
This commit is contained in:
Tzuyang Tsai 2016-05-04 23:41:18 +08:00
parent 5963f23d33
commit 714dd8768f
1 changed files with 63 additions and 63 deletions

View File

@ -3,60 +3,60 @@
"wide": "Wide",
"wide_title": "團隊開發,隨時隨地",
"cancel": "取消",
"file": "文件檔",
"login": "登",
"username": "用户名字",
"current_user": "當前用户名",
"file": "",
"login": "登",
"username": "使用者",
"current_user": "當前使用者",
"current_session": "當前會話",
"password": "密碼",
"login_error": "登錄失败",
"login_error": "登入失敗",
"run": "執行",
"debug": "除蟲",
"help": "說明書",
"check_update": "程式更新?",
"check_update": "檢查更新?",
"issues": "問題",
"wide_doc": "Wide 說明文件",
"wide_doc": "Wide 說明",
"about": "關於",
"start_page": "起始頁",
"create_file": "建立文件",
"create": "建立",
"create_dir": "建立目錄",
"delete": "删除",
"rename": "重命名",
"rename": "重命名",
"save": "儲存",
"exit": "退出",
"close_all_files": "關閉所有文件",
"save_all_files": "存所有文件",
"exit": "離開",
"close_all_files": "關閉所有檔案",
"save_all_files": "存所有文件",
"format": "格式化",
"goget": "go get",
"goinstall": "go install",
"build": "編譯軟件",
"build_n_run": "編譯軟件並執行",
"build": "編譯",
"build_n_run": "編譯並執行",
"editor": "編輯器",
"max_editor": "編輯器窗口最大化",
"restore_editor": "編輯器窗口還原",
"max_editor": "編輯器最大化",
"restore_editor": "編輯器還原",
"unread_notification": "未讀通知",
"notification_2": "没有檢查到 gocode這將會導致 [自動完成] 失效",
"notification_3": "没有檢查到 ide_stub這將會導致 [跳轉到聲明]、[查找使用] 失效",
"notification_4": "器內部錯誤",
"notification_2": "没有檢查到 gocode這將會導致「自動完成」失效",
"notification_3": "没有檢查到 ide_stub這將會導致「跳轉到聲明」、「查找使用」失效",
"notification_4": "服器內部錯誤",
"goto_line": "跳轉到行",
"goto_file": "打開文件",
"goto_file": "開啟舊檔",
"go": "跳到",
"tip": "提示",
"confirm": "確定",
"stop": "停止",
"output": "出",
"search": "搜",
"output": "出",
"search": "搜",
"notification": "通知",
"min": "最小",
"restore_side": "左側還原",
"min": "縮到最小",
"restore_side": "左側窗還原",
"search_text": "尋找文本",
"find": "尋找",
"find_next": "尋找下一個",
"find_previous": "尋找上一個",
"replace": "替換",
"replace_all": "替換全部",
"restore_bottom": "底部還原",
"restore_bottom": "底部窗還原",
"file_format": "文件格式",
"keyword": "關鍵字",
"user_guide": "用户指南",
@ -66,45 +66,45 @@
"current_ver": "當前版本",
"dev_team": "開發團隊",
"donate_us": "愛心捐赠",
"confirm_save": "請確認所有文件已存",
"confirm_save": "請確認所有文件已存",
"workspace": "工作空間",
"project_address": "項目地址",
"community": "社區",
"autocomplete": "自動補全",
"autocomplete": "自動完成",
"jump_to_decl": "跳轉到聲明",
"show_expr_info": "查看表達式信息",
"find_usages": "尋找使用",
"delete_line": "删除當前行",
"copy_lines_up": "複製到上",
"copy_lines_down": "複製到下",
"move_lines_up": "移動到上",
"move_lines_down": "移動到下",
"save_editor_file": "保存當前編輯器文件",
"save_all_editors_files": "保存所有編輯器文件",
"copy_lines_up": "複製到上一行",
"copy_lines_down": "複製到下一行",
"move_lines_up": "移動到上一行",
"move_lines_down": "移動到下一行",
"save_editor_file": "儲存當前編輯檔案",
"save_all_editors_files": "儲存所有檔案",
