
179 lines
5.8 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

"colon": "",
"wide": "Wide",
"wide_title": "團隊開發,隨時隨地",
"cancel": "取消",
"file": "檔案",
"login": "登入",
"username": "使用者",
"current_user": "當前使用者",
"current_session": "當前會話",
"password": "密碼",
"login_error": "登入失敗",
"run": "執行",
"debug": "Debug",
"help": "說明書",
"check_update": "檢查更新?",
"issues": "問題",
"wide_doc": "Wide 說明",
"about": "關於",
"start_page": "開始頁面",
"create_file": "開新檔案",
"create": "新建",
"create_dir": "新增資料夾",
"delete": "删除",
"rename": "重新命名",
"save": "儲存",
"exit": "離開",
"close_all_files": "關閉所有檔案",
"save_all_files": "儲存所有檔案",
"format": "格式化",
"goget": "go get",
"goinstall": "go install",
"build": "編譯",
"build_n_run": "編譯並執行",
"editor": "編輯器",
"max_editor": "編輯器最大化",
"restore_editor": "編輯器還原",
"unread_notification": "未讀通知",
"notification_2": "没有檢查到 gocode這將會導致「自動完成」失效",
"notification_3": "没有檢查到 ide_stub這將會導致「跳轉到聲明」、「查找使用」失效",
"notification_4": "伺服器內部錯誤",
"goto_line": "跳轉到行",
"goto_file": "開啟舊檔",
"go": "跳到",
"tip": "提示",
"confirm": "確定",
"stop": "停止",
"output": "輸出",
"search": "搜尋",
"notification": "通知",
"min": "縮到最小",
"restore_side": "左側視窗還原",
"search_text": "尋找",
"find": "尋找",
"find_next": "尋找下一個",
"find_previous": "尋找上一個",
"replace": "取代",
"replace_all": "取代全部",
"restore_bottom": "底部視窗還原",
"file_format": "文件格式",
"keyword": "關鍵字",
"user_guide": "使用者說明文件",
"dev_guide": "開發說明文件",
"keyboard_shortcuts": "鍵盤快捷鍵",
"ver": "版本",
"current_ver": "當前版本",
"dev_team": "開發團隊",
"donate_us": "愛心捐贈",
"confirm_save": "請確認所有檔案都已儲存",
"workspace": "工作空間",
"project_address": "項目地址",
"community": "社區",
"autocomplete": "自動完成",
"jump_to_decl": "跳轉到聲明",
"show_expr_info": "查看表達式信息",
"find_usages": "尋找使用",
"delete_line": "删除當前行",
"copy_lines_up": "複製到上一行",
"copy_lines_down": "複製到下一行",
"move_lines_up": "移動到上一行",
"move_lines_down": "移動到下一行",
"save_editor_file": "儲存當前編輯檔案",
"save_all_editors_files": "儲存所有檔案",
"close_editor": "關閉當前編輯器",
"full_screen": "全螢幕",
"auto_indent": "自動縮進",
"indent": "縮進",
"unindent": "縮進還原",
"focus": "焦點",
"switch_tab": "切換編輯器/視窗组 tab",
"focus_editor": "切換至編輯器",
"focus_file_tree": "切換至檔案樹",
"focus_output": "切換至输出視窗",
"focus_search": "切換至搜索視窗",
"focus_notification": "切換至通知視窗",
"start-build": "開始 [go build]",
"build-succ": "[go build] 成功",
"build-error": "[go build] 失敗",
"start-test": "開始 [go test]",
"test-succ": "[go test] 成功",
"test-error": "[go test] 失敗",
"start-install": "開始 [go install]",
"install-succ": "[go install] 成功",
"install-error": "[go install] 失敗",
"start-get": "開始 [go get]",
"get-succ": "[go get] 成功",
"get-error": "[go get] 失敗",
"check_version": "正在檢查更新",
"new_version_available": "可用新版本",
"go_env": "Go 環境",
"os": "操作系统",
"project": "項目",
"license": "許可協議",
"credits": "致謝",
"uptodate": "已是最新版本",
"test": "測試",
"sign_up": "註冊",
"team": "團隊",
"sing_up_error": "註冊失敗",
"user_name_ruler": "帳號只能由 az, AZ, 0-9, _ 組成長度為16",
"invalid_email": "無效的電子郵件",
"password_no_match": "密碼輸入不一致",
"discard": "捨棄",
"close": "關閉",
"close_other": "關閉其它",
"clear": "清空",
"preference": "偏好設定",
"appearence": "外觀",
"gotool": "Go 工具",
"user": "使用者",
"font": "字體",
"font_size": "字體大小",
"line_height": "行高",
"go_format": "Go 格式化",
"locale": "語言環境",
"apply": "應用",
"clearOutput": "清空輸出",
"export": "導出",
"refresh": "刷新",
"import": "導入",
"theme": "主題",
"tab_size": "Tab 大小",
"copy_file_path": "複製檔案位置",
"file_tree": "文件樹",
"select": "選擇",
"expand": "展開",
"collapse": "收起",
"edit": "編輯",
"undo": "復原",
"redo": "回復",
"cut": "剪下",
"copy": "複製",
"paste": "天上",
"select_all": "全選",
"select_identifier": "選擇標識符",
"source": "原始碼",
"toggle_comment": "註解",
"find_in_files": "在文件中尋找",
"email": "電子郵件",
"no_empty": "不能為空",
"change_avatar": "修改頭像請到",
"open": "開啟",
"search_no_match": "沒有發現匹配的文件。",
"outline": "大綱",
"govet": "go vet",
"start-vet": "開始 [go vet]",
"vet-succ": "[go vet] 成功",
"vet-error": "[go vet] 失敗",
"restore_outline": "恢復大綱",
"share": "分享",
"url": "連結",
"short_url": "短網址",
"embeded": "嵌入",
"terms": "使用條款",
"download": "下載",
"decompress": "解壓縮",
"keymap": "快速鍵",
"resize": "調整大小"