
795 lines
30 KiB
Raw Blame History

This file contains ambiguous Unicode characters

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

var editors = {
data: [],
tabs: {},
close: function () {
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div[data-index=" + $(".edit-panel .frame").data("index") + "]").find(".ico-close").click();
closeOther: function () {
var currentIndex = $(".edit-panel .frame").data("index");
// 设置全部关闭标识
var removeData = [];
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div").each(function (i) {
if (currentIndex !== $(this).data("index")) {
if (removeData.length === 0) {
return false;
var firstIndex = removeData.splice(0, 1);
$("#dialogCloseEditor").data("removeData", removeData);
// 开始关闭
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div[data-index=" + firstIndex + "]").find(".ico-close").click();
_removeAllMarker: function () {
var removeData = $("#dialogCloseEditor").data("removeData");
if (removeData && removeData.length > 0) {
var removeIndex = removeData.splice(0, 1);
$("#dialogCloseEditor").data("removeData", removeData);
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div[data-index=" + removeIndex + "] .ico-close").click();
_initClose: function () {
// 关闭、关闭其他、关闭所有
$(".edit-panel").on("mousedown", '.tabs > div', function (event) {
if (event.button === 0) { // 左键
$(".edit-panel .frame").hide();
return false;
// event.button === 2 右键
var left = event.screenX;
if ($(".side").css("left") === "auto" || $(".side").css("left") === "0px") {
left = event.screenX - $(".side").width();
$(".edit-panel .frame").show().css({
"left": left + "px",
"top": "21px"
}).data('index', $(this).data("index"));
return false;
init: function () {
"modal": true,
"height": 66,
"width": 260,
"title": config.label.tip,
"hideFooter": true,
"afterOpen": function (fileName) {
$("#dialogCloseEditor > div:eq(0)").html(config.label.file
+ ' <b>' + fileName + '</b>. ' + config.label.confirm_save + '?');
$("#dialogCloseEditor button:eq(0)").focus();
"afterInit": function () {
$("#dialogCloseEditor button.save").click(function () {
var i = $("#dialogCloseEditor").data("index");
wide.fmt(tree.fileTree.getNodeByTId(editors.data[i].id).path, editors.data[i].editor);
$("#dialogCloseEditor button.discard").click(function () {
$("#dialogCloseEditor button.cancel").click(function () {
var i = $("#dialogCloseEditor").data("index");
editors.tabs = new Tabs({
id: ".edit-panel",
clickAfter: function (id) {
if (id === 'startPage') {
return false;
// set tree node selected
var node = tree.fileTree.getNodeByTId(id);
wide.curNode = node;
for (var i = 0, ii = editors.data.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (editors.data[i].id === id) {
wide.curEditor = editors.data[i].editor;
removeBefore: function (id) {
if (id === 'startPage') { // 当前关闭的 tab 是起始页
return true;
// 移除编辑器
for (var i = 0, ii = editors.data.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (editors.data[i].id === id) {
if (editors.data[i].editor.doc.isClean()) {
return true;
} else {
$("#dialogCloseEditor").dialog("open", $(".edit-panel .tabs > div[data-index="
+ editors.data[i].id + "] > span:eq(0)").text());
$("#dialogCloseEditor").data("index", i);
return false;
removeAfter: function (id, nextId) {
if ($(".edit-panel .tabs > div").length === 0) {
// 全部 tab 都关闭时才 disables 菜单中“全部关闭”的按钮
if (id === 'startPage') { // 当前关闭的 tab 是起始页
return false;
// 移除编辑器
for (var i = 0, ii = editors.data.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (editors.data[i].id === id) {
editors.data.splice(i, 1);
if (editors.data.length === 0) { // 起始页可能存在,所以用编辑器数据判断
menu.disabled(['save-all', 'build', 'run', 'go-test', 'go-get', 'go-install']);
if (!nextId) {
// 不存在打开的编辑器
// remove selected tree node
wide.curNode = undefined;
wide.curEditor = undefined;
return false;
if (nextId === editors.tabs.getCurrentId()) {
// 关闭的不是当前编辑器
return false;
// set tree node selected
var node = tree.fileTree.getNodeByTId(nextId);
wide.curNode = node;
for (var i = 0, ii = editors.data.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (editors.data[i].id === nextId) {
wide.curEditor = editors.data[i].editor;
