
476 lines
14 KiB

package rui
import "sort"
// A set of predefined colors used in the library
const (
// Black color constant
Black Color = 0xff000000
// Silver color constant
Silver Color = 0xffc0c0c0
// Gray color constant
Gray Color = 0xff808080
// White color constant
White Color = 0xffffffff
// Maroon color constant
Maroon Color = 0xff800000
// Red color constant
Red Color = 0xffff0000
// Purple color constant
Purple Color = 0xff800080
// Fuchsia color constant
Fuchsia Color = 0xffff00ff
// Green color constant
Green Color = 0xff008000
// Lime color constant
Lime Color = 0xff00ff00
// Olive color constant
Olive Color = 0xff808000
// Yellow color constant
Yellow Color = 0xffffff00
// Navy color constant
Navy Color = 0xff000080
// Blue color constant
Blue Color = 0xff0000ff
// Teal color constant
Teal Color = 0xff008080
// Aqua color constant
Aqua Color = 0xff00ffff
// Orange color constant
Orange Color = 0xffffa500
// AliceBlue color constant
AliceBlue Color = 0xfff0f8ff
// AntiqueWhite color constant
AntiqueWhite Color = 0xfffaebd7
// Aquamarine color constant
Aquamarine Color = 0xff7fffd4
// Azure color constant
Azure Color = 0xfff0ffff
// Beige color constant
Beige Color = 0xfff5f5dc
// Bisque color constant
Bisque Color = 0xffffe4c4
// BlanchedAlmond color constant
BlanchedAlmond Color = 0xffffebcd
// BlueViolet color constant
BlueViolet Color = 0xff8a2be2
// Brown color constant
Brown Color = 0xffa52a2a
// BurlyWood color constant
BurlyWood Color = 0xffdeb887
// CadetBlue color constant
CadetBlue Color = 0xff5f9ea0
// Chartreuse color constant
Chartreuse Color = 0xff7fff00
// Chocolate color constant
Chocolate Color = 0xffd2691e
// Coral color constant
Coral Color = 0xffff7f50
// CornflowerBlue color constant
CornflowerBlue Color = 0xff6495ed
// CornSilk color constant
CornSilk Color = 0xfffff8dc
// Crimson color constant
Crimson Color = 0xffdc143c
// Cyan color constant
Cyan Color = 0xff00ffff
// DarkBlue color constant
DarkBlue Color = 0xff00008b
// DarkCyan color constant
DarkCyan Color = 0xff008b8b
// DarkGoldenRod color constant
DarkGoldenRod Color = 0xffb8860b
// DarkGray color constant
DarkGray Color = 0xffa9a9a9
// DarkGreen color constant
DarkGreen Color = 0xff006400
// DarkGrey color constant
DarkGrey Color = 0xffa9a9a9
// DarkKhaki color constant
DarkKhaki Color = 0xffbdb76b
// DarkMagenta color constant
DarkMagenta Color = 0xff8b008b
// DarkOliveGreen color constant
DarkOliveGreen Color = 0xff556b2f
// DarkOrange color constant
DarkOrange Color = 0xffff8c00
// DarkOrchid color constant
DarkOrchid Color = 0xff9932cc
// DarkRed color constant
DarkRed Color = 0xff8b0000
// DarkSalmon color constant
DarkSalmon Color = 0xffe9967a
// DarkSeaGreen color constant
DarkSeaGreen Color = 0xff8fbc8f
// DarkSlateBlue color constant
DarkSlateBlue Color = 0xff483d8b
// DarkSlateGray color constant
DarkSlateGray Color = 0xff2f4f4f
// DarkSlateGrey color constant
DarkSlateGrey Color = 0xff2f4f4f
// DarkTurquoise color constant
DarkTurquoise Color = 0xff00ced1
// DarkViolet color constant
DarkViolet Color = 0xff9400d3
// DeepPink color constant
DeepPink Color = 0xffff1493
// DeepSkyBlue color constant
