params := app.params params.SocketAutoClose = 0 return params } func debugLog(text string) { js.Global().Get("console").Call("log", text) } func errorLog(text string) { js.Global().Get("console").Call("log", "%c"+text, "color: #F00;") } func (app *wasmApp) handleMessage(this js.Value, args []js.Value) any { if len(args) > 0 { text := args[0].String() if ProtocolInDebugLog { DebugLog(text) } if obj := ParseDataText(text); obj != nil { switch command := obj.Tag(); command { case "session-close": app.close <- obj default: if !app.session.handleAnswer(command, obj) { app.session.handleEvent(command, obj) } } } } return nil } func (app *wasmApp) removeSession(id int) { } func (app *wasmApp) createSession() Session { session := newSession(app, 0, "", ParseDataText(js.Global().Call("sessionInfo", "").String())) session.setBridge(app.close, app.bridge) session.setContent(app.createContentFunc(session)) return session } func (app *wasmApp) init(params AppParams) { app.params = params document := js.Global().Get("document") body := document.Call("querySelector", "body") head := document.Call("querySelector", "head") meta := document.Call("createElement", "meta") meta.Set("name", "viewport") meta.Set("content", "width=device-width") head.Call("appendChild", meta) meta = document.Call("createElement", "base") meta.Set("target", "_blank") meta.Set("rel", "noopener") head.Call("appendChild", meta) if params.Icon != "" { url := params.Icon if image, ok := resources.images[params.Icon]; ok && image.fs != nil { dataType := map[string]string{ ".svg": "data:image/svg+xml", ".png": "data:image/png", ".jpg": "data:image/jpg", ".jpeg": "data:image/jpg", ".gif": "data:image/gif", } ext := strings.ToLower(filepath.Ext(params.Icon)) if prefix, ok := dataType[ext]; ok { if data, err := image.fs.ReadFile(image.path); err == nil { url = prefix + ";base64," + base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(data) } else { DebugLog(err.Error()) } } } meta = document.Call("createElement", "link") meta.Set("rel", "icon") meta.Set("href", url) head.Call("appendChild", meta) } script := document.Call("createElement", "script") script.Set("type", "text/javascript") script.Set("textContent", defaultScripts+wasmScripts) body.Call("appendChild", script) js.Global().Set("sendMessage", js.FuncOf(app.handleMessage)) app.close = make(chan DataObject) app.session = app.createSession() style := document.Call("createElement", "style") css := appStyles + app.session.getCurrentTheme().cssText(app.session) css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, `\n`, "\n") css = strings.ReplaceAll(css, `\t`, "\t") style.Set("textContent", css) document.Call("querySelector", "head").Call("appendChild", style) style = document.Call("createElement", "style") style.Set("id", "ruiAnimations") document.Call("querySelector", "head").Call("appendChild", style) buffer := allocStringBuilder() defer freeStringBuilder(buffer) div := document.Call("createElement", "div") div.Set("className", "ruiRoot") div.Set("id", "ruiRootView") viewHTML(app.session.RootView(), buffer) div.Set("innerHTML", buffer.String()) body.Call("appendChild", div) div = document.Call("createElement", "div") div.Set("className", "ruiPopupLayer") div.Set("id", "ruiPopupLayer") div.Set("style", "visibility: hidden;") body.Call("appendChild", div) div = document.Call("createElement", "a") div.Set("id", "ruiDownloader") div.Set("download", "") div.Set("style", "display: none;") body.Call("appendChild", div) if params.TitleColor != 0 { app.bridge.callFunc("setTitleColor", params.TitleColor.cssString()) } } // StartApp - create the new wasmApp and start it func StartApp(addr string, createContentFunc func(Session) SessionContent, params AppParams) { if createContentFunc == nil { return } app := new(wasmApp) app.createContentFunc = createContentFunc app.close = make(chan DataObject) app.bridge = createWasmBridge(app.close) app.init(params) <-app.close } func FinishApp() { } func OpenBrowser(url string) bool { return false }