$(".edit-panel .tabs").on("dblclick", function () {
if ($(".toolbars .ico-max").length === 1) {
} else {
openStartPage: function () {
var dateFormat = function (time, fmt) {
var date = new Date(time);
var dateObj = {
"M+": date.getMonth() + 1, //月份
"d+": date.getDate(), //日
"h+": date.getHours(), //小时
"m+": date.getMinutes(), //分
"s+": date.getSeconds(), //秒
"q+": Math.floor((date.getMonth() + 3) / 3), //季度
"S": date.getMilliseconds() //毫秒
if (/(y+)/.test(fmt))
fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (date.getFullYear() + "").substr(4 - RegExp.$1.length));
for (var k in dateObj)
if (new RegExp("(" + k + ")").test(fmt)) {
fmt = fmt.replace(RegExp.$1, (RegExp.$1.length === 1)
? (dateObj[k]) : (("00" + dateObj[k]).substr(("" + dateObj[k]).length)));
return fmt;
id: "startPage",
title: '<span title="' + config.label.start_page + '">' + config.label.start_page + '</span>',
content: '<div id="startPage"></div>',
after: function () {
$("#startPage").load('/start?sid=' + config.wideSessionId);
url: "http://symphony.b3log.org/apis/articles?tags=wide,golang&p=1&size=30",
type: "GET",
dataType: "jsonp",
jsonp: "callback",
success: function (data, textStatus) {
var articles = data.articles;
if (0 === articles.length) {
// 按 size = 30 取,但只保留最多 10 篇
var length = articles.length;
if (length > 10) {
length = 10;
var listHTML = "<ul><li class='title'>" + config.label.community + "</li>";
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) {
var article = articles[i];
listHTML += "<li>"
+ "<a target='_blank' href='http://symphony.b3log.org"
+ article.articlePermalink + "'>"
+ article.articleTitle + "</a>&nbsp; <span class='date'>"
+ dateFormat(article.articleCreateTime, 'yyyy-MM-dd hh:mm');
$("#startPage .news").html(listHTML + "</ul>");
getCurrentId: function () {
var currentId = editors.tabs.getCurrentId();
if (currentId === 'startPage') {
currentId = null;
return currentId;
getCurrentPath: function () {
var currentPath = $(".edit-panel .tabs .current span:eq(0)").attr("title");
if (currentPath === config.label.start_page) {
currentPath = null;
return currentPath;
_initCodeMirrorHotKeys: function () {
CodeMirror.registerHelper("hint", "go", function (editor) {
var word = /[\w$]+/;
var cur = editor.getCursor(), curLine = editor.getLine(cur.line);
var start = cur.ch, end = start;
while (end < curLine.length && word.test(curLine.charAt(end))) {
while (start && word.test(curLine.charAt(start - 1))) {
var request = newWideRequest();
request.path = $(".edit-panel .tabs .current > span:eq(0)").attr("title");
request.code = editor.getValue();
request.cursorLine = cur.line;
request.cursorCh = cur.ch;
var autocompleteHints = [];
async: false, // 同步执行
type: 'POST',
url: '/autocomplete',
data: JSON.stringify(request),
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
var autocompleteArray = data[1];
if (autocompleteArray) {
for (var i = 0; i < autocompleteArray.length; i++) {
var displayText = '';
switch (autocompleteArray[i].class) {
case "type":
case "const":
case "var":
case "package":
displayText = '<span class="fn-clear">'// + autocompleteArray[i].class
+ '<b class="fn-left">' + autocompleteArray[i].name + '</b> '
+ autocompleteArray[i].type + '</span>';
case "func":
displayText = '<span>'// + autocompleteArray[i].class
+ '<b>' + autocompleteArray[i].name + '</b>'
+ autocompleteArray[i].type.substring(4) + '</span>';
console.warn("Can't handle autocomplete [" + autocompleteArray[i].class + "]");
autocompleteHints[i] = {
displayText: displayText,
text: autocompleteArray[i].name
// 清除未保存状态
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div.current > span").removeClass("changed");
return {list: autocompleteHints, from: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, start), to: CodeMirror.Pos(cur.line, end)};
CodeMirror.commands.autocompleteAfterDot = function (cm) {
setTimeout(function () {
if (!cm.state.completionActive) {
cm.showHint({hint: CodeMirror.hint.go, completeSingle: false});
}, 50);
return CodeMirror.Pass;
CodeMirror.commands.autocompleteAnyWord = function (cm) {
cm.showHint({hint: CodeMirror.hint.auto});
CodeMirror.commands.gotoLine = function (cm) {
// 用于覆盖 cm 默认绑定的某些快捷键功能.
