
729 lines
17 KiB

// Copyright (c) 2014-2015, b3log.org
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
// Package file includes file related manipulations.
package file
import (
// Logger.
var logger = log.NewLogger(os.Stdout)
// Node represents a file node in file tree.
type Node struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
IconSkin string `json:"iconSkin"` // Value should be end with a space
IsParent bool `json:"isParent"`
Type string `json:"type"` // "f": file, "d": directory
Creatable bool `json:"creatable"` // whether can create file in this file node
Removable bool `json:"removable"` // whether can remove this file node
IsGoAPI bool `json:"isGOAPI"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
Children []*Node `json:"children"`
// Snippet represents a source code snippet, used to as the result of "Find Usages", "Search".
type Snippet struct {
Path string `json:"path"` // file path
Line int `json:"line"` // line number
Ch int `json:"ch"` // column number
Contents []string `json:"contents"` // lines nearby
var apiNode *Node
// initAPINode builds the Go API file node.
func initAPINode() {
apiPath := util.Go.GetAPIPath()
apiNode = &Node{Name: "Go API", Path: apiPath, IconSkin: "ico-ztree-dir-api ", Type: "d",
Creatable: false, Removable: false, IsGoAPI: true, Children: []*Node{}}
walk(apiPath, apiNode, false, false, true)
// GetFilesHandler handles request of constructing user workspace file tree.
// The Go API source code package also as a child node,
// so that users can easily view the Go API source code in file tree.
func GetFilesHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetGzJSON(w, r, data)
session, _ := session.HTTPSession.Get(r, "wide-session")
if session.IsNew {
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
username := session.Values["username"].(string)
userWorkspace := conf.GetUserWorkspace(username)
workspaces := filepath.SplitList(userWorkspace)
root := Node{Name: "root", Path: "", IconSkin: "ico-ztree-dir ", Type: "d", IsParent: true, Children: []*Node{}}
if nil == apiNode { // lazy init
// workspace node process
for _, workspace := range workspaces {
workspacePath := workspace + conf.PathSeparator + "src"
workspaceNode := Node{Name: workspace[strings.LastIndex(workspace, conf.PathSeparator)+1:],
Path: workspacePath, IconSkin: "ico-ztree-dir-workspace ", Type: "d",
Creatable: true, Removable: false, IsGoAPI: false, Children: []*Node{}}
walk(workspacePath, &workspaceNode, true, true, false)
// add workspace node
root.Children = append(root.Children, &workspaceNode)
// add Go API node
root.Children = append(root.Children, apiNode)
data["root"] = root
// RefreshDirectoryHandler handles request of refresh a directory of file tree.
func RefreshDirectoryHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
path := r.FormValue("path")
node := Node{Name: "root", Path: path, IconSkin: "ico-ztree-dir ", Type: "d", Children: []*Node{}}
walk(path, &node, true, true, false)
w.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
data, err := json.Marshal(node.Children)
if err != nil {
// GetFileHandler handles request of opening file by editor.
func GetFileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
path := args["path"].(string)
size := util.File.GetFileSize(path)
if size > 5242880 { // 5M
data["succ"] = false
data["msg"] = "This file is too large to open :("
buf, _ := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
extension := filepath.Ext(path)
if util.File.IsImg(extension) {
// image file will be open in a browser tab
data["mode"] = "img"
username := conf.GetOwner(path)
if "" == username {
logger.Warnf("The path [%s] has no owner")
data["path"] = ""
user := conf.GetUser(username)
data["path"] = "/workspace/" + user.Name + "/" + strings.Replace(path, user.GetWorkspace(), "", 1)
content := string(buf)
if util.File.IsBinary(content) {
data["succ"] = false
data["msg"] = "Can't open a binary file :("
} else {
data["content"] = content
data["path"] = path
// SaveFileHandler handles request of saving file.
func SaveFileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
filePath := args["file"].(string)
sid := args["sid"].(string)
fout, err := os.Create(filePath)
if nil != err {
data["succ"] = false
code := args["code"].(string)
if err := fout.Close(); nil != err {
data["succ"] = false
wSession := session.WideSessions.Get(sid)
wSession.EventQueue.Queue <- &event.Event{Code: event.EvtCodeServerInternalError, Sid: sid,
Data: "can't save file " + filePath}
// NewFileHandler handles request of creating file or directory.
func NewFileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
path := args["path"].(string)
fileType := args["fileType"].(string)
sid := args["sid"].(string)
wSession := session.WideSessions.Get(sid)
if !createFile(path, fileType) {
data["succ"] = false
wSession.EventQueue.Queue <- &event.Event{Code: event.EvtCodeServerInternalError, Sid: sid,
Data: "can't create file " + path}
if "f" == fileType {
logger.Debugf("Created a file [%s] by user [%s]", path, wSession.Username)
} else {
logger.Debugf("Created a dir [%s] by user [%s]", path, wSession.Username)
// RemoveFileHandler handles request of removing file or directory.
func RemoveFileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
path := args["path"].(string)
sid := args["sid"].(string)
wSession := session.WideSessions.Get(sid)
if !removeFile(path) {
data["succ"] = false
wSession.EventQueue.Queue <- &event.Event{Code: event.EvtCodeServerInternalError, Sid: sid,
Data: "can't remove file " + path}
logger.Debugf("Removed a file [%s] by user [%s]", path, wSession.Username)
// RenameFileHandler handles request of renaming file or directory.
func RenameFileHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
oldPath := args["oldPath"].(string)
newPath := args["newPath"].(string)
sid := args["sid"].(string)
wSession := session.WideSessions.Get(sid)
if !renameFile(oldPath, newPath) {
data["succ"] = false
wSession.EventQueue.Queue <- &event.Event{Code: event.EvtCodeServerInternalError, Sid: sid,
Data: "can't rename file " + oldPath}
logger.Debugf("Renamed a file [%s] to [%s] by user [%s]", oldPath, newPath, wSession.Username)
// Use to find results sorting.
type foundPath struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
score int
type foundPaths []*foundPath
func (f foundPaths) Len() int { return len(f) }
func (f foundPaths) Swap(i, j int) { f[i], f[j] = f[j], f[i] }
func (f foundPaths) Less(i, j int) bool { return f[i].score > f[j].score }
// FindHandler handles request of find files under the specified directory with the specified filename pattern.
func FindHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
path := args["path"].(string) // path of selected file in file tree
name := args["name"].(string)
session, _ := session.HTTPSession.Get(r, "wide-session")
if session.IsNew {
http.Error(w, "Forbidden", http.StatusForbidden)
username := session.Values["username"].(string)
userWorkspace := conf.GetUserWorkspace(username)
workspaces := filepath.SplitList(userWorkspace)
if "" != path && !util.File.IsDir(path) {
path = filepath.Dir(path)
founds := foundPaths{}
for _, workspace := range workspaces {
rs := find(workspace+conf.PathSeparator+"src", name, []*string{})
for _, r := range rs {
substr := util.Str.LCS(path, *r)
founds = append(founds, &foundPath{Path: *r, score: len(substr)})
data["founds"] = founds
// SearchTextHandler handles request of searching files under the specified directory with the specified keyword.
func SearchTextHandler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
data := map[string]interface{}{"succ": true}
defer util.RetJSON(w, r, data)
var args map[string]interface{}
if err := json.NewDecoder(r.Body).Decode(&args); err != nil {
data["succ"] = false
sid := args["sid"].(string)
wSession := session.WideSessions.Get(sid)
if nil == wSession {
data["succ"] = false
// XXX: just one directory
dir := args["dir"].(string)
if "" == dir {
userWorkspace := conf.GetUserWorkspace(wSession.Username)
workspaces := filepath.SplitList(userWorkspace)
dir = workspaces[0]
extension := args["extension"].(string)
text := args["text"].(string)
founds := []*Snippet{}
if util.File.IsDir(dir) {
founds = search(dir, extension, text, []*Snippet{})
} else {
founds = searchInFile(dir, text)
data["founds"] = founds
// walk traverses the specified path to build a file tree.
func walk(path string, node *Node, creatable, removable, isGOAPI bool) {
files := listFiles(path)
for _, filename := range files {
fpath := filepath.Join(path, filename)
fio, _ := os.Lstat(fpath)
child := Node{Name: filename, Path: fpath, Removable: removable, IsGoAPI: isGOAPI, Children: []*Node{}}
node.Children = append(node.Children, &child)
if nil == fio {
logger.Warnf("Path [%s] is nil", fpath)
if fio.IsDir() {
child.Type = "d"
child.Creatable = creatable
child.IconSkin = "ico-ztree-dir "
child.IsParent = true
walk(fpath, &child, creatable, removable, isGOAPI)
} else {
child.Type = "f"
child.Creatable = creatable
ext := filepath.Ext(fpath)
child.IconSkin = getIconSkin(ext)
// listFiles lists names of files under the specified dirname.
func listFiles(dirname string) []string {
f, _ := os.Open(dirname)
names, _ := f.Readdirnames(-1)
dirs := []string{}
files := []string{}
// sort: directories in front of files
for _, name := range names {
path := filepath.Join(dirname, name)
fio, err := os.Lstat(path)
if nil != err {
logger.Warnf("Can't read file info [%s]", path)
if fio.IsDir() {
// exclude the .git direcitory
if ".git" == fio.Name() {
dirs = append(dirs, name)
} else {
files = append(files, name)
return append(dirs, files...)
