!function(e){if("object"==typeof exports&&"undefined"!=typeof module)module.exports=e();else if("function"==typeof define&&define.amd)define([],e);else{var o;"undefined"!=typeof window?o=window:"undefined"!=typeof global?o=global:"undefined"!=typeof self&&(o=self),o.emmetCodeMirror=e()}}(function(){var define,module,exports;return (function e(t,n,r){function s(o,u){if(!n[o]){if(!t[o]){var a=typeof require=="function"&&require;if(!u&&a)return a(o,!0);if(i)return i(o,!0);var f=new Error("Cannot find module '"+o+"'");throw f.code="MODULE_NOT_FOUND",f}var l=n[o]={exports:{}};t[o][0].call(l.exports,function(e){var n=t[o][1][e];return s(n?n:e)},l,l.exports,e,t,n,r)}return n[o].exports}var i=typeof require=="function"&&require;for(var o=0;o 2 && typeof pos !== "object") { pos = { line: arguments[1], ch: arguments[2] }; } return cm.indexFromPos(pos); } /** * Converts charater index in text to CM’s internal object representation * @param {CodeMirror} cm CodeMirror instance * @param {Number} ix Character index in CM document * @return {Object} */ function indexToPos(cm, ix) { return cm.posFromIndex(ix); } },{"./emmet":2}],2:[function(require,module,exports){ "use strict"; var _interopRequire = function (obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj["default"] : obj; }; var emmet = _interopRequire(require("emmet")); require("emmet/bundles/snippets"); require("emmet/bundles/caniuse"); module.exports = emmet; },{"emmet":39,"emmet/bundles/caniuse":3,"emmet/bundles/snippets":4}],3:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Bundler, used in builder script to statically * include optimized caniuse.json into bundle */ var ciu = require('../lib/assets/caniuse'); var db = require('../lib/caniuse.json'); ciu.load(db, true); },{"../lib/assets/caniuse":23,"../lib/caniuse.json":35}],4:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Bundler, used in builder script to statically * include snippets.json into bundle */ var res = require('../lib/assets/resources'); var snippets = require('../lib/snippets.json'); res.setVocabulary(snippets, 'system'); },{"../lib/assets/resources":31,"../lib/snippets.json":68}],5:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * HTML pair matching (balancing) actions * @constructor */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var range = require('../assets/range'); var cssEditTree = require('../editTree/css'); var cssSections = require('../utils/cssSections'); var lastMatch = null; function last(arr) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } function balanceHTML(editor, direction) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var content = info.content; var sel = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); // validate previous match if (lastMatch && !lastMatch.range.equal(sel)) { lastMatch = null; } if (lastMatch && sel.length()) { if (direction == 'in') { // user has previously selected tag and wants to move inward if (lastMatch.type == 'tag' && !lastMatch.close) { // unary tag was selected, can't move inward return false; } else { if (lastMatch.range.equal(lastMatch.outerRange)) { lastMatch.range = lastMatch.innerRange; } else { var narrowed = utils.narrowToNonSpace(content, lastMatch.innerRange); lastMatch = htmlMatcher.find(content, narrowed.start + 1); if (lastMatch && lastMatch.range.equal(sel) && lastMatch.outerRange.equal(sel)) { lastMatch.range = lastMatch.innerRange; } } } } else { if ( !lastMatch.innerRange.equal(lastMatch.outerRange) && lastMatch.range.equal(lastMatch.innerRange) && sel.equal(lastMatch.range)) { lastMatch.range = lastMatch.outerRange; } else { lastMatch = htmlMatcher.find(content, sel.start); if (lastMatch && lastMatch.range.equal(sel) && lastMatch.innerRange.equal(sel)) { lastMatch.range = lastMatch.outerRange; } } } } else { lastMatch = htmlMatcher.find(content, sel.start); } if (lastMatch) { if (lastMatch.innerRange.equal(sel)) { lastMatch.range = lastMatch.outerRange; } if (!lastMatch.range.equal(sel)) { editor.createSelection(lastMatch.range.start, lastMatch.range.end); return true; } } lastMatch = null; return false; } function rangesForCSSRule(rule, pos) { // find all possible ranges var ranges = [rule.range(true)]; // braces content ranges.push(rule.valueRange(true)); // find nested sections var nestedSections = cssSections.nestedSectionsInRule(rule); // real content, e.g. from first property name to // last property value var items = rule.list(); if (items.length || nestedSections.length) { var start = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, end = -1; if (items.length) { start = items[0].namePosition(true); end = last(items).range(true).end; } if (nestedSections.length) { if (nestedSections[0].start < start) { start = nestedSections[0].start; } if (last(nestedSections).end > end) { end = last(nestedSections).end; } } ranges.push(range.create2(start, end)); } ranges = ranges.concat(nestedSections); var prop = cssEditTree.propertyFromPosition(rule, pos) || items[0]; if (prop) { ranges.push(prop.range(true)); var valueRange = prop.valueRange(true); if (!prop.end()) { valueRange._unterminated = true; } ranges.push(valueRange); } return ranges; } /** * Returns all possible selection ranges for given caret position * @param {String} content CSS content * @param {Number} pos Caret position(where to start searching) * @return {Array} */ function getCSSRanges(content, pos) { var rule; if (typeof content === 'string') { var ruleRange = cssSections.matchEnclosingRule(content, pos); if (ruleRange) { rule = cssEditTree.parse(ruleRange.substring(content), { offset: ruleRange.start }); } } else { // passed parsed CSS rule rule = content; } if (!rule) { return null; } // find all possible ranges var ranges = rangesForCSSRule(rule, pos); // remove empty ranges ranges = ranges.filter(function(item) { return !!item.length; }); return utils.unique(ranges, function(item) { return item.valueOf(); }); } function balanceCSS(editor, direction) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var content = info.content; var sel = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var ranges = getCSSRanges(info.content, sel.start); if (!ranges && sel.length()) { // possible reason: user has already selected // CSS rule from last match try { var rule = cssEditTree.parse(sel.substring(info.content), { offset: sel.start }); ranges = getCSSRanges(rule, sel.start); } catch(e) {} } if (!ranges) { return false; } ranges = range.sort(ranges, true); // edge case: find match that equals current selection, // in case if user moves inward after selecting full CSS rule var bestMatch = utils.find(ranges, function(r) { return r.equal(sel); }); if (!bestMatch) { bestMatch = utils.find(ranges, function(r) { // Check for edge case: caret right after CSS value // but it doesn‘t contains terminating semicolon. // In this case we have to check full value range return r._unterminated ? r.include(sel.start) : r.inside(sel.start); }); } if (!bestMatch) { return false; } // if best match equals to current selection, move index // one position up or down, depending on direction var bestMatchIx = ranges.indexOf(bestMatch); if (bestMatch.equal(sel)) { bestMatchIx += direction == 'out' ? 1 : -1; } if (bestMatchIx < 0 || bestMatchIx >= ranges.length) { if (bestMatchIx >= ranges.length && direction == 'out') { pos = bestMatch.start - 1; var outerRanges = getCSSRanges(content, pos); if (outerRanges) { bestMatch = last(outerRanges.filter(function(r) { return r.inside(pos); })); } } else if (bestMatchIx < 0 && direction == 'in') { bestMatch = null; } else { bestMatch = null; } } else { bestMatch = ranges[bestMatchIx]; } if (bestMatch) { editor.createSelection(bestMatch.start, bestMatch.end); return true; } return false; } return { /** * Find and select HTML tag pair * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} direction Direction of pair matching: 'in' or 'out'. * Default is 'out' */ balance: function(editor, direction) { direction = String((direction || 'out').toLowerCase()); var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); if (actionUtils.isSupportedCSS(info.syntax)) { return balanceCSS(editor, direction); } return balanceHTML(editor, direction); }, balanceInwardAction: function(editor) { return this.balance(editor, 'in'); }, balanceOutwardAction: function(editor) { return this.balance(editor, 'out'); }, /** * Moves caret to matching opening or closing tag * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ goToMatchingPairAction: function(editor) { var content = String(editor.getContent()); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); if (content.charAt(caretPos) == '<') // looks like caret is outside of tag pair caretPos++; var tag = htmlMatcher.tag(content, caretPos); if (tag && tag.close) { // exclude unary tags if (tag.open.range.inside(caretPos)) { editor.setCaretPos(tag.close.range.start); } else { editor.setCaretPos(tag.open.range.start); } return true; } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/range":30,"../editTree/css":37,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/cssSections":74,"../utils/editor":75}],6:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Encodes/decodes image under cursor to/from base64 * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var file = require('../plugin/file'); var base64 = require('../utils/base64'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); /** * Test if text starts with token at pos * position. If pos is omitted, search from beginning of text * @param {String} token Token to test * @param {String} text Where to search * @param {Number} pos Position where to start search * @return {Boolean} * @since 0.65 */ function startsWith(token, text, pos) { pos = pos || 0; return text.charAt(pos) == token.charAt(0) && text.substr(pos, token.length) == token; } /** * Encodes image to base64 * * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {String} imgPath Path to image * @param {Number} pos Caret position where image is located in the editor * @return {Boolean} */ function encodeToBase64(editor, imgPath, pos) { var editorFile = editor.getFilePath(); var defaultMimeType = 'application/octet-stream'; if (editorFile === null) { throw "You should save your file before using this action"; } // locate real image path var realImgPath = file.locateFile(editorFile, imgPath); if (realImgPath === null) { throw "Can't find " + imgPath + ' file'; } file.read(realImgPath, function(err, content) { if (err) { throw 'Unable to read ' + realImgPath + ': ' + err; } var b64 = base64.encode(String(content)); if (!b64) { throw "Can't encode file content to base64"; } b64 = 'data:' + (actionUtils.mimeTypes[String(file.getExt(realImgPath))] || defaultMimeType) + ';base64,' + b64; editor.replaceContent('$0' + b64, pos, pos + imgPath.length); }); return true; } /** * Decodes base64 string back to file. * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {String} data Base64-encoded file content * @param {Number} pos Caret position where image is located in the editor */ function decodeFromBase64(editor, data, pos) { // ask user to enter path to file var filePath = String(editor.prompt('Enter path to file (absolute or relative)')); if (!filePath) return false; var absPath = file.createPath(editor.getFilePath(), filePath); if (!absPath) { throw "Can't save file"; } file.save(absPath, base64.decode( data.replace(/^data\:.+?;.+?,/, '') )); editor.replaceContent('$0' + filePath, pos, pos + data.length); return true; } return { /** * Action to encode or decode file to data:url * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Current document syntax * @param {String} profile Output profile name * @return {Boolean} */ encodeDecodeDataUrlAction: function(editor) { var data = String(editor.getSelection()); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); if (!data) { // no selection, try to find image bounds from current caret position var text = info.content, m; while (caretPos-- >= 0) { if (startsWith('src=', text, caretPos)) { // found if ((m = text.substr(caretPos).match(/^(src=(["'])?)([^'"<>\s]+)\1?/))) { data = m[3]; caretPos += m[1].length; } break; } else if (startsWith('url(', text, caretPos)) { // found CSS url() pattern if ((m = text.substr(caretPos).match(/^(url\((['"])?)([^'"\)\s]+)\1?/))) { data = m[3]; caretPos += m[1].length; } break; } } } if (data) { if (startsWith('data:', data)) { return decodeFromBase64(editor, data, caretPos); } else { return encodeToBase64(editor, data, caretPos); } } return false; } }; }); },{"../plugin/file":63,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/base64":71,"../utils/editor":75}],7:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Move between next/prev edit points. 'Edit points' are places between tags * and quotes of empty attributes in html */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { /** * Search for new caret insertion point * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {Number} inc Search increment: -1 — search left, 1 — search right * @param {Number} offset Initial offset relative to current caret position * @return {Number} Returns -1 if insertion point wasn't found */ function findNewEditPoint(editor, inc, offset) { inc = inc || 1; offset = offset || 0; var curPoint = editor.getCaretPos() + offset; var content = String(editor.getContent()); var maxLen = content.length; var nextPoint = -1; var reEmptyLine = /^\s+$/; function getLine(ix) { var start = ix; while (start >= 0) { var c = content.charAt(start); if (c == '\n' || c == '\r') break; start--; } return content.substring(start, ix); } while (curPoint <= maxLen && curPoint >= 0) { curPoint += inc; var curChar = content.charAt(curPoint); var nextChar = content.charAt(curPoint + 1); var prevChar = content.charAt(curPoint - 1); switch (curChar) { case '"': case '\'': if (nextChar == curChar && prevChar == '=') { // empty attribute nextPoint = curPoint + 1; } break; case '>': if (nextChar == '<') { // between tags nextPoint = curPoint + 1; } break; case '\n': case '\r': // empty line if (reEmptyLine.test(getLine(curPoint - 1))) { nextPoint = curPoint; } break; } if (nextPoint != -1) break; } return nextPoint; } return { /** * Move to previous edit point * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Current document syntax * @param {String} profile Output profile name * @return {Boolean} */ previousEditPointAction: function(editor, syntax, profile) { var curPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var newPoint = findNewEditPoint(editor, -1); if (newPoint == curPos) // we're still in the same point, try searching from the other place newPoint = findNewEditPoint(editor, -1, -2); if (newPoint != -1) { editor.setCaretPos(newPoint); return true; } return false; }, /** * Move to next edit point * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Current document syntax * @param {String} profile Output profile name * @return {Boolean} */ nextEditPointAction: function(editor, syntax, profile) { var newPoint = findNewEditPoint(editor, 1); if (newPoint != -1) { editor.setCaretPos(newPoint); return true; } return false; } }; }); },{}],8:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Evaluates simple math expression under caret */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var math = require('../utils/math'); var range = require('../assets/range'); return { /** * Evaluates math expression under the caret * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @return {Boolean} */ evaluateMathAction: function(editor) { var content = editor.getContent(); var chars = '.+-*/\\'; /** @type Range */ var sel = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); if (!sel.length()) { sel = actionUtils.findExpressionBounds(editor, function(ch) { return utils.isNumeric(ch) || chars.indexOf(ch) != -1; }); } if (sel && sel.length()) { var expr = sel.substring(content); // replace integral division: 11\2 => Math.round(11/2) expr = expr.replace(/([\d\.\-]+)\\([\d\.\-]+)/g, 'round($1/$2)'); try { var result = utils.prettifyNumber(math.evaluate(expr)); editor.replaceContent(result, sel.start, sel.end); editor.setCaretPos(sel.start + result.length); return true; } catch (e) {} } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/range":30,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/math":76}],9:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * 'Expand abbreviation' editor action: extracts abbreviation from current caret * position and replaces it with formatted output. *

