mirror of https://github.com/anoshenko/rui.git
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1041 lines
29 KiB
package rui
import (
// Frame - the location and size of a rectangle area
type Frame struct {
// Left - the left border
Left float64
// Top - the top border
Top float64
// Width - the width of a rectangle area
Width float64
// Height - the height of a rectangle area
Height float64
// Right returns the right border
func (frame Frame) Right() float64 {
return frame.Left + frame.Width
// Bottom returns the bottom border
func (frame Frame) Bottom() float64 {
return frame.Top + frame.Height
// View represents a base view interface
type View interface {
// Session returns the current Session interface
Session() Session
// Parent returns the parent view
Parent() View
// Tag returns the tag of View interface
Tag() string
// ID returns the id of the view
ID() string
// Focusable returns true if the view receives the focus
Focusable() bool
// Frame returns the location and size of the view in pixels
Frame() Frame
// Scroll returns the location size of the scrollable view in pixels
Scroll() Frame
// SetParams sets properties with name "tag" of the "rootView" subview. Result:
// - true - all properties were set successful,
// - false - error (incompatible type or invalid format of a string value, see AppLog).
SetParams(params Params) bool
// SetAnimated sets the value (second argument) of the property with name defined by the first argument.
// Return "true" if the value has been set, in the opposite case "false" are returned and
// a description of the error is written to the log
SetAnimated(tag PropertyName, value any, animation Animation) bool
// SetChangeListener set the function to track the change of the View property
SetChangeListener(tag PropertyName, listener func(View, PropertyName))
// HasFocus returns 'true' if the view has focus
HasFocus() bool
init(session Session)
handleCommand(self View, command PropertyName, data DataObject) bool
htmlClass(disabled bool) string
htmlTag() string
closeHTMLTag() bool
htmlID() string
parentHTMLID() string
setParentID(parentID string)
htmlSubviews(self View, buffer *strings.Builder)
htmlProperties(self View, buffer *strings.Builder)
cssStyle(self View, builder cssBuilder)
addToCSSStyle(addCSS map[string]string)
exscludeTags() []PropertyName
htmlDisabledProperty() bool
onResize(self View, x, y, width, height float64)
onItemResize(self View, index string, x, y, width, height float64)
isNoResizeEvent() bool
setScroll(x, y, width, height float64)
// viewData - base implementation of View interface
type viewData struct {
session Session
tag string
viewID string
_htmlID string
parentID string
systemClass string
changeListener map[PropertyName]func(View, PropertyName)
singleTransition map[PropertyName]Animation
addCSS map[string]string
frame Frame
scroll Frame
noResizeEvent bool
created bool
hasFocus bool
hasHtmlDisabled bool
get func(tag PropertyName) any
set func(tag PropertyName, value any) []PropertyName
remove func(tag PropertyName) []PropertyName
changed func(tag PropertyName)
func newView(session Session) View {
return new(viewData)
// NewView create new View object and return it
func NewView(session Session, params Params) View {
view := new(viewData)
setInitParams(view, params)
return view
func setInitParams(view View, params Params) {
if params != nil {
session := view.Session()
if !session.ignoreViewUpdates() {
defer session.setIgnoreViewUpdates(false)
for _, tag := range params.AllTags() {
if value, ok := params[tag]; ok {
view.Set(tag, value)
func (view *viewData) init(session Session) {
view.get = view.getFunc
view.set = view.setFunc
view.remove = view.removeFunc
view.normalize = normalizeViewTag
view.changed = view.propertyChanged
view.tag = "View"
view.session = session
view.changeListener = map[PropertyName]func(View, PropertyName){}
view.addCSS = map[string]string{}
//view.animation = map[string]AnimationEndListener{}
view.singleTransition = map[PropertyName]Animation{}
view.noResizeEvent = false
view.created = false
view.hasHtmlDisabled = false
func (view *viewData) Session() Session {
return view.session
func (view *viewData) Parent() View {
return view.session.viewByHTMLID(view.parentID)
func (view *viewData) parentHTMLID() string {
return view.parentID
func (view *viewData) setParentID(parentID string) {
view.parentID = parentID
func (view *viewData) Tag() string {
return view.tag
func (view *viewData) ID() string {
return view.viewID
func (view *viewData) ViewByID(id string) View {
if id == view.ID() {
if v := view.session.viewByHTMLID(view.htmlID()); v != nil {
