2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
< ? php $TRANSLATIONS = array (
2012-09-02 04:02:53 +04:00
" Unable to load list from App Store " => " 無法從 App Store 讀取清單 " ,
2012-09-12 04:02:58 +04:00
" Group already exists " => " 群組已存在 " ,
" Unable to add group " => " 群組增加失敗 " ,
2012-11-12 03:02:24 +04:00
" Could not enable app. " => " 未能啟動此app " ,
2012-09-02 04:02:53 +04:00
" Email saved " => " Email已儲存 " ,
" Invalid email " => " 無效的email " ,
2012-09-12 04:02:58 +04:00
" Unable to delete group " => " 群組刪除錯誤 " ,
2012-11-09 03:03:49 +04:00
" Authentication error " => " 認證錯誤 " ,
2012-09-12 04:02:58 +04:00
" Unable to delete user " => " 使用者刪除錯誤 " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Language changed " => " 語言已變更 " ,
2013-01-12 03:10:58 +04:00
" Invalid request " => " 無效請求 " ,
2012-12-01 03:03:27 +04:00
" Admins can't remove themself from the admin group " => " 管理者帳號無法從管理者群組中移除 " ,
2012-09-12 04:02:58 +04:00
" Unable to add user to group %s " => " 使用者加入群組%s錯誤 " ,
" Unable to remove user from group %s " => " 使用者移出群組%s錯誤 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" Couldn't update app. " => " 無法更新應用程式 " ,
" Update to { appversion} " => " 更新至 { appversion} " ,
2012-09-02 04:02:53 +04:00
" Disable " => " 停用 " ,
" Enable " => " 啟用 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" Please wait.... " => " 請稍候... " ,
" Updating.... " => " 更新中... " ,
" Error while updating app " => " 更新應用程式錯誤 " ,
2013-02-02 03:08:15 +04:00
" Error " => " 錯誤 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" Updated " => " 已更新 " ,
2012-09-02 04:02:53 +04:00
" Saving... " => " 儲存中... " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" __language_name__ " => " __語言_名稱__ " ,
2012-05-13 21:59:44 +04:00
" Add your App " => " 添加你的 App " ,
2012-11-12 03:02:24 +04:00
" More Apps " => " 更多Apps " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Select an App " => " 選擇一個應用程式 " ,
2012-09-02 04:02:53 +04:00
" See application page at apps.owncloud.com " => " 查看應用程式頁面於 apps.owncloud.com " ,
2012-11-12 03:02:24 +04:00
" <span class= \" licence \" ></span>-licensed by <span class= \" author \" ></span> " => " <span class= \" licence \" ></span>-核准: <span class= \" author \" ></span> " ,
2013-02-02 03:08:15 +04:00
" Update " => " 更新 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" User Documentation " => " 用戶說明文件 " ,
" Administrator Documentation " => " 管理者說明文件 " ,
" Online Documentation " => " 線上說明文件 " ,
" Forum " => " 論壇 " ,
" Bugtracker " => " Bugtracker " ,
" Commercial Support " => " 商用支援 " ,
2012-11-28 03:11:21 +04:00
" You have used <strong>%s</strong> of the available <strong>%s</strong> " => " 您已經使用了 <strong>%s</strong> ,目前可用空間為 <strong>%s</strong> " ,
2012-12-21 03:11:31 +04:00
" Clients " => " 客戶 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" Download Desktop Clients " => " 下載桌面客戶端 " ,
" Download Android Client " => " 下載 Android 客戶端 " ,
" Download iOS Client " => " 下載 iOS 客戶端 " ,
2012-12-20 03:13:09 +04:00
" Password " => " 密碼 " ,
2012-11-12 03:02:24 +04:00
" Your password was changed " => " 你的密碼已更改 " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Unable to change your password " => " 無法變更你的密碼 " ,
" Current password " => " 目前密碼 " ,
" New password " => " 新密碼 " ,
" show " => " 顯示 " ,
" Change password " => " 變更密碼 " ,
" Email " => " 電子郵件 " ,
" Your email address " => " 你的電子郵件信箱 " ,
2012-08-25 04:08:36 +04:00
" Fill in an email address to enable password recovery " => " 請填入電子郵件信箱以便回復密碼 " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Language " => " 語言 " ,
" Help translate " => " 幫助翻譯 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" WebDAV " => " WebDAV " ,
" Use this address to connect to your ownCloud in your file manager " => " 在您的檔案管理員中使用這個地址來連線到 ownCloud " ,
" Version " => " 版本 " ,
2012-11-12 03:02:24 +04:00
" Developed by the <a href= \" http://ownCloud.org/contact \" target= \" _blank \" >ownCloud community</a>, the <a href= \" https://github.com/owncloud \" target= \" _blank \" >source code</a> is licensed under the <a href= \" http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html \" target= \" _blank \" ><abbr title= \" Affero General Public License \" >AGPL</abbr></a>. " => " 由<a href= \" http://ownCloud.org/contact \" target= \" _blank \" >ownCloud 社區</a>開發,<a href= \" https://github.com/owncloud \" target= \" _blank \" >源代碼</a>在<a href= \" http://www.gnu.org/licenses/agpl-3.0.html \" target= \" _blank \" ><abbr title= \" Affero General Public License \" >AGPL</abbr></a>許可證下發布。 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" Login Name " => " 登入名稱 " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Groups " => " 群組 " ,
" Create " => " 創造 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" Default Storage " => " 預設儲存區 " ,
" Unlimited " => " 無限制 " ,
2012-05-13 21:59:44 +04:00
" Other " => " 其他 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" Display Name " => " 顯示名稱 " ,
2012-09-12 04:02:58 +04:00
" Group Admin " => " 群組 管理員 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" Storage " => " 儲存區 " ,
2013-02-04 03:05:52 +04:00
" change display name " => " 修改顯示名稱 " ,
" set new password " => " 設定新密碼 " ,
2013-01-11 03:06:14 +04:00
" Default " => " 預設 " ,
2012-05-09 14:41:01 +04:00
" Delete " => " 刪除 "