* This behavior can be overridden with custom handlers which can perform * different actions when 'Expand Abbreviation' action is called. * For example, a CSS gradient handler that produces vendor-prefixed gradient * definitions registers its own expand abbreviation handler. */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var handlerList = require('../assets/handlerList'); var range = require('../assets/range'); var prefs = require('../assets/preferences'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var cssGradient = require('../resolver/cssGradient'); var parser = require('../parser/abbreviation'); /** * Search for abbreviation in editor from current caret position * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @return {String} */ function findAbbreviation(editor) { var r = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var content = String(editor.getContent()); if (r.length()) { // abbreviation is selected by user return r.substring(content); } // search for new abbreviation from current caret position var curLine = editor.getCurrentLineRange(); return actionUtils.extractAbbreviation(content.substring(curLine.start, r.start)); } /** * @type HandlerList List of registered handlers */ var handlers = handlerList.create(); // XXX setup default expand handlers /** * Extracts abbreviation from current caret * position and replaces it with formatted output * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Syntax type (html, css, etc.) * @param {String} profile Output profile name (html, xml, xhtml) * @return {Boolean} Returns true if abbreviation was expanded * successfully */ handlers.add(function(editor, syntax, profile) { var caretPos = editor.getSelectionRange().end; var abbr = findAbbreviation(editor); if (abbr) { var content = parser.expand(abbr, { syntax: syntax, profile: profile, contextNode: actionUtils.captureContext(editor) }); if (content) { var replaceFrom = caretPos - abbr.length; var replaceTo = caretPos; // a special case for CSS: if editor already contains // semicolon right after current caret position — replace it too var cssSyntaxes = prefs.getArray('css.syntaxes'); if (cssSyntaxes && ~cssSyntaxes.indexOf(syntax)) { var curContent = editor.getContent(); if (curContent.charAt(caretPos) == ';' && content.charAt(content.length - 1) == ';') { replaceTo++; } } editor.replaceContent(content, replaceFrom, replaceTo); return true; } } return false; }, {order: -1}); handlers.add(cssGradient.expandAbbreviationHandler.bind(cssGradient)); return { /** * The actual “Expand Abbreviation“ action routine * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Current document syntax * @param {String} profile Output profile name * @return {Boolean} */ expandAbbreviationAction: function(editor, syntax, profile) { var args = utils.toArray(arguments); // normalize incoming arguments var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor, syntax, profile); args[1] = info.syntax; args[2] = info.profile; return handlers.exec(false, args); }, /** * A special case of “Expand Abbreviation“ action, invoked by Tab key. * In this case if abbreviation wasn’t expanded successfully or there’s a selecetion, * the current line/selection will be indented. * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance * @param {String} syntax Current document syntax * @param {String} profile Output profile name * @return {Boolean} */ expandAbbreviationWithTabAction: function(editor, syntax, profile) { var sel = editor.getSelection(); var indent = '\t'; // if something is selected in editor, // we should indent the selected content if (sel) { var selRange = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var content = utils.padString(sel, indent); editor.replaceContent(indent + '${0}', editor.getCaretPos()); var replaceRange = range(editor.getCaretPos(), selRange.length()); editor.replaceContent(content, replaceRange.start, replaceRange.end, true); editor.createSelection(replaceRange.start, replaceRange.start + content.length); return true; } // nothing selected, try to expand if (!this.expandAbbreviationAction(editor, syntax, profile)) { editor.replaceContent(indent, editor.getCaretPos()); } return true; }, _defaultHandler: function(editor, syntax, profile) { var caretPos = editor.getSelectionRange().end; var abbr = this.findAbbreviation(editor); if (abbr) { var ctx = actionUtils.captureContext(editor); var content = parser.expand(abbr, syntax, profile, ctx); if (content) { editor.replaceContent(content, caretPos - abbr.length, caretPos); return true; } } return false; }, /** * Adds custom expand abbreviation handler. The passed function should * return true if it was performed successfully, * false otherwise. * * Added handlers will be called when 'Expand Abbreviation' is called * in order they were added * @memberOf expandAbbreviation * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} options */ addHandler: function(fn, options) { handlers.add(fn, options); }, /** * Removes registered handler * @returns */ removeHandler: function(fn) { handlers.remove(fn); }, findAbbreviation: findAbbreviation }; }); },{"../assets/handlerList":25,"../assets/preferences":28,"../assets/range":30,"../parser/abbreviation":55,"../resolver/cssGradient":65,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],10:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Increment/decrement number under cursor */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); /** * Returns length of integer part of number * @param {String} num */ function intLength(num) { num = num.replace(/^\-/, ''); if (~num.indexOf('.')) { return num.split('.')[0].length; } return num.length; } return { increment01Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, .1); }, increment1Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, 1); }, increment10Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, 10); }, decrement01Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, -.1); }, decrement1Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, -1); }, decrement10Action: function(editor) { return this.incrementNumber(editor, -10); }, /** * Default method to increment/decrement number under * caret with given step * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {Number} step * @return {Boolean} */ incrementNumber: function(editor, step) { var hasSign = false; var hasDecimal = false; var r = actionUtils.findExpressionBounds(editor, function(ch, pos, content) { if (utils.isNumeric(ch)) return true; if (ch == '.') { // make sure that next character is numeric too if (!utils.isNumeric(content.charAt(pos + 1))) return false; return hasDecimal ? false : hasDecimal = true; } if (ch == '-') return hasSign ? false : hasSign = true; return false; }); if (r && r.length()) { var strNum = r.substring(String(editor.getContent())); var num = parseFloat(strNum); if (!isNaN(num)) { num = utils.prettifyNumber(num + step); // do we have zero-padded number? if (/^(\-?)0+[1-9]/.test(strNum)) { var minus = ''; if (RegExp.$1) { minus = '-'; num = num.substring(1); } var parts = num.split('.'); parts[0] = utils.zeroPadString(parts[0], intLength(strNum)); num = minus + parts.join('.'); } editor.replaceContent(num, r.start, r.end); editor.createSelection(r.start, r.start + num.length); return true; } } return false; } }; }); },{"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73}],11:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Actions to insert line breaks. Some simple editors (like browser's * <textarea>, for example) do not provide such simple things */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var prefs = require('../assets/preferences'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var resources = require('../assets/resources'); var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var xmlSyntaxes = ['html', 'xml', 'xsl']; // setup default preferences prefs.define('css.closeBraceIndentation', '\n', 'Indentation before closing brace of CSS rule. Some users prefere ' + 'indented closing brace of CSS rule for better readability. ' + 'This preference’s value will be automatically inserted before ' + 'closing brace when user adds newline in newly created CSS rule ' + '(e.g. when “Insert formatted linebreak” action will be performed ' + 'in CSS file). If you’re such user, you may want to write put a value ' + 'like \\n\\t in this preference.'); return { /** * Inserts newline character with proper indentation. This action is used in * editors that doesn't have indentation control (like textarea element) to * provide proper indentation for inserted newlines * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor Editor instance */ insertLineBreakAction: function(editor) { if (!this.insertLineBreakOnlyAction(editor)) { var curPadding = editorUtils.getCurrentLinePadding(editor); var content = String(editor.getContent()); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var len = content.length; var nl = '\n'; // check out next line padding var lineRange = editor.getCurrentLineRange(); var nextPadding = ''; for (var i = lineRange.end + 1, ch; i < len; i++) { ch = content.charAt(i); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t') nextPadding += ch; else break; } if (nextPadding.length > curPadding.length) { editor.replaceContent(nl + nextPadding, caretPos, caretPos, true); } else { editor.replaceContent(nl, caretPos); } } return true; }, /** * Inserts newline character with proper indentation in specific positions only. * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @return {Boolean} Returns true if line break was inserted */ insertLineBreakOnlyAction: function(editor) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var nl = '\n'; var pad = '\t'; if (~xmlSyntaxes.indexOf(info.syntax)) { // let's see if we're breaking newly created tag var tag = htmlMatcher.tag(info.content, caretPos); if (tag && !tag.innerRange.length()) { editor.replaceContent(nl + pad + utils.getCaretPlaceholder() + nl, caretPos); return true; } } else if (info.syntax == 'css') { /** @type String */ var content = info.content; if (caretPos && content.charAt(caretPos - 1) == '{') { var append = prefs.get('css.closeBraceIndentation'); var hasCloseBrace = content.charAt(caretPos) == '}'; if (!hasCloseBrace) { // do we really need special formatting here? // check if this is really a newly created rule, // look ahead for a closing brace for (var i = caretPos, il = content.length, ch; i < il; i++) { ch = content.charAt(i); if (ch == '{') { // ok, this is a new rule without closing brace break; } if (ch == '}') { // not a new rule, just add indentation append = ''; hasCloseBrace = true; break; } } } if (!hasCloseBrace) { append += '}'; } // defining rule set var insValue = nl + pad + utils.getCaretPlaceholder() + append; editor.replaceContent(insValue, caretPos); return true; } } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/preferences":28,"../assets/resources":31,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],12:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Module describes and performs Emmet actions. The actions themselves are * defined in actions folder */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); // all registered actions var actions = {}; // load all default actions var actionModules = { base64: require('./base64'), editPoints: require('./editPoints'), evaluateMath: require('./evaluateMath'), expandAbbreviation: require('./expandAbbreviation'), incrementDecrement: require('./incrementDecrement'), lineBreaks: require('./lineBreaks'), balance: require('./balance'), mergeLines: require('./mergeLines'), reflectCSSValue: require('./reflectCSSValue'), removeTag: require('./removeTag'), selectItem: require('./selectItem'), selectLine: require('./selectLine'), splitJoinTag: require('./splitJoinTag'), toggleComment: require('./toggleComment'), updateImageSize: require('./updateImageSize'), wrapWithAbbreviation: require('./wrapWithAbbreviation'), updateTag: require('./updateTag') }; function addAction(name, fn, options) { name = name.toLowerCase(); options = options || {}; if (typeof options === 'string') { options = {label: options}; } if (!options.label) { options.label = humanizeActionName(name); } actions[name] = { name: name, fn: fn, options: options }; } /** * “Humanizes” action name, makes it more readable for people * @param {String} name Action name (like 'expand_abbreviation') * @return Humanized name (like 'Expand Abbreviation') */ function humanizeActionName(name) { return utils.trim(name.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + name.substring(1).replace(/_[a-z]/g, function(str) { return ' ' + str.charAt(1).toUpperCase(); })); } var bind = function(name, method) { var m = actionModules[name]; return m[method].bind(m); }; // XXX register default actions addAction('encode_decode_data_url', bind('base64', 'encodeDecodeDataUrlAction'), 'Encode\\Decode data:URL image'); addAction('prev_edit_point', bind('editPoints', 'previousEditPointAction'), 'Previous Edit Point'); addAction('next_edit_point', bind('editPoints', 'nextEditPointAction'), 'Next Edit Point'); addAction('evaluate_math_expression', bind('evaluateMath', 'evaluateMathAction'), 'Numbers/Evaluate Math Expression'); addAction('expand_abbreviation_with_tab', bind('expandAbbreviation', 'expandAbbreviationWithTabAction'), {hidden: true}); addAction('expand_abbreviation', bind('expandAbbreviation', 'expandAbbreviationAction'), 'Expand Abbreviation'); addAction('insert_formatted_line_break_only', bind('lineBreaks', 'insertLineBreakOnlyAction'), {hidden: true}); addAction('insert_formatted_line_break', bind('lineBreaks', 'insertLineBreakAction'), {hidden: true}); addAction('balance_inward', bind('balance', 'balanceInwardAction'), 'Balance (inward)'); addAction('balance_outward', bind('balance', 'balanceOutwardAction'), 'Balance (outward)'); addAction('matching_pair', bind('balance', 'goToMatchingPairAction'), 'HTML/Go To Matching Tag Pair'); addAction('merge_lines', bind('mergeLines', 'mergeLinesAction'), 'Merge Lines'); addAction('reflect_css_value', bind('reflectCSSValue', 'reflectCSSValueAction'), 'CSS/Reflect Value'); addAction('remove_tag', bind('removeTag', 'removeTagAction'), 'HTML/Remove Tag'); addAction('select_next_item', bind('selectItem', 'selectNextItemAction'), 'Select Next Item'); addAction('select_previous_item', bind('selectItem', 'selectPreviousItemAction'), 'Select Previous Item'); addAction('split_join_tag', bind('splitJoinTag', 'splitJoinTagAction'), 'HTML/Split\\Join Tag Declaration'); addAction('toggle_comment', bind('toggleComment', 'toggleCommentAction'), 'Toggle Comment'); addAction('update_image_size', bind('updateImageSize', 'updateImageSizeAction'), 'Update Image Size'); addAction('wrap_with_abbreviation', bind('wrapWithAbbreviation', 'wrapWithAbbreviationAction'), 'Wrap With Abbreviation'); addAction('update_tag', bind('updateTag', 'updateTagAction'), 'HTML/Update Tag'); [1, -1, 10, -10, 0.1, -0.1].forEach(function(num) { var prefix = num > 0 ? 'increment' : 'decrement'; var suffix = String(Math.abs(num)).replace('.', '').substring(0, 2); var actionId = prefix + '_number_by_' + suffix; var actionMethod = prefix + suffix + 'Action'; var actionLabel = 'Numbers/' + prefix.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + prefix.substring(1) + ' number by ' + Math.abs(num); addAction(actionId, bind('incrementDecrement', actionMethod), actionLabel); }); return { /** * Registers new action * @param {String} name Action name * @param {Function} fn Action function * @param {Object} options Custom action options:
* label : (String) – Human-readable action name. * May contain '/' symbols as submenu separators