return v
return view
return nil
func (view *viewData) Focusable() bool {
if focus, ok := boolProperty(view, Focusable, view.session); ok {
return focus
if style, ok := stringProperty(view, Style, view.session); ok {
if style, ok := view.session.resolveConstants(style); ok {
if value := view.session.styleProperty(style, Focusable); ok {
if focus, ok := valueToBool(value, view.Session()); ok {
return focus
return false
func (view *viewData) Remove(tag PropertyName) {
changedTags := view.removeFunc(view.normalize(tag))
if view.created && len(changedTags) > 0 {
for _, tag := range changedTags {
for _, tag := range changedTags {
if listener, ok := view.changeListener[tag]; ok {
listener(view, tag)
func (view *viewData) Get(tag PropertyName) any {
switch tag {
case ID:
return view.ID()
return view.get(view.normalize(tag))
func (view *viewData) Set(tag PropertyName, value any) bool {
if value == nil {
return true
tag = view.normalize(tag)
changedTags := view.set(tag, value)
if view.created && len(changedTags) > 0 {
for _, tag := range changedTags {
for _, tag := range changedTags {
if listener, ok := view.changeListener[tag]; ok {
listener(view, tag)
return changedTags != nil
func normalizeViewTag(tag PropertyName) PropertyName {
tag = normalizeViewStyleTag(tag)
switch tag {
case "tab-index":
return TabIndex
return tag
func (view *viewData) getFunc(tag PropertyName) any {
if tag == ID {
if id := view.ID(); id != "" {
return id
} else {
return nil
return viewStyleGet(view, tag)
func (view *viewData) removeFunc(tag PropertyName) []PropertyName {
var changedTags []PropertyName = nil
switch tag {
case ID:
if view.viewID != "" {
view.viewID = ""
changedTags = []PropertyName{ID}
} else {
changedTags = []PropertyName{}
case AnimationTag:
if val := view.getRaw(AnimationTag); val != nil {
if animations, ok := val.([]Animation); ok {
for _, animation := range animations {
view.setRaw(AnimationTag, nil)
changedTags = []PropertyName{AnimationTag}
changedTags = viewStyleRemove(view, tag)
return changedTags
func (view *viewData) setFunc(tag PropertyName, value any) []PropertyName {
switch tag {
case ID:
if text, ok := value.(string); ok {
view.viewID = text
view.setRaw(ID, text)
return []PropertyName{ID}
notCompatibleType(ID, value)
return nil
case AnimationTag:
oldAnimations := []Animation{}
if val := view.getRaw(AnimationTag); val != nil {
if animation, ok := val.([]Animation); ok {
oldAnimations = animation
if !setAnimationProperty(view, tag, value) {
return nil
for _, animation := range oldAnimations {
return []PropertyName{AnimationTag}
case TabIndex, "tab-index":
return setIntProperty(view, TabIndex, value)
case UserData:
view.setRaw(tag, value)
return []PropertyName{UserData}
case Style, StyleDisabled:
if text, ok := value.(string); ok {
view.setRaw(tag, text)
return []PropertyName{tag}
notCompatibleType(ID, value)
return nil
case FocusEvent, LostFocusEvent:
return setNoArgEventListener[View](view, tag, value)
case KeyDownEvent, KeyUpEvent:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, KeyEvent](view, tag, value)
case ClickEvent, DoubleClickEvent, MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseOut, MouseOver, ContextMenuEvent:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, MouseEvent](view, tag, value)
case PointerDown, PointerUp, PointerMove, PointerOut, PointerOver, PointerCancel:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, PointerEvent](view, tag, value)
case TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, TouchEvent](view, tag, value)
case TransitionRunEvent, TransitionStartEvent, TransitionEndEvent, TransitionCancelEvent:
result := setOneArgEventListener[View, PropertyName](view, tag, value)
if result == nil {
result = setOneArgEventListener[View, string](view, tag, value)
if result != nil {
if listeners, ok := view.getRaw(tag).([]func(View, string)); ok {
newListeners := make([]func(View, PropertyName), len(listeners))
for i, listener := range listeners {
newListeners[i] = func(view View, name PropertyName) {
listener(view, string(name))
view.setRaw(tag, newListeners)
return result
view.setRaw(tag, nil)
return nil
return result
case AnimationStartEvent, AnimationEndEvent, AnimationIterationEvent, AnimationCancelEvent:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, string](view, tag, value)
case ResizeEvent, ScrollEvent:
return setOneArgEventListener[View, Frame](view, tag, value)
return viewStyleSet(view, tag, value)
func (view *viewData) SetParams(params Params) bool {
if params == nil {
errorLog("Argument of function SetParams is nil")
return false
session := view.Session()