DeepSkyBlue Color = 0xff00bfff
// DimGray color constant
DimGray Color = 0xff696969
// DimGrey color constant
DimGrey Color = 0xff696969
// DodgerBlue color constant
DodgerBlue Color = 0xff1e90ff
// FireBrick color constant
FireBrick Color = 0xffb22222
// FloralWhite color constant
FloralWhite Color = 0xfffffaf0
// ForestGreen color constant
ForestGreen Color = 0xff228b22
// Gainsboro color constant
Gainsboro Color = 0xffdcdcdc
// GhostWhite color constant
GhostWhite Color = 0xfff8f8ff
// Gold color constant
Gold Color = 0xffffd700
// GoldenRod color constant
GoldenRod Color = 0xffdaa520
// GreenYellow color constant
GreenYellow Color = 0xffadff2f
// Grey color constant
Grey Color = 0xff808080
// Honeydew color constant
Honeydew Color = 0xfff0fff0
// HotPink color constant
HotPink Color = 0xffff69b4
// IndianRed color constant
IndianRed Color = 0xffcd5c5c
// Indigo color constant
Indigo Color = 0xff4b0082
// Ivory color constant
Ivory Color = 0xfffffff0
// Khaki color constant
Khaki Color = 0xfff0e68c
// Lavender color constant
Lavender Color = 0xffe6e6fa
// LavenderBlush color constant
LavenderBlush Color = 0xfffff0f5
// LawnGreen color constant
LawnGreen Color = 0xff7cfc00
// LemonChiffon color constant
LemonChiffon Color = 0xfffffacd
// LightBlue color constant
LightBlue Color = 0xffadd8e6
// LightCoral color constant
LightCoral Color = 0xfff08080
// LightCyan color constant
LightCyan Color = 0xffe0ffff
// LightGoldenrodYellow color constant
LightGoldenRodYellow Color = 0xfffafad2
// LightGray color constant
LightGray Color = 0xffd3d3d3
// LightGreen color constant
LightGreen Color = 0xff90ee90
// LightGrey color constant
LightGrey Color = 0xffd3d3d3
// LightPink color constant
LightPink Color = 0xffffb6c1
// LightSalmon color constant
LightSalmon Color = 0xffffa07a
// LightSeaGreen color constant
LightSeaGreen Color = 0xff20b2aa
// LightSkyBlue color constant
LightSkyBlue Color = 0xff87cefa
// LightSlateGray color constant
LightSlateGray Color = 0xff778899
// LightSlateGrey color constant
LightSlateGrey Color = 0xff778899
// LightSteelBlue color constant
LightSteelBlue Color = 0xffb0c4de
// LightYellow color constant
LightYellow Color = 0xffffffe0
// LimeGreen color constant
LimeGreen Color = 0xff32cd32
// Linen color constant
Linen Color = 0xfffaf0e6
// Magenta color constant
Magenta Color = 0xffff00ff
// MediumAquamarine color constant
MediumAquamarine Color = 0xff66cdaa
// MediumBlue color constant
MediumBlue Color = 0xff0000cd
// MediumOrchid color constant
MediumOrchid Color = 0xffba55d3
// MediumPurple color constant
MediumPurple Color = 0xff9370db
// MediumSeaGreen color constant
MediumSeaGreen Color = 0xff3cb371
// MediumSlateBlue color constant
MediumSlateBlue Color = 0xff7b68ee
// MediumSpringGreen color constant
MediumSpringGreen Color = 0xff00fa9a
// MediumTurquoise color constant
MediumTurquoise Color = 0xff48d1cc
// MediumVioletRed color constant
MediumVioletRed Color = 0xffc71585
// MidnightBlue color constant
MidnightBlue Color = 0xff191970
// MintCream color constant
MintCream Color = 0xfff5fffa
// MistyRose color constant
MistyRose Color = 0xffffe4e1
// Moccasin color constant