* hidden : (Boolean) – Indicates whether action * should be displayed in menu (getMenu() method) */ add: addAction, /** * Returns action object * @param {String} name Action name * @returns {Object} */ get: function(name) { return actions[name.toLowerCase()]; }, /** * Runs Emmet action. For list of available actions and their * arguments see actions folder. * @param {String} name Action name * @param {Array} args Additional arguments. It may be array of arguments * or inline arguments. The first argument should be IEmmetEditor instance * @returns {Boolean} Status of performed operation, true * means action was performed successfully. * @example * require('action/main').run('expand_abbreviation', editor); * require('action/main').run('wrap_with_abbreviation', [editor, 'div']); */ run: function(name, args) { if (!Array.isArray(args)) { args = utils.toArray(arguments, 1); } var action = this.get(name); if (!action) { throw new Error('Action "' + name + '" is not defined'); } return action.fn.apply(action, args); }, /** * Returns all registered actions as object * @returns {Object} */ getAll: function() { return actions; }, /** * Returns all registered actions as array * @returns {Array} */ getList: function() { var all = this.getAll(); return Object.keys(all).map(function(key) { return all[key]; }); }, /** * Returns actions list as structured menu. If action has label, * it will be splitted by '/' symbol into submenus (for example: * CSS/Reflect Value) and grouped with other items * @param {Array} skipActions List of action identifiers that should be * skipped from menu * @returns {Array} */ getMenu: function(skipActions) { var result = []; skipActions = skipActions || []; this.getList().forEach(function(action) { if (action.options.hidden || ~skipActions.indexOf(action.name)) return; var actionName = humanizeActionName(action.name); var ctx = result; if (action.options.label) { var parts = action.options.label.split('/'); actionName = parts.pop(); // create submenus, if needed var menuName, submenu; while ((menuName = parts.shift())) { submenu = utils.find(ctx, function(item) { return item.type == 'submenu' && item.name == menuName; }); if (!submenu) { submenu = { name: menuName, type: 'submenu', items: [] }; ctx.push(submenu); } ctx = submenu.items; } } ctx.push({ type: 'action', name: action.name, label: actionName }); }); return result; }, /** * Returns action name associated with menu item title * @param {String} title * @returns {String} */ getActionNameForMenuTitle: function(title, menu) { return utils.find(menu || this.getMenu(), function(val) { if (val.type == 'action') { if (val.label == title || val.name == title) { return val.name; } } else { return this.getActionNameForMenuTitle(title, val.items); } }, this); } }; }); },{"../utils/common":73,"./balance":5,"./base64":6,"./editPoints":7,"./evaluateMath":8,"./expandAbbreviation":9,"./incrementDecrement":10,"./lineBreaks":11,"./mergeLines":13,"./reflectCSSValue":14,"./removeTag":15,"./selectItem":16,"./selectLine":17,"./splitJoinTag":18,"./toggleComment":19,"./updateImageSize":20,"./updateTag":21,"./wrapWithAbbreviation":22}],13:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Merges selected lines or lines between XHTML tag pairs * @param {Function} require * @param {Underscore} _ */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var range = require('../assets/range'); return { mergeLinesAction: function(editor) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var selection = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); if (!selection.length()) { // find matching tag var pair = htmlMatcher.find(info.content, editor.getCaretPos()); if (pair) { selection = pair.outerRange; } } if (selection.length()) { // got range, merge lines var text = selection.substring(info.content); var lines = utils.splitByLines(text); for (var i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { lines[i] = lines[i].replace(/^\s+/, ''); } text = lines.join('').replace(/\s{2,}/, ' '); var textLen = text.length; text = utils.escapeText(text); editor.replaceContent(text, selection.start, selection.end); editor.createSelection(selection.start, selection.start + textLen); return true; } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/range":30,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],14:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Reflect CSS value: takes rule's value under caret and pastes it for the same * rules with vendor prefixes */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var handlerList = require('../assets/handlerList'); var prefs = require('../assets/preferences'); var cssResolver = require('../resolver/css'); var cssEditTree = require('../editTree/css'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var cssGradient = require('../resolver/cssGradient'); prefs.define('css.reflect.oldIEOpacity', false, 'Support IE6/7/8 opacity notation, e.g. filter:alpha(opacity=...).\ Note that CSS3 and SVG also provides filter property so this option is disabled by default.') /** * @type HandlerList List of registered handlers */ var handlers = handlerList.create(); function doCSSReflection(editor) { var outputInfo = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var cssRule = cssEditTree.parseFromPosition(outputInfo.content, caretPos); if (!cssRule) return; var property = cssRule.itemFromPosition(caretPos, true); // no property under cursor, nothing to reflect if (!property) return; var oldRule = cssRule.source; var offset = cssRule.options.offset; var caretDelta = caretPos - offset - property.range().start; handlers.exec(false, [property]); if (oldRule !== cssRule.source) { return { data: cssRule.source, start: offset, end: offset + oldRule.length, caret: offset + property.range().start + caretDelta }; } } /** * Returns regexp that should match reflected CSS property names * @param {String} name Current CSS property name * @return {RegExp} */ function getReflectedCSSName(name) { name = cssEditTree.baseName(name); var vendorPrefix = '^(?:\\-\\w+\\-)?', m; if ((name == 'opacity' || name == 'filter') && prefs.get('css.reflect.oldIEOpacity')) { return new RegExp(vendorPrefix + '(?:opacity|filter)$'); } else if ((m = name.match(/^border-radius-(top|bottom)(left|right)/))) { // Mozilla-style border radius return new RegExp(vendorPrefix + '(?:' + name + '|border-' + m[1] + '-' + m[2] + '-radius)$'); } else if ((m = name.match(/^border-(top|bottom)-(left|right)-radius/))) { return new RegExp(vendorPrefix + '(?:' + name + '|border-radius-' + m[1] + m[2] + ')$'); } return new RegExp(vendorPrefix + name + '$'); } /** * Reflects inner CSS properites in given value * agains name‘s vendor prefix. In other words, it tries * to modify `transform 0.2s linear` value for `-webkit-transition` * property * @param {String} name Reciever CSS property name * @param {String} value New property value * @return {String} */ function reflectValueParts(name, value) { // detects and updates vendor-specific properties in value, // e.g. -webkit-transition: -webkit-transform var reVendor = /^\-(\w+)\-/; var propPrefix = reVendor.test(name) ? RegExp.$1.toLowerCase() : ''; var parts = cssEditTree.findParts(value); parts.reverse(); parts.forEach(function(part) { var partValue = part.substring(value).replace(reVendor, ''); var prefixes = cssResolver.vendorPrefixes(partValue); if (prefixes) { // if prefixes are not null then given value can // be resolved against Can I Use database and may or // may not contain prefixed variant if (propPrefix && ~prefixes.indexOf(propPrefix)) { partValue = '-' + propPrefix + '-' + partValue; } value = utils.replaceSubstring(value, partValue, part); } }); return value; } /** * Reflects value from donor into receiver * @param {CSSProperty} donor Donor CSS property from which value should * be reflected * @param {CSSProperty} receiver Property that should receive reflected * value from donor */ function reflectValue(donor, receiver) { var value = getReflectedValue(donor.name(), donor.value(), receiver.name(), receiver.value()); value = reflectValueParts(receiver.name(), value); receiver.value(value); } /** * Returns value that should be reflected for refName CSS property * from curName property. This function is used for special cases, * when the same result must be achieved with different properties for different * browsers. For example: opаcity:0.5; → filter:alpha(opacity=50);

* * This function does value conversion between different CSS properties * * @param {String} curName Current CSS property name * @param {String} curValue Current CSS property value * @param {String} refName Receiver CSS property's name * @param {String} refValue Receiver CSS property's value * @return {String} New value for receiver property */ function getReflectedValue(curName, curValue, refName, refValue) { curName = cssEditTree.baseName(curName); refName = cssEditTree.baseName(refName); if (curName == 'opacity' && refName == 'filter') { return refValue.replace(/opacity=[^)]*/i, 'opacity=' + Math.floor(parseFloat(curValue) * 100)); } else if (curName == 'filter' && refName == 'opacity') { var m = curValue.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/i); return m ? utils.prettifyNumber(parseInt(m[1], 10) / 100) : refValue; } return curValue; } module = module || {}; module.exports = { reflectCSSValueAction: function(editor) { if (editor.getSyntax() != 'css') { return false; } return actionUtils.compoundUpdate(editor, doCSSReflection(editor)); }, _defaultHandler: function(property) { var reName = getReflectedCSSName(property.name()); property.parent.list().forEach(function(p) { if (reName.test(p.name())) { reflectValue(property, p); } }); }, /** * Adds custom reflect handler. The passed function will receive matched * CSS property (as CSSEditElement object) and should * return true if it was performed successfully (handled * reflection), false otherwise. * @param {Function} fn * @param {Object} options */ addHandler: function(fn, options) { handlers.add(fn, options); }, /** * Removes registered handler * @returns */ removeHandler: function(fn) { handlers.remove(fn); } }; // XXX add default handlers handlers.add(module.exports._defaultHandler.bind(module.exports), {order: -1}); handlers.add(cssGradient.reflectValueHandler.bind(cssGradient)); return module.exports; }); },{"../assets/handlerList":25,"../assets/preferences":28,"../editTree/css":37,"../resolver/css":64,"../resolver/cssGradient":65,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],15:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Gracefully removes tag under cursor */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); return { removeTagAction: function(editor) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); // search for tag var tag = htmlMatcher.tag(info.content, editor.getCaretPos()); if (tag) { if (!tag.close) { // simply remove unary tag editor.replaceContent(utils.getCaretPlaceholder(), tag.range.start, tag.range.end); } else { // remove tag and its newlines /** @type Range */ var tagContentRange = utils.narrowToNonSpace(info.content, tag.innerRange); /** @type Range */ var startLineBounds = utils.findNewlineBounds(info.content, tagContentRange.start); var startLinePad = utils.getLinePadding(startLineBounds.substring(info.content)); var tagContent = tagContentRange.substring(info.content); tagContent = utils.unindentString(tagContent, startLinePad); editor.replaceContent(utils.getCaretPlaceholder() + utils.escapeText(tagContent), tag.outerRange.start, tag.outerRange.end); } return true; } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],16:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Actions that use stream parsers and tokenizers for traversing: * -- Search for next/previous items in HTML * -- Search for next/previous items in CSS */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var range = require('../assets/range'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var stringStream = require('../assets/stringStream'); var xmlParser = require('../parser/xml'); var cssEditTree = require('../editTree/css'); var cssSections = require('../utils/cssSections'); var startTag = /^<([\w\:\-]+)((?:\s+[\w\-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/; /** * Generic function for searching for items to select * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {Boolean} isBackward Search backward (search forward otherwise) * @param {Function} extractFn Function that extracts item content * @param {Function} rangeFn Function that search for next token range */ function findItem(editor, isBackward, extractFn, rangeFn) { var content = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor).content; var contentLength = content.length; var itemRange, rng; /** @type Range */ var prevRange = range(-1, 0); /** @type Range */ var sel = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var searchPos = sel.start, loop = 100000; // endless loop protection while (searchPos >= 0 && searchPos < contentLength && --loop > 0) { if ( (itemRange = extractFn(content, searchPos, isBackward)) ) { if (prevRange.equal(itemRange)) { break; } prevRange = itemRange.clone(); rng = rangeFn(itemRange.substring(content), itemRange.start, sel.clone()); if (rng) { editor.createSelection(rng.start, rng.end); return true; } else { searchPos = isBackward ? itemRange.start : itemRange.end - 1; } } searchPos += isBackward ? -1 : 1; } return false; } // XXX HTML section /** * Find next HTML item * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ function findNextHTMLItem(editor) { var isFirst = true; return findItem(editor, false, function(content, searchPos){ if (isFirst) { isFirst = false; return findOpeningTagFromPosition(content, searchPos); } else { return getOpeningTagFromPosition(content, searchPos); } }, function(tag, offset, selRange) { return getRangeForHTMLItem(tag, offset, selRange, false); }); } /** * Find previous HTML item * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ function findPrevHTMLItem(editor) { return findItem(editor, true, getOpeningTagFromPosition, function (tag, offset, selRange) { return getRangeForHTMLItem(tag, offset, selRange, true); }); } /** * Creates possible selection ranges for HTML tag * @param {String} source Original HTML source for tokens * @param {Array} tokens List of HTML tokens * @returns {Array} */ function makePossibleRangesHTML(source, tokens, offset) { offset = offset || 0; var result = []; var attrStart = -1, attrName = '', attrValue = '', attrValueRange, tagName; tokens.forEach(function(tok) { switch (tok.type) { case 'tag': tagName = source.substring(tok.start, tok.end); if (/^<[\w\:\-]/.test(tagName)) { // add tag name result.push(range({ start: tok.start + 1, end: tok.end })); } break; case 'attribute': attrStart = tok.start; attrName = source.substring(tok.start, tok.end); break; case 'string': // attribute value // push full attribute first result.push(range(attrStart, tok.end - attrStart)); attrValueRange = range(tok); attrValue = attrValueRange.substring(source); // is this a quoted attribute? if (isQuote(attrValue.charAt(0))) attrValueRange.start++; if (isQuote(attrValue.charAt(attrValue.length - 1))) attrValueRange.end--; result.push(attrValueRange); if (attrName == 'class') { result = result.concat(classNameRanges(attrValueRange.substring(source), attrValueRange.start)); } break; } }); // offset ranges result = result.filter(function(item) { if (item.length()) { item.shift(offset); return true; } }); // remove duplicates return utils.unique(result, function(item) { return item.toString(); }); } /** * Returns ranges of class names in "class" attribute value * @param {String} className * @returns {Array} */ function classNameRanges(className, offset) { offset = offset || 0; var result = []; /** @type StringStream */ var stream = stringStream.create(className); // skip whitespace stream.eatSpace(); stream.start = stream.pos; var ch; while ((ch = stream.next())) { if (/[\s\u00a0]/.test(ch)) { result.push(range(stream.start + offset, stream.pos - stream.start - 1)); stream.eatSpace(); stream.start = stream.pos; } } result.push(range(stream.start + offset, stream.pos - stream.start)); return result; } /** * Returns best HTML tag range match for current selection * @param {String} tag Tag declaration * @param {Number} offset Tag's position index inside content * @param {Range} selRange Selection range * @return {Range} Returns range if next item was found, null otherwise */ function getRangeForHTMLItem(tag, offset, selRange, isBackward) { var ranges = makePossibleRangesHTML(tag, xmlParser.parse(tag), offset); if (isBackward) ranges.reverse(); // try to find selected range var curRange = utils.find(ranges, function(r) { return r.equal(selRange); }); if (curRange) { var ix = ranges.indexOf(curRange); if (ix < ranges.length - 1) return ranges[ix + 1]; return null; } // no selected range, find nearest one if (isBackward) // search backward return utils.find(ranges, function(r) { return r.start < selRange.start; }); // search forward // to deal with overlapping ranges (like full attribute definition // and attribute value) let's find range under caret first if (!curRange) { var matchedRanges = ranges.filter(function(r) { return r.inside(selRange.end); }); if (matchedRanges.length > 1) return matchedRanges[1]; } return utils.find(ranges, function(r) { return r.end > selRange.end; }); } /** * Search for opening tag in content, starting at specified position * @param {String} html Where to search tag * @param {Number} pos Character index where to start searching * @return {Range} Returns range if valid opening tag was found, * null otherwise */ function findOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos) { var tag; while (pos >= 0) { if ((tag = getOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos))) return tag; pos--; } return null; } /** * @param {String} html Where to search tag * @param {Number} pos Character index where to start searching * @return {Range} Returns range if valid opening tag was found, * null otherwise */ function getOpeningTagFromPosition(html, pos) { var m; if (html.charAt(pos) == '<' && (m = html.substring(pos, html.length).match(startTag))) { return range(pos, m[0]); } } function isQuote(ch) { return ch == '"' || ch == "'"; } /** * Returns all ranges inside given rule, available for selection * @param {CSSEditContainer} rule * @return {Array} */ function findInnerRanges(rule) { // rule selector var ranges = [rule.nameRange(true)]; // find nested sections, keep selectors only var nestedSections = cssSections.nestedSectionsInRule(rule); nestedSections.forEach(function(section) { ranges.push(range.create2(section.start, section._selectorEnd)); }); // add full property ranges and values rule.list().forEach(function(property) { ranges = ranges.concat(makePossibleRangesCSS(property)); }); ranges = range.sort(ranges); // optimize result: remove empty ranges and duplicates ranges = ranges.filter(function(item) { return !!item.length(); }); return utils.unique(ranges, function(item) { return item.toString(); }); } /** * Makes all possible selection ranges for specified CSS property * @param {CSSProperty} property * @returns {Array} */ function makePossibleRangesCSS(property) { // find all possible ranges, sorted by position and size var valueRange = property.valueRange(true); var result = [property.range(true), valueRange]; // locate parts of complex values. // some examples: // – 1px solid red: 3 parts // – arial, sans-serif: enumeration, 2 parts // – url(image.png): function value part var value = property.value(); property.valueParts().forEach(function(r) { // add absolute range var clone = r.clone(); result.push(clone.shift(valueRange.start)); /** @type StringStream */ var stream = stringStream.create(r.substring(value)); if (stream.match(/^[\w\-]+\(/, true)) { // we have a function, find values in it. // but first add function contents stream.start = stream.pos; stream.backUp(1); stream.skipToPair('(', ')'); stream.backUp(1); var fnBody = stream.current(); result.push(range(clone.start + stream.start, fnBody)); // find parts cssEditTree.findParts(fnBody).forEach(function(part) { result.push(range(clone.start + stream.start + part.start, part.substring(fnBody))); }); } }); return result; } /** * Tries to find matched CSS property and nearest range for selection * @param {CSSRule} rule * @param {Range} selRange * @param {Boolean} isBackward * @returns {Range} */ function matchedRangeForCSSProperty(rule, selRange, isBackward) { var ranges = findInnerRanges(rule); if (isBackward) { ranges.reverse(); } // return next to selected range, if possible var r = utils.find(ranges, function(item) { return item.equal(selRange); }); if (r) { return ranges[ranges.indexOf(r) + 1]; } // find matched and (possibly) overlapping ranges var nested = ranges.filter(function(item) { return item.inside(selRange.end); }); if (nested.length) { return nested.sort(function(a, b) { return a.length() - b.length(); })[0]; } // return range next to caret var test = r = utils.find(ranges, isBackward ? function(item) {return item.end < selRange.start;} : function(item) {return item.end > selRange.start;} ); if (!r) { // can’t find anything, just pick first one r = ranges[0]; } return r; } function findNextCSSItem(editor) { return findItem(editor, false, cssSections.locateRule.bind(cssSections), getRangeForNextItemInCSS); } function findPrevCSSItem(editor) { return findItem(editor, true, cssSections.locateRule.bind(cssSections), getRangeForPrevItemInCSS); } /** * Returns range for item to be selected in CSS after current caret * (selection) position * @param {String} rule CSS rule declaration * @param {Number} offset Rule's position index inside content * @param {Range} selRange Selection range * @return {Range} Returns range if next item was found, null otherwise */ function getRangeForNextItemInCSS(rule, offset, selRange) { var tree = cssEditTree.parse(rule, { offset: offset }); return matchedRangeForCSSProperty(tree, selRange, false); } /** * Returns range for item to be selected in CSS before current caret * (selection) position * @param {String} rule CSS rule declaration * @param {Number} offset Rule's position index inside content * @param {Range} selRange Selection range * @return {Range} Returns range if previous item was found, null otherwise */ function getRangeForPrevItemInCSS(rule, offset, selRange) { var tree = cssEditTree.parse(rule, { offset: offset }); return matchedRangeForCSSProperty(tree, selRange, true); } return { selectNextItemAction: function(editor) { if (actionUtils.isSupportedCSS(editor.getSyntax())) { return findNextCSSItem(editor); } else { return findNextHTMLItem(editor); } }, selectPreviousItemAction: function(editor) { if (actionUtils.isSupportedCSS(editor.getSyntax())) { return findPrevCSSItem(editor); } else { return findPrevHTMLItem(editor); } } }; }); },{"../assets/range":30,"../assets/stringStream":32,"../editTree/css":37,"../parser/xml":62,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/cssSections":74,"../utils/editor":75}],17:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Select current line (for simple editors like browser's <textarea>) */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { return { selectLineAction: function(editor) { var range = editor.getCurrentLineRange(); editor.createSelection(range.start, range.end); return true; } }; }); },{}],18:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Splits or joins tag, e.g. transforms it into a short notation and vice versa:
* <div></div> → <div /> : join
* <div /> → <div></div> : split */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var resources = require('../assets/resources'); var matcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var profile = require('../assets/profile'); /** * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {Object} profile * @param {Object} tag */ function joinTag(editor, profile, tag) { // empty closing slash is a nonsense for this action var slash = profile.selfClosing() || ' /'; var content = tag.open.range.substring(tag.source).replace(/\s*>$/, slash + '>'); var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); // update caret position if (content.length + tag.outerRange.start < caretPos) { caretPos = content.length + tag.outerRange.start; } content = utils.escapeText(content); editor.replaceContent(content, tag.outerRange.start, tag.outerRange.end); editor.setCaretPos(caretPos); return true; } function splitTag(editor, profile, tag) { var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); // define tag content depending on profile var tagContent = (profile.tag_nl === true) ? '\n\t\n' : ''; var content = tag.outerContent().replace(/\s*\/>$/, '>'); caretPos = tag.outerRange.start + content.length; content += tagContent + ''; content = utils.escapeText(content); editor.replaceContent(content, tag.outerRange.start, tag.outerRange.end); editor.setCaretPos(caretPos); return true; } return { splitJoinTagAction: function(editor, profileName) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor, null, profileName); var curProfile = profile.get(info.profile); // find tag at current position var tag = matcher.tag(info.content, editor.getCaretPos()); if (tag) { return tag.close ? joinTag(editor, curProfile, tag) : splitTag(editor, curProfile, tag); } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/profile":29,"../assets/resources":31,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],19:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Toggles HTML and CSS comments depending on current caret context. Unlike * the same action in most editors, this action toggles comment on currently * matched item—HTML tag or CSS selector—when nothing is selected. */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var prefs = require('../assets/preferences'); var range = require('../assets/range'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var cssEditTree = require('../editTree/css'); /** * Toggle HTML comment on current selection or tag * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @return {Boolean} Returns true if comment was toggled */ function toggleHTMLComment(editor) { /** @type Range */ var r = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); if (!r.length()) { // no selection, find matching tag var tag = htmlMatcher.tag(info.content, editor.getCaretPos()); if (tag) { // found pair r = tag.outerRange; } } return genericCommentToggle(editor, '', r); } /** * Simple CSS commenting * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @return {Boolean} Returns true if comment was toggled */ function toggleCSSComment(editor) { /** @type Range */ var rng = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); if (!rng.length()) { // no selection, try to get current rule /** @type CSSRule */ var rule = cssEditTree.parseFromPosition(info.content, editor.getCaretPos()); if (rule) { var property = cssItemFromPosition(rule, editor.getCaretPos()); rng = property ? property.range(true) : range(rule.nameRange(true).start, rule.source); } } if (!rng.length()) { // still no selection, get current line rng = range(editor.getCurrentLineRange()); utils.narrowToNonSpace(info.content, rng); } return genericCommentToggle(editor, '/*', '*/', rng); } /** * Returns CSS property from rule that matches passed position * @param {EditContainer} rule * @param {Number} absPos * @returns {EditElement} */ function cssItemFromPosition(rule, absPos) { // do not use default EditContainer.itemFromPosition() here, because // we need to make a few assumptions to make CSS commenting more reliable var relPos = absPos - (rule.options.offset || 0); var reSafeChar = /^[\s\n\r]/; return utils.find(rule.list(), function(item) { if (item.range().end === relPos) { // at the end of property, but outside of it // if there’s a space character at current position, // use current property return reSafeChar.test(rule.source.charAt(relPos)); } return item.range().inside(relPos); }); } /** * Search for nearest comment in str, starting from index from * @param {String} text Where to search * @param {Number} from Search start index * @param {String} start_token Comment start string * @param {String} end_token Comment end string * @return {Range} Returns null if comment wasn't found */ function searchComment(text, from, startToken, endToken) { var commentStart = -1; var commentEnd = -1; var hasMatch = function(str, start) { return text.substr(start, str.length) == str; }; // search for comment start while (from--) { if (hasMatch(startToken, from)) { commentStart = from; break; } } if (commentStart != -1) { // search for comment end from = commentStart; var contentLen = text.length; while (contentLen >= from++) { if (hasMatch(endToken, from)) { commentEnd = from + endToken.length; break; } } } return (commentStart != -1 && commentEnd != -1) ? range(commentStart, commentEnd - commentStart) : null; } /** * Generic comment toggling routine * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {String} commentStart Comment start token * @param {String} commentEnd Comment end token * @param {Range} range Selection range * @return {Boolean} */ function genericCommentToggle(editor, commentStart, commentEnd, range) { var content = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor).content; var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var newContent = null; /** * Remove comment markers from string * @param {Sting} str * @return {String} */ function removeComment(str) { return str .replace(new RegExp('^' + utils.escapeForRegexp(commentStart) + '\\s*'), function(str){ caretPos -= str.length; return ''; }).replace(new RegExp('\\s*' + utils.escapeForRegexp(commentEnd) + '$'), ''); } // first, we need to make sure that this substring is not inside // comment var commentRange = searchComment(content, caretPos, commentStart, commentEnd); if (commentRange && commentRange.overlap(range)) { // we're inside comment, remove it range = commentRange; newContent = removeComment(range.substring(content)); } else { // should add comment // make sure that there's no comment inside selection newContent = commentStart + ' ' + range.substring(content) .replace(new RegExp(utils.escapeForRegexp(commentStart) + '\\s*|\\s*' + utils.escapeForRegexp(commentEnd), 'g'), '') + ' ' + commentEnd; // adjust caret position caretPos += commentStart.length + 1; } // replace editor content if (newContent !== null) { newContent = utils.escapeText(newContent); editor.setCaretPos(range.start); editor.replaceContent(editorUtils.unindent(editor, newContent), range.start, range.end); editor.setCaretPos(caretPos); return true; } return false; } return { /** * Toggle comment on current editor's selection or HTML tag/CSS rule * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ toggleCommentAction: function(editor) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); if (actionUtils.isSupportedCSS(info.syntax)) { // in case our editor is good enough and can recognize syntax from // current token, we have to make sure that cursor is not inside // 'style' attribute of html element var caretPos = editor.getCaretPos(); var tag = htmlMatcher.tag(info.content, caretPos); if (tag && tag.open.range.inside(caretPos)) { info.syntax = 'html'; } } var cssSyntaxes = prefs.getArray('css.syntaxes'); if (~cssSyntaxes.indexOf(info.syntax)) { return toggleCSSComment(editor); } return toggleHTMLComment(editor); } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/preferences":28,"../assets/range":30,"../editTree/css":37,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],20:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Automatically updates image size attributes in HTML's <img> element or * CSS rule */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var xmlEditTree = require('../editTree/xml'); var cssEditTree = require('../editTree/css'); var base64 = require('../utils/base64'); var file = require('../plugin/file'); /** * Updates image size of <img src=""> tag * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ function updateImageSizeHTML(editor) { var offset = editor.getCaretPos(); // find tag from current caret position var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var xmlElem = xmlEditTree.parseFromPosition(info.content, offset, true); if (xmlElem && (xmlElem.name() || '').toLowerCase() == 'img') { getImageSizeForSource(editor, xmlElem.value('src'), function(size) { if (size) { var compoundData = xmlElem.range(true); xmlElem.value('width', size.width); xmlElem.value('height', size.height, xmlElem.indexOf('width') + 1); actionUtils.compoundUpdate(editor, utils.extend(compoundData, { data: xmlElem.toString(), caret: offset })); } }); } } /** * Updates image size of CSS property * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor */ function updateImageSizeCSS(editor) { var offset = editor.getCaretPos(); // find tag from current caret position var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor); var cssRule = cssEditTree.parseFromPosition(info.content, offset, true); if (cssRule) { // check if there is property with image under caret var prop = cssRule.itemFromPosition(offset, true), m; if (prop && (m = /url\((["']?)(.+?)\1\)/i.exec(prop.value() || ''))) { getImageSizeForSource(editor, m[2], function(size) { if (size) { var compoundData = cssRule.range(true); cssRule.value('width', size.width + 'px'); cssRule.value('height', size.height + 'px', cssRule.indexOf('width') + 1); actionUtils.compoundUpdate(editor, utils.extend(compoundData, { data: cssRule.toString(), caret: offset })); } }); } } } /** * Returns image dimensions for source * @param {IEmmetEditor} editor * @param {String} src Image source (path or data:url) */ function getImageSizeForSource(editor, src, callback) { var fileContent; if (src) { // check if it is data:url if (/^data:/.test(src)) { fileContent = base64.decode( src.replace(/^data\:.+?;.+?,/, '') ); return callback(actionUtils.getImageSize(fileContent)); } var absPath = file.locateFile(editor.getFilePath(), src); if (absPath === null) { throw "Can't find " + src + ' file'; } file.read(absPath, function(err, content) { if (err) { throw 'Unable to read ' + absPath + ': ' + err; } content = String(content); callback(actionUtils.getImageSize(content)); }); } } return { updateImageSizeAction: function(editor) { // this action will definitely won’t work in SASS dialect, // but may work in SCSS or LESS if (actionUtils.isSupportedCSS(editor.getSyntax())) { updateImageSizeCSS(editor); } else { updateImageSizeHTML(editor); } return true; } }; }); },{"../editTree/css":37,"../editTree/xml":38,"../plugin/file":63,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/base64":71,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],21:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Update Tag action: allows users to update existing HTML tags and add/remove * attributes or even tag name */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var xmlEditTree = require('../editTree/xml'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var parser = require('../parser/abbreviation'); function updateAttributes(tag, abbrNode, ix) { var classNames = (abbrNode.attribute('class') || '').split(/\s+/g); if (ix) { classNames.push('+' + abbrNode.name()); } var r = function(str) { return utils.replaceCounter(str, abbrNode.counter); }; // update class classNames.forEach(function(className) { if (!className) { return; } className = r(className); var ch = className.charAt(0); if (ch == '+') { tag.addClass(className.substr(1)); } else if (ch == '-') { tag.removeClass(className.substr(1)); } else { tag.value('class', className); } }); // update attributes abbrNode.attributeList().forEach(function(attr) { if (attr.name.toLowerCase() == 'class') { return; } var ch = attr.name.charAt(0); if (ch == '+') { var attrName = attr.name.substr(1); var tagAttr = tag.get(attrName); if (tagAttr) { tagAttr.value(tagAttr.value() + r(attr.value)); } else { tag.value(attrName, r(attr.value)); } } else if (ch == '-') { tag.remove(attr.name.substr(1)); } else { tag.value(attr.name, r(attr.value)); } }); } return { /** * Matches HTML tag under caret and updates its definition * according to given abbreviation * @param {IEmmetEditor} Editor instance * @param {String} abbr Abbreviation to update with */ updateTagAction: function(editor, abbr) { abbr = abbr || editor.prompt("Enter abbreviation"); if (!abbr) { return false; } var content = editor.getContent(); var ctx = actionUtils.captureContext(editor); var tag = this.getUpdatedTag(abbr, ctx, content); if (!tag) { // nothing to update return false; } // check if tag name was updated if (tag.name() != ctx.name && ctx.match.close) { editor.replaceContent('', ctx.match.close.range.start, ctx.match.close.range.end, true); } editor.replaceContent(tag.source, ctx.match.open.range.start, ctx.match.open.range.end, true); return true; }, /** * Returns XMLEditContainer node with updated tag structure * of existing tag context. * This data can be used to modify existing tag * @param {String} abbr Abbreviation * @param {Object} ctx Tag to be updated (captured with `htmlMatcher`) * @param {String} content Original editor content * @return {XMLEditContainer} */ getUpdatedTag: function(abbr, ctx, content, options) { if (!ctx) { // nothing to update return null; } var tree = parser.parse(abbr, options || {}); // for this action some characters in abbreviation has special // meaning. For example, `.-c2` means “remove `c2` class from // element” and `.+c3` means “append class `c3` to exising one. // // But `.+c3` abbreviation will actually produce two elements: //