result := true
for _, tag := range params.AllTags() {
if value, ok := params[tag]; ok {
result = view.Set(tag, value) && result
return result
func (view *viewData) propertyChanged(tag PropertyName) {
htmlID := view.htmlID()
session := view.Session()
switch tag {
case TabIndex:
if value, ok := intProperty(view, TabIndex, view.Session(), 0); ok {
session.updateProperty(view.htmlID(), "tabindex", strconv.Itoa(value))
} else if view.Focusable() {
session.updateProperty(view.htmlID(), "tabindex", "0")
} else {
session.updateProperty(view.htmlID(), "tabindex", "-1")
case Style, StyleDisabled:
session.updateProperty(view.htmlID(), "class", view.htmlClass(IsDisabled(view)))
case Disabled:
tabIndex := GetTabIndex(view, htmlID)
enabledClass := view.htmlClass(false)
disabledClass := view.htmlClass(true)
if IsDisabled(view) {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "data-disabled", "1")
if view.htmlDisabledProperty() {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "disabled", true)
if tabIndex >= 0 {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "tabindex", -1)
if enabledClass != disabledClass {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "class", disabledClass)
} else {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "data-disabled", "0")
if view.htmlDisabledProperty() {
session.removeProperty(htmlID, "disabled")
if tabIndex >= 0 {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "tabindex", tabIndex)
if enabledClass != disabledClass {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "class", enabledClass)
updateInnerHTML(htmlID, session)
case Visibility:
switch GetVisibility(view) {
case Invisible:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Visibility), "hidden")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "display", "")
case Gone:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Visibility), "hidden")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "display", "none")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Visibility), "visible")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "display", "")
case Background:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Background), backgroundCSS(view, session))
case Mask:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "mask", maskCSS(view, session))
case Border, BorderLeft, BorderRight, BorderTop, BorderBottom:
cssWidth := ""
cssColor := ""
cssStyle := "none"
if border := getBorderProperty(view, Border); border != nil {
cssWidth = border.cssWidthValue(session)
cssColor = border.cssColorValue(session)
cssStyle = border.cssStyleValue(session)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderWidth), cssWidth)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderColor), cssColor)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderStyle), cssStyle)
case BorderStyle, BorderLeftStyle, BorderRightStyle, BorderTopStyle, BorderBottomStyle:
if border := getBorderProperty(view, Border); border != nil {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderStyle), border.cssStyleValue(session))
case BorderColor, BorderLeftColor, BorderRightColor, BorderTopColor, BorderBottomColor:
if border := getBorderProperty(view, Border); border != nil {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderColor), border.cssColorValue(session))
case BorderWidth, BorderLeftWidth, BorderRightWidth, BorderTopWidth, BorderBottomWidth:
if border := getBorderProperty(view, Border); border != nil {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BorderWidth), border.cssWidthValue(session))
case Outline, OutlineColor, OutlineStyle, OutlineWidth:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Outline), GetOutline(view).cssString(session))
case Shadow:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "box-shadow", shadowCSS(view, Shadow, session))
case TextShadow:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "text-shadow", shadowCSS(view, TextShadow, session))
case Radius, RadiusX, RadiusY, RadiusTopLeft, RadiusTopLeftX, RadiusTopLeftY,
RadiusTopRight, RadiusTopRightX, RadiusTopRightY,
RadiusBottomLeft, RadiusBottomLeftX, RadiusBottomLeftY,
RadiusBottomRight, RadiusBottomRightX, RadiusBottomRightY:
radius := GetRadius(view)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "border-radius", radius.cssString(session))
case Margin, MarginTop, MarginRight, MarginBottom, MarginLeft,
"top-margin", "right-margin", "bottom-margin", "left-margin":
margin := GetMargin(view)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Margin), margin.cssString(session))
case Padding, PaddingTop, PaddingRight, PaddingBottom, PaddingLeft,