// getIconSkin gets CSS class name of icon with the specified filename extension.
// Refers to the zTree document for CSS class names.
func getIconSkin(filenameExtension string) string {
if util.File.IsImg(filenameExtension) {
return "ico-ztree-img "
switch filenameExtension {
case ".html", ".htm":
return "ico-ztree-html "
case ".go":
return "ico-ztree-go "
case ".css":
return "ico-ztree-css "
case ".txt":
return "ico-ztree-text "
case ".sql":
return "ico-ztree-sql "
case ".properties":
return "ico-ztree-pro "
case ".md":
return "ico-ztree-md "
case ".js", ".json":
return "ico-ztree-js "
case ".xml":
return "ico-ztree-xml "
return "ico-ztree-other "
// createFile creates file on the specified path.
// fileType:
// "f": file
// "d": directory
func createFile(path, fileType string) bool {
switch fileType {
case "f":
file, err := os.OpenFile(path, os.O_CREATE, 0775)
if nil != err {
return false
defer file.Close()
logger.Tracef("Created file [%s]", path)
return true
case "d":
err := os.Mkdir(path, 0775)
if nil != err {
return false
logger.Tracef("Created directory [%s]", path)
return true
logger.Errorf("Unsupported file type [%s]", fileType)
return false
// removeFile removes file on the specified path.
func removeFile(path string) bool {
if err := os.RemoveAll(path); nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Removes [%s] failed: [%s]", path, err.Error())
return false
logger.Tracef("Removed [%s]", path)
return true
// renameFile renames (moves) a file from the specified old path to the specified new path.
func renameFile(oldPath, newPath string) bool {
if err := os.Rename(oldPath, newPath); nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Renames [%s] failed: [%s]", oldPath, err.Error())
return false
logger.Tracef("Renamed [%s] to [%s]", oldPath, newPath)
return true
// Default exclude file name patterns when find.
var defaultExcludesFind = []string{".git", ".svn", ".repository", "CVS", "RCS", "SCCS", ".bzr", ".metadata", ".hg"}
// find finds files under the specified dir and its sub-directoryies with the specified name,
// likes the command 'find dir -name name'.
func find(dir, name string, results []*string) []*string {
if !strings.HasSuffix(dir, conf.PathSeparator) {
dir += conf.PathSeparator
f, _ := os.Open(dir)
fileInfos, err := f.Readdir(-1)
if nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Read dir [%s] failed: [%s]", dir, err.Error())
return results
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
fname := fileInfo.Name()
path := dir + fname
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
if util.Str.Contains(fname, defaultExcludesFind) {
// enter the directory recursively
results = find(path, name, results)
} else {
// match filename
pattern := filepath.Dir(path) + conf.PathSeparator + name
match, err := filepath.Match(strings.ToLower(pattern), strings.ToLower(path))
if nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Find match filename failed: [%s]", err.Error())
if match {
results = append(results, &path)
return results
// search finds file under the specified dir and its sub-directories with the specified text, likes the command 'grep'
// or 'findstr'.
func search(dir, extension, text string, snippets []*Snippet) []*Snippet {
if !strings.HasSuffix(dir, conf.PathSeparator) {
dir += conf.PathSeparator
f, _ := os.Open(dir)
fileInfos, err := f.Readdir(-1)
if nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Read dir [%s] failed: [%s]", dir, err.Error())
return snippets
for _, fileInfo := range fileInfos {
path := dir + fileInfo.Name()
if fileInfo.IsDir() {
// enter the directory recursively
snippets = search(path, extension, text, snippets)
} else if strings.HasSuffix(path, extension) {
// grep in file
ss := searchInFile(path, text)
snippets = append(snippets, ss...)
return snippets
// searchInFile finds file with the specified path and text.
func searchInFile(path string, text string) []*Snippet {
ret := []*Snippet{}
bytes, err := ioutil.ReadFile(path)
if nil != err {
logger.Errorf("Read file [%s] failed: [%s]", path, err.Error())
return ret
content := string(bytes)
if util.File.IsBinary(content) {
return ret
lines := strings.Split(content, "\n")
for idx, line := range lines {
ch := strings.Index(strings.ToLower(line), strings.ToLower(text))
if -1 != ch {
snippet := &Snippet{Path: path, Line: idx + 1, Ch: ch + 1, Contents: []string{line}}
ret = append(ret, snippet)
return ret