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# Wide [](https://travis-ci.org/b3log/wide) [](https://coveralls.io/r/b3log/wide) [](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) [](http://godoc.org/github.com/b3log/wide) [](http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD3XwOT)
_Have a [try](http://wide.b3log.org/signup) first, then [download](http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD3XwOT) and setup it on your local area network, enjoy yourself!_
> * 关于 Wide 的产品定位,请看[这里](http://hacpai.com/article/1438407961481),并欢迎参与讨论~
> * 加入[**黑客派**](http://hacpai.com/register?r=Vanessa),与其他程序员、设计师共同成长!
## Introduction
A <b>W</b>eb-based <b>IDE</b> for Teams using Go programming language/Golang.

## Motivation
* **Team** IDE:
* _Safe and reliable_: the project source code stored on the server in real time, the developer's machine crashes without losing any source code
* _Unified environment_: server unified development environment configuration, the developer machine without any additional configuration
* _Out of the box_: 5 minutes to setup a server then open browser to develop, debug
* _Version Control_: each developer has its own source code repository, easy sync with the trunk
* **Web-based** IDE:
* Developer needs a browser only
* Cross-platform, even on mobile devices
* Easy to extend
* Easy to integrate with other systems
* For the geeks
* A try for commercial-open source: versions customized for enterprises, close to their development work flows respectively
* Currently more popular Go IDE has some defects or regrets:
* Text editor (vim/emacs/sublime/Atom, etc.): For the Go newbie is too complex
* Plug-in (goclipse, etc.): the need for the original IDE support, not professional
* LiteIDE: no modern user interface :p
* No team development experience
* There are a few of GO IDEs, and no one developed by Go itself, this is a nice try
## Features
* [X] Code Highlight, Folding: Go/HTML/JavaScript/Markdown etc.
* [X] Autocomplete: Go/HTML etc.
* [X] Format: Go/HTML/JSON etc.
* [X] Build & Run
* [X] Multiplayer: a real team development experience
* [X] Navigation, Jump to declaration, Find usages, File search etc.
* [X] Shell: run command on the server
* [X] Web development: HTML/JS/CSS editor with [Emmet](http://emmet.io) integrated
* [X] Go tool: go get/install/fmt etc.
* [X] File Import & Export
* [X] Themes: editor and UI adjust, respectively
* [X] Cross-Compilation
* [ ] Debug
* [ ] Git integration: git command on the web
## Screenshots
* **Overview**

* **Goto File**

* **Autocomplete**

* **Theme**

* **Show Expression Info**

* **Build Error Info**

* **Git Clone**

## Architecture
### Build & Run

* A browser tab corresponds to a Wide session
* Execution output push via WebSocket
1. Browser sends ````Build```` request
2. Server executes ````go build```` command via ````os/exec````<br/>
2.1. Generates a executable file
3. Browser sends ````Run```` request
4. Server executes the file via ````os/exec````<br/>
4.1. A running process<br/>
4.2. Execution output push via WebSocket channel
5. Browser renders with callback function ````ws.onmessage````
### Code Assist

* Autocompletion
* Find Usages/Jump To Declaration/etc.
1. Browser sends code assist request
2. Handler gets user workspace of the request with HTTP session
3. Server executes ````gocode````/````ide_stub(gotools)````<br/>
3.1 Sets environment variables (e.g. ${GOPATH})<br/>
3.2 ````gocode```` with ````lib-path```` parameter
## Documents
* [用户指南](https://www.gitbook.com/book/88250/wide-user-guide)
* [开发指南](https://www.gitbook.com/book/88250/wide-dev-guide)
## Setup
### Download Binary
We have provided OS-specific executable binary as follows:
* linux-amd64/386
* windows-amd64/386
* darwin-amd64/386
Download [HERE](http://pan.baidu.com/s/1dD3XwOT)!
### Build Wide for yourself
1. [Download](https://github.com/b3log/wide/archive/master.zip) source or by `git clone https://github.com/b3log/wide`
2. Get dependencies with
* `go get`
* `go get github.com/visualfc/gotools github.com/nsf/gocode github.com/bradfitz/goimports`
3. Compile wide with `go build`
### Docker
1. Get image: `sudo docker pull 88250/wide:latest`
2. Run: `sudo docker run -p 88250/wide:latest ./wide -docker=true -channel=ws://`
3. Open browser:
## Known Issues
* [Shell is not available on Windows](https://github.com/b3log/wide/issues/32)
## Terms
* This software is open sourced under the Apache License 2.0
* You can not get rid of the "Powered by [B3log](http://b3log.org)" from any page, even which you made
* If you want to use this software for commercial purpose, please mail to support@liuyun.io for a commercial license request
* Copyright © b3log.org, all rights reserved
## Credits
Wide is made possible by the following open source projects.
* [golang](http://golang.org)
* [CodeMirror](https://github.com/marijnh/CodeMirror)
* [zTree](https://github.com/zTree/zTree_v3)
* [LiteIDE](https://github.com/visualfc/liteide)
* [gocode](https://github.com/nsf/gocode)
* [Gorilla](https://github.com/gorilla)
* [Docker](https://docker.com)
<img src="https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/873584/4606328/4e848b96-5219-11e4-8db1-fa12774b57b4.png" width="256px" />