CodeMirror.commands.doNothing = function (cm) {
CodeMirror.commands.exprInfo = function (cm) {
var cur = wide.curEditor.getCursor();
var request = newWideRequest();
request.path = $(".edit-panel .tabs .current > span:eq(0)").attr("title");
request.code = wide.curEditor.getValue();
request.cursorLine = cur.line;
request.cursorCh = cur.ch;
type: 'POST',
url: '/exprinfo',
data: JSON.stringify(request),
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (!data.succ) {
var position = wide.curEditor.cursorCoords();
$("body").append('<div style="top:'
+ (position.top + 15) + 'px;left:' + position.left
+ 'px" class="edit-exprinfo">' + data.info + '</div>');
CodeMirror.commands.jumpToDecl = function (cm) {
var cur = wide.curEditor.getCursor();
var request = newWideRequest();
request.path = $(".edit-panel .tabs .current > span:eq(0)").attr("title");
request.code = wide.curEditor.getValue();
request.cursorLine = cur.line;
request.cursorCh = cur.ch;
type: 'POST',
url: '/find/decl',
data: JSON.stringify(request),
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (!data.succ) {
var cursorLine = data.cursorLine;
var cursorCh = data.cursorCh;
var request = newWideRequest();
request.path = data.path;
type: 'POST',
url: '/file',
data: JSON.stringify(request),
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (!data.succ) {
$("#dialogAlert").dialog("open", data.msg);
return false;
var tId = tree.getTIdByPath(data.path);
wide.curNode = tree.fileTree.getNodeByTId(tId);
data.cursorLine = cursorLine;
data.cursorCh = cursorCh;
CodeMirror.commands.findUsages = function (cm) {
var cur = wide.curEditor.getCursor();
var request = newWideRequest();
request.path = $(".edit-panel .tabs .current > span:eq(0)").attr("title");
request.code = wide.curEditor.getValue();
request.cursorLine = cur.line;
request.cursorCh = cur.ch;
type: 'POST',
url: '/find/usages',
data: JSON.stringify(request),
dataType: "json",
success: function (data) {
if (!data.succ) {
editors.appendSearch(data.founds, 'usages', '');
appendSearch: function (data, type, key) {
var searcHTML = '<ul>';
for (var i = 0, ii = data.length; i < ii; i++) {
var contents = data[i].contents[0],
index = contents.indexOf(key);
contents = contents.substring(0, index)
+ '<b>' + key + '</b>'
+ contents.substring(index + key.length);
searcHTML += '<li title="' + data[i].path + '">'
+ contents + "&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<span class='path'>" + data[i].path
+ '<i class="position" data-line="'
+ data[i].line + '" data-ch="' + data[i].ch + '"> (' + data[i].line + ':'
+ data[i].ch + ')</i></span></li>';
searcHTML += '</ul>';
var $search = $('.bottom-window-group .search'),
title = config.label.find_usages;
if (type === "founds") {
title = config.label.search_text;
if ($search.find("ul").length === 0) {
bottomGroup.searchTab = new Tabs({
id: ".bottom-window-group .search",
removeAfter: function (id, prevId) {
if ($search.find("ul").length === 1) {
$search.on("click", "li", function () {
$search.on("dblclick", "li", function () {
var $it = $(this),
tId = tree.getTIdByPath($it.attr("title"));
var line = $it.find(".position").data("line") - 1;
var cursor = CodeMirror.Pos(line, $it.find(".position").data("ch") - 1);
var editor = wide.curEditor;
var half = Math.floor(editor.getScrollInfo().clientHeight / editor.defaultTextHeight() / 2);
var cursorCoords = editor.cursorCoords({line: cursor.line - half, ch: 0}, "local");
editor.scrollTo(0, cursorCoords.top);
$search.find(".tabs-panel > div").append(searcHTML);
$search.find(".tabs .first").text(title);
} else {
"id": "search" + (new Date()).getTime(),
"title": title,
"content": searcHTML
// focus
$(".bottom-window-group .search").focus();
// 新建一个编辑器 Tab如果已经存在 Tab 则切换到该 Tab.