"top-padding", "right-padding", "bottom-padding", "left-padding":
padding := GetPadding(view)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Padding), padding.cssString(session))
case AvoidBreak:
if avoid, ok := boolProperty(view, AvoidBreak, session); ok {
if avoid {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "break-inside", "avoid")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "break-inside", "auto")
case Clip:
if clip := getClipShape(view, Clip, session); clip != nil && clip.valid(session) {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `clip-path`, clip.cssStyle(session))
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `clip-path`, "none")
case ShapeOutside:
if clip := getClipShape(view, ShapeOutside, session); clip != nil && clip.valid(session) {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(ShapeOutside), clip.cssStyle(session))
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(ShapeOutside), "none")
case Filter:
text := ""
if value := view.getRaw(Filter); value != nil {
if filter, ok := value.(ViewFilter); ok {
text = filter.cssStyle(session)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Filter), text)
case BackdropFilter:
text := ""
if value := view.getRaw(BackdropFilter); value != nil {
if filter, ok := value.(ViewFilter); ok {
text = filter.cssStyle(session)
if session.startUpdateScript(htmlID) {
defer session.finishUpdateScript(htmlID)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "-webkit-backdrop-filter", text)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BackdropFilter), text)
case FontName:
if font, ok := stringProperty(view, FontName, session); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-family", font)
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-family", "")
case Italic:
if state, ok := boolProperty(view, tag, session); ok {
if state {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-style", "italic")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-style", "normal")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-style", "")
case SmallCaps:
if state, ok := boolProperty(view, tag, session); ok {
if state {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-variant", "small-caps")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-variant", "normal")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "font-variant", "")
case Strikethrough, Overline, Underline:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "text-decoration", textDecorationCSS(view, session))
for _, tag2 := range []PropertyName{TextLineColor, TextLineStyle, TextLineThickness} {
case Transition:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "transition", transitionCSS(view, session))
case AnimationTag:
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "animation", animationCSS(view, session))
case AnimationPaused:
paused, ok := boolProperty(view, AnimationPaused, session)
if !ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `animation-play-state`, ``)
} else if paused {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `animation-play-state`, `paused`)
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `animation-play-state`, `running`)
case ZIndex, Order, TabSize:
if i, ok := intProperty(view, tag, session, 0); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(tag), strconv.Itoa(i))
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(tag), "")
case Row, Column:
if parentID := view.parentHTMLID(); parentID != "" {
updateInnerHTML(parentID, session)
case UserSelect:
if session.startUpdateScript(htmlID) {
defer session.finishUpdateScript(htmlID)
if userSelect, ok := boolProperty(view, UserSelect, session); ok {
if userSelect {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "-webkit-user-select", "auto")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "user-select", "auto")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "-webkit-user-select", "none")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "user-select", "none")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "-webkit-user-select", "")
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "user-select", "")
case ColumnSpanAll:
if spanAll, ok := boolProperty(view, ColumnSpanAll, session); ok && spanAll {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `column-span`, `all`)
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, `column-span`, `none`)
case Tooltip:
if tooltip := GetTooltip(view); tooltip == "" {
session.removeProperty(htmlID, "data-tooltip")
} else {
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "data-tooltip", tooltip)