and . Thus, we have to walk on each element // of parsed tree and use their definitions to update current element var tag = xmlEditTree.parse(ctx.match.open.range.substring(content), { offset: ctx.match.outerRange.start }); tree.children.forEach(function(node, i) { updateAttributes(tag, node, i); }); // if tag name was resolved by implicit tag name resolver, // then user omitted it in abbreviation and wants to keep // original tag name var el = tree.children[0]; if (!el.data('nameResolved')) { tag.name(el.name()); } return tag; } }; }); },{"../editTree/xml":38,"../parser/abbreviation":55,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],22:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Action that wraps content with abbreviation. For convenience, action is * defined as reusable module */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var range = require('../assets/range'); var htmlMatcher = require('../assets/htmlMatcher'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var editorUtils = require('../utils/editor'); var actionUtils = require('../utils/action'); var parser = require('../parser/abbreviation'); return { /** * Wraps content with abbreviation * @param {IEmmetEditor} Editor instance * @param {String} abbr Abbreviation to wrap with * @param {String} syntax Syntax type (html, css, etc.) * @param {String} profile Output profile name (html, xml, xhtml) */ wrapWithAbbreviationAction: function(editor, abbr, syntax, profile) { var info = editorUtils.outputInfo(editor, syntax, profile); abbr = abbr || editor.prompt("Enter abbreviation"); if (!abbr) { return null; } abbr = String(abbr); var r = range(editor.getSelectionRange()); if (!r.length()) { // no selection, find tag pair var match = htmlMatcher.tag(info.content, r.start); if (!match) { // nothing to wrap return false; } r = utils.narrowToNonSpace(info.content, match.range); } var newContent = utils.escapeText(r.substring(info.content)); var result = parser.expand(abbr, { pastedContent: editorUtils.unindent(editor, newContent), syntax: info.syntax, profile: info.profile, contextNode: actionUtils.captureContext(editor) }); if (result) { editor.replaceContent(result, r.start, r.end); return true; } return false; } }; }); },{"../assets/htmlMatcher":26,"../assets/range":30,"../parser/abbreviation":55,"../utils/action":70,"../utils/common":73,"../utils/editor":75}],23:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Parsed resources (snippets, abbreviations, variables, etc.) for Emmet. * Contains convenient method to get access for snippets with respect of * inheritance. Also provides ability to store data in different vocabularies * ('system' and 'user') for fast and safe resource update * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com) * @link http://chikuyonok.ru */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var prefs = require('./preferences'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); prefs.define('caniuse.enabled', true, 'Enable support of Can I Use database. When enabled,\ CSS abbreviation resolver will look at Can I Use database first before detecting\ CSS properties that should be resolved'); prefs.define('caniuse.vendors', 'all', 'A comma-separated list vendor identifiers\ (as described in Can I Use database) that should be supported\ when resolving vendor-prefixed properties. Set value to all\ to support all available properties'); prefs.define('caniuse.era', 'e-2', 'Browser era, as defined in Can I Use database.\ Examples: e0 (current version), e1 (near future)\ e-2 (2 versions back) and so on.'); var cssSections = { 'border-image': ['border-image'], 'css-boxshadow': ['box-shadow'], 'css3-boxsizing': ['box-sizing'], 'multicolumn': ['column-width', 'column-count', 'columns', 'column-gap', 'column-rule-color', 'column-rule-style', 'column-rule-width', 'column-rule', 'column-span', 'column-fill'], 'border-radius': ['border-radius', 'border-top-left-radius', 'border-top-right-radius', 'border-bottom-right-radius', 'border-bottom-left-radius'], 'transforms2d': ['transform'], 'css-hyphens': ['hyphens'], 'css-transitions': ['transition', 'transition-property', 'transition-duration', 'transition-timing-function', 'transition-delay'], 'font-feature': ['font-feature-settings'], 'css-animation': ['animation', 'animation-name', 'animation-duration', 'animation-timing-function', 'animation-iteration-count', 'animation-direction', 'animation-play-state', 'animation-delay', 'animation-fill-mode', '@keyframes'], 'css-gradients': ['linear-gradient'], 'css-masks': ['mask-image', 'mask-source-type', 'mask-repeat', 'mask-position', 'mask-clip', 'mask-origin', 'mask-size', 'mask', 'mask-type', 'mask-box-image-source', 'mask-box-image-slice', 'mask-box-image-width', 'mask-box-image-outset', 'mask-box-image-repeat', 'mask-box-image', 'clip-path', 'clip-rule'], 'css-featurequeries': ['@supports'], 'flexbox': ['flex', 'inline-flex', 'flex-direction', 'flex-wrap', 'flex-flow', 'order', 'flex'], 'calc': ['calc'], 'object-fit': ['object-fit', 'object-position'], 'css-grid': ['grid', 'inline-grid', 'grid-template-rows', 'grid-template-columns', 'grid-template-areas', 'grid-template', 'grid-auto-rows', 'grid-auto-columns', ' grid-auto-flow', 'grid-auto-position', 'grid', ' grid-row-start', 'grid-column-start', 'grid-row-end', 'grid-column-end', 'grid-column', 'grid-row', 'grid-area', 'justify-self', 'justify-items', 'align-self', 'align-items'], 'css-repeating-gradients': ['repeating-linear-gradient'], 'css-filters': ['filter'], 'user-select-none': ['user-select'], 'intrinsic-width': ['min-content', 'max-content', 'fit-content', 'fill-available'], 'css3-tabsize': ['tab-size'] }; /** @type {Object} The Can I Use database for CSS */ var cssDB = null; /** @type {Object} A list of available vendors (browsers) and their prefixes */ var vendorsDB = null; var erasDB = null; function intersection(arr1, arr2) { var result = []; var smaller = arr1, larger = arr2; if (smaller.length > larger.length) { smaller = arr2; larger = arr1; } larger.forEach(function(item) { if (~smaller.indexOf(item)) { result.push(item); } }); return result; } /** * Parses raw Can I Use database for better lookups * @param {String} data Raw database * @param {Boolean} optimized Pass `true` if given `data` is already optimized * @return {Object} */ function parseDB(data, optimized) { if (typeof data == 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } if (!optimized) { data = optimize(data); } vendorsDB = data.vendors; cssDB = data.css; erasDB = data.era; } /** * Extract required data only from CIU database * @param {Object} data Raw Can I Use database * @return {Object} Optimized database */ function optimize(data) { if (typeof data == 'string') { data = JSON.parse(data); } return { vendors: parseVendors(data), css: parseCSS(data), era: parseEra(data) }; } /** * Parses vendor data * @param {Object} data * @return {Object} */ function parseVendors(data) { var out = {}; Object.keys(data.agents).forEach(function(name) { var agent = data.agents[name]; out[name] = { prefix: agent.prefix, versions: agent.versions }; }); return out; } /** * Parses CSS data from Can I Use raw database * @param {Object} data * @return {Object} */ function parseCSS(data) { var out = {}; var cssCategories = data.cats.CSS; Object.keys(data.data).forEach(function(name) { var section = data.data[name]; if (name in cssSections) { cssSections[name].forEach(function(kw) { out[kw] = section.stats; }); } }); return out; } /** * Parses era data from Can I Use raw database * @param {Object} data * @return {Array} */ function parseEra(data) { // some runtimes (like Mozilla Rhino) does not preserves // key order so we have to sort values manually return Object.keys(data.eras).sort(function(a, b) { return parseInt(a.substr(1)) - parseInt(b.substr(1)); }); } /** * Returs list of supported vendors, depending on user preferences * @return {Array} */ function getVendorsList() { var allVendors = Object.keys(vendorsDB); var vendors = prefs.getArray('caniuse.vendors'); if (!vendors || vendors[0] == 'all') { return allVendors; } return intersection(allVendors, vendors); } /** * Returns size of version slice as defined by era identifier * @return {Number} */ function getVersionSlice() { var era = prefs.get('caniuse.era'); var ix = erasDB.indexOf(era); if (!~ix) { ix = erasDB.indexOf('e-2'); } return ix; } // try to load caniuse database // hide it from Require.JS parser var db = null; (function(r) { if (typeof define === 'undefined' || !define.amd) { try { var fs = r('fs'); var path = r('path'); db = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../caniuse.json'), {encoding: 'utf8'}); } catch(e) {} } })(require); if (db) { parseDB(db); } return { load: parseDB, optimize: optimize, /** * Resolves prefixes for given property * @param {String} property A property to resolve. It can start with `@` symbol * (CSS section, like `@keyframes`) or `:` (CSS value, like `flex`) * @return {Array} Array of resolved prefixes or null * if prefixes can't be resolved. Empty array means property has no vendor * prefixes */ resolvePrefixes: function(property) { if (!prefs.get('caniuse.enabled') || !cssDB || !(property in cssDB)) { return null; } var prefixes = []; var propStats = cssDB[property]; var versions = getVersionSlice(); getVendorsList().forEach(function(vendor) { var vendorVesions = vendorsDB[vendor].versions.slice(versions); for (var i = 0, v; i < vendorVesions.length; i++) { v = vendorVesions[i]; if (!v) { continue; } if (~propStats[vendor][v].indexOf('x')) { prefixes.push(vendorsDB[vendor].prefix); break; } } }); return utils.unique(prefixes).sort(function(a, b) { return b.length - a.length; }); } }; }); },{"../utils/common":73,"./preferences":28}],24:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Module that contains factories for element types used by Emmet */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var factories = {}; var reAttrs = /([@\!]?)([\w\-:]+)\s*=\s*(['"])(.*?)\3/g; // register resource references function commonFactory(value) { return {data: value}; } module = module || {}; module.exports = { /** * Create new element factory * @param {String} name Element identifier * @param {Function} factory Function that produces element of specified * type. The object generated by this factory is automatically * augmented with type property pointing to element * name * @memberOf elements */ add: function(name, factory) { var that = this; factories[name] = function() { var elem = factory.apply(that, arguments); if (elem) elem.type = name; return elem; }; }, /** * Returns factory for specified name * @param {String} name * @returns {Function} */ get: function(name) { return factories[name]; }, /** * Creates new element with specified type * @param {String} name * @returns {Object} */ create: function(name) { var args = [].slice.call(arguments, 1); var factory = this.get(name); return factory ? factory.apply(this, args) : null; }, /** * Check if passed element is of specified type * @param {Object} elem * @param {String} type * @returns {Boolean} */ is: function(elem, type) { return this.type(elem) === type; }, /** * Returns type of element * @param {Object} elem * @return {String} */ type: function(elem) { return elem && elem.type; } }; /** * Element factory * @param {String} elementName Name of output element * @param {String} attrs Attributes definition. You may also pass * Array where each contains object with name * and value properties, or Object * @param {Boolean} isEmpty Is expanded element should be empty */ module.exports.add('element', function(elementName, attrs, isEmpty) { var ret = { name: elementName, is_empty: !!isEmpty }; if (attrs) { ret.attributes = []; if (Array.isArray(attrs)) { ret.attributes = attrs; } else if (typeof attrs === 'string') { var m; while ((m = reAttrs.exec(attrs))) { ret.attributes.push({ name: m[2], value: m[4], isDefault: m[1] == '@', isImplied: m[1] == '!' }); } } else { ret.attributes = Object.keys(attrs).map(function(name) { return { name: name, value: attrs[name] }; }); } } return ret; }); module.exports.add('snippet', commonFactory); module.exports.add('reference', commonFactory); module.exports.add('empty', function() { return {}; }); return module.exports; }); },{}],25:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Utility module that provides ordered storage of function handlers. * Many Emmet modules' functionality can be extended/overridden by custom * function. This modules provides unified storage of handler functions, their * management and execution */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); /** * @type HandlerList * @constructor */ function HandlerList() { this._list = []; } HandlerList.prototype = { /** * Adds function handler * @param {Function} fn Handler * @param {Object} options Handler options. Possible values are:

* order : (Number) – order in handler list. Handlers * with higher order value will be executed earlier. */ add: function(fn, options) { // TODO hack for stable sort, remove after fixing `list()` var order = this._list.length; if (options && 'order' in options) { order = options.order * 10000; } this._list.push(utils.extend({}, options, {order: order, fn: fn})); }, /** * Removes handler from list * @param {Function} fn */ remove: function(fn) { var item = utils.find(this._list, function(item) { return item.fn === fn; }); if (item) { this._list.splice(this._list.indexOf(item), 1); } }, /** * Returns ordered list of handlers. By default, handlers * with the same order option returned in reverse order, * i.e. the latter function was added into the handlers list, the higher * it will be in the returned array * @returns {Array} */ list: function() { // TODO make stable sort return this._list.sort(function(a, b) { return b.order - a.order; }); }, /** * Returns ordered list of handler functions * @returns {Array} */ listFn: function() { return this.list().map(function(item) { return item.fn; }); }, /** * Executes handler functions in their designated order. If function * returns skipVal, meaning that function was unable to * handle passed args, the next function will be executed * and so on. * @param {Object} skipValue If function returns this value, execute * next handler. * @param {Array} args Arguments to pass to handler function * @returns {Boolean} Whether any of registered handlers performed * successfully */ exec: function(skipValue, args) { args = args || []; var result = null; utils.find(this.list(), function(h) { result = h.fn.apply(h, args); if (result !== skipValue) { return true; } }); return result; } }; return { /** * Factory method that produces HandlerList instance * @returns {HandlerList} * @memberOf handlerList */ create: function() { return new HandlerList(); } }; }); },{"../utils/common":73}],26:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * HTML matcher: takes string and searches for HTML tag pairs for given position * * Unlike “classic” matchers, it parses content from the specified * position, not from the start, so it may work even outside HTML documents * (for example, inside strings of programming languages like JavaScript, Python * etc.) */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var range = require('./range'); // Regular Expressions for parsing tags and attributes var reOpenTag = /^<([\w\:\-]+)((?:\s+[\w\-:]+(?:\s*=\s*(?:(?:"[^"]*")|(?:'[^']*')|[^>\s]+))?)*)\s*(\/?)>/; var reCloseTag = /^<\/([\w\:\-]+)[^>]*>/; function openTag(i, match) { return { name: match[1], selfClose: !!match[3], /** @type Range */ range: range(i, match[0]), type: 'open' }; } function closeTag(i, match) { return { name: match[1], /** @type Range */ range: range(i, match[0]), type: 'close' }; } function comment(i, match) { return { /** @type Range */ range: range(i, typeof match == 'number' ? match - i : match[0]), type: 'comment' }; } /** * Creates new tag matcher session * @param {String} text */ function createMatcher(text) { var memo = {}, m; return { /** * Test if given position matches opening tag * @param {Number} i * @returns {Object} Matched tag object */ open: function(i) { var m = this.matches(i); return m && m.type == 'open' ? m : null; }, /** * Test if given position matches closing tag * @param {Number} i * @returns {Object} Matched tag object */ close: function(i) { var m = this.matches(i); return m && m.type == 'close' ? m : null; }, /** * Matches either opening or closing tag for given position * @param i * @returns */ matches: function(i) { var key = 'p' + i; if (!(key in memo)) { memo[key] = false; if (text.charAt(i) == '<') { var substr = text.slice(i); if ((m = substr.match(reOpenTag))) { memo[key] = openTag(i, m); } else if ((m = substr.match(reCloseTag))) { memo[key] = closeTag(i, m); } } } return memo[key]; }, /** * Returns original text * @returns {String} */ text: function() { return text; }, clean: function() { memo = text = m = null; } }; } function matches(text, pos, pattern) { return text.substring(pos, pos + pattern.length) == pattern; } /** * Search for closing pair of opening tag * @param {Object} open Open tag instance * @param {Object} matcher Matcher instance */ function findClosingPair(open, matcher) { var stack = [], tag = null; var text = matcher.text(); for (var pos = open.range.end, len = text.length; pos < len; pos++) { if (matches(text, pos, '')) { pos = j + 3; break; } } } if ((tag = matcher.matches(pos))) { if (tag.type == 'open' && !tag.selfClose) { stack.push(tag.name); } else if (tag.type == 'close') { if (!stack.length) { // found valid pair? return tag.name == open.name ? tag : null; } // check if current closing tag matches previously opened one if (stack[stack.length - 1] == tag.name) { stack.pop(); } else { var found = false; while (stack.length && !found) { var last = stack.pop(); if (last == tag.name) { found = true; } } if (!stack.length && !found) { return tag.name == open.name ? tag : null; } } } pos = tag.range.end - 1; } } } return { /** * Main function: search for tag pair in text for given * position * @memberOf htmlMatcher * @param {String} text * @param {Number} pos * @returns {Object} */ find: function(text, pos) { var matcher = createMatcher(text); var open = null, close = null; var j, jl; for (var i = pos; i >= 0; i--) { if ((open = matcher.open(i))) { // found opening tag if (open.selfClose) { if (open.range.cmp(pos, 'lt', 'gt')) { // inside self-closing tag, found match break; } // outside self-closing tag, continue continue; } close = findClosingPair(open, matcher); if (close) { // found closing tag. var r = range.create2(open.range.start, close.range.end); if (r.contains(pos)) { break; } } else if (open.range.contains(pos)) { // we inside empty HTML tag like
break; } open = null; } else if (matches(text, i, '-->')) { // skip back to comment start for (j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { if (matches(text, j, '-->')) { // found another comment end, do nothing break; } else if (matches(text, j, '')) { j += 3; break; } } open = comment(i, j); break; } } matcher.clean(); if (open) { var outerRange = null; var innerRange = null; if (close) { outerRange = range.create2(open.range.start, close.range.end); innerRange = range.create2(open.range.end, close.range.start); } else { outerRange = innerRange = range.create2(open.range.start, open.range.end); } if (open.type == 'comment') { // adjust positions of inner range for comment var _c = outerRange.substring(text); innerRange.start += _c.length - _c.replace(/^<\!--\s*/, '').length; innerRange.end -= _c.length - _c.replace(/\s*-->$/, '').length; } return { open: open, close: close, type: open.type == 'comment' ? 'comment' : 'tag', innerRange: innerRange, innerContent: function() { return this.innerRange.substring(text); }, outerRange: outerRange, outerContent: function() { return this.outerRange.substring(text); }, range: !innerRange.length() || !innerRange.cmp(pos, 'lte', 'gte') ? outerRange : innerRange, content: function() { return this.range.substring(text); }, source: text }; } }, /** * The same as find() method, but restricts matched result * to tag type * @param {String} text * @param {Number} pos * @returns {Object} */ tag: function(text, pos) { var result = this.find(text, pos); if (result && result.type == 'tag') { return result; } } }; }); },{"./range":30}],27:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Simple logger for Emmet */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { return { log: function() { if (typeof console != 'undefined' && console.log) { console.log.apply(console, arguments); } } } }) },{}],28:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Common module's preferences storage. This module * provides general storage for all module preferences, their description and * default values.

* * This module can also be used to list all available properties to create * UI for updating properties */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var preferences = {}; var defaults = {}; var _dbgDefaults = null; var _dbgPreferences = null; function toBoolean(val) { if (typeof val === 'string') { val = val.toLowerCase(); return val == 'yes' || val == 'true' || val == '1'; } return !!val; } function isValueObj(obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && !Array.isArray(obj) && 'value' in obj && Object.keys(obj).length < 3; } return { /** * Creates new preference item with default value * @param {String} name Preference name. You can also pass object * with many options * @param {Object} value Preference default value * @param {String} description Item textual description * @memberOf preferences */ define: function(name, value, description) { var prefs = name; if (typeof name === 'string') { prefs = {}; prefs[name] = { value: value, description: description }; } Object.keys(prefs).forEach(function(k) { var v = prefs[k]; defaults[k] = isValueObj(v) ? v : {value: v}; }); }, /** * Updates preference item value. Preference value should be defined * first with define method. * @param {String} name Preference name. You can also pass object * with many options * @param {Object} value Preference default value * @memberOf preferences */ set: function(name, value) { var prefs = name; if (typeof name === 'string') { prefs = {}; prefs[name] = value; } Object.keys(prefs).forEach(function(k) { var v = prefs[k]; if (!(k in defaults)) { throw new Error('Property "' + k + '" is not defined. You should define it first with `define` method of current module'); } // do not set value if it equals to default value if (v !== defaults[k].value) { // make sure we have value of correct type switch (typeof defaults[k].value) { case 'boolean': v = toBoolean(v); break; case 'number': v = parseInt(v + '', 10) || 0; break; default: // convert to string if (v !== null) { v += ''; } } preferences[k] = v; } else if (k in preferences) { delete preferences[k]; } }); }, /** * Returns preference value * @param {String} name * @returns {String} Returns undefined if preference is * not defined */ get: function(name) { if (name in preferences) { return preferences[name]; } if (name in defaults) { return defaults[name].value; } return void 0; }, /** * Returns comma-separated preference value as array of values * @param {String} name * @returns {Array} Returns undefined if preference is * not defined, null if string cannot be converted to array */ getArray: function(name) { var val = this.get(name); if (typeof val === 'undefined' || val === null || val === '') { return null; } val = val.split(',').map(utils.trim); if (!val.length) { return null; } return val; }, /** * Returns comma and colon-separated preference value as dictionary * @param {String} name * @returns {Object} */ getDict: function(name) { var result = {}; this.getArray(name).forEach(function(val) { var parts = val.split(':'); result[parts[0]] = parts[1]; }); return result; }, /** * Returns description of preference item * @param {String} name Preference name * @returns {Object} */ description: function(name) { return name in defaults ? defaults[name].description : void 0; }, /** * Completely removes specified preference(s) * @param {String} name Preference name (or array of names) */ remove: function(name) { if (!Array.isArray(name)) { name = [name]; } name.forEach(function(key) { if (key in preferences) { delete preferences[key]; } if (key in defaults) { delete defaults[key]; } }); }, /** * Returns sorted list of all available properties * @returns {Array} */ list: function() { return Object.keys(defaults).sort().map(function(key) { return { name: key, value: this.get(key), type: typeof defaults[key].value, description: defaults[key].description }; }, this); }, /** * Loads user-defined preferences from JSON * @param {Object} json * @returns */ load: function(json) { Object.keys(json).forEach(function(key) { this.set(key, json[key]); }, this); }, /** * Returns hash of user-modified preferences * @returns {Object} */ exportModified: function() { return utils.extend({}, preferences); }, /** * Reset to defaults * @returns */ reset: function() { preferences = {}; }, /** * For unit testing: use empty storage */ _startTest: function() { _dbgDefaults = defaults; _dbgPreferences = preferences; defaults = {}; preferences = {}; }, /** * For unit testing: restore original storage */ _stopTest: function() { defaults = _dbgDefaults; preferences = _dbgPreferences; } }; }); },{"../utils/common":73}],29:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Output profile module. * Profile defines how XHTML output data should look like */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var resources = require('./resources'); var prefs = require('./preferences'); prefs.define('profile.allowCompactBoolean', true, 'This option can be used to globally disable compact form of boolean ' + 'attribues (attributes where name and value are equal). With compact' + 'form enabled, HTML tags can be outputted as <div contenteditable> ' + 'instead of <div contenteditable="contenteditable">'); prefs.define('profile.booleanAttributes', '^contenteditable|seamless$', 'A regular expression for attributes that should be boolean by default.' + 'If attribute name matches this expression, you don’t have to write dot ' + 'after attribute name in Emmet abbreviation to mark it as boolean.'); var profiles = {}; var defaultProfile = { tag_case: 'asis', attr_case: 'asis', attr_quotes: 'double', // Each tag on new line tag_nl: 'decide', // With tag_nl === true, defines if leaf node (e.g. node with no children) // should have formatted line breaks tag_nl_leaf: false, place_cursor: true, // Indent tags indent: true, // How many inline elements should be to force line break // (set to 0 to disable) inline_break: 3, // Produce compact notation of boolean attribues: // attributes where name and value are equal. // With this option enabled, HTML filter will // produce
instead of
compact_bool: false, // Use self-closing style for writing empty elements, e.g.
self_closing_tag: 'xhtml', // Profile-level output filters, re-defines syntax filters filters: '', // Additional filters applied to abbreviation. // Unlike "filters", this preference doesn't override default filters // but add the instead every time given profile is chosen extraFilters: '' }; /** * @constructor * @type OutputProfile * @param {Object} options */ function OutputProfile(options) { utils.extend(this, defaultProfile, options); } OutputProfile.prototype = { /** * Transforms tag name case depending on current profile settings * @param {String} name String to transform * @returns {String} */ tagName: function(name) { return stringCase(name, this.tag_case); }, /** * Transforms attribute name case depending on current profile settings * @param {String} name String to transform * @returns {String} */ attributeName: function(name) { return stringCase(name, this.attr_case); }, /** * Returns quote character for current profile * @returns {String} */ attributeQuote: function() { return this.attr_quotes == 'single' ? "'" : '"'; }, /** * Returns self-closing tag symbol for current profile * @returns {String} */ selfClosing: function() { if (this.self_closing_tag == 'xhtml') return ' /'; if (this.self_closing_tag === true) return '/'; return ''; }, /** * Returns cursor token based on current profile settings * @returns {String} */ cursor: function() { return this.place_cursor ? utils.getCaretPlaceholder() : ''; }, /** * Check if attribute with given name is boolean, * e.g. written as `contenteditable` instead of * `contenteditable="contenteditable"` * @param {String} name Attribute name * @return {Boolean} */ isBoolean: function(name, value) { if (name == value) { return true; } var boolAttrs = prefs.get('profile.booleanAttributes'); if (!value && boolAttrs) { boolAttrs = new RegExp(boolAttrs, 'i'); return boolAttrs.test(name); } return false; }, /** * Check if compact boolean attribute record is * allowed for current profile * @return {Boolean} */ allowCompactBoolean: function() { return this.compact_bool && prefs.get('profile.allowCompactBoolean'); } }; /** * Helper function that converts string case depending on * caseValue * @param {String} str String to transform * @param {String} caseValue Case value: can be lower, * upper and leave * @returns {String} */ function stringCase(str, caseValue) { switch (String(caseValue || '').toLowerCase()) { case 'lower': return str.toLowerCase(); case 'upper': return str.toUpperCase(); } return str; } /** * Creates new output profile * @param {String} name Profile name * @param {Object} options Profile options */ function createProfile(name, options) { return profiles[name.toLowerCase()] = new OutputProfile(options); } function createDefaultProfiles() { createProfile('xhtml'); createProfile('html', {self_closing_tag: false, compact_bool: true}); createProfile('xml', {self_closing_tag: true, tag_nl: true}); createProfile('plain', {tag_nl: false, indent: false, place_cursor: false}); createProfile('line', {tag_nl: false, indent: false, extraFilters: 's'}); createProfile('css', {tag_nl: true}); createProfile('css_line', {tag_nl: false}); } createDefaultProfiles(); return { /** * Creates new output profile and adds it into internal dictionary * @param {String} name Profile name * @param {Object} options Profile options * @memberOf emmet.profile * @returns {Object} New profile */ create: function(name, options) { if (arguments.length == 2) return createProfile(name, options); else // create profile object only return new OutputProfile(utils.defaults(name || {}, defaultProfile)); }, /** * Returns profile by its name. If profile wasn't found, returns * 'plain' profile * @param {String} name Profile name. Might be profile itself * @param {String} syntax. Optional. Current editor syntax. If defined, * profile is searched in resources first, then in predefined profiles * @returns {Object} */ get: function(name, syntax) { if (!name && syntax) { // search in user resources first var profile = resources.findItem(syntax, 'profile'); if (profile) { name = profile; } } if (!name) { return profiles.plain; } if (name instanceof OutputProfile) { return name; } if (typeof name === 'string' && name.toLowerCase() in profiles) { return profiles[name.toLowerCase()]; } return this.create(name); }, /** * Deletes profile with specified name * @param {String} name Profile name */ remove: function(name) { name = (name || '').toLowerCase(); if (name in profiles) delete profiles[name]; }, /** * Resets all user-defined profiles */ reset: function() { profiles = {}; createDefaultProfiles(); }, /** * Helper function that converts string case depending on * caseValue * @param {String} str String to transform * @param {String} caseValue Case value: can be lower, * upper