newEditor: function (data) {
var id = wide.curNode.tId;
var cursor = CodeMirror.Pos(0, 0);
if (data.cursorLine && data.cursorCh) {
cursor = CodeMirror.Pos(data.cursorLine - 1, data.cursorCh - 1);
for (var i = 0, ii = editors.data.length; i < ii; i++) {
if (editors.data[i].id === id) {
wide.curEditor = editors.data[i].editor;
var editor = wide.curEditor;
var half = Math.floor(editor.getScrollInfo().clientHeight / editor.defaultTextHeight() / 2);
var cursorCoords = editor.cursorCoords({line: cursor.line - half, ch: 0}, "local");
editor.scrollTo(0, cursorCoords.top);
return false;
id: id,
title: '<span title="' + wide.curNode.path + '"><span class="'
+ wide.curNode.iconSkin + 'ico"></span>' + wide.curNode.name + '</span>',
content: '<textarea id="editor' + id + '"></textarea>'
menu.undisabled(['save-all', 'close-all', 'build', 'run', 'go-test', 'go-get', 'go-install']);
var rulers = [];
rulers.push({color: "#ccc", column: 120, lineStyle: "dashed"});
var textArea = document.getElementById("editor" + id);
textArea.value = data.content;
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(textArea, {
lineNumbers: true,
autofocus: true,
autoCloseBrackets: true,
matchBrackets: true,
highlightSelectionMatches: {showToken: /\w/},
rulers: rulers,
styleActiveLine: true,
theme: 'wide',
indentUnit: 4,
foldGutter: true,
path: data.path,
extraKeys: {
"Ctrl-\\": "autocompleteAnyWord",
".": "autocompleteAfterDot",
"Ctrl-I": "exprInfo",
"Ctrl-L": "gotoLine",
"Ctrl-E": "deleteLine",
"Ctrl-D": "doNothing", // 取消默认的 deleteLine
"Ctrl-B": "jumpToDecl",
"Ctrl-S": function () {
"Shift-Ctrl-S": function () {
"Shift-Alt-F": function () {
var currentPath = editors.getCurrentPath();
if (!currentPath) {
return false;
wide.fmt(currentPath, wide.curEditor);
"Alt-F7": "findUsages",
"Shift-Alt-Enter": function () {
if (windows.isMaxEditor) {
} else {
"Shift-Ctrl-Up": function (cm) {
var content = '',
selectoion = cm.listSelections()[0];
var from = selectoion.anchor,
to = selectoion.head;
if (from.line > to.line) {
from = selectoion.head;
to = selectoion.anchor;
for (var i = from.line, max = to.line; i <= max; i++) {
if (to.ch !== 0 || i !== max) { // 下一行选中为0时不应添加内容
content += '\n' + cm.getLine(i);
// 下一行选中为0时应添加到上一行末
var replaceToLine = to.line;
if (to.ch === 0) {
replaceToLine = to.line - 1;
cm.replaceRange(content, CodeMirror.Pos(replaceToLine));
cm.setSelection(CodeMirror.Pos(to.line, to.ch),
CodeMirror.Pos(from.line, from.ch));
"Shift-Ctrl-Down": function (cm) {
var content = '',
selectoion = cm.listSelections()[0];
var from = selectoion.anchor,
to = selectoion.head;
if (from.line > to.line) {
from = selectoion.head;
to = selectoion.anchor;
for (var i = from.line, max = to.line; i <= max; i++) {
if (to.ch !== 0 || i !== max) { // 下一行选中为0时不应添加内容
content += '\n' + cm.getLine(i);
// 下一行选中为0时应添加到上一行末
var replaceToLine = to.line;