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "onmouseenter", "mouseEnterEvent(this, event)")
session.updateProperty(htmlID, "onmouseleave", "mouseLeaveEvent(this, event)")
case PerspectiveOriginX, PerspectiveOriginY:
x, y := GetPerspectiveOrigin(view)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "perspective-origin", transformOriginCSS(x, y, AutoSize(), view.Session()))
case BackfaceVisible:
if GetBackfaceVisible(view) {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BackfaceVisible), "visible")
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(BackfaceVisible), "hidden")
case TransformOriginX, TransformOriginY, TransformOriginZ:
x, y, z := getTransformOrigin(view, session)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "transform-origin", transformOriginCSS(x, y, z, view.Session()))
case Transform:
css := ""
if transform := getTransformProperty(view, Transform); transform != nil {
css = transform.transformCSS(session)
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, "transform", css)
case Perspective, SkewX, SkewY, TranslateX, TranslateY, TranslateZ,
ScaleX, ScaleY, ScaleZ, Rotate, RotateX, RotateY, RotateZ:
// do nothing
case FocusEvent, LostFocusEvent, ResizeEvent, ScrollEvent, KeyDownEvent, KeyUpEvent,
ClickEvent, DoubleClickEvent, MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseOut, MouseOver, ContextMenuEvent,
PointerDown, PointerUp, PointerMove, PointerOut, PointerOver, PointerCancel,
TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel,
TransitionRunEvent, TransitionStartEvent, TransitionEndEvent, TransitionCancelEvent,
AnimationStartEvent, AnimationEndEvent, AnimationIterationEvent, AnimationCancelEvent:
updateEventListenerHtml(view, tag)
case DataList:
updateInnerHTML(view.htmlID(), view.Session())
if cssTag, ok := sizeProperties[tag]; ok {
if size, ok := sizeProperty(view, tag, session); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, cssTag, size.cssString("", session))
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, cssTag, "")
colorTags := map[PropertyName]string{
BackgroundColor: string(BackgroundColor),
TextColor: "color",
TextLineColor: "text-decoration-color",
CaretColor: string(CaretColor),
AccentColor: string(AccentColor),
if cssTag, ok := colorTags[tag]; ok {
if color, ok := colorProperty(view, tag, session); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, cssTag, color.cssString())
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, cssTag, "")
if valuesData, ok := enumProperties[tag]; ok && valuesData.cssTag != "" {
if n, ok := enumProperty(view, tag, session, 0); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, valuesData.cssTag, valuesData.cssValues[n])
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, valuesData.cssTag, "")
if f, ok := floatTextProperty(view, Opacity, session, 0); ok {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Opacity), f)
} else {
session.updateCSSProperty(htmlID, string(Opacity), "")
func (view *viewData) htmlTag() string {
if semantics := GetSemantics(view); semantics > DefaultSemantics {
values := enumProperties[Semantics].cssValues
if semantics < len(values) {
return values[semantics]
return "div"
func (view *viewData) closeHTMLTag() bool {
return true
func (view *viewData) htmlID() string {
if view._htmlID == "" {
view._htmlID = view.session.nextViewID()
return view._htmlID
func (view *viewData) htmlSubviews(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) {
func (view *viewData) addToCSSStyle(addCSS map[string]string) {
view.addCSS = addCSS
func (view *viewData) cssStyle(self View, builder cssBuilder) {
view.viewStyle.cssViewStyle(builder, view.session)
switch GetVisibility(view) {
case Invisible:
builder.add(`visibility`, `hidden`)
case Gone:
builder.add(`display`, `none`)
if view.addCSS != nil {
for tag, value := range view.addCSS {
builder.add(tag, value)
func (view *viewData) htmlDisabledProperty() bool {
return view.hasHtmlDisabled
func (view *viewData) htmlProperties(self View, buffer *strings.Builder) {
view.created = true
if IsDisabled(self) {
buffer.WriteString(` data-disabled="1"`)
if view.hasHtmlDisabled {
buffer.WriteString(` disabled`)
} else {
buffer.WriteString(` data-disabled="0"`)
if view.frame.Left != 0 || view.frame.Top != 0 || view.frame.Width != 0 || view.frame.Height != 0 {
buffer.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` data-left="%g" data-top="%g" data-width="%g" data-height="%g"`,
view.frame.Left, view.frame.Top, view.frame.Width, view.frame.Height))
func viewHTML(view View, buffer *strings.Builder, htmlTag string) {