and leave * @returns {String} */ stringCase: stringCase }; }); },{"../utils/common":73,"./preferences":28,"./resources":31}],30:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Helper module to work with ranges */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { function cmp(a, b, op) { switch (op) { case 'eq': case '==': return a === b; case 'lt': case '<': return a < b; case 'lte': case '<=': return a <= b; case 'gt': case '>': return a > b; case 'gte': case '>=': return a >= b; } } /** * @type Range * @constructor * @param {Object} start * @param {Number} len */ function Range(start, len) { if (typeof start === 'object' && 'start' in start) { // create range from object stub this.start = Math.min(start.start, start.end); this.end = Math.max(start.start, start.end); } else if (Array.isArray(start)) { this.start = start[0]; this.end = start[1]; } else { len = typeof len === 'string' ? len.length : +len; this.start = start; this.end = start + len; } } Range.prototype = { length: function() { return Math.abs(this.end - this.start); }, /** * Returns true if passed range is equals to current one * @param {Range} range * @returns {Boolean} */ equal: function(range) { return this.cmp(range, 'eq', 'eq'); // return this.start === range.start && this.end === range.end; }, /** * Shifts indexes position with passed delta * @param {Number} delta * @returns {Range} range itself */ shift: function(delta) { this.start += delta; this.end += delta; return this; }, /** * Check if two ranges are overlapped * @param {Range} range * @returns {Boolean} */ overlap: function(range) { return range.start <= this.end && range.end >= this.start; }, /** * Finds intersection of two ranges * @param {Range} range * @returns {Range} null if ranges does not overlap */ intersection: function(range) { if (this.overlap(range)) { var start = Math.max(range.start, this.start); var end = Math.min(range.end, this.end); return new Range(start, end - start); } return null; }, /** * Returns the union of the thow ranges. * @param {Range} range * @returns {Range} null if ranges are not overlapped */ union: function(range) { if (this.overlap(range)) { var start = Math.min(range.start, this.start); var end = Math.max(range.end, this.end); return new Range(start, end - start); } return null; }, /** * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified position * is in a given range. * @param {Number} loc */ inside: function(loc) { return this.cmp(loc, 'lte', 'gt'); // return this.start <= loc && this.end > loc; }, /** * Returns a Boolean value that indicates whether a specified position * is in a given range, but not equals bounds. * @param {Number} loc */ contains: function(loc) { return this.cmp(loc, 'lt', 'gt'); }, /** * Check if current range completely includes specified one * @param {Range} r * @returns {Boolean} */ include: function(r) { return this.cmp(r, 'lte', 'gte'); // return this.start <= r.start && this.end >= r.end; }, /** * Low-level comparision method * @param {Number} loc * @param {String} left Left comparison operator * @param {String} right Right comaprison operator */ cmp: function(loc, left, right) { var a, b; if (loc instanceof Range) { a = loc.start; b = loc.end; } else { a = b = loc; } return cmp(this.start, a, left || '<=') && cmp(this.end, b, right || '>'); }, /** * Returns substring of specified str for current range * @param {String} str * @returns {String} */ substring: function(str) { return this.length() > 0 ? str.substring(this.start, this.end) : ''; }, /** * Creates copy of current range * @returns {Range} */ clone: function() { return new Range(this.start, this.length()); }, /** * @returns {Array} */ toArray: function() { return [this.start, this.end]; }, toString: function() { return this.valueOf(); }, valueOf: function() { return '{' + this.start + ', ' + this.length() + '}'; } }; /** * Creates new range object instance * @param {Object} start Range start or array with 'start' and 'end' * as two first indexes or object with 'start' and 'end' properties * @param {Number} len Range length or string to produce range from * @returns {Range} */ module.exports = function(start, len) { if (typeof start == 'undefined' || start === null) return null; if (start instanceof Range) return start; if (typeof start == 'object' && 'start' in start && 'end' in start) { len = start.end - start.start; start = start.start; } return new Range(start, len); }; module.exports.create = module.exports; module.exports.isRange = function(val) { return val instanceof Range; }; /** * Range object factory, the same as this.create() * but last argument represents end of range, not length * @returns {Range} */ module.exports.create2 = function(start, end) { if (typeof start === 'number' && typeof end === 'number') { end -= start; } return this.create(start, end); }; /** * Helper function that sorts ranges in order as they * appear in text * @param {Array} ranges * @return {Array} */ module.exports.sort = function(ranges, reverse) { ranges = ranges.sort(function(a, b) { if (a.start === b.start) { return b.end - a.end; } return a.start - b.start; }); reverse && ranges.reverse(); return ranges; }; return module.exports; }); },{}],31:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Parsed resources (snippets, abbreviations, variables, etc.) for Emmet. * Contains convenient method to get access for snippets with respect of * inheritance. Also provides ability to store data in different vocabularies * ('system' and 'user') for fast and safe resource update * @author Sergey Chikuyonok (serge.che@gmail.com) * @link http://chikuyonok.ru */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var handlerList = require('./handlerList'); var utils = require('../utils/common'); var elements = require('./elements'); var logger = require('../assets/logger'); var stringScore = require('../vendor/stringScore'); var cssResolver = require('../resolver/css'); var VOC_SYSTEM = 'system'; var VOC_USER = 'user'; var cache = {}; /** Regular expression for XML tag matching */ var reTag = /^<(\w+\:?[\w\-]*)((?:\s+[@\!]?[\w\:\-]+\s*=\s*(['"]).*?\3)*)\s*(\/?)>/; var systemSettings = {}; var userSettings = {}; /** @type HandlerList List of registered abbreviation resolvers */ var resolvers = handlerList.create(); function each(obj, fn) { if (!obj) { return; } Object.keys(obj).forEach(function(key) { fn(obj[key], key); }); } /** * Normalizes caret plceholder in passed text: replaces | character with * default caret placeholder * @param {String} text * @returns {String} */ function normalizeCaretPlaceholder(text) { return utils.replaceUnescapedSymbol(text, '|', utils.getCaretPlaceholder()); } function parseItem(name, value, type) { value = normalizeCaretPlaceholder(value); if (type == 'snippets') { return elements.create('snippet', value); } if (type == 'abbreviations') { return parseAbbreviation(name, value); } } /** * Parses single abbreviation * @param {String} key Abbreviation name * @param {String} value Abbreviation value * @return {Object} */ function parseAbbreviation(key, value) { key = utils.trim(key); var m; if ((m = reTag.exec(value))) { return elements.create('element', m[1], m[2], m[4] == '/'); } else { // assume it's reference to another abbreviation return elements.create('reference', value); } } /** * Normalizes snippet key name for better fuzzy search * @param {String} str * @returns {String} */ function normalizeName(str) { return str.replace(/:$/, '').replace(/:/g, '-'); } function expandSnippetsDefinition(snippets) { var out = {}; each(snippets, function(val, key) { var items = key.split('|'); // do not use iterators for better performance for (var i = items.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { out[items[i]] = val; } }); return out; } utils.extend(exports, { /** * Sets new unparsed data for specified settings vocabulary * @param {Object} data * @param {String} type Vocabulary type ('system' or 'user') * @memberOf resources */ setVocabulary: function(data, type) { cache = {}; // sections like "snippets" and "abbreviations" could have // definitions like `"f|fs": "fieldset"` which is the same as distinct // "f" and "fs" keys both equals to "fieldset". // We should parse these definitions first var voc = {}; each(data, function(section, syntax) { var _section = {}; each(section, function(subsection, name) { if (name == 'abbreviations' || name == 'snippets') { subsection = expandSnippetsDefinition(subsection); } _section[name] = subsection; }); voc[syntax] = _section; }); if (type == VOC_SYSTEM) { systemSettings = voc; } else { userSettings = voc; } }, /** * Returns resource vocabulary by its name * @param {String} name Vocabulary name ('system' or 'user') * @return {Object} */ getVocabulary: function(name) { return name == VOC_SYSTEM ? systemSettings : userSettings; }, /** * Returns resource (abbreviation, snippet, etc.) matched for passed * abbreviation * @param {AbbreviationNode} node * @param {String} syntax * @returns {Object} */ getMatchedResource: function(node, syntax) { return resolvers.exec(null, utils.toArray(arguments)) || this.findSnippet(syntax, node.name()); }, /** * Returns variable value * @return {String} */ getVariable: function(name) { return (this.getSection('variables') || {})[name]; }, /** * Store runtime variable in user storage * @param {String} name Variable name * @param {String} value Variable value */ setVariable: function(name, value){ var voc = this.getVocabulary('user') || {}; if (!('variables' in voc)) voc.variables = {}; voc.variables[name] = value; this.setVocabulary(voc, 'user'); }, /** * Check if there are resources for specified syntax * @param {String} syntax * @return {Boolean} */ hasSyntax: function(syntax) { return syntax in this.getVocabulary(VOC_USER) || syntax in this.getVocabulary(VOC_SYSTEM); }, /** * Registers new abbreviation resolver. * @param {Function} fn Abbreviation resolver which will receive * abbreviation as first argument and should return parsed abbreviation * object if abbreviation has handled successfully, null * otherwise * @param {Object} options Options list as described in * {@link HandlerList#add()} method */ addResolver: function(fn, options) { resolvers.add(fn, options); }, removeResolver: function(fn) { resolvers.remove(fn); }, /** * Returns actual section data, merged from both * system and user data * @param {String} name Section name (syntax) * @param {String} ...args Subsections * @returns */ getSection: function(name) { if (!name) return null; if (!(name in cache)) { cache[name] = utils.deepMerge({}, systemSettings[name], userSettings[name]); } var data = cache[name], subsections = utils.toArray(arguments, 1), key; while (data && (key = subsections.shift())) { if (key in data) { data = data[key]; } else { return null; } } return data; }, /** * Recursively searches for a item inside top level sections (syntaxes) * with respect of `extends` attribute * @param {String} topSection Top section name (syntax) * @param {String} subsection Inner section name * @returns {Object} */ findItem: function(topSection, subsection) { var data = this.getSection(topSection); while (data) { if (subsection in data) return data[subsection]; data = this.getSection(data['extends']); } }, /** * Recursively searches for a snippet definition inside syntax section. * Definition is searched inside `snippets` and `abbreviations` * subsections * @param {String} syntax Top-level section name (syntax) * @param {String} name Snippet name * @returns {Object} */ findSnippet: function(syntax, name, memo) { if (!syntax || !name) return null; memo = memo || []; var names = [name]; // create automatic aliases to properties with colons, // e.g. pos-a == pos:a if (~name.indexOf('-')) { names.push(name.replace(/\-/g, ':')); } var data = this.getSection(syntax), matchedItem = null; ['snippets', 'abbreviations'].some(function(sectionName) { var data = this.getSection(syntax, sectionName); if (data) { return names.some(function(n) { if (data[n]) { return matchedItem = parseItem(n, data[n], sectionName); } }); } }, this); memo.push(syntax); if (!matchedItem && data['extends'] && !~memo.indexOf(data['extends'])) { // try to find item in parent syntax section return this.findSnippet(data['extends'], name, memo); } return matchedItem; }, /** * Performs fuzzy search of snippet definition * @param {String} syntax Top-level section name (syntax) * @param {String} name Snippet name * @returns */ fuzzyFindSnippet: function(syntax, name, minScore) { var result = this.fuzzyFindMatches(syntax, name, minScore)[0]; if (result) { return result.value.parsedValue; } }, fuzzyFindMatches: function(syntax, name, minScore) { minScore = minScore || 0.3; name = normalizeName(name); var snippets = this.getAllSnippets(syntax); return Object.keys(snippets) .map(function(key) { var value = snippets[key]; return { key: key, score: stringScore.score(value.nk, name, 0.1), value: value }; }) .filter(function(item) { return item.score >= minScore; }) .sort(function(a, b) { return a.score - b.score; }) .reverse(); }, /** * Returns plain dictionary of all available abbreviations and snippets * for specified syntax with respect of inheritance * @param {String} syntax * @returns {Object} */ getAllSnippets: function(syntax) { var cacheKey = 'all-' + syntax; if (!cache[cacheKey]) { var stack = [], sectionKey = syntax; var memo = []; do { var section = this.getSection(sectionKey); if (!section) break; ['snippets', 'abbreviations'].forEach(function(sectionName) { var stackItem = {}; each(section[sectionName] || null, function(v, k) { stackItem[k] = { nk: normalizeName(k), value: v, parsedValue: parseItem(k, v, sectionName), type: sectionName }; }); stack.push(stackItem); }); memo.push(sectionKey); sectionKey = section['extends']; } while (sectionKey && !~memo.indexOf(sectionKey)); cache[cacheKey] = utils.extend.apply(utils, stack.reverse()); } return cache[cacheKey]; }, /** * Returns newline character * @returns {String} */ getNewline: function() { var nl = this.getVariable('newline'); return typeof nl === 'string' ? nl : '\n'; }, /** * Sets new newline character that will be used in output * @param {String} str */ setNewline: function(str) { this.setVariable('newline', str); this.setVariable('nl', str); } }); // XXX add default resolvers exports.addResolver(cssResolver.resolve.bind(cssResolver)); // try to load snippets // hide it from Require.JS parser (function(r) { if (typeof define === 'undefined' || !define.amd) { try { var fs = r('fs'); var path = r('path'); var defaultSnippets = fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, '../snippets.json'), {encoding: 'utf8'}); exports.setVocabulary(JSON.parse(defaultSnippets), VOC_SYSTEM); } catch (e) {} } })(require); return exports; }); },{"../assets/logger":27,"../resolver/css":64,"../utils/common":73,"../vendor/stringScore":79,"./elements":24,"./handlerList":25}],32:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * A trimmed version of CodeMirror's StringStream module for string parsing */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { /** * @type StringStream * @constructor * @param {String} string Assuming that bound string should be * immutable */ function StringStream(string) { this.pos = this.start = 0; this.string = string; this._length = string.length; } StringStream.prototype = { /** * Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the line. * @returns {Boolean} */ eol: function() { return this.pos >= this._length; }, /** * Returns true only if the stream is at the start of the line * @returns {Boolean} */ sol: function() { return this.pos === 0; }, /** * Returns the next character in the stream without advancing it. * Will return undefined at the end of the line. * @returns {String} */ peek: function() { return this.string.charAt(this.pos); }, /** * Returns the next character in the stream and advances it. * Also returns undefined when no more characters are available. * @returns {String} */ next: function() { if (this.pos < this._length) return this.string.charAt(this.pos++); }, /** * match can be a character, a regular expression, or a function that * takes a character and returns a boolean. If the next character in the * stream 'matches' the given argument, it is consumed and returned. * Otherwise, undefined is returned. * @param {Object} match * @returns {String} */ eat: function(match) { var ch = this.string.charAt(this.pos), ok; if (typeof match == "string") ok = ch == match; else ok = ch && (match.test ? match.test(ch) : match(ch)); if (ok) { ++this.pos; return ch; } }, /** * Repeatedly calls eat with the given argument, until it * fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten. * @param {Object} match * @returns {Boolean} */ eatWhile: function(match) { var start = this.pos; while (this.eat(match)) {} return this.pos > start; }, /** * Shortcut for eatWhile when matching white-space. * @returns {Boolean} */ eatSpace: function() { var start = this.pos; while (/[\s\u00a0]/.test(this.string.charAt(this.pos))) ++this.pos; return this.pos > start; }, /** * Moves the position to the end of the line. */ skipToEnd: function() { this.pos = this._length; }, /** * Skips to the next occurrence of the given character, if found on the * current line (doesn't advance the stream if the character does not * occur on the line). Returns true if the character was found. * @param {String} ch * @returns {Boolean} */ skipTo: function(ch) { var found = this.string.indexOf(ch, this.pos); if (found > -1) { this.pos = found; return true; } }, /** * Skips to close character which is pair to open * character, considering possible pair nesting. This function is used * to consume pair of characters, like opening and closing braces * @param {String} open * @param {String} close * @returns {Boolean} Returns true if pair was successfully * consumed */ skipToPair: function(open, close, skipString) { var braceCount = 0, ch; var pos = this.pos, len = this._length; while (pos < len) { ch = this.string.charAt(pos++); if (ch == open) { braceCount++; } else if (ch == close) { braceCount--; if (braceCount < 1) { this.pos = pos; return true; } } else if (skipString && (ch == '"' || ch == "'")) { this.skipString(ch); } } return false; }, /** * A helper function which, in case of either single or * double quote was found in current position, skips entire * string (quoted value) * @return {Boolean} Wether quoted string was skipped */ skipQuoted: function(noBackup) { var ch = this.string.charAt(noBackup ? this.pos : this.pos - 1); if (ch === '"' || ch === "'") { if (noBackup) { this.pos++; } return this.skipString(ch); } }, /** * A custom function to skip string literal, e.g. a "double-quoted" * or 'single-quoted' value * @param {String} quote An opening quote * @return {Boolean} */ skipString: function(quote) { var pos = this.pos, len = this._length, ch; while (pos < len) { ch = this.string.charAt(pos++); if (ch == '\\') { continue; } else if (ch == quote) { this.pos = pos; return true; } } return false; }, /** * Backs up the stream n characters. Backing it up further than the * start of the current token will cause things to break, so be careful. * @param {Number} n */ backUp : function(n) { this.pos -= n; }, /** * Act like a multi-character eat—if consume is true or * not given—or a look-ahead that doesn't update the stream position—if * it is false. pattern can be either a string or a * regular expression starting with ^. When it is a string, * caseInsensitive can be set to true to make the match * case-insensitive. When successfully matching a regular expression, * the returned value will be the array returned by match, * in case you need to extract matched groups. * * @param {RegExp} pattern * @param {Boolean} consume * @param {Boolean} caseInsensitive * @returns */ match: function(pattern, consume, caseInsensitive) { if (typeof pattern == "string") { var cased = caseInsensitive ? function(str) {return str.toLowerCase();} : function(str) {return str;}; if (cased(this.string).indexOf(cased(pattern), this.pos) == this.pos) { if (consume !== false) this.pos += pattern.length; return true; } } else { var match = this.string.slice(this.pos).match(pattern); if (match && consume !== false) this.pos += match[0].length; return match; } }, /** * Get the string between the start of the current token and the * current stream position. * @returns {String} */ current: function(backUp) { return this.string.slice(this.start, this.pos - (backUp ? 1 : 0)); } }; module.exports = function(string) { return new StringStream(string); }; /** @deprecated */ module.exports.create = module.exports; return module.exports; }); },{}],33:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Utility module for handling tabstops tokens generated by Emmet's * "Expand Abbreviation" action. The main extract method will take * raw text (for example: ${0} some ${1:text}), find all tabstops * occurrences, replace them with tokens suitable for your editor of choice and * return object with processed text and list of found tabstops and their ranges. * For sake of portability (Objective-C/Java) the tabstops list is a plain * sorted array with plain objects. * * Placeholders with the same are meant to be linked in your editor. */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { var utils = require('../utils/common'); var stringStream = require('./stringStream'); var resources = require('./resources'); /** * Global placeholder value, automatically incremented by * variablesResolver() function */ var startPlaceholderNum = 100; var tabstopIndex = 0; var defaultOptions = { replaceCarets: false, escape: function(ch) { return '\\' + ch; }, tabstop: function(data) { return data.token; }, variable: function(data) { return data.token; } }; return { /** * Main function that looks for a tabstops in provided text * and returns a processed version of text with expanded * placeholders and list of tabstops found. * @param {String} text Text to process * @param {Object} options List of processor options:
* * replaceCarets : Boolean — replace all default * caret placeholders (like {%::emmet-caret::%}) with ${0:caret}
* * escape : Function — function that handle escaped * characters (mostly '$'). By default, it returns the character itself * to be displayed as is in output, but sometimes you will use * extract method as intermediate solution for further * processing and want to keep character escaped. Thus, you should override * escape method to return escaped symbol (e.g. '\\$')
* * tabstop : Function – a tabstop handler. Receives * a single argument – an object describing token: its position, number * group, placeholder and token itself. Should return a replacement * string that will appear in final output * * variable : Function – variable handler. Receives * a single argument – an object describing token: its position, name * and original token itself. Should return a replacement * string that will appear in final output * * @returns {Object} Object with processed text property * and array of tabstops found * @memberOf tabStops */ extract: function(text, options) { // prepare defaults var placeholders = {carets: ''}; var marks = []; options = utils.extend({}, defaultOptions, options, { tabstop: function(data) { var token = data.token; var ret = ''; if (data.placeholder == 'cursor') { marks.push({ start: data.start, end: data.start + token.length, group: 'carets', value: '' }); } else { // unify placeholder value for single group if ('placeholder' in data) placeholders[data.group] = data.placeholder; if (data.group in placeholders) ret = placeholders[data.group]; marks.push({ start: data.start, end: data.start + token.length, group: data.group, value: ret }); } return token; } }); if (options.replaceCarets) { text = text.replace(new RegExp( utils.escapeForRegexp( utils.getCaretPlaceholder() ), 'g'), '${0:cursor}'); } // locate tabstops and unify group's placeholders text = this.processText(text, options); // now, replace all tabstops with placeholders var buf = '', lastIx = 0; var tabStops = marks.map(function(mark) { buf += text.substring(lastIx, mark.start); var pos = buf.length; var ph = placeholders[mark.group] || ''; buf += ph; lastIx = mark.end; return { group: mark.group, start: pos, end: pos + ph.length }; }); buf += text.substring(lastIx); return { text: buf, tabstops: tabStops.sort(function(a, b) { return a.start - b.start; }) }; }, /** * Text processing routine. Locates escaped characters and tabstops and * replaces them with values returned by handlers defined in * options * @param {String} text * @param {Object} options See extract method options * description * @returns {String} */ processText: function(text, options) { options = utils.extend({}, defaultOptions, options); var buf = ''; /** @type StringStream */ var stream = stringStream.create(text); var ch, m, a; while ((ch = stream.next())) { if (ch == '\\' && !stream.eol()) { // handle escaped character buf += options.escape(stream.next()); continue; } a = ch; if (ch == '$') { // looks like a tabstop stream.start = stream.pos - 1; if ((m = stream.match(/^[0-9]+/))) { // it's $N a = options.tabstop({ start: buf.length, group: stream.current().substr(1), token: stream.current() }); } else if ((m = stream.match(/^\{([a-z_\-][\w\-]*)\}/))) { // ${variable} a = options.variable({ start: buf.length, name: m[1], token: stream.current() }); } else if ((m = stream.match(/^\{([0-9]+)(:.+?)?\}/, false))) { // ${N:value} or ${N} placeholder // parse placeholder, including nested ones stream.skipToPair('{', '}'); var obj = { start: buf.length, group: m[1], token: stream.current() }; var placeholder = obj.token.substring(obj.group.length + 2, obj.token.length - 1); if (placeholder) { obj.placeholder = placeholder.substr(1); } a = options.tabstop(obj); } } buf += a; } return buf; }, /** * Upgrades tabstops in output node in order to prevent naming conflicts * @param {AbbreviationNode} node * @param {Number} offset Tab index offset * @returns {Number} Maximum tabstop index in element */ upgrade: function(node, offset) { var maxNum = 0; var options = { tabstop: function(data) { var group = parseInt(data.group, 10); if (group > maxNum) maxNum = group; if (data.placeholder) return '${' + (group + offset) + ':' + data.placeholder + '}'; else return '${' + (group + offset) + '}'; } }; ['start', 'end', 'content'].forEach(function(p) { node[p] = this.processText(node[p], options); }, this); return maxNum; }, /** * Helper function that produces a callback function for * replaceVariables() method from {@link utils} * module. This callback will replace variable definitions (like * ${var_name}) with their value defined in resource module, * or outputs tabstop with variable name otherwise. * @param {AbbreviationNode} node Context node * @returns {Function} */ variablesResolver: function(node) { var placeholderMemo = {}; return function(str, varName) { // do not mark `child` variable as placeholder – it‘s a reserved // variable name if (varName == 'child') { return str; } if (varName == 'cursor') { return utils.getCaretPlaceholder(); } var attr = node.attribute(varName); if (typeof attr !== 'undefined' && attr !== str) { return attr; } var varValue = resources.getVariable(varName); if (varValue) { return varValue; } // output as placeholder if (!placeholderMemo[varName]) { placeholderMemo[varName] = startPlaceholderNum++; } return '${' + placeholderMemo[varName] + ':' + varName + '}'; }; }, /** * Replace variables like ${var} in string * @param {String} str * @param {Object} vars Variable set (defaults to variables defined in * snippets.json) or variable resolver (Function) * @return {String} */ replaceVariables: function(str, vars) { vars = vars || {}; var resolver = typeof vars === 'function' ? vars : function(str, p1) { return p1 in vars ? vars[p1] : null; }; return this.processText(str, { variable: function(data) { var newValue = resolver(data.token, data.name, data); if (newValue === null) { // try to find variable in resources newValue = resources.getVariable(data.name); } if (newValue === null || typeof newValue === 'undefined') // nothing found, return token itself newValue = data.token; return newValue; } }); }, /** * Resets global tabstop index. When parsed tree is converted to output * string (AbbreviationNode.toString()), all tabstops * defined in snippets and elements are upgraded in order to prevent * naming conflicts of nested. For example, ${1} of a node * should not be linked with the same placehilder of the child node. * By default, AbbreviationNode.toString() automatically * upgrades tabstops of the same index for each node and writes maximum * tabstop index into the tabstopIndex variable. To keep * this variable at reasonable value, it is recommended to call * resetTabstopIndex() method each time you expand variable * @returns */ resetTabstopIndex: function() { tabstopIndex = 0; startPlaceholderNum = 100; }, /** * Output processor for abbreviation parser that will upgrade tabstops * of parsed node in order to prevent tabstop index conflicts */ abbrOutputProcessor: function(text, node, type) { var maxNum = 0; var that = this; var tsOptions = { tabstop: function(data) { var group = parseInt(data.group, 10); if (group === 0) return '${0}'; if (group > maxNum) maxNum = group; if (data.placeholder) { // respect nested placeholders var ix = group + tabstopIndex; var placeholder = that.processText(data.placeholder, tsOptions); return '${' + ix + ':' + placeholder + '}'; } else { return '${' + (group + tabstopIndex) + '}'; } } }; // upgrade tabstops text = this.processText(text, tsOptions); // resolve variables text = this.replaceVariables(text, this.variablesResolver(node)); tabstopIndex += maxNum + 1; return text; } }; }); },{"../utils/common":73,"./resources":31,"./stringStream":32}],34:[function(require,module,exports){ /** * Helper class for convenient token iteration */ if (typeof module === 'object' && typeof define !== 'function') { var define = function (factory) { module.exports = factory(require, exports, module); }; } define(function(require, exports, module) { /** * @type TokenIterator * @param {Array} tokens * @type TokenIterator * @constructor */ function TokenIterator(tokens) { /** @type Array */ this.tokens = tokens; this._position = 0; this.reset(); } TokenIterator.prototype = { next: function() { if (this.hasNext()) { var token = this.tokens[++this._i]; this._position = token.start; return token; } else { this._i = this._il; } return null; }, current: function() { return this.tokens[this._i]; }, peek: function() { return this.tokens[this._i + i]; }, position: function() { return this._position; }, hasNext: function() { return this._i < this._il - 1; }, reset: function() { this._i = 0; this._il = this.tokens.length; }, item: function() { return this.tokens[this._i]; }, itemNext: function() { return this.tokens[this._i + 1]; }, itemPrev: function() { return this.tokens[this._i - 1]; }, nextUntil: function(type, callback) { var token; var test = typeof type == 'string' ? function(t){return t.type == type;} : type; while ((token = this.next())) { if (callback) callback.call(this, token); if (test.call(this, token)) break; } } }; return { create: function(tokens) { return new TokenIterator(tokens); } }; }); },{}],35:[function(require,module,exports){ module.exports={ "eras": { "e-26": "26 versions back", "e-25": "25 versions back", "e-24": "24 versions back", "e-23": "23 versions back", "e-22": "22 versions back", "e-21": "21 versions back", "e-20": "20 versions back", "e-19": "19 versions back", "e-18": "18 versions back", "e-17": "17 versions back", "e-16": "16 versions back", "e-15": "15 versions back", "e-14": "14 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transparency", "description": "Semi-transparent areas in PNG files", "spec": "http://www.w3.org/TR/PNG/", "status": "rec", "links": [{ "url": "http://dillerdesign.com/experiment/DD_belatedPNG/", "title": "Workaround for IE6" }, { "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portable_Network_Graphics", "title": "Wikipedia" }], "categories": ["PNG"], "stats": { "ie": { "5.5": "n", "6": "p", "7": "y", "8": "y", "9": "y", "10": "y", "11": "y" }, "firefox": { "2": "y", "3": "y", "3.5": "y", "3.6": "y", "4": "y", "5": "y", "6": "y", "7": "y", "8": "y", "9": "y", "10": "y", "11": "y", "12": "y", "13": "y", "14": "y", "15": "y", "16": "y", "17": "y", "18": "y", "19": "y", "20": "y", "21": "y", "22": "y", "23": "y", "24": "y", "25": "y", "26": "y", "27": "y" }, "chrome": { "4": "y", "5": "y", "6": "y", "7": "y", "8": "y", "9": "y", "10": "y", "11": "y", "12": "y", "13": "y", "14": "y", "15": "y", "16": "y", "17": "y", "18": "y", "19": "y", "20": "y", "21": "y", "22": "y", "23": "y", "24": "y", "25": 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"ucprefix": false, "parent": "", "keywords": "" }, "apng": { "title": "Animated PNG (APNG)", "description": "Like animated GIFs, but allowing 24-bit colors and alpha transparency", "spec": "https://wiki.mozilla.org/APNG_Specification", "status": "unoff", "links": [{ "url": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/APNG", "title": "Wikipedia" }, { "url": "https://github.com/davidmz/apng-canvas", "title": "Polyfill using canvas" }, { "url": "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/ehkepjiconegkhpodgoaeamnpckdbblp", "title": "Chrome extension providing support" }, { "url": "http://www.truekolor.net/learn-how-to-create-an-animated-png/", "title": "APNG tutorial" }], "categories": ["PNG"], "stats": { "ie": { "5.5": "n", "6": "n", "7": "n", "8": "n", "9": "n", "10": "n", "11": "n" }, "firefox": { "2": "n", "3": "y", "3.5": "y", "3.6": "y", "4": "y", "5": "y", "6": "y", "7": "y", "8": "y", "9": "y", "10": "y", "11": "y", "12": "y", "13": "y", "14": "y", "15": "y", "16": "y", "17": "y", "18": "y", "19": 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