if (to.ch === 0) {
replaceToLine = to.line - 1;
cm.replaceRange(content, CodeMirror.Pos(replaceToLine));
var offset = replaceToLine - from.line + 1;
cm.setSelection(CodeMirror.Pos(from.line + offset, from.ch),
CodeMirror.Pos(to.line + offset, to.ch));
"Shift-Alt-Up": function (cm) {
var selectoion = cm.listSelections()[0];
var from = selectoion.anchor,
to = selectoion.head;
if (from.line > to.line) {
from = selectoion.head;
to = selectoion.anchor;
if (from.line === 0) {
return false;
cm.replaceRange('\n' + cm.getLine(from.line - 1), CodeMirror.Pos(to.line));
if (from.line === 1) {
cm.replaceRange('', CodeMirror.Pos(0, 0),
CodeMirror.Pos(1, 0));
} else {
cm.replaceRange('', CodeMirror.Pos(from.line - 2, cm.getLine(from.line - 2).length),
CodeMirror.Pos(from.line - 1, cm.getLine(from.line - 1).length));
cm.setSelection(CodeMirror.Pos(from.line - 1, from.ch),
CodeMirror.Pos(to.line - 1, to.ch));
"Shift-Alt-Down": function (cm) {
var selectoion = cm.listSelections()[0];
var from = selectoion.anchor,
to = selectoion.head;
if (from.line > to.line) {
from = selectoion.head;
to = selectoion.anchor;
if (to.line === cm.lastLine()) {
return false;
cm.replaceRange('\n' + cm.getLine(to.line + 1), CodeMirror.Pos(from.line - 1));
cm.replaceRange('', CodeMirror.Pos(to.line + 1, cm.getLine(to.line + 1).length),
CodeMirror.Pos(to.line + 2, cm.getLine(to.line + 2).length));
var offset = to.line - from.line + 1;
cm.setSelection(CodeMirror.Pos(to.line + offset, to.ch),
CodeMirror.Pos(from.line + offset, from.ch));
editor.on('cursorActivity', function (cm) {
var cursor = cm.getCursor();
$(".footer .cursor").text('| ' + (cursor.line + 1) + ':' + (cursor.ch + 1) + ' |');
// TODO: 关闭 tab 的时候要重置
editor.on('focus', function (cm) {
editor.on('blur', function (cm) {
editor.on('changes', function (cm) {
if (cm.doc.isClean()) {
// 没有修改过
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div").each(function () {
var $span = $(this).find("span:eq(0)");
if ($span.attr("title") === cm.options.path) {
} else {
// 修改过
$(".edit-panel .tabs > div").each(function () {
var $span = $(this).find("span:eq(0)");
if ($span.attr("title") === cm.options.path) {
editor.setSize('100%', $(".edit-panel").height() - $(".edit-panel .tabs").height());
editor.setOption("mode", data.mode);
editor.setOption("gutters", ["CodeMirror-lint-markers", "CodeMirror-foldgutter"]);
if ("text/x-go" === data.mode || "application/json" === data.mode) {
editor.setOption("lint", true);
if ("application/xml" === data.mode || "text/html" === data.mode) {
editor.setOption("autoCloseTags", true);
var half = Math.floor(editor.getScrollInfo().clientHeight / editor.defaultTextHeight() / 2);
var cursorCoords = editor.cursorCoords({line: cursor.line - half, ch: 0}, "local");
editor.scrollTo(0, cursorCoords.top);
wide.curEditor = editor;
"editor": editor,
"id": id