if htmlTag == "" {
htmlTag = view.htmlTag()
//viewHTMLTag := view.htmlTag()
buffer.WriteString(` id="`)
disabled := IsDisabled(view)
if cls := view.htmlClass(disabled); cls != "" {
buffer.WriteString(` class="`)
cssBuilder := viewCSSBuilder{buffer: allocStringBuilder()}
view.cssStyle(view, &cssBuilder)
if style := cssBuilder.finish(); style != "" {
buffer.WriteString(` style="`)
buffer.WriteRune(' ')
view.htmlProperties(view, buffer)
if view.isNoResizeEvent() {
buffer.WriteString(` data-noresize="1" `)
} else {
buffer.WriteRune(' ')
if !disabled {
if tabIndex := GetTabIndex(view); tabIndex >= 0 {
buffer.WriteString(`" `)
if tooltip := GetTooltip(view); tooltip != "" {
buffer.WriteString(`data-tooltip=" `)
buffer.WriteString(`" onmouseenter="mouseEnterEvent(this, event)" onmouseleave="mouseLeaveEvent(this, event)" `)
buffer.WriteString(`onscroll="scrollEvent(this, event)" `)
focusEventsHtml(view, buffer)
keyEventsHtml(view, buffer)
viewEventsHtml[MouseEvent](view, []PropertyName{ClickEvent, DoubleClickEvent, MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseOut, MouseOver, ContextMenuEvent}, buffer)
//mouseEventsHtml(view, buffer, hasTooltip)
viewEventsHtml[PointerEvent](view, []PropertyName{PointerDown, PointerUp, PointerMove, PointerOut, PointerOver, PointerCancel}, buffer)
//pointerEventsHtml(view, buffer)
viewEventsHtml[TouchEvent](view, []PropertyName{TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel}, buffer)
//touchEventsHtml(view, buffer)
viewEventsHtml[string](view, []PropertyName{TransitionRunEvent, TransitionStartEvent, TransitionEndEvent, TransitionCancelEvent,
AnimationStartEvent, AnimationEndEvent, AnimationIterationEvent, AnimationCancelEvent}, buffer)
//transitionEventsHtml(view, buffer)
//animationEventsHtml(view, buffer)
view.htmlSubviews(view, buffer)
if view.closeHTMLTag() {
func (view *viewData) htmlClass(disabled bool) string {
cls := "ruiView"
disabledStyle := false
if disabled {
if value, ok := stringProperty(view, StyleDisabled, view.Session()); ok && value != "" {
cls += " " + value
disabledStyle = true
if !disabledStyle {
if value, ok := stringProperty(view, Style, view.Session()); ok {
cls += " " + value
if view.systemClass != "" {
cls = view.systemClass + " " + cls
return cls
func (view *viewData) handleCommand(self View, command PropertyName, data DataObject) bool {
switch command {
case KeyDownEvent, KeyUpEvent:
if !IsDisabled(self) {
handleKeyEvents(self, command, data)
case ClickEvent, DoubleClickEvent, MouseDown, MouseUp, MouseMove, MouseOut, MouseOver, ContextMenuEvent:
handleMouseEvents(self, command, data)
case PointerDown, PointerUp, PointerMove, PointerOut, PointerOver, PointerCancel:
handlePointerEvents(self, command, data)
case TouchStart, TouchEnd, TouchMove, TouchCancel:
handleTouchEvents(self, command, data)
case FocusEvent:
view.hasFocus = true
for _, listener := range getNoArgEventListeners[View](view, nil, command) {
case LostFocusEvent:
view.hasFocus = false
for _, listener := range getNoArgEventListeners[View](view, nil, command) {
case TransitionRunEvent, TransitionStartEvent, TransitionEndEvent, TransitionCancelEvent:
view.handleTransitionEvents(command, data)
case AnimationStartEvent, AnimationEndEvent, AnimationIterationEvent, AnimationCancelEvent:
view.handleAnimationEvents(command, data)
case "scroll":
view.onScroll(view, dataFloatProperty(data, "x"), dataFloatProperty(data, "y"), dataFloatProperty(data, "width"), dataFloatProperty(data, "height"))
case "widthChanged":
if value, ok := data.PropertyValue("width"); ok {
if width, ok := StringToSizeUnit(value); ok {
self.setRaw(Width, width)
case "heightChanged":
if value, ok := data.PropertyValue("height"); ok {
if height, ok := StringToSizeUnit(value); ok {
self.setRaw(Height, height)
case "resize":
floatProperty := func(tag string) float64 {
if value, ok := data.PropertyValue(tag); ok {
if result, err := strconv.ParseFloat(value, 64); err == nil {
return result
return 0
self.onResize(self, floatProperty("x"), floatProperty("y"), floatProperty("width"), floatProperty("height"))
return true
return false
return true
func (view *viewData) SetChangeListener(tag PropertyName, listener func(View, PropertyName)) {
if listener == nil {
delete(view.changeListener, tag)
} else {
view.changeListener[tag] = listener
func (view *viewData) HasFocus() bool {
return view.hasFocus
func (view *viewData) String() string {
buffer := allocStringBuilder()
defer freeStringBuilder(buffer)
writeViewStyle(view.tag, view, buffer, "", nil)
return buffer.String()
func (view *viewData) exscludeTags() []PropertyName {
return nil