/* * Copyright (c) 2014-2015, b3log.org * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ /* * @file windows.js * * @author Liyuan Li * @author Liang Ding * @version, Dec 8, 2015 */ var windows = { isMaxEditor: false, outerLayout: {}, innerLayout: {}, init: function () { if (!config.latestSessionContent.layout) { config.latestSessionContent.layout = { "side": { "size": 200, "state": 'normal' }, "sideRight": { "size": 200, "state": 'normal' }, "bottom": { "size": 100, "state": 'normal' } }; } var layout = config.latestSessionContent.layout; this.outerLayout = $('body').layout({ north__paneSelector: ".menu", center__paneSelector: ".content", south__paneSelector: ".footer", north__size: 22, south__size: 19, spacing_open: 2, north__spacing_open: 0, south__spacing_open: 0, defaults: { fxSpeed_open: 300, fxSpeed_close: 100, fxSettings_close: { easing: "easeOutQuint" }, fxSettings_open: { easing: "easeInQuint" } }, west: { size: layout.side.size, paneSelector: ".side", togglerLength_open: 0, togglerLength_closed: 15, togglerAlign_closed: "top", slideTrigger_open: "mouseover", spacing_closed: 15, minSize: 100, togglerClass: "ico-restore", togglerTip_open: config.label.min, togglerTip_closed: config.label.restore_side, resizerTip: config.label.resize, initClosed: (layout.side.state === 'min') } }); this.innerLayout = $('div.content').layout({ spacing_open: 2, defaults: { fxSpeed_open: 300, fxSpeed_close: 100, fxSettings_close: { easing: "easeOutQuint" }, fxSettings_open: { easing: "easeInQuint" } }, center: { paneSelector: ".edit-panel" }, east: { size: layout.sideRight.size, paneSelector: ".side-right", togglerLength_open: 0, togglerLength_closed: 15, togglerAlign_closed: "top", slideTrigger_open: "mouseover", spacing_closed: 15, minSize: 100, togglerClass: "ico-restore", togglerTip_open: config.label.min, togglerTip_closed: config.label.restore_outline, resizerTip: config.label.resize, initClosed: (layout.sideRight.state === 'min') }, south: { size: layout.bottom.size, paneSelector: ".bottom-window-group", togglerLength_open: 0, togglerLength_closed: 15, togglerAlign_closed: "top", slideTrigger_open: "mouseover", spacing_closed: 16, minSize: 100, togglerClass: "ico-restore", togglerTip_open: config.label.min, togglerTip_closed: config.label.restore_bottom, resizerTip: config.label.resize, initClosed: (layout.bottom.state === 'min'), ondrag_end: function (type, pane) { windows.refreshEditor(pane, 'drag'); }, onresize_end: function (type, pane) { windows.refreshEditor(pane, 'resize'); }, onclose_end: function (type, pane) { windows.refreshEditor(pane, 'close'); }, onopen_end: function (type, pane) { windows.refreshEditor(pane, 'open'); }, onshow_end: function (type, pane) { windows.refreshEditor(pane, 'show'); } } }); this.outerLayout.addCloseBtn(".side .ico-min", "west"); this.innerLayout.addCloseBtn(".side-right .ico-min", "east"); this.innerLayout.addCloseBtn(".bottom-window-group .ico-min", "south"); if (layout.side.state === 'max') { windows.maxSide(); } if (layout.sideRight.state === 'max') { windows.maxSideRight(); } if (layout.bottom.state === 'max') { windows.maxBottom(); } $(".toolbars .ico-max").click(function () { windows.toggleEditor(); }); $(".edit-panel .tabs").on("dblclick", function () { windows.toggleEditor(); }); $(".bottom-window-group .tabs").dblclick(function () { var $it = $(".bottom-window-group"); if ($it.hasClass("bottom-window-group-max")) { windows.restoreBottom(); } else { windows.maxBottom($it); } }); $(".side .tabs").dblclick(function () { var $it = $(".side"); if ($it.hasClass("side-max")) { windows.restoreSide(); } else { windows.restoreSide($it); } }); $(".side-right .tabs").dblclick(function () { var $it = $(".side-right"); if ($it.hasClass("side-right-max")) { windows.restoreSideRight(); } else { windows.maxSideRight($it); } }); $('.bottom-window-group .search').height($('.bottom-window-group .tabs-panel').height()); $(window).resize(function () { windows.refreshEditor($('.bottom-window-group')); }); }, maxBottom: function ($it) { $it.data('height', $it.height()).addClass("bottom-window-group-max").find('.ico-min').hide(); windows.outerLayout.hide('west'); windows.innerLayout.hide('east'); windows.innerLayout.sizePane('south', $('.content').height()); }, maxSide: function ($it) { $it.data('width', $it.width()).addClass("side-max").find('.ico-min').hide(); $('.content').hide(); windows.outerLayout.sizePane('west', $('body').width()); }, maxSideRight: function ($it) { $it.addClass("side-right-max").data('width', $it.width()).find('.ico-min').hide(); windows.outerLayout.hide('west'); windows.innerLayout.hide('south'); windows.innerLayout.sizePane('east', $('body').width()); }, toggleEditor: function () { var $it = $(".toolbars .font-ico"); if ($it.hasClass('ico-restore')) { windows.restoreEditor(); } else { windows.outerLayout.close('west'); windows.innerLayout.close('south'); windows.innerLayout.close('east'); $it.removeClass('ico-max').addClass('ico-restore').attr('title', config.label.min); windows.isMaxEditor = true; } }, restoreBottom: function () { var $it = $(".bottom-window-group"); $it.removeClass("bottom-window-group-max").find('.ico-min').show(); windows.outerLayout.show('west'); windows.innerLayout.show('east'); windows.innerLayout.sizePane('south', $it.data('height')); }, restoreSide: function () { var $it = $(".side"); $it.removeClass("side-max").find('.ico-min').show(); $('.content').show(); windows.outerLayout.sizePane('west', $it.data('width')); }, restoreSideRight: function () { var $it = $(".side-right"); $it.removeClass("side-right-max").find('.ico-min').show(); windows.outerLayout.show('west'); windows.innerLayout.show('south'); windows.innerLayout.sizePane('east', $it.data('width')); }, restoreEditor: function () { windows.outerLayout.open('west'); windows.innerLayout.open('south'); windows.innerLayout.open('east'); windows.isMaxEditor = false; $(".toolbars .font-ico").addClass('ico-max').removeClass('ico-restore').attr('title', config.label.max_editor); }, refreshEditor: function (pane, type) { var editorDatas = editors.data, height = $('.content').height() - pane.height() - 24; switch (type) { case 'close': height = $('.content').height() - 40; break; default: break; } for (var i = 0, ii = editorDatas.length; i < ii; i++) { editorDatas[i].editor.setSize("100%", height); } $('.bottom-window-group .search').height($('.bottom-window-group .tabs-panel').height()); }, flowBottom: function () { // windows.innerLayout.open('south'); // windows.innerLayout.slideOpen('south'); } };