Moccasin Color = 0xffffe4b5
// NavajoWhite color constant
NavajoWhite Color = 0xffffdead
// OldLace color constant
OldLace Color = 0xfffdf5e6
// OliveDrab color constant
OliveDrab Color = 0xff6b8e23
// OrangeRed color constant
OrangeRed Color = 0xffff4500
// Orchid color constant
Orchid Color = 0xffda70d6
// PaleGoldenrod color constant
PaleGoldenrod Color = 0xffeee8aa
// PaleGreen color constant
PaleGreen Color = 0xff98fb98
// PaleTurquoise color constant
PaleTurquoise Color = 0xffafeeee
// PaleVioletRed color constant
PaleVioletRed Color = 0xffdb7093
// PapayaWhip color constant
PapayaWhip Color = 0xffffefd5
// PeachPuff color constant
PeachPuff Color = 0xffffdab9
// Peru color constant
Peru Color = 0xffcd853f
// Pink color constant
Pink Color = 0xffffc0cb
// Plum color constant
Plum Color = 0xffdda0dd
// PowderBlue color constant
PowderBlue Color = 0xffb0e0e6
// RosyBrown color constant
RosyBrown Color = 0xffbc8f8f
// RoyalBlue color constant
RoyalBlue Color = 0xff4169e1
// SaddleBrown color constant
SaddleBrown Color = 0xff8b4513
// Salmon color constant
Salmon Color = 0xfffa8072
// SandyBrown color constant
SandyBrown Color = 0xfff4a460
// SeaGreen color constant
SeaGreen Color = 0xff2e8b57
// SeaShell color constant
SeaShell Color = 0xfffff5ee
// Sienna color constant
Sienna Color = 0xffa0522d
// SkyBlue color constant
SkyBlue Color = 0xff87ceeb
// SlateBlue color constant
SlateBlue Color = 0xff6a5acd
// SlateGray color constant
SlateGray Color = 0xff708090
// SlateGrey color constant
SlateGrey Color = 0xff708090
// Snow color constant
Snow Color = 0xfffffafa
// SpringGreen color constant
SpringGreen Color = 0xff00ff7f
// SteelBlue color constant
SteelBlue Color = 0xff4682b4
// Tan color constant
Tan Color = 0xffd2b48c
// Thistle color constant
Thistle Color = 0xffd8bfd8
// Tomato color constant
Tomato Color = 0xffff6347
// Turquoise color constant
Turquoise Color = 0xff40e0d0
// Violet color constant
Violet Color = 0xffee82ee
// Wheat color constant
Wheat Color = 0xfff5deb3
// WhiteSmoke color constant
WhiteSmoke Color = 0xfff5f5f5
// YellowGreen color constant
YellowGreen Color = 0xff9acd32
var colorConstants = map[string]Color{
"black": 0xff000000,
"silver": 0xffc0c0c0,
"gray": 0xff808080,
"white": 0xffffffff,
"maroon": 0xff800000,
"red": 0xffff0000,
"purple": 0xff800080,
"fuchsia": 0xffff00ff,
"green": 0xff008000,
"lime": 0xff00ff00,
"olive": 0xff808000,
"yellow": 0xffffff00,
"navy": 0xff000080,
"blue": 0xff0000ff,
"teal": 0xff008080,
"aqua": 0xff00ffff,
"orange": 0xffffa500,
"aliceblue": 0xfff0f8ff,
"antiquewhite": 0xfffaebd7,
"aquamarine": 0xff7fffd4,
"azure": 0xfff0ffff,
"beige": 0xfff5f5dc,
"bisque": 0xffffe4c4,
"blanchedalmond": 0xffffebcd,
"blueviolet": 0xff8a2be2,
"brown": 0xffa52a2a,
"burlywood": 0xffdeb887,
"cadetblue": 0xff5f9ea0,
"chartreuse": 0xff7fff00,
"chocolate": 0xffd2691e,
"coral": 0xffff7f50,
"cornflowerblue": 0xff6495ed,
"cornsilk": 0xfffff8dc,
"crimson": 0xffdc143c,
"cyan": 0xff00ffff,
"darkblue": 0xff00008b,
"darkcyan": 0xff008b8b,
"darkgoldenrod": 0xffb8860b,
"darkgray": 0xffa9a9a9,
"darkgreen": 0xff006400,
"darkgrey": 0xffa9a9a9,
"darkkhaki": 0xffbdb76b,
"darkmagenta": 0xff8b008b,
