// 会话操作. // // Wide 服务器端需要维护两种会话: // // 1. HTTP 会话:主要用于验证登录 // 2. Wide 会话:浏览器 tab 打开/刷新会创建一个,并和 HTTP 会话进行关联 // // 当会话失效时:释放所有和该会话相关的资源,例如运行中的程序进程、事件队列等. package session import ( "encoding/json" "math/rand" "net/http" "os" "strconv" "sync" "time" "github.com/b3log/wide/conf" "github.com/b3log/wide/event" "github.com/b3log/wide/util" "github.com/golang/glog" "github.com/gorilla/sessions" "github.com/gorilla/websocket" ) const ( SessionStateActive = iota // 会话状态:活的 SessionStateClosed // 会话状态:已关闭(这个状态目前暂时没有使用到) ) var ( // 会话通道. SessionWS = map[string]*util.WSChannel{} // 输出通道. OutputWS = map[string]*util.WSChannel{} // 通知通道. NotificationWS = map[string]*util.WSChannel{} ) // 用户 HTTP 会话,用于验证登录. var HTTPSession = sessions.NewCookieStore([]byte("BEYOND")) // Wide 会话,对应一个浏览器 tab. type WideSession struct { Id string // 唯一标识 Username string // 用户名 HTTPSession *sessions.Session // 关联的 HTTP 会话 Processes []*os.Process // 关联的进程集 EventQueue *event.UserEventQueue // 关联的事件队列 State int // 状态 Content *conf.LatestSessionContent // 最近一次会话内容 Created time.Time // 创建时间 Updated time.Time // 最近一次使用时间 } type Sessions []*WideSession // 所有 Wide 会话集. var WideSessions Sessions // 排它锁,防止并发修改. var mutex sync.Mutex // 在一些特殊情况(例如浏览器不间断刷新/在源代码视图刷新)下 Wide 会话集内会出现无效会话,该函数定时(1 小时)检查并移除这些无效会话. // // 无效会话:在检查时间内 30 分钟都没有使用过的会话,WideSession.Updated 字段. func FixedTimeRelease() { go func() { for { hour, _ := time.ParseDuration("-30m") threshold := time.Now().Add(hour) for _, s := range WideSessions { if s.Updated.Before(threshold) { glog.V(3).Infof("Removes a invalid session [%s]", s.Id) WideSessions.Remove(s.Id) } } time.Sleep(time.Hour) } }() } // 建立会话通道. 通道断开时销毁会话状态,回收相关资源. func WSHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { sid := r.URL.Query()["sid"][0] wSession := WideSessions.Get(sid) if nil == wSession { glog.Errorf("Session [%s] not found", sid) return } conn, _ := websocket.Upgrade(w, r, nil, 1024, 1024) wsChan := util.WSChannel{Sid: sid, Conn: conn, Request: r, Time: time.Now()} SessionWS[sid] = &wsChan ret := map[string]interface{}{"output": "Ouput initialized", "cmd": "init-session"} wsChan.Conn.WriteJSON(&ret) glog.V(4).Infof("Open a new [Session Channel] with session [%s], %d", sid, len(SessionWS)) input := map[string]interface{}{} for { if err := wsChan.Conn.ReadJSON(&input); err != nil { glog.V(3).Infof("[Session Channel] of session [%s] disconnected, releases all resources with it", sid) WideSessions.Remove(sid) return } ret = map[string]interface{}{"output": "", "cmd": "session-output"} if err := wsChan.Conn.WriteJSON(&ret); err != nil { glog.Error("Session WS ERROR: " + err.Error()) return } wsChan.Time = time.Now() } } // 会话内容保存. func SaveContent(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true} defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data) args := struct { Sid string *conf.LatestSessionContent }{} if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil { glog.Error(err) data["succ"] = false return } wSession := WideSessions.Get(args.Sid) if nil == wSession { data["succ"] = false return } wSession.Content = args.LatestSessionContent for _, user := range conf.Wide.Users { if user.Name == wSession.Username { // 更新配置(内存变量),conf.FixedTimeSave() 会负责定时持久化 user.LatestSessionContent = wSession.Content wSession.Refresh() return } } } // 设置会话关联的进程集. func (s *WideSession) SetProcesses(ps []*os.Process) { s.Processes = ps s.Refresh() } // 刷新会话最近一次使用时间. func (s *WideSession) Refresh() { s.Updated = time.Now() } // 创建一个 Wide 会话. func (sessions *Sessions) New(httpSession *sessions.Session) *WideSession { mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) id := strconv.Itoa(rand.Int()) now := time.Now() // 创建用户事件队列 userEventQueue := event.UserEventQueues.New(id) ret := &WideSession{ Id: id, Username: httpSession.Values["username"].(string), HTTPSession: httpSession, EventQueue: userEventQueue, State: SessionStateActive, Content: &conf.LatestSessionContent{}, Created: now, Updated: now, } *sessions = append(*sessions, ret) return ret } // 获取 Wide 会话. func (sessions *Sessions) Get(sid string) *WideSession { mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() for _, s := range *sessions { if s.Id == sid { return s } } return nil } // 移除 Wide 会话,释放相关资源. // // 会话相关资源: // // 1. 用户事件队列 // 2. 运行中的进程集 // 3. WebSocket 通道 func (sessions *Sessions) Remove(sid string) { mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() for i, s := range *sessions { if s.Id == sid { // 从会话集中移除 *sessions = append((*sessions)[:i], (*sessions)[i+1:]...) // 关闭用户事件队列 event.UserEventQueues.Close(sid) // 杀进程 for _, p := range s.Processes { if err := p.Kill(); nil != err { glog.Errorf("Can't kill process [%d] of session [%s]", p.Pid, sid) } else { glog.V(3).Infof("Killed a process [%d] of session [%s]", p.Pid, sid) } } // 回收所有通道 if ws, ok := OutputWS[sid]; ok { ws.Close() delete(OutputWS, sid) } if ws, ok := NotificationWS[sid]; ok { ws.Close() delete(NotificationWS, sid) } if ws, ok := SessionWS[sid]; ok { ws.Close() delete(SessionWS, sid) } glog.V(3).Infof("Removed a session [%s]", s.Id) cnt := 0 // 统计当前 HTTP 会话关联的 Wide 会话数量 for _, s := range *sessions { if s.HTTPSession.ID == s.HTTPSession.ID { cnt++ } } glog.V(3).Infof("User [%s] has [%d] sessions", s.Username, cnt) return } } } // 获取 username 指定的用户的所有 Wide 会话. func (sessions *Sessions) GetByUsername(username string) []*WideSession { mutex.Lock() defer mutex.Unlock() ret := []*WideSession{} for _, s := range *sessions { if s.Username == username { ret = append(ret, s) } } return ret }