"close_editor": "關閉當前編輯器",
"full_screen": "編輯器全螢幕",
"full_screen": "全螢幕",
"auto_indent": "自動縮進",
"indent": "縮進",
"unindent": "縮進還原",
"focus": "焦點",
"switch_tab": "切換編輯器/窗口组 tab",
"focus_editor": "焦點切換到編輯器",
"focus_file_tree": "焦點切換到文件樹",
"focus_output": "焦點切換到输出窗口",
"focus_search": "焦點切換到搜索窗口",
"focus_notification": "焦點切換到通知窗口",
"switch_tab": "切換編輯器/視窗组 tab",
"focus_editor": "切換至編輯器",
"focus_file_tree": "切換至檔案樹",
"focus_output": "切換至输出視窗",
"focus_search": "切換至搜索視窗",
"focus_notification": "切換至通知視窗",
"start-build": "開始 [go build]",
"build-succ": "[go build] 成功",
"build-error": "[go build] 失",
"build-error": "[go build] 失",
"start-test": "開始 [go test]",
"test-succ": "[go test] 成功",
"test-error": "[go test] 失",
"test-error": "[go test] 失",
"start-install": "開始 [go install]",
"install-succ": "[go install] 成功",
"install-error": "[go install] 失",
"install-error": "[go install] 失",
"start-get": "開始 [go get]",
"get-succ": "[go get] 成功",
"get-error": "[go get] 失",
"get-error": "[go get] 失",
"start-git_clone": "開始 [git clone]",
"git_clone-done": "[git clone] 完成",
"check_version": "正在檢查更新",
@ -119,18 +119,18 @@
"sign_up": "註冊",
"team": "團隊",
"sing_up_error": "註冊失敗",
"user_name_ruler": "用戶名只能由az, AZ, 0-9, _ 組成長度為16",
"user_name_ruler": "帳號只能由 az, AZ, 0-9, _ 組成長度為16",
"invalid_email": "無效的電子郵件",
"password_no_match": "密碼輸入不一致",
"discard": "棄",
"discard": "棄",
"close": "關閉",
"close_other": "關閉其它",
"clear": "清空",
"preference": "偏好設定",
"appearence": "外觀",
"gotool": "Go 工具",
"user": "用戶",
"font": "字",
"user": "使用者",
"font": "字",
"font_size": "字體大小",
"line_height": "行高",
"go_format": "Go 格式化",
@ -142,42 +142,42 @@
"import": "導入",
"theme": "主題",
"tab_size": "Tab 大小",
"copy_file_path": "複製文件路徑",
"copy_file_path": "複製檔案位置",
"file_tree": "文件樹",
"select": "選擇",
"expand": "展開",
"collapse": "收起",
"edit": "編輯",
"undo": "撤消",
"redo": "重做",
"cut": "剪",
"undo": "復原",
"redo": "回復",
"cut": "剪",
"copy": "複製",
"paste": "粘貼",
"paste": "天上",
"select_all": "全選",
"select_identifier": "選擇標識符",
"source": "源代碼",
"toggle_comment": "註",
"find_in_files": "在文件中找",
"source": "原始碼",
"toggle_comment": "註",
"find_in_files": "在文件中找",
"email": "電子郵件",
"no_empty": "不能為空",
"change_avatar": "頭像修改請到",
"open": "開",
"open": "",
"pricing": "價格",
"search_no_match": "沒有發現匹配的文件。",
"outline": "大綱",
"govet": "go vet",
"start-vet": "START [go vet]",
"vet-succ": "[go vet] SUCCESS",
"vet-error": "[go vet] ERROR",
"start-vet": "開始 [go vet]",
"vet-succ": "[go vet] 成功",
"vet-error": "[go vet] 失敗",
"restore_outline": "恢復大綱",
"share": "分享",
"url": "鏈接",
"short_url": "短鏈接",
"url": "連結",
"short_url": "短網址",
"embeded": "嵌入",
"git_clone": "Git 克隆",
"git_clone": "Git Clone",
"terms": "使用條款",
"download": "下載",
"decompress": "解壓縮",
"keymap": "快鍵",
"keymap": "快鍵",
"resize": "調整大小"