"darkolivegreen": 0xff556b2f,
"darkorange": 0xffff8c00,
"darkorchid": 0xff9932cc,
"darkred": 0xff8b0000,
"darksalmon": 0xffe9967a,
"darkseagreen": 0xff8fbc8f,
"darkslateblue": 0xff483d8b,
"darkslategray": 0xff2f4f4f,
"darkslategrey": 0xff2f4f4f,
"darkturquoise": 0xff00ced1,
"darkviolet": 0xff9400d3,
"deeppink": 0xffff1493,
"deepskyblue": 0xff00bfff,
"dimgray": 0xff696969,
"dimgrey": 0xff696969,
"dodgerblue": 0xff1e90ff,
"firebrick": 0xffb22222,
"floralwhite": 0xfffffaf0,
"forestgreen": 0xff228b22,
"gainsboro": 0xffdcdcdc,
"ghostwhite": 0xfff8f8ff,
"gold": 0xffffd700,
"goldenrod": 0xffdaa520,
"greenyellow": 0xffadff2f,
"grey": 0xff808080,
"honeydew": 0xfff0fff0,
"hotpink": 0xffff69b4,
"indianred": 0xffcd5c5c,
"indigo": 0xff4b0082,
"ivory": 0xfffffff0,
"khaki": 0xfff0e68c,
"lavender": 0xffe6e6fa,
"lavenderblush": 0xfffff0f5,
"lawngreen": 0xff7cfc00,
"lemonchiffon": 0xfffffacd,
"lightblue": 0xffadd8e6,
"lightcoral": 0xfff08080,
"lightcyan": 0xffe0ffff,
"lightgoldenrodyellow": 0xfffafad2,
"lightgray": 0xffd3d3d3,
"lightgreen": 0xff90ee90,
"lightgrey": 0xffd3d3d3,
"lightpink": 0xffffb6c1,
"lightsalmon": 0xffffa07a,
"lightseagreen": 0xff20b2aa,
"lightskyblue": 0xff87cefa,
"lightslategray": 0xff778899,
"lightslategrey": 0xff778899,
"lightsteelblue": 0xffb0c4de,
"lightyellow": 0xffffffe0,
"limegreen": 0xff32cd32,
"linen": 0xfffaf0e6,
"magenta": 0xffff00ff,
"mediumaquamarine": 0xff66cdaa,
"mediumblue": 0xff0000cd,
"mediumorchid": 0xffba55d3,
"mediumpurple": 0xff9370db,
"mediumseagreen": 0xff3cb371,
"mediumslateblue": 0xff7b68ee,
"mediumspringgreen": 0xff00fa9a,
"mediumturquoise": 0xff48d1cc,
"mediumvioletred": 0xffc71585,
"midnightblue": 0xff191970,
"mintcream": 0xfff5fffa,
"mistyrose": 0xffffe4e1,
"moccasin": 0xffffe4b5,
"navajowhite": 0xffffdead,
"oldlace": 0xfffdf5e6,
"olivedrab": 0xff6b8e23,
"orangered": 0xffff4500,
"orchid": 0xffda70d6,
"palegoldenrod": 0xffeee8aa,
"palegreen": 0xff98fb98,
"paleturquoise": 0xffafeeee,
"palevioletred": 0xffdb7093,
"papayawhip": 0xffffefd5,
"peachpuff": 0xffffdab9,
"peru": 0xffcd853f,
"pink": 0xffffc0cb,
"plum": 0xffdda0dd,
"powderblue": 0xffb0e0e6,
"rosybrown": 0xffbc8f8f,
"royalblue": 0xff4169e1,
"saddlebrown": 0xff8b4513,
"salmon": 0xfffa8072,
"sandybrown": 0xfff4a460,
"seagreen": 0xff2e8b57,
"seashell": 0xfffff5ee,
"sienna": 0xffa0522d,
"skyblue": 0xff87ceeb,
"slateblue": 0xff6a5acd,
"slategray": 0xff708090,
"slategrey": 0xff708090,
"snow": 0xfffffafa,
"springgreen": 0xff00ff7f,
"steelblue": 0xff4682b4,
"tan": 0xffd2b48c,
"thistle": 0xffd8bfd8,
"tomato": 0xffff6347,
"turquoise": 0xff40e0d0,
"violet": 0xffee82ee,
"wheat": 0xfff5deb3,
"whitesmoke": 0xfff5f5f5,
"yellowgreen": 0xff9acd32,
// NamedColor make a relation between color and its name
type NamedColor struct {
// Name of a color
Name string
// Color value
Color Color
// NamedColors returns the list of named colors
func NamedColors() []NamedColor {
count := len(colorConstants)
result := make([]NamedColor, 0, count)
for name, color := range colorConstants {
result = append(result, NamedColor{Name: name, Color: color})
sort.Slice(result, func(i, j int) bool {
return result[i].Name < result[j].Name
return result